
Chapter 566: A gun is better than a knife

Obviously, Mike is not ignorant of the bloodthirsty style of the kobolds, and it is definitely not ignorant of their various horrific execution methods.

But this just reflects one thing, a trouble that puts the Guangwu Empire on the eve of a crisis.

The republican wind from the Orchid Republic in the northwest is blowing on the land of the Guangwu Empire, and resistance from separatist forces occurs from time to time on the borders of the Guangwu Empire.

In this regard, the ruling class of the Guangwu Empire, the white-haired kobolds, killed them directly without even thinking about it.

The untouchables and non-nationals below will be slaughtered, and they will not stop drinking blood with the sharp blade in their hands.

Yes, simple and crude force suppression is always the first choice of the white-haired kobolds who never take the gray-haired kobolds seriously and directly regard them as higher-level hard labor.

As a result, a very embarrassing thing happened.

The gray-haired kobolds who had not really participated in any type or even any form of resistance activities were also purged. However, the relatives and friends of these purged gray-haired kobolds are all in danger, and they have actively participated in the resistance activities of various armed organizations.

In addition, the Orchid Republic in the northwest has not stopped foreign trade for a long time, and like the Krurod Empire, it also uses arms in exchange for large amounts of precious metals.

So so far, several armed resistance forces that have appeared in the Guangwu Empire have used guns from the Orchid Republic and even various military explosives.

In response, the Guangwu Empire made a diplomatic protest to the Orchid Republic. However, the Orchid Republic came out with an agreement that allowed the Guangwu Empire to use arms and even medicine in lieu of tolls when passing through the canal. It even directly criticized the officials of the Guangwu Empire for corruption and failure to properly manage the arms they sent. .

As a result, the Guangwu Empire's war of words basically cannot continue. At the same time, more and more gray-haired kobolds are using steel guns in their hands, which proves that the skulls of white-haired kobolds are also easy to explode. Once the prelude to the rebellion begins, as long as the white-haired kobolds continue to solve the problem in the wrong way, the Guangwu Empire will be doomed in the future.

Especially the massacre caused by rumors from the outside that the eyes of some white-haired kobold corpses were smashed with revolvers, a specialty of the Orchid Republic...

Anyway, this matter has little to do with him.

Even he himself felt that it was right for the kobolds to die more. Of course, they had to remember to pay themselves before dying, otherwise they would really suffer a big loss.

At the same time... about the revolver, Mike himself had actually heard of this thing when he was in his hometown, and he also guessed that it was the symmetrical body of the revolver.

But how to say it? He himself is not left-handed, and his dominant hand is right-handed. It is not difficult to shoot a revolver at a target that has recently been within 5 meters. The problem is loading. It's really not easy for a young man like him who has only been using 8 years old this year.

Even though he later learned that this was a tradition left by the Orchid Republic's past cavalry operations. However, the current Crurod Empire does not have regular cavalry. The cavalry only exists in the militia. And also thanks to the ideological trend blown by the Orchid Republic, the cavalry of the Crurod Empire gradually began to uniformly equip standard curved blade sabers.

Prior to this, even if the riders of the Crurod Empire were equipped with sabers, most of them were imitation straight swords of similar products from the Iron Fist Empire in the north. Although based on historical and actual performance, the lethality of the straight-blade saber will definitely satisfy all riders.

However, there is always a problem with imitating the products of the Iron Fist Empire. That is that the Japanese and Mai people of the Krorod Empire escaped from the enslavement of the Iron Fist Empire in history and established their country on the overseas islands. Festivals in history are not trivial matters that can be easily passed with a few words, and the tradition of nomadic people is somewhat incompatible with the straight blade. Therefore, the scimitar-type saber with a curved blade has become the current choice of the Crurod Empire, and it is also a new trend displayed by some noble people today.

However, there are no absolutes in everything, and there is no real conclusion on whether cavalry should use a straight-edged or curved-edged saber in combat. There is only one, the straight-edged saber is good for pre-emptive strikes, directly knocking down the opponent with a direct thrust; the curved-edged saber is good for chopping at close range, and even dragging and cutting killing of infantry. It's just that in modern times, many sabers have become decorations rather than actual combat items.

For example, in the Negan Kingdom, although the straight-edged sabers they built for themselves looked like that, they did not have a thing called cavalry tradition. They simply followed the trend and enjoyed the trend.

Thinking of this, Mike himself tasted the cold noodles and secretly smiled bitterly because he didn't know how to use a knife or a sword at all. After all, times have changed, and he now wears a semi-automatic pistol that fires 9×9 mm pistol ammunition. If there was an emergency, it would be much better for him to just pull out a gun and solve the problem than to find a sharp weapon.

What's more, their favorite type of sword is a pointed machete that can be used with one hand and has a fairly wide blade.

As for how this knife came to his home, it is completely untraceable. After all, in the Krulod Empire, every household in the past history resisted the enslavement of the Iron Fist Empire in the form of a national war. During this period, the sharp blades made by each household were not only varied, but also had various special functions. However, many of these sharp blades were of poor quality, relying purely on weight and low cost, and even special products that were easy to make and maintain.

In the subsequent battles, these sharp blades basically became a grain of quicksand in the long river of history, and at the same time, the imitation of the traditional straight-bladed sabers of the Iron Fist Empire was widely circulated in the society of the Japanese Mai people.

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But in modern times, history has turned a new page. I don’t know if the dignitaries of the Krulod Empire are out of some kind of nostalgia or some kind of strange idea called retro, and they began to tout the role of these sharp blades to fight against the trend of the Orchid Republic.

First of all, no matter what the result is, Mike will not be confused because he does not have a machete or a sword. Instead of relying on traditional swords and knives for defense, it would be better to equip your pistol with two more magazines of bullets. After all, if you don't do what the law allows, it always feels like something is wrong...

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