Naruto looked at the data of the Konoha ninjas' strength improvement after using Hashirama cells, and couldn't help but wonder if the Hashirama cells he made were of inferior quality. Why were they so weak? Shouldn't they have increased dramatically?

Jiraiya looked at Naruto's frown and asked,"What's the matter? Why are you so distressed? Tell me, maybe I know something."

Naruto handed the data of the ninjas' strength improvement to Jiraiya and said,"These ninjas have been injected with Hashirama cells, but most of them obviously did not meet my expectations. However, the monkeys and test subjects all had huge strength improvements after using them, but their improvements were limited."

Jiraiya looked at the data and immediately found the key to the problem. Those whose strength improvements were not obvious were basically civilian ninjas and had not been worshipped by any strong men.

"Naruto, there is nothing wrong with your Hashirama cells. Their strength has not improved much because they don't have any powerful ninjutsu. How can they become so strong with those weak ninjutsu?"Jiraiya hit the nail on the head. After all, Jiraiya has a deep understanding of this matter.

If it weren't for the inheritance of Myoboku Mountain, he wouldn't have achieved much, even if his chakra was more than most people. These people are in this situation now. They have more chakra but no powerful ninjutsu.

"Is that so? Then why did the experimental subjects' strength increase so much?"Naruto couldn't understand. They were just spies and thugs. How could their strength increase so much?

"That's because you gave too much. In order to manage those ninjas, I asked your teacher to lower the amount of Hashirama's cells. Except for those ninjas you trust, such as Kakashi and Might Guy."Jiraiya will not suddenly create a group of powerful ninjas, which will increase the instability of Konoha.

"How come I don't know this!" Naruto was a little confused. Logically, shouldn't he have been told this? Jiraiya didn't want any power!

"I told you the day you suggested injecting Hashirama's cells. You nodded and ran away with the Thunder God, I thought you agreed!"Jirai didn't mind helping Naruto recall.

Naruto touched the back of his head embarrassedly. He suddenly had an idea that day and thought of the new development inspiration of the resurrection ninjutsu. He didn't listen carefully.

"Indeed, weaknesses are easy to manage, and when the time comes, the Shodaime's Wood Release Ninjutsu will be distributed as rewards to those below, and their strength will also be improved."Naruto remembered the Wood Release Ninjutsu training scroll that was almost covered with dust in the archives, and it was a good opportunity to clean up the dust.

Three nights later, thousands of ninjas gathered together in a square formation.

Naruto stood in front of Kurama and shouted to everyone:"We in Konoha have always been forced to accept attacks from other ninja villages, and the duration of the Ninja World War is getting shorter and shorter.

I believe that other ninja villages will still attack Konoha in the near future.

In this case, why can't we take down other ninja villages and merge them into one huge ninja village, just like the Shodaime did, bringing together the ninjas and civilians to form a Konoha village, and achieve long-term peace in the ninja world.


"It takes a lot of money to launch this campaign, so the Fire Country is our first shot to unify the ninja world. Are you willing to follow us?"

Soon, the people of the big families and Naruto's navy began to agree one after another, and others followed suit after seeing this, and what Naruto said did make sense. The Konoha Village formed by the ninja clan and ordinary people gathered together is indeed peaceful and stable. In this case, why not make Konoha Village bigger!

Once they have this idea, then this idea will occupy their hearts and they will never forget it. Moreover, their strength has just been greatly improved, and their desire to do something is even stronger.

"Unification, unification……"All the ninjas agreed with Naruto's idea, and the voices were one after another.

Naruto looked at the scene with satisfaction. Things were on the right track. Naruto knew that he was now truly in control of the entire Konoha.

"Then let's start the war!"With Naruto's order, a Flying Thunder God Array appeared underground among the ninjas, teleporting them and Naruto to the outskirts of the Land of Fire.

Next, Naruto divided the ninja troops into several groups according to the plan and followed the clan leaders to kill all the bureaucratic officials and defense forces of the Land of Fire, while Naruto and Jiraiya went to the Daimyo's Mansion to chop off those"Daimyo".

Naruto's friends went to the Fire Temple to deal with those ninja monks, which was the strongest military force of the Land of Fire. For safety, Naruto also sent Kakashi and Might Guy to protect them secretly, but it was not known whether it was in secret. Naruto and Jiraiya went to the Daimyo's Mansion. After a while, they came to a mansion. The area of this mansion was thousands of square kilometers.

"These daimyo really know how to enjoy life! Such a big mansion."Naruto couldn't help but sigh at the huge daimyo mansion. His own Hokage building and laboratory were not that big. It was almost as big as the Sarutobi clan's land.

"This is normal! After all, they have money just sitting there and don't have to worry about invasions from other countries. Extravagant spending is the basic status of these daimyo."Jiraiya knows a lot about them. Sometimes when he was collecting intelligence, he thought about living like this.

