
Chapter 573: Tooth for Tooth

At the same time, Beth, who received Ada's message, smiled.


"It's okay, it's just Ada who sent me a message."

"Is the situation in Gas City okay?"


Beth looked at her husband who was sitting in the mayor's office next to her, and she was a little angry. But she couldn't blame him. The mayor of Gas City was incompetent. He had heard about it. If it weren't for the mayor's bodyguards and the officials of Gas City who were still conscientious and responsible, and were able to hold on when the dog-headed bandits came every now and then and were ready to rob, Gas City might be the dog-headed people's territory now.

To put it bluntly, if these so-called bandits who were officially declared by the Guangwu Empire as "disobedient to the rules and fled without authorization" occupied a city, and took the initiative to perform the trick of "surrendering to the Guangwu Empire"...

Can the Guangwu Empire still maintain its extremely hypocritical statement that it doesn't want the territory that was delivered to its door?

How is it possible?

The Guangwu Empire would definitely kill a few gray-haired dog-headed people at random, and then take the land that was offered without hesitation.

Don't forget that dog-headed people are monogamous and have multiple concubines. A hundred years is enough for them to give birth to a large number of people and continue to engage in aggression.

If possible, she herself wants to invent a method to quickly castrate a large number of dog-headed people, as well as pig-headed people and other guys with a bit of a strong reproduction level.

However, she still thinks that compared to castration, machine guns and cannons are the most efficient means of annihilation.

Especially when poison is stuffed into the shells, the effect is first-class. So this is why the Congress has adopted a tit-for-tat approach, "indulging" some "criminal gangs" to carry out activities of burning, killing and looting outside the border.

Although the Congress's actions are somewhat inconsistent with its image that most of its members are women, compared to image issues, there should be no softness when it comes to using force to solve problems.

No one wants to leave countless problems for their descendants because of their temporary tolerance and softness.

As for the traditional idea that women should not be involved in politics in the past, present, and future, it is the dirty idea of ​​men who control a lot of resources in a patriarchal society and do not want women to compete with them for power and profit. Moreover, at present, the female officials of the Kingdom of Negan also have outstanding representatives like Prime Minister Aiki who can continue to strive for the golden age of development for the Kingdom of Negan.

If there are no major problems, Prime Minister Aiki should be able to sit on the throne of the Prime Minister for four hundred years and complete the unprecedented feat of re-election.

Of course, this depends on Prime Minister Aiki's own wishes. After all, she is related to Her Majesty the Queen, and there have always been some rumors that are not conducive to her work. So much so that Prime Minister Aiki is actually looking for a successor through private channels, hoping that this official can keep the Kingdom of Negan away from the vortex of struggle generated by the Elsa continent.

But everyone knows that the Neoland continent is no longer a pure land. The successive intruders completely shattered the goal of the Negan Kingdom to be independent and secluded, and also made the Negan Kingdom face the first big trouble since its founding - the looting dog-headed people.

So, in the mountains southwest of Gas City, an armed team called a mountaineering expedition team, but actually a hired mercenary group, patrolled the forest with various non-standard weapons.


"Where is the gunfire?"

"Report, it's..."

With an 8×53mm rifle bullet blowing off the skull of a gray-haired dog-headed man who reported the news, a sentry in the forest soon found that at least 3 gunmen appeared in front of them and were attacking themselves.

And what shocked the black-haired dog-headed general stationed at this sentry was that compared with the standard 6×56mm rifle bullet of the Negan Kingdom's military, the bloody scene of the 8×53mm rifle bullet blowing up the skull was simply terrible.

The gray-haired pariah in front of him had his entire skull exploded, which was not at all the relatively small ruptured open wound of a 6×56mm rifle bullet.

In other words, these guys in dark green clothes were not the regular army of the Negan Kingdom, but some unrecognized armed forces.

You should know that the Negan Kingdom has a feature, that is, the standard ammunition used by the army is strictly prohibited from being sold to foreign countries, and is only allowed to be used within the territory of the Negan Kingdom.

Although this policy is considered a bit pedantic, conservative and exclusive by many countries; but the internal investigation agency of the Negan Kingdom also uses this to control the flow of ammunition, and even ensure that its own military industry system is completely independent and capable of self-sufficiency.

And there is another thing that this black-haired dog-headed man does not know, that is, the Negan Kingdom clearly has the technology of automatic ammunition production machines, but it has never really replaced the production of technicians.

If nothing else, the arsenal can easily become the enemy's key target of attack, and large machines are difficult to move, or even completely impossible to move. But the technicians responsible for production are different, and they can run away quickly with some things.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】

The rule that ten technicians are responsible for one bullet production line is a consensus among the two countries with battleships on the Neoland continent.

It's a pity that compared to this, the attackers who came out of the forest even took out their grenade launchers and fired high-explosive bombs in their direction. In such a situation where he was caught off guard, he took out his Camel semi-automatic pistol to intimidate his men to quickly enter the position to fight back.

"There are only more than two hundred, less than three hundred, and there are no guns on the dog-headed people. Humph!"

"Okay. Kill them as much as possible. The guns in their hands can be sold for money."


Facing the resistance of the dog-headed people, these mercenaries with higher armed levels than ordinary militias used grenade launchers to launch green-green poison gas bombs at the dog-headed people's outposts. Moreover, the gray-haired dog-headed people who jumped into the trenches did not last for a second, and crawled out of the diffuse green poison gas at the first time... The green poison gas will bury them in the trenches forever.

"I didn't expect this poison gas to be so effective. It's worth our trip to the north."

"The stuff fermented from the corpses of those Pokoblins in the north... you have the nerve to talk about it? And it's so dirty and smelly..."

"At least you see, they didn't continue to shoot at us. Now the next thing is to see their cannons. If they have cannons, we will really make a lot of money by going to the north."

Obviously, in order to attack the Kobold sentry, this mysterious mercenary team did something that could not be made public casually, and used special poison gas bombs to deal with the Kobolds...

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