
Chapter 370: A little regretful

"I'm talking about Bishop Custard, this black powder..."

"That is something belonging to the devil. If our church was not really unable to deal with the invasion from the dark elves and northern kobolds, we would never use such a blasphemous thing."

"Stop! You have told me many times about the dark elves and kobolds. If it doesn't work... just let the people of the empire learn spells."

Wayne had no choice. He originally thought that he was brought to the world of swords and spells by the gods, allowing him to wield the sword in his hand in the name of a brave man and kill demons everywhere.

However, he completely did not expect that among his opponents, the tall dark elves and the hairy kobolds actually had high-performance explosives, plus a variety of guns and weapons that he had never heard of before.

What's even more damning is that not all places in the Kahn Empire can make chain steel, and some villages and cities that are far away from war zones and safe and stable are still in the Bronze Age.

How can such a primitive and backward theocratic country have the ability to compete with an opponent that is obviously modern?

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Especially the kobolds in the north. Wayne once visited various kingdoms and principalities in the north. Along with other priests and bishops, he witnessed many times how kobolds armed with revolving rifles and general-purpose machine guns killed and robbed people. .

In this regard, even if he casts protective spells to shield himself and his nearby comrades, he will only achieve an invincible-like effect for a short period of time. After all, he had also witnessed the kobolds' tactics of laying landmines and deliberately luring the caster forward to step on the mines themselves. Of course, the caster who steps on a landmine will be immediately shattered to pieces. Landmines filled with high explosives are not something that can be easily dealt with.

And until now, he had never heard of anyone who could teleport away from the landmine the moment he stepped on it, thus ensuring that he remained unscathed. On the contrary, the number of members of the Ascetic Church who were killed and shattered by bombings now exceeds a thousand...


one thousand.

The kobolds don't know where they came from, nor where they got the high-explosive manufacturing technology, nor who they learned various modern combat methods from.

As a result, in the current Kahn Empire, there is no general who can talk about infantry square formations, and no general can talk about the theory of cavalry frontal attack. Even if the kobold's machine gun is only 3 [to be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used on Android or Apple. 】It is a thing that fires a magazine to feed ammunition, but the lethality of one shot will definitely make the princes of the Kahn Empire feel what it means to be a massacre.

At the same time, what Brave Wayne doesn't know is that there is actually another Kobold with a maximum range of 4 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on Android or Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】 meter heavy machine gun. However, the machine gun body weighs 24 kilograms, the tripod weighs 28 kilograms, and uses a 24-round rigid elastic plate feeding structure. It is not suitable for field combat and has been used as a fortress machine gun.

Once the theoretical rate of fire of this gun is 45 per minute [to be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used on both Android and Apple. ], when a machine gun with high accuracy appears on the border of the five northern countries, the soldiers and civilians on the border of the five countries will definitely be in bad luck.

However, one of the sources of kobold machine gun technology, the Orchid Republic, has improved its own machine gun based on the actual performance of the kobolds. The Kingdom of Negan, which also received news, transformed a trophy from the Minotaur, which was once used by the Iron Fist Empire to fight against the invasion of demons.

So here in Bet, he learned about the development of the kobold's armaments from different channels.

"Ambassador, the kobolds have been tricked."

"From their point of view, it is impossible not to be tricked. As far as I know, these kobolds don't know if they are not smart. They think that only the machine guns in the old continent have belts for ammunition, so they must not be able to To use this thing, you have to rely on the springboard. Do you know the result? I had a phone call with the officials of the Orchid Republic today to contact them about military cooperation. They spilled the beans and almost laughed. "

"And the kobolds are eager to learn, and have made light bullets and heavy bullets for their rifle bullets. Although the Iron Fist people also do this, at least the soldiers of the Iron Fist Empire have been trained, and the bullets themselves are also coated with different colors. But judging from the situation in recent years, the Iron Fist Empire itself has stopped doing this to prevent the soldiers from mixing up in panic. So as for me... well... the kobolds can't lower their heads. , imitate a large-caliber machine gun?”

"Bette, you yourself think it's impossible. How could the kobolds do it? Their heavy machine guns, including attachments, weigh 55 kilograms in total. This weight is simply..."

"I also want to know how many tall kobolds can use this machine gun."

Thanks to actual military operations and many battle baptisms, Diego Bate knew very well that as a technical soldier in the army, machine gunners could not just find a recruit to take charge of a machine gun.

Without more than a year of training, no soldier with poor marksmanship or physical fitness can serve as a machine gunner.

Not to mention the kobolds who are basically illiterate. These guys who don't even know what basic education is, have only learned a little bit, and have not yet learned the essence of modern warfare.

"Do you underestimate the Kobolds?"

"Especially when the troops of the Orchid Republic have learned how to reduce the weight of their weapons and equipment."

As Beth said, reducing the weight of weapons and equipment is basically an important military task for all countries in the world. However, how to reduce the weight is a very important thing.

After all, the weight reduction of weapons and equipment cannot be based on the loss of reliability, but how much weight can be reduced in this way?

As a result, the heavy machine gun made by the Kobolds weighs 55 kilograms... Needless to say, in order to ensure reliability, the Kobolds obviously prefer to increase the weight to ensure that there will be no problems in the battle.

But Beth still has to complain. Who would use a magazine in this era? And a 24-round magazine.

Even if the former Blackwater Town and the Minotaur tribe fought against the suppression of the Iron Fist Empire, no matter how poor they were, they would at least have cloth belts.

After all, belts and drums represent the development direction of future ammunition supply methods. Magazines...waste too much metal, and the ammunition supply efficiency is really too poor.

Even Beth himself had heard a rumor that even if the magazine could be connected continuously, it would be extremely necessary for the assistant shooter to hold the magazine to prevent the magazine from deforming and jamming the bolt.

Therefore, in the Orchid Republic, the original machine guns that also used magazines to feed bullets were basically improved twice, and the weight was even more improved...

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