"It hurts! Big sister~!" Naruto deliberately pretended to be in great pain and looked at Tian Xinji with tears in his eyes.

Feeling distressed, Tian Xinji held Naruto in her arms to comfort him, and touched Naruto's long soft golden hair. When Naruto and Azabuyi Xiaonan saw how skilled Naruto was, the three of them confronted each other. Line, Chiba Mikoto showed an embarrassed but polite smile. Naruto, why are you so skilled! How many people have you sold cute to?!

"I know it's wrong. I just wanted to eat what you did instead." Woo Ren coquettishly rubbed in Tian Xinji's arms and took a deep breath, um, it was the familiar taste,

"Big sister's cooking is the best meal." Tian Xinji, who was hit by Naruto's sugar-coated cannonball and couldn't find the north, went back to Longdi Cave to do it without saying a word. delicious food.

Tian Xinji looked at Naruto who was eating the food he made by himself, lowered his head and kissed Naruto's cheek, covered his mouth and said with a smile: "If you don't have enough food, call me again~!" Tian Xinji looked at the beside him The three of them smiled softly and said, "Come over and eat too! What the **** is going on with this woman! After Tian Xinji turned into smoke and left, the three of them confronted each other. Seeing the delicious food on the table, I don't know what to do. To eat or not to eat.

"Aren't you going to eat it? This is the food I got by selling cuteness! When I was in Longdidong, I ate the food she made every day, and it still tastes so delicious now! Naruto drank it contentedly. Take a big mouthful of soup, let's go! I sighed and fell into contemplation. Why is the taste of this soup so different?

Familiar? If I remember correctly, the smell seems to be the tail of the little dwarf Ichijima Hime. During the time I stayed in Ryujima, Ichijima Hime often made Tian Xinji angry, which led to Naruto's dining table. always more. A bowl of mellow, nutritious snake tail soup. A zero point of silence for the dwarf's tail. Seconds later, Naruto. He drank all the soup in the bowl, not even letting go of the small piece of bone, chewed it crunchly and swallowed it into his stomach. Longdi Cave

"Tian Xinji, you are going too far! Even if you are cooking for Naruto, why don't you use my tail to make soup?"

Ichikishima Hime pointed out that if he had less. She cut her tail and glared at Tian Xinji, she didn't provoke Tian Xinji, she never thought Tian Xinji came over with a kitchen knife. The knife, if she hadn't flashed it, it would have been more than just chopped off the tip of her tail!

"Your tail will grow out soon. Then what do you care about?" Tian Xinji said without caring, and walked to the kitchen: "I'm going to clean up the kitchen~!"

Ichikishima Ji gritted his teeth and said: "Be careful I tell Naruto, you use my tail to make soup for her! Unfortunately, the White Snake Immortal doesn't care about these things.

"Damn Tian Xinji! Sooner or later. God, I will make you regret it!"

In Jijimajima's mind, she put Naruto to sleep and Tian Xinji was there. The heart-wrenching picture beside him, the corners of his mouth showed. Wipe with a malicious smile, revealing sharp white teeth.

"Longdi Cave? That's where the legendary immortals lived. I didn't expect that Naruto, you practiced in Longdi Cave." Mabuyi looked at Naruto in surprise. Mabuyi has carefully understood about Longdi Cave, Shibone Forest, and Miaomu Mountain, these three places where immortals live, where cultivating not only can gain strength, but more importantly, cultivating there is dangerous. will die there. I don't know how many people go to the place where the immortals live, and there is no return. If they fail the test, they will die. If they pass the test, they may die. It is crazy that Naruto actually practiced in Longdi Cave.

"The woman just now was the fairy from Longdi Cave? How many women did this little bee attracting flowers and butterflies seduce? Even the fairy from Longdi Cave didn't let go! I thought I would read Zizhi very well. Pomeranian, finding that she overestimated herself, the bubbles kept popping up in her heart. Tell her that she is jealous.

"Tian Xinji is the immortal who instructed me to practice the immortal mode in Longdi Cave. If I want to enter the immortal mode, I need to rely on her, Tsunjinji and Shiganjima's help to enter the immortal mode. Naruto takes a big mouthful of meat. Eat, two or three bites. One.

