
Chapter 4 Illiterate people who have no concept of weights and measures are really terrible

In the past, he had been afraid to use his abilities for the sake of his mother and the villagers. Now his mother and the villagers who took care of them are gone, so from now on, Sogen is no longer a slave, he is a free traveler.

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Since the black dragon has given him the direction to move forward, then move forward. Anyway, he has nothing to lose, even if the road ahead may be a dead end.

Of course, he will never look back, after all, he did not feel the glory of the Golden Dragon God at all, only the clothes made by his mother for him are still on his body.

In order to ensure safety, Sogen looked at the sky still ruled by the night. He raised his left hand and released an ice ball to quickly extinguish the campfire, and walked along the direction of the river.

On this road, only the sound of the river flowing and the sound of hares crossing the grass by the river from time to time accompanied him, and he kept moving forward alone. Torch lighting, no need, it will only attract unnecessary attention.

Now he had nothing worth robbing for bandits. On the contrary, he was a slave, a hybrid slave who would cause disgust among the white-skinned members wherever he went. Moreover, he knew magic. If it was a bandit of the same skin color as himself, he would not have to worry at all.

As for the white-skinned ones... he had never heard of any of them. You know, he couldn't imagine what it would be like for Master Nofalis and his gang to be bandits, and why did they need to be bandits?

So he walked for three days and three nights, finding a cave to sleep in during the day, and moving forward along the river that was unknown how wide it was at night. After all, apart from cutting trees or making some simple tools, he didn't know any precise measurements or any style of writing. At the same time, he didn't know the date of each day, and he had no idea what kind of festivals should be celebrated outside.

As long as he could walk, he would not be confused. On the road with food and drink, there was no reason for him to turn back.

So he quickly walked to the mouth of the river, and then he moved to the right according to the instructions of the black dragon. It must be said that since he found a vine as long as his forearm and a sturdy vine and a sharp stone that he had polished along the way, a useful axe was officially born.

Although he knew that this thing was very rough, what else did he need? A stone axe was his best companion to deal with the weeds and thorns along the way.

However, after walking for another day, he found a group of guys who came from the sea on a boat, holding various weapons, and wearing hoods were pulling a trailer similar to the one he had used and moving inland. And to his surprise, a group of guys who also held torches and wore hoods came up from the inland.

"According to the contract, we will deliver what you want, but..."

"Bring him here."

As the inland party escorted a white-skinned Kalai with hemp ropes tied around his body and two bleeding scars on his face, Sogen was surprised.

Before this, he had never seen any white-skinned Kalai so miserable. Suffering, being beaten, and being tortured are all common things for brown-skinned Kalai, not what white-skinned Kalai should have.

"Do you need to beat him up like this?"

"Our ideal country organization is like this. Any white-skinned bastard who is high up and can't help but bully our brown-skinned Kalai, hum! Not cutting off all his hands and feet is a gift to them!"

"I warn you, don't do this again. Otherwise, we will not continue to cooperate with you in the future!"

"Anyway, I brought him here this time, do you have any other opinions?"

"Okay. Take him away. The contract is completed, you can take the goods away by yourselves."

"That's better."

Just like that, Sogen, who had been hiding in the weeds by the sea, was envious. This organization called the ideal country is simply...


He had to catch up with them to see if they could catch white-skinned Kalai like Master Nofalis, and then he would quickly join in and remove Master Nofalis's hands, feet, eyes, etc.

But Sogen didn't walk far with the members of the Utopia Organization before he found a camp with wooden fences and loud noises from time to time.

"What are you doing? Put your hands up."

Hearing the sudden voice behind him, Sogen had to do it obediently. Then he saw a brown-skinned Kalai soldier holding a weapon wrapped in wood and protruding from a metal pipe pointing at him. After his stone axe was taken away by this person, Sogen had to enter the camp under "guidance".



"Where are you from?"


"What can you do?"

"Cut trees."

After a simple interrogation, Sogen was quickly escorted to a room by two soldiers holding weapons he had no idea what type of weapons they were, and began to use some wooden poles with scales and strange discs to do things he had no idea what type of things they were.

"Sogen, height has been 8 centimeters recently, weight 47 kilograms... um... not so good."

When Sogen heard a soldier holding a pen and paper saying these words that made him completely confused, he was quickly forced to take a shower and change into a set of gray short-sleeved shirts and shorts.

"This is..."

"Listen, your name is Sogen, right? From now on, you need to stay here for a month and accept our training. If you disobey, do you see the head hanging outside? This is the result."


In the following days, Sogen was forced to run, carry weights, and do pull-ups with both hands while holding a horizontal bar by these soldiers wearing indigo clothes and holding weapons that were said to be rifles. Although fruits and wild grass were enough to fill his stomach, he was indescribably envious of the weapons in the hands of these soldiers.

For this reason, after thirty consecutive dark nights, Sogen got the Hurd lever rifle and ten items called bullets from a soldier named Mosha.

"Do you see the scarecrow target over there? I've been using meters recently."

"I've been using meters recently? Meters?"

As an illiterate, Sogen, who didn't know the basic concept of weights and measures, was immediately confused. What is a meter? Can I eat it?

"I... Anyway, you have to remember it now! The distance between you and the target is 1 meter!"


"Now, push the lever under the trigger forward."

"Trigger? Lever?"

Obviously, Sogen, who had not received any cultural education and did not know any basic concepts, made Mosha so angry that he did not want to talk. For this reason, a round of hand-in-hand teaching was inevitable.

At the same time, he began to know that the ideal country organization he was in had always used human measurement units, and secretly smuggled various guns and weapons at the risk of being executed...

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