"What is that... Gan Nai looked at the light blue shield in front of Huan Hai for a while, and saw Huan Hai raise his hand. Realizing that it was not good, his hands quickly formed a seal.

"Water escapes the water wall! The fist-sized high-compression straight-carat projectile penetrated the water wall and hit Gan Nai and knocked her out of the ring. By the end of the ring, no one could knock Huanhai out of the ring. Going down, the 50 million that Huan Hai had on him had more than doubled twenty times, those nobles were really rich.

"Huan Hai, what are you going to do with them?" The two were carried by wooden figures. A suitcase, looking at those dejected ninjas, she didn't expect to be crushed on Genkai. Millions can make so much money. Huanhai, who made the money, was in a good mood. Seeing those who were reluctantly in front of him, Huanhai took it out without hesitation. Ten million and two points were given to them. If you don't want to follow her, it's better to let them live.

"You are free, you can do whatever you like."

Phantom Sea looked towards. Qian Nao, who was bowing his head beside him, threw it down and looked at each other. Everyone, walked over and hugged Gan Nai.

"As for you, I won't let go.

Chino, who was suddenly picked up, let out. Exclamation. Body backwards. Yang. Both hands subconsciously hugged Huan Hai's neck to maintain balance.

"Your bloodline boundaries are unique, and I won't let you go free.

In other words, do I have value to use.

Qian Nai bowed her head, did not speak, with a naive expression on her face. wipe away sadness.

"Can we talk in two directions?" Oya Shiroyan came over, pushed the sunglasses on his face and stared at the sea of ​​fantasy.


Genkai put down Chino and Miyuki and walked over. On the side, just when she was about to ask him what was going on, Yuya Chengyan suddenly said: "I will ask you to take care of my daughter, Naruto Lake Vortex.

"Eh? How do you know I'm Uzumaki Naruto?" Huanhai looked at Miya Chengyan in surprise, and suddenly recalled what Oya Chengyan said just now, "Wait! You mean, she is your daughter? "

"You sent your daughter to the arena? You are too scumbag!"

"Calm down, calm down. Calm down!"

Oya Shiroyan saw the magic sea friction learning assistant to pick up 1

"I'm not here to entrust her to you...

"Speaking of which, what is her weird bloodline boundary?

\"Huan Hai asked curiously, having read the original book, she has no idea about the bloodline of this blood dragon's eye.

"Just the

Yes. It's just a magic eye.

Oya Chengyan obviously didn't want to say more about the blood dragon eye, looked at Qian Ruo, who was looking over here from a distance, pursed his lips and smiled: "My daughter, I'll leave it to you.

"Well, leave it to me~!" Huan Hai Wei slightly. Laughing, he said, "This place is a good place to make money, when I am short of money, I will come here again.

Oya Castle Flame heard Genkai's words and laughed dryly. Sound, he thought this place would be demolished by Naruto whirlpool today, but he didn't expect that she came here to make money.

Today, he is also a loser. Although he lost a lot of money, he is quite happy to find a good home for his daughter. !

Chapter 188: The Secret History of the Blood Pool Family (Blade Plus) (1/2)

When he left the isolated island on the boat of Oya Castle, Genkai unlocked the transformation technique. "Seeing the Books"

"It's you?!"

Qiannao pointed at Naruto and opened his mouth wide in surprise, before. She didn't see Naruto's figure, she thought that the person who broke into Yuya Chengyan's mansion just took a look at the arena and left. She didn't expect this person to change his identity to participate in the competition. Having won so many people, even she herself lost to her.

"What, do you feel surprised?" Naruto smiled wickedly in front of Kanano, measured her and Kanano's height with his eyes, and patted Kanano's head with satisfaction. It was as if she had stopped growing, which made her very worried, if she were to be connected in the future. Mi Wu had nothing to do, was deeply worried, and ate a few more bowls of food when he was worried.

"By the way, Chino, how old are you?\" Naruto suddenly remembered asking Chino's age. Judging from the current appearance of Chino, he looked like three or seven years old, with pink blush on his cheeks, and he was young. She has a lovely face, and she will definitely be a beauty when she grows up.

