Naruto looked up at Ruo Raikage and said with a smile: "Inappropriate words, where is the ninja who can use time and space ninjutsu? Can you let me chat with him?"

"You mean time and space ninjutsu, right? The ninja who uses the ninja from the sky is me." Azabuyi stepped forward from behind Raikage, his voice flat. Si undulating, bowing his head, his dark blue eyes stared directly at Naruto's belt. Si surprised blue eyes.

"Ha? Aren't you Raikage's secretary?" Naruto tilted his head to look at the white-haired, brown-skinned woman, and waved his hands in disgust, "Go, go, go. It's none of your business here. What I'm looking for is A ninja who uses time-space ninjutsu. Not a secretary.

Although the secretary has a great figure and looks very beautiful, Naruto doesn't want to take her back. She wants to find the ninja who knows time and space ninjutsu, and it will be convenient to pass messages at that time. Many, Azabuyi saw Naruto dislike him so much, the corner of his mouth slightly. Shaking, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, he opened the folder in his hand and quickly drew the formation on a piece of paper. He walked forward, put the sleeves on the table on the paper, made a mark with both hands, and the scroll disappeared in the white light. Slipped onto Naruto's head. "Eh?\" Naruto held the scroll that hit her head, looked at the table, turned his head slowly, walked over and hugged Mabuyi's arms with both hands, that delicate and cute little face, blooming A bright and pleasing smile. "Yeah~! It turns out that this beautiful big sister is a user of time-space ninjutsu! Looking at Naruto's expression is like turning over a book. The way it changed, Raikage and Tsunade looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. Eyes, the two walked out, leaving the conference room to the two of them.

Naruto and Raikage had an agreement. They could only persuade the user of time-space ninjutsu to go with her voluntarily. If the ninja was unwilling, Naruto could not force her to leave.

"Uzumaki Naruto is not as simple as you think.

After walking out of the conference room, Rai Ying said. In a sentence, walking in the direction of the author's office, he felt that he needed to look for it. A new secretary is ready. Looking at Raikage's back, Tsunade

fell into contemplation

In the middle, Naruto-like C.C. was waiting in the distance and saw Tsunade carrying the Wakado dolphin walking over, but he didn't see Naruto's figure, obviously Raikage came out, eh? Raikage seems to be less around A... Is that Miss Shu? What do Naruto have to say to her? Mute is full of question marks. But I don't know if I should ask.

"Be mine, beautiful big sister~!" Naruto hugged Ruomabuyi's arm tightly, his azure blue eyes blinking like a twinkle. The curved clear spring is reflected like a linen. Face overwhelmed face.

"I've already heard from Raikage-sama, I won't go to Yinin Village with you. Mabuyi is staying well in her own village, so naturally she doesn't want to leave Yinin Village and leave her familiar environment. A place she was unfamiliar with, even the one who invited her, was a movie star she loved so much.


"Because I'm a ninja from Yunren Village." Mabuyi looked at Naruto's drunken appearance calmly, hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and touched Naruto's head.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry."

Still hold on!

Naruko's hair feels so smooth! Heart fluctuates violently. Azabuyi, who can even unleash the wave fist, looked at Naruto calmly and calmly. She distinguished things very clearly. She liked Yuko in the movie very much, and now it is not Naruko who is in front of her, but Naruko. Naruko's actor, Naruto, cannot be mixed with vinegar. talk.

"Raikage said. As long as I can persuade you to come with me, I can take you away." Naruto put his hands on his chest and looked at Mabuyi pitifully.

"There's nothing good about being with this stupid big guy Raikage, why don't you just follow me."

....Please don't insult Raikage-sama. Azabuyi was a little overwhelmed by Naruto's cuteness attack and retreated. step, look towards. side.

"Naruto, there's no need for this, right? Wouldn't it be better if you wanted the woman to grab it back?" Jiuwei suggested as a dog-headed military advisor.

