
Chapter 80 That is the safest

"Your Majesty, the Supreme King, you are kneeling down to them. Their Nigan organization has abandoned the belief in the Golden Dragon God and regarded the Black Dragon God, the loser of the ancient battle for the Holy Tree, as their own god. This..."

"Let me ask you something. Are they members of the Kalai clan?"


"Messers, fortunately you still know that they are! If you don't admit it... then... do you know what the consequences will be?"

In one of the rooms in the palace, Messers, who was under house arrest, bowed his head and kept silent because of what the Supreme King said.

"Completely break with the United Kingdom of Eri, and even become an important target for foreign forces to win over, so as to completely eliminate the Kalai clan."

"So I have always maintained a good relationship with Gru and Winnie."

"Because Winnie is your cousin's daughter?"

"There is such a factor. However, compared to this, I am more worried about Gru. Do you know? Gru, he is a mountain man, and his father did a lot to conceal his family information. And I can't let the descendants of a martyr who died in the resistance against the invasion of the demons suffer unjust treatment, so I have already issued a special order a hundred years ago to improve the status of the martyrs' families. Status, it is forbidden to treat them as slaves! Now look at what you have done? Openly using force to treat Gru... That's how we drove Gru away back then! "

"Even if he is the orphan of a martyr, he is also engaged in the act of splitting the kingdom."

"Listen carefully, Gru is not an isolated case, and the opponents we are facing now are the human race and the demon race. Our internal class struggle will only give them an opportunity to take advantage. If we don't treat the families of martyrs well, who will fight the enemy on the battlefield in the future? We have seen several cases of immediate rebellion on the battlefield!"

Speaking of this matter, the Supreme King himself was annoyed. Although the warrior class belongs to the second class in the United Kingdom of Eri and has a high social status, in actual wars, warriors basically lead their own slave soldiers to fight against foreign countries.

However, things are bad here. Due to the invasion of foreign forces, foreign cultures inevitably take root in the territory of the United Kingdom of Eri.

Some brown-skinned Kalai members who had long been disobedient, such as Gru, who clearly hated the clan system and despised the class structure of white skin on top and brown skin on the bottom, took the road of resistance.

Among them, the most terrifying is the thought of the demons. The demons' envoys specifically targeted the clan system of the Eri United Kingdom, and promoted even worse struggle ideas among the poor and the so-called untouchables.

The result was that in foreign wars and internal unrest, the brown-skinned Kalai members stabbed in the back again and again.

Including rebel forces such as the Utopia, they grew like bamboo shoots after rain.

Not to mention burning, killing and looting, what's more serious is that they distributed photos or business cards of their Golden Dragon God being beheaded everywhere, which made the problem of religious division in the country more and more serious.


"As one of the representatives of the Elders' Hall, you should know who that guy named Sogen is, right?"

"He is our illegitimate son. He uses his power in almost the same way as my father. If I'm not mistaken, he is my half-brother."

"So it's definitely right to lock you up and calm down. As long as he still recognizes the United Kingdom of Eri, it will be the safest."

So after the banquet, Gru and his party, who were all in a big house, counted the gifts from the Supreme King calmly.

"Your Highness, there is no problem with the information. But..."

"The Supreme King is still okay. The problem is the elders of the Elders' Hall. Today, the man named Messer is just a subordinate of one of the elders. Their attitude towards us Negan is the worst and the most contemptuous. It's a pity that they don't have the ability to be aboveboard and have to rely on various shady means to work."


"Sogen, you have done similar work before."

When Sogen heard what His Royal Highness said, he immediately knew what he meant.

Assassination. He had been an assassin in the past, but now he gradually understood that simple assassination or even more radical force was not the best way to solve the problem.

Even during the day, he actually used force. But he only threatened the other party and never thought of really killing the other party.

"But it doesn't matter now. They don't like us in the first place, so they are used to making things difficult for us. Sogen."


"I want to ask you a question. Can you combine the 5mm caliber howitzer that you have been using recently [to be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.] with the vehicle."

"Isn't this just installing the gun directly on the vehicle?"

"So you ask the Solo Arsenal to see if they have any methods. By the way... everyone listen, when you sleep, you can't leave your sword or gun."

Although it was a bit unexpected, everyone, including Sogen, nodded gently. Especially for Sogen, a weapons and equipment designer, the Kukai pistol that he had disassembled into parts and put on the space storage ring on the little toe of his right foot, and the pistol bullets in the interlayer of his left boot were very useful.

What made Beth, Leia, Xinmi and Sirui unbelievable was that when Sogen took off his armor, the parts hidden in the armor and the 9×9mm pistol bullets quickly became the pistols that the four of them needed to carry with them.

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"How did you do it?"

"Sirui, hiding a gun is very simple. Especially the guards of the United Kingdom of Eri basically don't know what the parts of a pistol look like, and they haven't even seen bullets... Look at my belt, a row of bullets, these guards are basically no different from blind people."

As he spoke, Sogen skillfully assembled the pistols that were carried in different ways for everyone. Including His Royal Highness, there was nothing to say about Sogen's skills.

"The problem is... we were searched and carried weapons and equipment openly..."

"Your name is Sirui, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"This is the best way to prove that they are derelict in their duty. Don't forget, we were searched individually and carefully when we came in. If we are carrying weapons and equipment now, it proves that they are all a bunch of rubbish. By the way, listen carefully to the voices outside. That Messer is just the beginning. His sudden appearance should be to cover up his accomplices, or some guys he doesn't even know about to do the right work."

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