Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 165: real tony stark

The Valkyrie of Marvel World Chapter 165 The Real Tony Stark

T'Chaka howled miserably, but the crazy Tony didn't care at all. He laughed wildly, with a ferocious face and an excited expression, which frightened even Eric who was doing the massacre.

Thanks to him, the battle is over.

It's not that the rebels surrendered, but that the rebels all fled.

In a normal battle, no warrior would be afraid, even if he died in battle, it would be a kind of honor. But like His Majesty T'Chaka, being made into a statue, living or dying is not something any warrior can bear.

At first, scattered fighters withdrew from the battle, and then more and more, one after another, and finally turned into a total collapse, running around all over the mountains.

Erik rounded up the Border Tribe warriors who had re-sworn allegiance to him, sent them to clean up the field, and then hid away.

He originally planned to kill Okoye brutally in front of Wakabi's grave to warn everyone, but seeing Tony's madness, he immediately gave up his original idea.

With Tony's deeds in the foreground, his follow-up is meaningless.

T'Challa and Suri were stunned for a moment, then screamed and rushed forward frantically.

Tony sent T'Challa flying with a single palm, while Suri was snatched away by Eric, who had been watching her all the time, otherwise she would have to be smashed into a pulp by Tony's palm.

Tony's previous anger had been vented partly through "King Zhenjin", but now that he was interrupted by T'Challa, he regained his sanity a little bit, and he was a little surprised when he looked at his "masterpiece".

T'Chaka raised his head to the sky, a spear entered from his mouth, passed through his body, and was nailed to the ground. Now let alone move, it is impossible to fall down. His whole body is now covered with all kinds of vibration gold spears, shields, cloaks and other things, which are fused with flesh and blood, like a humanoid sculpture.

However, he is still alive.

He couldn't speak, he couldn't move his limbs, only his eyes were still moving, and his eyes were full of pain and despair, begging for someone to give him a relief.

Tony took a few short breaths, took a few steps back, looked at the "Zhenjin King" in front of him, and couldn't believe that this was something he made.

He opened his mouth to say something, but felt that the words at this time were pale and powerless.

He looked around and saw T'Challa and Suri who were staring at him angrily with fearful eyes, and he also saw Okoye's body, with his back to him, pretending to be busy in front of Wakabi's grave Eric, and saw a group of ordinary Wakanda fighters who looked at him as if they were demons.

His heart started beating suddenly, and the surrounding sounds seemed to disappear. He could only hear his own heavy panting, which was rapid and powerful, like a howling wind passing through a cave, or like a demon in nine There is a devilish energy in the shadows.

Tony jumped up, rushed to the clouds, and left here without looking back.

His mind is now in chaos, and there is no memory missing when he lost control, all of which are stored in his mind.

He could clearly feel how the cells in his body were boiling at that time, his brain was jumping for joy, and the magnetic field in his body was spinning crazily. If it wasn't for the limitation of the ultimate infinite qigong, I'm afraid he would be promoted again now .

He could feel how his brain, his body, welcomed his actions, as if, as if...

It was as if the person who was out of control was the real himself!

The current him is nothing more than a personality shaped by society, and the guy who lost control is the one who got rid of the shackles of morality, the shackles of interpersonal relationships, and stripped off all the external skins. For real, Tony Stark!

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