"Kyuubi mother, you can't rob someone! After all, I made an appointment with Raikage. If I can't convince her, forget it." Since it is a promise, it must be obeyed. Naruto will not do anything that does not abide by the promise.

OK... In the inner world, Nine Tails lay leisurely on the grass watching Naruto play cute. Just when Naruto was about to give up, she saw Azabuyi's waist. A doll-like pendant, fingers. Bang, Naruto saw what the pendant looked like, isn't that what she looked like in the movie!

Could it be that... this woman is her fan? Naruto's mind came to the members of Naruko's support club who were full of cooking power in the village of Ninja. In the end, only Koto and Kakuto left the most impressive impression on her.

However, making toys in her appearance is obviously without her consent!

In the workshop of the senior sewing engineer, Koto, who was making the clothes worn by Wakanaru, suddenly stopped her work.

This feeling.. is the boss thinking about me. !!! Naruto pinched his neck and coughed lightly. He raised his toes, and with the mentality of giving it a try, in the ear of Mabuyi, he uttered these words full of begging in a soft and waxy voice.

So cute! "Good!

Azabuyi's eyes were rolling in circles, and her brown cheeks were slightly flushed. After agreeing, Azabuyi realized what kind of words he had just said in confusion.

The state just now was like an illusion, the kind of feeling that Naruto agrees with whatever she wants.

"That's great.~! What's the name of the big sister~!" Naruto jumped directly onto Mabuyi, hugging Ruo Ruo's neck like an octopus, and wrapping his legs around her slender waist. Azabuyi looked towards. On the other hand, the calm expression on his face could hardly conceal the panic in his heart. What should I do! Raikage-sama! I accidentally got on the pirate ship, what should I do? 1!!

"Can you not count what you just said?\" Azabuyi scratched his cheek with his fingers and showed a far-fetched smile.

"Big sister Azabuyi, you can't go back on what you promised~!" Naruto smiled brightly. He kissed Azabuyi on the cheek, jumped off Azabuyi, grabbed Azabuyi's hand, and walked out. . If she knew that she could solve things by being cute, she didn't need to spend so much words before!

The old lady is so cute!!

Chapter 214 Charity After Gambling (1/2)

When she walked out of the conference room, because it was getting late, if Naruto wanted to leave, she would have to wait until tomorrow, and Mabuyi, who was fooled by Naruto, could only bid farewell to the people of Yunren Village today, she was very clear. Naruto will not let her go.

"I'm very sorry, Raikage-sama. I accidentally fell for her.

"Since she didn't force you, no matter what method Naruto Youwu used, you can only go to Yinin Village with her if you promised her." Lei Ying sighed when he saw the apologetic Mabuyi. Obviously told her in advance.

Although he had expected such a result, he was still very unwilling! Mabuyi, who helped him with the documents, left, and before he found a new secretary, he could only handle the documents by himself, thinking of the mountains of documents, Raikage's muscled head felt a dull pain. In front of the 0 machine in the casino, there are more than ten boxes of coins next to Tsunade. Don't get me wrong, these are not what she won, but what she exchanged for money. The coins in the 0 machine next door have reached the upper limit. Going in, I don't know how Tsunade played to feed the gambling machines.

Generally speaking, no one's luck will be that bad, that is. Ordinary person. Who is Tsunade? The fat sheep of the gambling world! He has lost hundreds of battles and still loves gambling. Legend has it that the third is pornographic gambling and poisoning. The Charity Queen Tsunade!


let go. road.

Tsunade counted how much money he had left, and walked to the place where he was gambling with real money.

"Overwhelm the big and suppress the small! Buy and leave!" Hearing the shouts from over there, Tsunade raised his chest and walked over aggressively.

"Master Tsunade, you still have to bet... Mute, who was holding the dolphin, followed behind Tsunade helplessly.

"I have a hunch that I will make a lot of money today!" Tsunade confidently found a seat and sat, calmly looking at the dealer who rolled the dice.