"Can't you rely on yourself to enter the immortal mode?" Xiao Nan thought that Naruto had to channel the three immortals to enter the immortal mode in the previous battle with Yin Ren and Yun Ren.

"If you can, you don't have to bother them. The immortal mode can use the natural straight carat and greatly enhance all the power. The conditions for using it are naturally extremely harsh. I am lucky to have the three of them help me. Normally, , Going to Longdi Cave to practice immortality is to be pierced by the fangs of the white snake immortal and injected into the immortal art for snake transformation. If the snake transformation fails, it will be eaten by the white snake immortal. If the snake transformation is successful, it will naturally enter the immortal mode alone. "

Then, did the White Snake Immortal bite you?"

"Of course you don't think I'll give that dead snake a chance to bite Naruto?" It wasn't Naruto who answered them, but Nine Tails.

. The blood-red chakra appeared from Naruto's body, forming the figure of nine tails. He held Naruto in his arms.

Although not the first. This is the second time I see Nine Tails, but every time I see Nine Tails, Uchiha Mikoto is always struck by Nine Tails' majestic majesty. Obviously, Kushina's is not that big. Why is Nine Tails' chest so big? ? This makes Uchiha Mikoto puzzled, but she doesn't envy Kyuubi, because if it's too big, her shoulders will be sore, and hers is just right.

"Who are you? Even if Xiao Nan has the answer in his heart, he is reluctant to admit that the white and beautiful woman in front of her with a Ruomo Electric figure will be Nine Tails!

"Who am I, haven't you already got it?"

Nine tails squinted like blood-red pupils and erected eyes, two proud objects pressed on Naruto's head, holding Naruto's slender waist with both hands, with a bright smile on his face. The two soft things that feel the backlog on the head. Naruto is full of dangerous black lines.

Xiao Nan looked at Naruto with a shocked look on his face, and then at Nine Tails.

This Nine Tails?! Azabuyi stared at Ruo Nine Tails in astonishment, feeling that his three views were shattered several times in a short period of time.

In the middle of the night, Chiba Mikoto sat vigil in front of the falling fire, and couldn't help but think of the time when she, Naruto, and the pharmacist Nonoyu were three.

Uchiha Mikoto added a few pieces of wood to the fire, and looked up at the stars in the night sky with eyes. Silk misses. Time flies so fast~!

"It's my turn~!"

Yuren hugged her behind Uchiha Mikoto, saw the nostalgic look on her face, and asked suspiciously, "Madam, what are you thinking about?" Uchiha Mikoto wiped the wrinkles at the corner of her eyes, the more she felt herself The older she gets, the more she doesn't want to accept Naruto. When Naruto was in her youth, she was old and pale, even if she couldn't see it now, when... Naruto will eventually dislike her who is a changer. Uchiha Mikoto sighed and gently pushed Naruto away. Next to the big tree, leaning against the trunk, covered with a blanket. He closed his eyes. Looking at Uchiha Mikoto, who was breathing gently like she was asleep. Naruto thought about what Uchiha Mikoto had just said, and she wanted to shout at her. sentence. age before love

is not important!

However, she couldn't say these extremely cunning words no matter what. Her previous life plus this life's age may be equivalent to Uchiha Mikoto, but in this life, she is only + three years old now. She is still young, And Uchiha Mikoto is constantly aging, this is an unfair relationship.


Naruto face. Si smiled bitterly and asked herself, when Uchiha Mikoto gets old, will she really still love her? The hesitation in her heart made her know her answer. Naruto strode to Uchiha Mikoto's side with a big stride, his hands formed a seal, the ripples spread outward, and he bowed his head and kissed Chiba Mikoto's lips.

Looking at Ruo Uchiha Mikoto's surprised and puzzled eyes, Naruto smirked and said, "Sorry, too, I won't give up on you, don't ask me to give up on you."

"Obviously there are so many people who like you, uh, you are really bothered. Uchiha Mikoto looked at Ruo Naruto with blushing cheeks, and her dark eyes were full of water, charming and sultry.

"Because my heart is big, I can accommodate a lot of people~!" Naruto opened his arms and made a big heart.

Little bastard!" Uchiha Mikoto slapped Naruto's forehead angrily. That's it for now.... Time will give me the answer.