"Beep (silence (there is no explanation in the original book, and I am too lazy to lie to her about her age)

Qiannao hesitated to tell his age, and Naruto and the two Yuki people were shocked when they heard it.

"Huh? Is this girl really that old?" Nine Tails' shocked voice rang in Naruto's ears.

"There should be no reason for her to lie to me, Naruto scratched his cheek with his fingers. As for Chino's words, he was dubious.

Chino was far older than her. With the size of an infant, no one could have imagined that she would be so old, which is really surprising.

"That will make me old!" Qian Nao pinched her waist with both hands, frowned, and pointed to her cheeks and said, "Do I look so old?"

"Old or not, I don't know, I just know, you look so young." Naruto waved his hand.

"Young teeth?\"

Qiannai tilted her head in confusion, her big purple eyes blinked, she looked innocent, she didn't understand what Naruto meant by "young teeth".

"Ah, it means that you are very young.

look. The innocent face of Chino, Naruto couldn't help holding her up, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. This is a legal loli without worrying about the expiration date! Fortunately, she is not a lo*ic*n, otherwise this little girl would be in danger! The dreams of many gentlemen are in her arms! Naruto has a kind of desire to find Yuxingcheng Yan asked how old he was. With such a big daughter, he looked like a middle-aged uncle in his 40s from the outside. Couldn't it be the line of blood. Clan life span is very long? Or is it that it is not easy to grow old, or is it an exception?

"Is this girl really that old?\" Erwei Yulu's surprised voice sounded in Yumu Ren's ears. It's been a few days since the last time the two Yumu people attempted suicide. He didn't speak to the two Yumu people.

\"You travel again, are you...still angry?" The two Yumu people asked cautiously.

"I'm not angry.

Two tails back stiffly. No more words, no matter how Wei Yumu tried to persuade her, he didn't even pay attention to her.

Said that if he was not angry, he was actually very angry, and the two Yuki people deeply felt the anger of Erwei.

Snow Country. In the castle. Fenghua Xiaoxue looked horrified at the assassins who fell to the ground with a few sticks on their foreheads. It is unbelievable that the delicate-looking Ni Golem is half-raised in his arms. It is unbelievable that the assassin who fell to the ground was killed by this exquisite doll-like Ni Golem!

The scene of the assassin's death is still vivid in my mind. Just when he suddenly came out to assassinate her, the frightened Fenghua Xiaoxue hugged Ni Goan tightly in his arms. The Ni Golem suddenly opened his mouth and spat out several stems from his mouth. The assassin who couldn't dodge, was directly stabbed in the forehead. The poison instantly poisoned his brain. If other parts were poisoned, maybe he could be rescued. This directly poisoned the brain? There is no way. Now, if you want to ask who sent him to assassinate Fenghua Xiaoxue, there is no way to ask. Fenghua Xiaoxue's face was a little ugly when she saw that the color was weird. Fortunately, when she was kissing the puppet, she never kissed Ni Golem's mouth. Hey! What the **** have you done? The next day, early morning.

Before leaving, the people found Oya Castle Flame.

"If you want to see your daughter, come to Yinin Village to see her.

"I will." Yuya Chengyan smiled slightly.

"Why didn't you tell her that you were her father?"

"It's better not to let her know." Yuya Shiroyan, hesitating for a moment, took it from the bookshelf. The book was handed over to Naruto and instructed: "This is a story about our blood pool family. After you read it, destroy this book, and don't let Gan Nai see it.

"Let me, an outsider, know, you guys. Is there really no problem with the clan?" Naruto opened the book and looked at it.

"This kind of thing, it doesn't matter, the pool of blood. The clan is left with me and Gan Nai.

"Even if you are exiled to Hell Valley, what happened to your blood pool family to leave you and Chino?" Naruto quickly flipped through the books, she never thought

To Uchiha, who was persecuted in Konoha and was in deep pain. Clan, who also persecuted the Pool of Blood, which had been accused of trumped-up charges, many years ago. , escorting the Blood Pond clan who were exiled to Hell Valley in the land of soup. The Blood Pond also made a proposal to talk with the word Chiha. It is a pity that Uchiha Root Bird Bird, until the Blood Pond Clan was escorted to the harsh environment of Hell Valley. Zi Zhibo, who should have been exterminated. The clan survived because of her. Speaking of it carefully, she should be regarded as the enemy of the Blood Pond clan. Sometimes fate is like that, the pool of blood. The only two remaining descendants of the clan, one of them actually handed over his daughter to her to take care of, what a creation!

