
Chapter 548: It's good to have a gun

If the theory put forward by my ancestors is correct...why is it correct? The ancestor himself invented witch-hunting bullets to deal with wizards. He must also understand that the Rimai people have a considerable disadvantage in delving into the power of magic.

Therefore, the Rimai people of the Krurod Empire, don’t think too much, just ride your motorcycle honestly, take out the gun in the holster, and aim at every enemy.

This is the fighting style and the unique style of the race that the Japanese and Mai people should have.

Of course, if possible, it is best to be equipped with an extra saber and a few knives when riding a motorcycle. This is a typical macho man.

It's a pity that compared to Keli's wild imagination, the Orchid Republic, which fought bloody battles with the Pork Breens in the wilderness, relied on superb marksmanship, skilled bayonet fighting, and the help of grenades that exploded from time to time to kill Pork. The Breens were bleeding like rivers.

As for being cool, that doesn't exist.

The battlefield is a place where life and death are important. Playing cool is a mentally retarded behavior that seeks death.

"Suppression fire is still not enough."


"If I were leading a team, I would definitely let each of my men carry at least four grenades. At least three out of every ten soldiers carry grenade launchers, and two of them have to carry additional machine gun ammunition and rocket launchers."

"I understand other weapons, but rocket launchers... aren't rocket launchers used to hit armored vehicles?"

"The rocket launcher can fire high-explosive grenades, but it does not necessarily have to fire armor-piercing grenades. Moreover, every one hundred soldiers, that is, a company or so of soldiers must have at least six 6-guns [To be honest, I have been using them recently, both Android and Apple are available.] Millimeter-caliber mortars. Like here... let me calculate, more than five hundred soldiers in a battalion must carry at least three 8mm-caliber mortars. Recently, they have been using millimeter-caliber mortars for mountain warfare or street fighting. "

"Isn't this the organization of our Negan Kingdom's army?"

"That's right. Mountain warfare is similar to street fighting in cities and towns. Both require soldiers to be able to output powerful firepower in a short period of time. Of course, if you don't learn from me or learn from the Tekken Empire, infantry tactics with machine guns as the core will not be the same. any problem."

"With machine guns as the core..."

Listen to what Haken said,

As a foreign intelligence officer, Irwin didn't know much. However, the Military Affairs Department of the Negan Kingdom has some unspeakable rejection of the attitude of machine guns. In addition, the ammunition consumption of the machine gun is no joke. The machine gun itself requires qualified veterans to play smoothly. Therefore, the Negan Kingdom's army, which does not have as many bullet reserves as other countries, prefers to project explosives to solve the problem.

In particular, resources such as steel must be prioritized for infrastructure construction.

However, it has to be said that the golden age brought about by the Negan Kingdom paying more attention to economic development than the military is the fundamental reason why the soldiers and civilians of the Negan Kingdom now have the confidence to face various difficulties and obstacles.

"But compared to us, the Orchid Republic doesn't seem to have as many armors or as complete armors as we do. Irwin, if it weren't for the guns in their hands, do you think these Orchid soldiers could withstand the siege of Bokobulin? "

Following Haken's guidance, Irwin finally saw the use of semi-automatic rifles, but the Orchid army, which still relied mainly on Namba revolving rifles, had always had a style that relied more on hand-to-hand combat.

Although the commandos among them showed the spirit of unity and cooperation by handling various situations with their comrades with Mat submachine guns, there is an old saying in the Negan Kingdom army.

If you can use a gun, there is no need to use a knife to solve the problem, especially if the enemy is not the kind of person being casted with various special shield protection, or a spell user who releases spells for himself.

For an opponent like Pokbrin, as long as the marksmanship and firepower output are sufficient, and there is sufficient protection in terms of bullets, bayonets are absolutely unnecessary.

But at this time, the Orchid Army suddenly started shooting volleys with ten soldiers, that is, a squad as a unit.


"Irwin, this is the result of always fighting with a group of uncivilized natives."

Compared to watching the battle with friends such as Haken and Irvin, Yavin who personally used a rifle to fight the kobolds was extremely boring.

Because the kobolds are like bandits stationed in mountainous areas (originally), trying to rob the city of Gass at their feet from time to time.

"Yawen, the officials above..."

"I've known it for a long time. The problem is that the Guangwu Empire refuses to admit that it is related to the bandits outside. It even says that the kobolds in our west are traitors to the Guangwu Empire and have broken away from the rule of the Guangwu Empire. With this excuse, Ada Would you believe it?"

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"I wonder if they turned their troops into bandits and robbed us openly."

"So the current mayor of Kanai has relaxed the approval, allowing the people in the city to participate in the fight against illegal immigration and carry out predatory behavior of kobolds."

Speaking of this, Yawen, who was responsible for the coordination and liaison affairs of the Gas City militia, couldn't help but lament. Although he had just seized the kobold's Namba rotary rifle and fired one round of 7×57 mm rifle bullets into the body of the kobold; but if this continues, Gas City, which has less than a thousand people, will sooner or later Something big will happen.

He didn't believe that there were only tens of thousands of kobolds out there, not even hundreds of thousands.

So he, who was used to solving problems with guns, naturally got permission to use guns, but compared to other militiamen, he had been using weapons and equipment from the dog-headed people on the basis of saving money.

So, Ada looked at the safe where the guns were kept at home.

Counting the weapons that Yawen was currently equipped with, there were three Nanba rotary rifles, a grenade launcher, a Barrow general-purpose machine gun, two Takashima revolvers, and a Camel semi-automatic pistol; 2 rounds of 7×57mm rifle bullets that had not yet been loaded into the ammunition feeder, and 3 rounds of 9×9mm pistol bullets.

Such numbers... But it doesn't matter. After all, there are still some people in the city who can make their own swords and then go up the mountain alone to fight the dog-headed people.

Yes, although it sounds a bit like seeking death, don't forget one thing. That is, as members of the Kalai clan, most of them can use magic.

Using guns and cannons is just the icing on the cake.

"Well, okay. If you continue to seize more, our house will probably become an arsenal."

"What does it matter? Anyway, I didn't waste money to buy guns. I seized all of them myself."

Having said that, Yawen himself knew it. As an alternative, he was a little worried that he didn't have a gun here. And the quality of the militia in Gas City... Anyway, he needs to go out in person.

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