Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 255: Fu Wushuang to

【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

Zhan Liu laughed out loud, what a double happiness!

The system task was completed, and he got the chance to break through the Fifty Heavens. Moreover, Loki can control the Reality Gem, which can help him obtain the superpower he wants.

However, unfortunately, he laughed too early!

There is a saying that blessings come without pairs, and misfortunes never come singly.

There is an ancient saying, how can things in the world be as one wishes.

Such things as double happiness are always very rare.

"Come on, come on, Rocky, let me give you a super power to control the magnetic field first..." Zhan Liu urged Rocky overjoyed.

But who would have thought that Loki ignored Zhan Liu and laughed wildly: "With this baby, I am the king of Asgard! No, I am the king of the universe! Haha..."

Zhan Liu and Thor were surprised at the same time, and Zhan Liu immediately understood that Loki's magnetic field rotation ability was not obtained by his own cultivation, but obtained by modifying reality with the Reality Gem.

Now, the aftereffects appear!

The power of the magnetic field rotation will stimulate the human brain, and at the same time make people have amazing wisdom, but also make people prone to madness. And Loki's current situation is that the magnetic field promoted by external force is turning the state, and his own will can't keep up.

Stimulated by the powerful rotating force of the magnetic field, the darkness in Loki's heart was infinitely magnified!

And Thor didn't know what was going on, and tried to step forward to stop it, intending to **** the ether particles in his hand back. But the current Rocky is not the normal Rocky.

He pursed his lips and smiled, full of evil spirits, stretched out his hand and patted Thor's hand away, and said with a strange smile: ", do you want to **** my baby? Do you also want to be the king of the universe?"

"Loki! Give me the ether particle, I'm going to take him back and give him to my father to seal it up." Thor looked at his brother nervously. If he didn't know that he couldn't beat him now, he would never have talked so much nonsense with him. Straight away.

Of course Loki refused. He immediately shook his head and refused, "Seal? Such a good thing, why seal it? What a waste!"

"I will use it to lead Asgard to conquer the entire universe!"

"I will be the strongest god-king in Asgard in the past!"

Loki raised his arms and shouted frantically.

At this time, under the siege of many Asgard warriors, the remaining dark elves were basically wiped out. Sif and the others also came to Thor after cleaning the battlefield.

Hearing Loki's brazen words, Sif immediately sarcastically mocked:

"Stop dreaming, Loki. The king of Asgard is Thor. This is something appointed by God King Odin, and no one can change it."

Loki was not angry, but just smiled strangely and said: "Jie Jie... Since it was Odin's decision, why not let him change this decision? I am stronger than Thor now, and my father will definitely be willing to choose one." A stronger king!"

Zhan Liu has been watching coldly from the sidelines, seeing that Loki has completely lost control, and if he continues to delay, he is afraid that the situation will deteriorate.

He immediately dodged behind Loki in an instant, raised his palms, and with a few swipes, he cut Loki into a personal stick, and at the same time sealed Loki's magnetic field power with the ultimate heart lock.

Although Luo Ji wanted to resist, but he had just entered the fiftieth heaven, his foundation was vain, and his complete realm was low. Facing Zhan Liu's sneak attack, he had no ability to resist at all.

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【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

With a scream, Loki fell to the ground, staring at Zhan Liu with his eyes breathing fire.

"What are you doing?" Thor was furious when he saw this, he swung his palm heavily, and hit Zhan Liu.

Zhan Liu blocked his attack casually, and reprimanded him:

"Idiot! Haven't you understood yet? Loki is possessed! His power is growing too fast, but his own will can't control this power, and he's gone mad! If you don't stop him now, I don't know what he will do in the future." What kind of mistakes come out!"

Thor was startled, and seeing Loki's evil face on the ground, he suddenly realized.

"Then what to do?"

"For now, the only way is to use time to let him adapt to this power. When his will grows enough to match this power, he will naturally be able to return to his original state."

"How long will that take?" Thor frowned.

"It's hard to say, it varies from person to person, some people are very fast, while others may take many years."

Thor was in a hurry, and hurriedly begged: "Master, is there no faster way?"

"Well, there are faster ways, such as the first man's way, the second man's way, Eric's way, etc."

"Uh... what are those?" Thor asked suspiciously.

"To put it simply, torment his mind, exhaust his muscles and bones, starve his body, empty his body, and disturb his actions. To put it bluntly, it is to temper his will, let him endure all kinds of pain, suffer all kinds This kind of humiliation made him grow up in pain and torture."

Thor was silent for a while, and said no more.

"Bring Loki back to Asgard. I used the ultimate heart lock to temporarily suppress his magnetic field rotation power. When his will is enough to match the power realm, he will naturally be able to break through my blockade. Get his strength back. When the time comes, his limbs will naturally recover."

"Asgard's medical skills are enough to connect Loki's arms." Thor had already had Loki's limbs put away, and preserved them with Asgard's unique technology.

"I personally don't recommend that you return his limbs to him, otherwise, with his magical attainments, he might be able to escape from Then it will be difficult to catch him .”

As Zhan Liu said, he walked over and picked up the ether particles.

Thor was startled, and hurried over to stop him.

"Master, this thing has caused Loki so much, you'd better let me bring him back to Asgard to seal it."

Zhan Liu waved his hand disapprovingly, "Don't worry, I don't use it to improve my strength, I just use it to get a super power, it's not a big problem."

"That's not the case, Master. According to my father, when the Infinity Stone itself is used, it will have certain side effects, but no one knows the specific form."

Thor tried to persuade him for a long time, but Zhan Liu refused to hand over the things.

Just kidding, how can you give away what you got?

Although he has seen the rewards from the system, but that reward is just a pile of books, which needs to be studied carefully. Wouldn't it be better if we could have the best of both worlds?

As for small problems without magic power, there is always a way to solve them!

After Zhan Liu put away the ether particles, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with Thor, so he got up and left.

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【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

Needless to say, how Thor brought Loki back to God's Domain, just Zhan Liu, after returning to the martial arts hall, threw the ether particles on the table, and began to study his own system rewards.

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