"Sleep well~! Naruto picked up the blanket on the ground and put it on Uchiha Mikoto's body, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. He lifted the barrier, went back to the fire, and continued to watch the night.!

Chapter 238 Am I cute? (1/2)

In the blazing and desolate desert of the Land of Winds, the heat can kill a person. I have long heard of how bad the climate of the Land of Winds is in Azabuyi, and I am still sweating from the heat. Naruto saw the sweaty Azabuyi, and took out a cloak and put it on her.

"Wear it, this will make you feel better, the Kingdom of Wind, although it is very big, but basically this is the environment.

"I've heard that the weather in the Land of Wind is bad, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. Is this kind of place really able to live?" Azabuyi drank the water and spit out the sand that was blown into his mouth by the wind. . In the endless desert, her legs trembled a little.

"In the Land of Winds, there is an oasis, and every town is built on an oasis.

Suddenly, Mabuyi felt the sand under his feet vibrate, and jumped into the air, only to see a huge black pincer sticking out from the sand, followed by a huge giant scorpion drilling out of the sand. Xiao Nan flew into the air, dodging the tail of the giant scorpion.

Uchiha Mikoto backwards. Bar, hand seal is ready to come. When the giant scorpion was on fire, the light of the sword flashed. Naruto held the black grass scorpion sword burning with lavender flames, and appeared on the body of the giant scorpion. The sword was sheathed, and the head of the giant scorpion fell to the ground. "boom.!"

The giant scorpion whose head was beheaded by Naruto fell heavily to the ground. A huge pile of dust.

"what is this?"

Azabuyi fell to the ground and looked at the huge scorpion-like creature with a face on his face. Suspicious.

"Giant scorpion! You should have eaten the meat of this thing in Yinin Village. It is delicious and delicious, but unfortunately it is a little expensive." Naruto took out a scroll and prepared to seal the body of the giant scorpion on the scroll.

"Giant scorpion meat, is it the meat on its body?" Mabuyi can hardly imagine such delicious meat. It could be on such a hideous monster.

Xiaonan looked at the corpse of the giant scorpion in surprise. She had tasted the delicious giant scorpion meat in the restaurant, and she thought it was the giant scorpion. It is a breedable animal called the giant scorpion, but I never imagined that the giant scorpion is really a mutual scorpion. And it is such a huge monster.

Is this thing really edible? This is the first time Ning Zhibo Mikoto saw the giant scorpion. Thinking of the deliciousness of giant snail meat, she had to admit that it was indeed edible.

Even before you get to Sand Ninja Village, you can see the trees growing around Wakasa Ninja Village from a long distance, and you can feel it when you walk in the forest. The feeling of coolness is completely different from the heat outside. Naruto. Before Xing reached Sand Ninja Village, the ninjas who were patrolling the wall of Sand Ninja Village in the distance saw Naruto coming over to send out. cheers.

"Lord Fengying is back!" In just a few minutes, when Naruto walked to the entrance of Sand Ninja Village, the entrance of Sand Ninja Village was crowded with people, looking at Ruo Naruto with respect and admiration.

"Master Fengying!"

"Master Fengying!" Where did you guys come from?!

Naruto waved at them with blushing cheeks, walked through the crowd, and went straight to the Fengying office building in Sand Ninja Village, which could be seen from a distance. A soil ball with the word "wind" written on it, no matter how many times you look at it, you will feel good five. I didn't expect Naruto to be so popular in Sand Ninja Village. The person who thought of turning Sand Ninja Village into an oasis was Naruto. Xiao Nan thought that Naruto had changed the harsh environment of Sand Ninja Village. So popular is worthy of being Naruto! Wherever you go, it's so popular! Mabuyi opened the folder and read it. Look at the micro chapter of the support club on the last page.

It seems that I have to work harder to practice the technique of flying thunder. After I practice it, I can use the combination of the technique of sending the sky and the technique of flying thunder to move quickly between Ninja villages. When that time comes, I may be able to open up here. Branch of the Sub-Support Club. If Naruto knew what Azabuyi was planning, he would definitely regret not throwing Azabuyi to Yinin Village.