Coincidentally, you have said this many times.

Knowing that Zi-2 couldn't stop Tsunade's mute, he had to stand behind Tsunade to see how if she lost the money Naruto lent her.

In the evening, the sky was getting dark, and when I came to the casino, Naruto looked up. Looking at the sky, sighed, walked into the gambling hall, and found the charity gambling queen there.

"Naruto, you came just in time, lend me some money, and I will give it back to you immediately if you win." Tsunade saw Naruto as if he had seen an ATM, his eyes lit up, and he wanted to pounce on it and hollow it out. what a person has

Hey! I just lent you five million taels this afternoon, and you've lost it all?!

Since there were a lot of people in the casino, and considering Tsunade's face, Naruto didn't say what he said before, but just complained in his heart. ≒≒Xia Naruto looked at Tsunade helplessly, his wrist twitched and fell from his sleeve into her hand. The scroll is opened and the seal is released. The money in the box fell to the ground with a heavy sound.

Tsunade swallowed and opened the box. The people onlookers let out a burst of exclamations. The huge money box was full of money! Tsunade's hand couldn't help reaching for the money in the box, After hesitating for a while, he looked at Naruto and asked, "Can I really use it?"

"You're welcome, just use whatever you want. Naruto has a bright smile on his face and looks at Tsunade without a smile. Unfortunately, Tsunade, who has entered the gambler state, does not see Naruto's annoyance at all. She doesn't know what to do with Tsunade. No matter how many times Tsunade said it, he didn't expect that Tsunade's gambling addiction had not diminished at all, but it was more serious than before.

"Tsunade-sama, let's stay...

Mute lowered his head and persuaded Tsunade in Tsunade's ear, Tsunade didn't see it, could she still not see it, Naruto is clearly very angry now!

"I will definitely win back the money I lost before!\"

... Tsunade-sama up there...

Seeing Tsunade's frantic expression, Mute became desperate.

As Tsunade kept losing money, the smile on Naruto's face became brighter and brighter, but the air-conditioning emanating from his body scared others away from approaching.

At night, Tsunade finally stopped gambling because she was hungry. In the afternoon, she has at least lost. More than ten million, the name of the casino fat sheep was also publicized in Yunren Village.

In the restaurant, Wu Ren looked at Tsunade who was drinking happily, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and picked up a tissue to wipe the oil stains on the corners of his mouth.

"Lovely Tsunade (emphasis added) sister, the five million I lent you, plus the money you lost in the casino, totaled 1,570,000 taels, how are you going to pay it back?" Ming The human finger taps the tabletop, and the person sitting next to Tsunade eats the rice from the bowl silently. of miso soup, put your hands together +.

"I've eaten, and I'm going to take Dolphin for a walk, so I won't disturb you guys!"

Dui, Mute hugged the dolphin and smeared oil on the bottom of his feet.

"Mute! You!"

Tsunade, who originally wanted to use Mute as a shield, saw Mute slipped out of his feet, and had no money to return to Naruto's Tsunade. After drinking all the wine in the bottle, Ruo Ruo walked to Naruto's side and hugged Naruto with both hands.

"I don't have any money to pay you back now, what do you want to do? Hiccup~!\" Tsunade said this and hiccupped. That. stock wine

The smell came to his face. Naruto, who was drinking alcohol, smelled such a strong smell of alcohol, and his cheeks turned slightly red. He shook his head and pinched the drunk Tsunade's cheeks with both hands.

"It cost me so much money, you have to pay it back! You can't lose hair! Who made you so addicted to gambling, it's time for you to suffer!" Naruto squeezed Tsunade's cheek, but he didn't expect Tsunade So old, there is a lot of flesh on the cheeks, and it is very soft when pinched. After Naruto let go, Tsunade rubbed his cheeks, patted Naruto's back and said with a smile, "Pinch. The second cheek is a million taels.

