
Chapter 93: Not strong enough

"Huh! The mayor finally left. But I really can't understand what your highness means."

"5 million people? That means that Gala City will become a big city that can accommodate the entire population of the Kingdom of Negan. Hmm? No. Gala City has a military port..."

"What do you think of, Leia?"

"Does your highness want to gather the people of the Kingdom of Negan together and then transport all the people away through the warships in the military port?"

"You mean to move the entire country? How is that possible? The time required to move a country is no joke. Without 2 million people, it will take 2 million people to move. Android and Apple are both available. 】Years, it is definitely impossible. "

"But Thorgen, didn't the Supreme King give His Highness a sea map?"

"That's why I think it's impossible. The Supreme King can't easily let us disappear from the Gem Island, and I don't believe that the Supreme King won't send the navy to intercept us when we are on the ship. "

As Thorgen himself said, the reason why Negan was not destroyed by the Supreme King was that the Supreme King used Negan to consolidate his national defense and to resell all kinds of materials that could not be clearly taken out in the black market trade for profit.

To put it bluntly, the high-level political differences in the United Kingdom of Eri led to the birth of Negan. Once the differences disappear, that will be the day of Negan's demise.

So no matter who is the Supreme King of the United Kingdom of Eri, Negan, the actual independent kingdom and a place specializing in dirty work, must be firmly controlled.

However, Thorgen himself also calmed down. It was not a one-day or two-day thing for His Highness the King to walk alone. He hated Eri and despised the Druid Group. He wished that he would never encounter anything from Eri again.

Anyway, there is no clear direction for things to develop, so just keep working.


Unfortunately, it is cloudy and rainy outside. The alarm bells in the city are ringing, and Sogen has to drink black tea while watching the real-time image projected by the crystal ball on the wall in front of him.

【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】


Accompanied by a deafening sound of artillery fire, a black wall coated with a special material shows the outer scene east of Galle City. The wild man group, snake demons, and the harpy bird demons with human heads and bird bodies on the Gem Island are enjoying the artillery service from the defenders in the city as usual.

Especially now that mass production licenses have been obtained, the 5mm caliber truck howitzer has been used recently, with an effective range of up to 500mm. 【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.】 meters. However, due to the limited number of troops in the Kingdom of Negan, most truck guns are removed from the trucks and reinstalled on the towed gun carriages to be sold on the black market for foreign trade, so they are not often seen in the Kingdom of Negan.

But when Sogen saw the savages turned into flying meat flakes under the bombardment of 5mm shells, he couldn't help but sigh at what modern killing is.

The shields held by the savages were instantly shattered under the attack of 5mm caliber grenades, and then the scene of the snake demon next to them flying out instantly was truly shocking.

Are spells and swords still used in this day and age? Sanmen's 5mm truck-type howitzers are enough to make the so-called sages and heroes of the so-called Western human kingdom understand the true meaning of death.

"If we continue to enlarge the caliber of the gun, what will the effect of the bombing be?"

Beth's words made Sogen not know how to respond, but since the battle in the basement, Solo Arsenal has begun to study how to make 55mm caliber field guns based on some of the text materials he seized.

One 55mm grenade has an absolute death radius of 2 meters, and the killing radius caused by the shock wave and even shrapnel is as high as 5 meters. On the screen now, the savages who are at least 3 meters away from the city wall were frightened by the power of the shells and stayed in place completely motionless. As a result, the snake demons with lower bodies like pythons and the bird demons who flew high in the sky left them behind and continued to rush towards the city wall.

Boom boom boom... Da da da...

"Not to mention the 5mm caliber shells that have been used recently, the 2mm machine guns that have started to roar now are like nothing when it comes to killing bird monsters. Even if they don't hit directly, the 2mm shells that explode within a five-meter error are not easy to deal with."

Thanks to the weapons and equipment from the Eastern human kingdom, the 2mm caliber machine gun developed by the Negan Kingdom was operated by the gunners on the city wall, and the bird demons targeted were torn to pieces by the shells.

The Negan Kingdom, which has learned from the Eastern human kingdom to modernize, industrialize, and standardize, has begun to enjoy the benefits of expanding strength. In the past, the targets that the Kalai family found difficult to fight were now solved by pulling the trigger.

In a sense, it was a piece of cake.

What's more, while the 2mm caliber machine gun was firing, the machine gunners on the city wall began to fire three to five short bursts with the Set general-purpose machine gun.

"They are so smart, who taught them? In the past, you pulled the trigger and fired a bullet chain directly, but they are obviously practicing their marksmanship with the savages and these monsters."

"Si Rui, if the situation is really urgent, the troops in Gala City would have used mortars to bomb them long ago. Eh? You know what, the Minotaur even wrote an open letter recommending their recently used millimeter caliber mortar. I wonder if the troops have adopted it..."

That being said, since the navy needs more funds, Congress is only barely enough for the research and development of mortars and other weapons and equipment used by the army, so it decides the amount of funds to purchase for the army.

In other words, because the number of people in the Kingdom of Negan is limited, many things can only be taken into account where money is more needed. As for the others, you really need to be patient.

But this does not mean that the troops of the Kingdom of Negan are not good. As a weapons and equipment consultant, he watched the bodies of the invaders on the screen fall down at a distance of 5 meters. At least for now, the soldiers are not only familiar with the guns and weapons in their hands, but can even face different types of opponents like the troops of the Black Crow Principality.

Even opponents who attack together in a three-dimensional way.

"Do you know how strong you made Negan's army?"

"Xin Mi, it's far from enough compared to the outside world. And even though the strongest country among the human kingdoms in the East is now under the invasion of the demons, it is an industrial country with an annual output of 2 million steel. Radio communications can be used throughout the country, and there are train stations in major towns. The Black Crow Principality is just a vassal state of this empire, and it is also an unlucky country that has to hand over a part of its fiscal revenue every year, and even has to accept the military conditions of the garrison."


Xin Mi couldn't imagine what Beth said. How strong is such a country...

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