"The pool of blood. The clan was destroyed by my own hands.

"My wife died because of the dispute between the clansmen, I slaughtered all the clansmen and left Hell Valley with Qiannao.

"He's a ruthless person. No wonder you didn't tell Gan Nai that you were her father. That's why." Naruto looked at the pool of blood in his hand. Ethnic history, hands. Shoot, the whole book turned into powder and was blown away by the wind.

"Don't tell Gan Nai what I said to you, please.

The voice of Oya Castle Flame was carried. Silk begged, Naruto could hardly imagine that someone who sent his daughter to the arena by himself would love his daughter so much, even though he was. He only suppressed his emotions, but Naruto could feel that he was in love with Chino.

This is. A request from Chino's father?\""That's right

Miya Shiroyan was stunned when he heard Naruto's words. With a bitter smile on his face, he nodded.

"I swear, I will take care of your daughter, in the name of Naruto Uzumaki."

"My daughter, please, Naruto."

"With me, with my strength, it is enough to make your daughter run wild in this world.

"If you walk away? Isn't that a crab?"

As soon as Oya Chengyan's voice fell, the two confronted each other. eyes, laughing. Leaving the Oya Castle Flame Mansion, Naruto held the small hand of Suki, touched Chino's hair, and unconsciously brought it in his eyes. Silk pity.

She, who does not know who her parents are, has it. a lover of her. But I don't know how to express my father, I don't know if it is lucky or unfortunate.

This. A section of history is destined to be covered up in the dust of history and will be covered up forever.

"I didn't expect Uchiha. The clan has done that kind of thing too." Nine Tails sighed.

"Is it because Uchiha's writing wheel eye can restrain the blood dragon eye? That's why Uchiha is hired. The clan looks at the pool of blood. The clan." Naruto said guessing. The jealousy of women who sigh in my heart is really too powerful!

When Naruto thinks about himself, he always feels that he is easy to be caught with a hatchet! However, it doesn't matter, she has nine tails! No one can get her with a hatchet!!

Chapter 189 Lifting the Seal of Erwei (1/2)

Cloud Ninja Village, Raikage's office. ζζ learned that the two Yumu people were Lei Ying who left Yun Nin Village on their own initiative, and looked at Ruo's forehead guard on the desk, heavy. Fist, even the forehead guard and the newly replaced table, under the hammer-like fist, he hammered the steel table to the ground. Deep learning.

"Where are the two Yumu people now? I'll take her back myself!" Raikage said angrily.

"Lord Raikage, at present we have not been able to grasp the position of the wooden figure. Azabuyi, who was beside Raikage, looked like a furious Raikage and stepped back quietly. At this time, it is best not to be close to Raikage, so as not to be affected.

Raikage, who had nowhere to vent his anger, smashed the poor table full of school marks.

After calming down, Raikage ordered: "Send Perception Ninjas, continue searching, and notify me immediately after finding the two Yuki!"

"Brother, what happened, you need my help, I'm here, you just need to say, I'll help you find the Yumu people~!"

Kirabi, who spoke with RAP, pushed the door and walked in.

"Kirabi, do you know where the wooden man is?" Raiying looked up at Rabbi Ruochi, with anger brewing in his eyes.

"do not know..

"Brother flying kick!\"

Raiying. He kicked and kicked Kirabi's face. He took Raikage out of the Raikage office building.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I have sent a perception ninja to search for her and found her. I will personally bring her back." Raikage looked at Kirabi at his feet, a kind of hatred of iron being impossible.

"Big brother's flying kick, a strong flying kick.

Kirabi rubbed his face and looked at Ruo Leiking's back.

"It seems that Yukito is determined to leave. I don't know what happened." Ya'ao's voice sounded in Kirabi's ear. In the inner world, Kirabi sits on the bridge of Eight Tails' nose.