"Are your cheeks encrusted with diamonds or pure gold so expensive?" Naruto looked at Tsunade with a hint of drunkenness on Ruo's face, and wondered if Ruo didn't talk to the alcoholic. Just as he was about to go to checkout, he saw Tsunade raise his hand.

"Waitress to get a bottle of wine!

After the waiter brought the wine, Tsunade poured it for himself. Cup, raised the glass to Ruo Naruto.

"Would you like to come and drink. Mouth?

"I can't drink.

Naruto refused Tsunade's invitation, and she knew quite a bit about her physique when drinking alcohol.

"Cut~! Boring kid~!"

"Who are you calling a kid?!"

"Whoever responded is a kid." Tsunade looked at him quizzically. Nattering eyes, "Alcohol scares the little devil who can drink!"

I really want to beat her! Why is this woman so irritating when she's drunk? Naruto's mouth trembled and he clenched his fists. Tsunade drank. After taking a sip of wine, she threw the wine and blew on the bottle. After drinking the bottle, she raised her hand and wanted the wine, but Naruto pressed her hand down.

"I can still drink~!\" The drunk Tsunade had two flushes on his face, his cheeks with dense sweat looked glistening in the light, and his clothes revealed deep ditch villas and large areas with a slight smear. Red snow-white skin and pink lips. Wipe the gloss, if it is not full of alcohol, the eyes of the half-opened person are blurred, and if they are a little drunk, it looks absolutely a stunner.

"You can still drink shit!

Those who meditate in their hearts are not drinkers. The knowledgeable Naruto still couldn't help but scolded Tsunade when he saw the people eating in the restaurant. Seeing the excitement, the anger in his heart suddenly burned, his face was gloomy, his blue eyes were slightly red, and he glared at them. The murderous aura in their eyes made them immediately lower their heads.

After paying the bill, Naruto helped Tsunade out of the restaurant, but he looked around but saw no mute figure.

"Mother Nine Tails, help me find the mute." Mmmm. The eyeball formed by the nine-tailed straight carat flew out of Naruto's body, flew high in the sky and saw it, gathering in the distance. In a place with a large group of people, Kirabi on the stage held a short speech, accompanied by a dynamic dance, and continuously sang Ruo Gao's rhythmic rap songs.

"This is the latest song I learned on the battlefield! "Pain"! Hope everyone likes it! Yay~!"


Everyone followed Kirabi and raised their hands, and among all the people, Silent's figure holding a pink piggy pig was very conspicuous. No, to be precise, it was not her conspicuous, but her embrace in her arms. If the little pink pig is conspicuous.

"The woman holding the pink pig, listening to Kirabi singing strange songs over there." I don't know if it was an illusion that Nine Tails felt that what he said was a bit like Kirabi singing. Naruto watched. Drunk-eyed Tsunade saw the clothes on her body that exposed a large area of ​​skin on her chest, sighed, carried Tsunade on her back and ran in the direction pointed by Kyuubi.

When I walked to Chirabi's singing scene, Naruto couldn't help nodding along with his rhythm. I have to say that Chirabi is really talented in singing, especially his self-created rap song. If this song Naruto seems to be in a magnificent and tragic battlefield, the sadness and **** beauty on the battlefield are also deduced. Naruto felt that if Kirabi was trained as a singing star, he would be able to make a lot of money.

"Stop shaking. I'm a little dizzy! 039; Tsunade covered his mouth. His face was uncomfortable, it looked like he would spit at any time, and Naruto was so frightened that he didn't dare to twist his body to the rhythm of Kirabi's singing. It doesn't matter if Tsunade vomits on the ground or on others. The most important thing is not to vomit on her.

"Okay, I'm not shaking anymore, auntie, please don't spit on me."

"Am I that old? My tender ears were twisted, and the pain made me gasp. With a cold breath, I hurriedly changed my tune: "Sister Tsunade is not old at all. She is so young!