The eyes behind Uchiha Mikoto's sunglasses squinted slightly, and she looked at Naruto with a smile on his face, who was greeted by Sand Ninja and the residents of Sand Ninja Village. Suddenly, Naruto felt so dazzling, like the sun in the sky, exuding radiance. Warm glow. In the office, Naruto flipped through the documents compiled by Maki. During her absence, Maki managed the village very well, and there were no problems.

"Very well, it is indeed correct that the village is entrusted to you, Maki, send a message to Konoha, I will visit Konoha in the next few days, I hope they will be ready.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama."

"By the way, Maki, I want to know how the dried persimmon ghost shark and the girl have developed, and also, give me the girl's information. Naruto said it with a serious face. An inappropriate gossip, after all, she I'm also curious, what is the girl who likes the dried persimmon electric shark, and how is the development of the two?

Has it reached the point of cohabitation, and whether there is a great harmony of life, of course, this is the front. Duan crossed it out. If they live together, he must have done everything that should be done. He can't let Maki send someone to peep. If this is known to the dry persimmon ghost, he will not be able to overturn the sand ninja village.


Maki was stunned when he heard Naruto's words. He never thought that Naruto would ask such a gossip question on this occasion.

"Is there a problem?" Naruto squinted at Maki.

"No problem. Kazuki-sama, please wait a moment!"

Mackey is a jerk

After taking off the body, walk out with hands and feet. Is this guy alright? Naruto frowned slightly when he looked at Maki's back. My mother is so cute, how could he scare him like that? Naruto looked at Uchiha Mikoto and asked seriously, "Ma'am, am I cute?"

"Naruto is the cutest.

"Sister Xiao Nan, am I cute?" Naruto looked at Xiao Nan and asked again. Same problem over and over.

kindness. Xiao Nan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Cute.

"Am I cute?" Naruto looked at Azabu Yiyou. time asked.

cute. "Azabuyi replied seriously.

"Looks like I'm really cute, but why is that guy Maki so afraid of me?" Naruto folded his arms against his chest and leaned against the back of the chair. Could it be that this is a deterrent? The boss has a natural threat to Shirazano Aiyi. The Chunin of Sand Ninja Village has performed 23 B-level missions, 37 C-level missions, and 200 D-level missions. Twelve times. No bad hobbies, tough and stubborn character.... never been in love.. Naruto looks at the red bold text behind, with black lines all over his face. It sounds like a girl who has been desperate for handsome guys. Never been in love, this is true love. She is going to beat and beat the dried persimmon ghost shark, she finally met a beautiful girl who can accept his appearance, she must cherish it! Trying to have a little blue (boy) boy with a shark face, it is impossible to have a little boy with a shark face Green (girl) girls are fine too!

"Ma'am, you and Azabuyi are strolling in Sand Ninja Village. When you go shopping, I have something to do with Sister Xiaonan." It's a bit inappropriate that Naruto's examination drama Uchiha Mikoto and Azabuyi are not the people of Xiao's organization to take them to see the dried persimmon ghost.

"Maki, find someone to show them around Sand Ninja Village.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama." Since it was brought by Naruto, Maki naturally did not dare to neglect. I have to say that Sand Ninja Village was immediately protected when it grew up. In order to make the environment in the village better, Sand Ninja Village was even established. A department dedicated to protecting the plants in the village. The powerful water escape ninja, the dry persimmon ghost shark, has become a frequent visitor to that department. It is a popular existence to gamble wherever he goes in the sand ninja village. The dry persimmon ghost shark's contribution to the sand ninja village is obvious to all and is indelible! It is because of the existence of the dried persimmon and ghost shark that the sand ninja village has a steady source of water.

Uchiha Mikoto and Azabuyi were led by Temari to the endless flowing waterfall.

"This is a waterfall made by the technique of water takipotting!" Uchiha Mikoto looked up at the waterfall. It seemed that this waterfall had been maintained for a long time. What kind of huge amount of chakra can be made in such a place without water? out of water.

"That's right, this is a waterfall made by a member of the Akatsuki organization, Mr. Dried Persimmon Onishima, using the technique of Takitsubo, and it is the main source of water for Sand Ninja Village.

"Xiao Organization! It's a very caring organization! Uchiha Mikoto thought that when Wuhan Village was attacked, Xiao Organization also extended a helping hand at that time, although it was a bounty. But Uchiha Mikoto still I am very grateful to them. If it weren't for Akatsuki's help, maybe Uchiha Mikoto didn't have a good impression of Sand Ninja Village. Who made Naruto become Kazekage? Change.