"So Naruto what are you going to do!"

"According to the old rules, kill them all without leaving any alive, but it is best not to use any ninjutsu, this kind of place is quite valuable for collection."Naruto regards the daimyo as just a fattened pig, and now Naruto is here to harvest it.

Just as Naruto and Jiraiya were negotiating, several dozing guards finally noticed the two people who had instantly arrived at the door, and hurriedly shouted:"No unrelated people are allowed to wander around the daimyo's mansion. If you don't leave, I will break your legs."

Naruto raised his head and looked at the guard coldly, and suddenly several golden chains emerged from behind him, piercing through their throats at an extremely fast speed, and then the chains turned into golden light and fell to the ground.

"Let's go! The Anbu have surrounded this place. Kill the Daimyo as soon as possible so that you can go back and rest."Naruto stepped over the bodies of the guards and walked straight forward.

Jiraiya looked at the fallen bodies. This was the first time he saw Naruto kill someone. He didn't hesitate at all and didn't care whether they were innocent or not. He killed them like livestock.

"Am I still a step too slow after all? If I had returned to Konoha earlier, would the situation be different?"Jiraiya couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Not long ago, Jiraiya was reversely summoned to Myoboku Mountain by the Sage Fukasaku, where he received instructions from the Great Toad Sage:"The child of prophecy is by your side, but he was taken to an unknown path by another wind. I can no longer predict the affairs of the ninja world. Little Jiraiya, the future depends on you."

After giving this instruction, the Great Toad Sage fell asleep. This time, Jiraiya received the most obvious prophecy from the Great Toad Sage, or it was explicitly stated.

This time, the Great Toad Sage spoke the most completely, and Jiraiya had only heard this once since he was a child. This made Jiraiya understand that Naruto was indeed the son of prophecy. If he could do it again, Jiraiya would definitely teach Naruto to be a more resourceful person instead of killing when he encountered injustice.

Jiraiya threw away his inner feelings and followed Naruto's footsteps. Along the way, Naruto used the Diamond Seal to kill the enemies, killing one after another, harvesting the guards like harvesting wheat.

Gradually, Naruto's Diamond Seal was also stained red with blood, but these guards were almost all warriors with better physical fitness, and it was difficult for them to even speak in front of Naruto.

Soon Naruto and his men killed their way to the conference hall in the middle, and saw the drunken daimyo holding two beautiful women and touching them all over, and behind him there was a woman massaging his shoulders

"What a luxurious life."Jiraiya sighed, he hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

Naruto didn't say anything, he controlled the blood-red diamond seal and killed them all. Naruto waved his hand, and an Anbu came to Naruto's side.

"How's it going on over there?"

"Report to the Hokage, all the people in the Daimyo's mansion have been killed, and the bodies and blood are being dealt with. In addition, all the money and food in the Daimyo's mansion have been located."

"Okay, finish the follow-up here as soon as possible, I'll go take a look at other places."

After Naruto finished speaking, he and Jiraiya slowly walked out of the Daimyo's mansion. On the way, Jiraiya asked curiously:"These guards are not strong, they can be dealt with by sending a jonin? Why do we need two people and a group of Anbu to act together?"

"I didn't expect them to be so lame. There's not even one person with Chunin strength."Naruto was a little speechless. Logically speaking, the people with the most power are either the strongest or have powerful guards.

However, the number of guards of these daimyo is nearly two hundred, but they are all samurai armed with armor. They look very stylish but are extremely weak.

Not long ago, the daimyo's mansion was guarded by powerful ninjas, namely the Twelve Guardian Ninjas that Sarutobi Ashima had joined before.

However, among them, a radical faction named Kazuma wanted to take the real power of the ninja into the hands of the daimyo and insisted that the position of Hokage was unnecessary. In the end, he wanted to assassinate the daimyo and replace him.

The Twelve Guardian Ninjas were also divided into two factions, the radical faction headed by Kazuma and the Hokage protection faction headed by Sarutobi Asuma and Jiriku. Both camps were evenly divided into six people, but in the end only Kazuma, who was missing, Sarutobi Asuma and Jiriku were left. It was also at this time that the daimyo realized that powerful ninjas were difficult to control, so he recruited a large number of samurai and built armor for them to protect themselves.

"Let's go to the Fire Temple now! They are the loyal guards of the Daimyo's mansion, and they were also one of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas under the Daimyo's mansion. They should be quite strong, let's go and see how Shikamaru and his team are doing!"Naruto thought about it and felt that perhaps only the people that Shikamaru's team was facing had some strength.

Naruto felt that this time he was like holding a cannon to rob someone's money, but that person's house was only guarded by a friendly golden retriever, it was extremely easy.

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