Chapter 215 Blue Bird (1/2)

"Ow! Why are you working harder!" Naruto turned his head and stared at Tsunade in dissatisfaction. Before she could say anything, Tsunade pinched her face harder, is this old woman sick? Could it be that menopause is coming again? already?

"Let's be weird!

Tsunade poked Naruto's cheek with his fingers. ΨΨ is how old she is, she is enough to be a grandmother, and she still cares about her age so much.

"It's not too bad, Tsunade held back Naruto's neck and hugged Naruto's neck as if he was dizzy, lying on Naruto's back, just when Naruto was about to find Mute, Tsunade who had been silent for a moment suddenly said: "I don't Is it heavy?"

"Well, it's not heavy at all, very light~!"

Naruto felt that the two **** on his back had to weigh ten pounds, and he felt the weight of Tsunade. Hundreds of kilograms. Hearing the satisfactory answer, Tsunade did not continue to speak, and lay on Naruto's back to rest, as you can imagine. Down. A loli agrees. picture of an adult woman. Naruto. On the way, I received the attention of countless people, especially those who have watched the newly released movie, and they recognized Naruto's identity. When they wanted to sign an autograph, they saw Naruto's face as black as the bottom of a pot. Can only stay away.

Look! Look at your mother? Look at me eating your eyes out! Naruto glared back viciously when he felt the sight of those who were looking at him.

When she found Mute, she was dancing excitedly with the pig's hoof holding the dolphin. The pink little pig with a loveless face didn't even bother to hum and was at the mercy of Mute. Mute felt someone kicked her, and turned her head to see Naruto staring at her with a displeased face. The petite and thin body was carrying the adult Tsunade. Mute could think of Naruto's mood at the moment, embarrassing. Laughing, pointing to Kirabi who was singing on stage.

"That...can you wait for me to listen to Lord Kirabi's song?"

Naruto looked at the mute with question marks all over his head, his inner world. Since the eight tails were very close, the nine tails went straight to the door. Mute's eyes are as bright as little stars. With a face of admiration, he looked at Kirabi, who danced and sang on the stage. Kyuubi, who came to visit Yawei and Kirabi's inner world, just arrived at the place, and saw Yawei dancing like a dance, and the two newly grown tails on his buttocks, swaying with its dance steps, disturbing and disturbing. .

"Huh? I seem to have felt the Nine-Tails approaching just now, is that an illusion?" Ya-Oi stopped dancing, looked around, and scratched his head. Naruto, who didn't know what expression to make, had to give Mute a polite smile.

"I'm going back to rest, and I'm leaving here tomorrow, or do you think you and Tsunade owe me the money you don't need to pay back?"

"Ah! Wait for me to listen to this song! Please!"

"Okay, listen to this song, that's all. One!\"

Naruto watched. The crazy-eyed Dayun Ninja scratched his face and said, "I really don't understand. Why do you guys love listening to rap songs so much.


Kirabi's ears. Shaking, Naruto spoke clearly into his ears, stopped singing, and fell silent. The microphone in Miao's hand pointed at Naruto defiantly: "I look down on it, my rap

"Bi, aren't you afraid of being beaten by provoking her like this?" Yao looked at it. Seeing his tail that had not yet grown up, he didn't want the few tails that had just grown to be chopped off again.

"Aba, don't worry, she won't do it,...

Kirabi, who had a few drops of cold sweat dripping from his forehead, didn't know what to do. If Naruto suddenly rushed to pick him up, he really had nothing to do. road can

"Aren't you bottomless?! Stupid!"

Eight tails punched Kirabi's iron head hard, all its tails were chopped off, and only two grew, and Kirabi started to cause trouble again. If Naruto would notice everyone's eyes, Naruto wouldn't be able to refuse Kirabi's provocation even if he was slapped with a swollen face at this time.

"Sing, whoever is afraid of whoever sings

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