"Yeah.... It's really. It's a helpful organization. I heard that Mr. Fengying needs help, so he immediately sent Mr. Shikigami over here. Mabuyi heard the conversation between the two. With a serious face, the Xiao organization is really serious. Is it so good? Why did Iwashinobi hire them to do a lot of bad things in the information she collected?

Could it be that there is something wrong with the information I collected? Or are there two organizations called "Xiao"? But the red cloud robe with a black background can't go wrong! There should be no organization that dares to fake them, right? Mabuyi pinched his chin Falling into deep thought, a light bulb suddenly appeared on his head. Could it be because Naruto joined the Akatsuki organization? I think that there are three members of Akatsuki's organization in Yinin Village.

It seems that the changes in Xiao's organization should be related to Naruto. !

Chapter 239 The woman who fell in love with the dried persimmon ghost shark (1/2)

Dried persimmon ghost shark and Akano Ai walked out of the cinema hand in hand. "Seeing the Books"

"The movie just now was really good~! As expected of a movie starring Mr. Kawokyo!"


Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark nodded. He didn't expect Naruto to go back to make the movie. Thinking of the cute Naruko in the movie, Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark thought of the moody Naruto in his impression. He couldn't help but suspect that it was the same. personal?

Ghost shark, ghost shark!" Akano Ai raised her hand and shook in front of the dried persimmon ghost shark who was facing something.

....Excuse me. The dried persimmon ghost Shayao scratched his head and looked at Ruo Chiye Aiyi apologetically.

"Really, you are obviously with someone. Why are you leaving on a date?" Akano Aiyi revealed. Si stared at the dried persimmon ghost shark dissatisfied.

...Sorry, I just feel that there is too much gap between Naruko in the movie and Naruto in reality. The dried persimmon ghost shark paused and continued: "Especially in terms of temper. Naruto's moody temperament has been deeply experienced by him, and it is not too much to call it a devil! It is a devil!

"Ah! Ghost shark, have you ever gotten along with Lord Kaede?" Ai Akano tilted her head slightly in confusion, and strands of hair slipped down her ears.

The dried persimmon electric shark subconsciously stretched out his hand and held it. After realizing what she had done, her cheeks flushed slightly, she nodded and said, "Yeah, I once did it with her. I did it together. Ren 3, when I planted trees before, she was the one who was supervising.

The dried persimmon ghost shark thought of Tianzang who used Mudun, who lost dozens of pounds in order to plant trees. When he returned to Konoha, he felt that. The gust of wind ∈ blew him away.

"The electric shark is amazing!" Akano Aiyi. Looking at some persimmon ghost sharks with admiration.

"Not so strong

The dried persimmon ghost shark's cheeks were slightly red. He turned his head to hide his shyness.

"Long time no see~! Ghost shark."

. A gust of wind blew, and Naruto and Konan appeared in front of Shikigami and Akano Aiyi.

"How are you?"

"Master Fengying?!"

"Naruto, Xiao Nan, why are you here?"

The dried persimmon ghost shark frowned slightly, is there a task that needs him? Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at it. Eye, Ai Akano, to be honest, he does not want to leave Ai Akano, but if there is a task of 5, there is no way to do it.

Naruto's eyes swept over Akano Aiyi and Shikigami with deep meaning, walked to Akano Aiyi's side, patted her on the shoulder, your lover lend me. Next, I'll give it back to you right away.

"Love love love... love! My relationship with the ghost shark hasn't developed to that point. It's..." Seeing Naruto, it seemed to see through. With Chi's smile, Ai Akano said in a low voice with red cheeks and red ears, is it that obvious?"

"Yes." Naruto gave her a thumbs up, "I can smell the love smell from the two of you from far away.

Actually nothing was asked.

"Are you a dog nose?" Nine tails couldn't help but complain. sentence.

"No, I'm a fox nose!"

Naruto dragged the dried persimmon ghost shark and walked over. Next, Xiao Nan followed behind the two of them. Seeing the uniform on Xiao Nan's body, Akano Aiyi looked at Xiao Nan on the spot.

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