"I heard it was. A woman with green hair left Yunren Village with Yumu Ren. Later, I don't know what happened. The woman gave up and took Yumu Ren, and then Yu Mu Ren put down his forehead and turned to him. The woman chased after him and left behind a sentence.

"Don't you want to be used as a tailed beast weapon?" Eight tails said in a low voice. ΨΨsi sighed.

Kirabi sighed, he is the same as Yukito, and his purpose in the village is naturally very clear.

"Speaking of which, Bi, you should go to Yunlei Gorge to take Ruo, not here, if you don't want your elder brother to be angry, just go back to Yunlei Gorge obediently.

"Aba, you are so annoying, I just left. You want me to go back in a while, and now the people of Yunren Village need my rap to boost morale~! Yay! Ah!" You're afraid It's not that I need to be hit by the elder brother Fei.... Eight tails silently looked at Kirabi, who was dancing on the bridge of his nose. He didn't feel that Wei Yumu would leave Yunren Village. man that. In the sentence, "I don't want to be used as a tailed beast weapon" with a lot of emotion. When the ninjas in Yunnin Village were searching for the two Yugi people, Naruto. Xing has come to the border of the country of thunder, and if you go further, you can leave the country of thunder. In fact, it is possible to leave the country of thunder and return to the country of Tian by boat. However, before Naruto was in the village of Echo Ninja, she wanted to visit the Hell Valley in the country of soup.

read. Kanno Naruto, who fell asleep with her eyes on her back, thought about the night, wondering if she had rested and ate well in the past few days after she left.

Sound Ninja Village, laboratory. The fanatical Yi Ye is developing a new type of straight-carat armor. With enough financial support (all provided by kindness, on condition that the latest straight-carat armor is provided to him for free), she can develop a stronger chakra armor. Naruto is not at home, if Naruto is there, walking in the wilderness of the Land of Frost, the two wooden figures came to Naruto secretly, showing hesitation on their faces.

"What do you want to say?" Naruto looked at the two Yuki people suspiciously, and she seemed to have something to say from her hesitant appearance.

"When Kyuubi is angry with you, what do you do to keep her from getting angry?"

Suck..." Looking at Ruo with the expectant eyes of the two Yumu people, Naruto really didn't know what to do, thinking that it was Erwei who was angry with her.

"The kind that haunt her until she forgives me." Wu Ren said what she would do when Nine Tails was angry.

\"Really?" The two Yumu people are a little hard to imagine that they are entangled like Erwei, and they must not be driven out of the inner world by the tail?

"I've already told you the truth, believe it or not, it's up to you.

Said, Naruto suddenly thought. One thing, she hasn't unlocked the seal on Erwei's body, and she is also a little curious what Erwei's human form will look like.

"I suddenly remembered that the seal on your body has not been released yet. It seems that the tailed beasts can transform into human form. Don't you want to know what it would be like when Erwei transformed into a human form?"

The two Yumu people were silent for a moment, and they didn't know what she thought, and their faces suddenly surfaced. Wiping her blush, she nodded and said, "I want to."

In the inner world of the two Yuki and Erwei, Naruto sees Futuro curled up and pretending to be sleeping.

"Just now with me

Did you hear what the wooden man said? Next, I will violently remove the seal on your body. If you don't want Yumu to be hurt, be honest. "

Naruto said that the figure disappeared in place.

Erwei still pretended to be sleeping. Those slightly shaking ears betrayed it.

"Are you ready?"

think. "The two Yumu nodded their heads.

"Mother Nine Tails, let's begin!"

\"Okay! Before entering the beauty pillar mode, Naruto deliberately sensed the presence of absolutely, and she did not want to expose her trump card in front of the absolute. The golden Chakra Bauhao was outside Naruto's body, and the golden dangling behind him Long hair, instantly turned into a double ponytail hairstyle (change hairstyle in seconds), Akatsuki's uniform on his body became. A golden flaming windbreaker with nine tails straight carat (change clothes instantly), three patterns in Appearing on her body, appearing on her head. To similar fox ears. Like a dull fur (Magical Girl was born

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