
Chapter 364: Introducing Shotguns

New calendar era has been used recently [to be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ] July 8, 656

The capital of Guangwu Empire, Butterfly City Palace

"Your Majesty, this is an agreement signed with the Orchid Republic in the north."

"For an agreement, the money in the treasury..."

"Your Majesty, everything is worth it. At least our hunting rifles can be fired with a rotating structure."

Listening to the description of the prime minister of Guangwu Empire, Park Wuliang, who has a coat of white hair, Quan Dunde felt sad.

During the external looting activities, the natives began to use street fighting or mountain fighting to fight with their own troops in close combat, resulting in large-scale casualties among the soldiers of the empire.

Although there are medical officers and wizards here for emergency treatment; but practical activities have proved one thing, that is, the IQ of the natives is obviously not simply "idiot".

Even if most of the natives are still in the era of broadswords, spears and bows and arrows, it does not mean that they really have no ability to resist.

For this reason, Quan Dunde had to find a wealthy family in the north, the Orchid Republic, which has powerful naval warships, to import a weapon suitable for close combat - a smoothbore shotgun.

As a firearm rarely seen in the Jiwei Peninsula and not used much by the Iron Fist Empire, the shotgun is the only close combat firearm that the Guangwu Empire can accept.

As for submachine guns?


The Guangwu Empire does not have so many pistol bullets, even for rifle bullets, Quan Dunde has repeatedly issued orders, strictly prohibiting every soldier from wasting ammunition.

He even issued a wartime decree that an ordinary rifleman is only allowed to carry twenty rounds of 8×58mm rifle bullets, and a machine gunner is only allowed to carry three top magazines, a total of ninety rounds of 8×58mm rifle bullets.

As for the effect?

Anyway, Quan Dunde himself thinks he is a genius, greatly and effectively reducing the consumption of ammunition and allowing soldiers to last longer on the battlefield.

But everyone knows that his ideas must have been complained by grassroots soldiers. Therefore, while the production line of the revolving smoothbore shotgun and related bullet technology were introduced according to the agreement, Emperor Dunde had to grit his teeth and continue to sign decrees for the soldiers below, even though he knew that there was ten meters of gold missing from the treasury.

"Listen, my dear ministers, this time I agree to the request of the soldiers below for more ammunition. But I also hope that the soldiers will not cause all kinds of waste to the empire, otherwise I will ask the soldiers to pay for the purchase of ammunition out of their own pockets. If possible, I wish the soldiers could make bullets and bombs themselves."

The ministers listened to their emperor's words, and they couldn't help shaking their heads in their hearts.

Not only was their emperor stingy, but he also made the whole country learn to be stingy.

In fact, it was precisely because of the stinginess of this great emperor Dunde that the soldiers below easily ran out of bullets and faced the dilemma of having to rush to the enemy for hand-to-hand combat.

Once entering hand-to-hand combat, the dog-headed people were not as tall and heavy as the human members, and it was not uncommon for three people to beat one person.

However, the ministers knew that their Majesty hated to read such reports, so they simply dealt with it themselves, turning a blind eye and deaf ear, so that the Majesty would not be upset and have to kill someone (mostly some unlucky native) to calm down.

In the past, the dog-headed people were killed by the Iron Fist Empire with bayonets and sabers, as well as the most cruel engineers. As a result, the dog-headed people were forced to take the path of imitating firearms to enhance their national defense.

But this was a joke for Dili Bate, who was on the other side of the eavesdropping device and had a translation device.

Manual rotary shotgun?

This bolt structure is not suitable for use on shotguns.

But what does this have to do with him? Moreover, the dog-headed people still have too little experience, and the Iron Fist Empire happens to be a military power that hates shotguns and likes submachine guns.


The human power overlord of the Old World, the Iron Fist Empire Army was very disgusted with shotguns, so much so that criminals holding shotguns were directly regarded as scums who spread heretical beliefs, and were beheaded and executed as cultural invaders.

The reason...

In the past civil wars of the Iron Fist Empire, the rebels often used shotguns firing 6×6mm shotgun bullets to resist, causing the regular army of the Iron Fist Empire to suffer tragic casualties many times.

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So under the influence of the soldiers of the Iron Fist Empire Army, the idea that using shotguns is inferior to pariahs has lasted for hundreds of years.

Until now, some police officers of the Iron Fist Empire finally knew the advantages of shotguns and began to write letters to develop and equip standard shotguns. Such thoughts have not changed at all in the Iron Fist Empire Army.

Of course, a more important reason here is that the Iron Fist Empire has no shortage of bullets and has always been ahead of other countries in the research and development of submachine guns. Long and heavy shotguns, especially those that need to be manually loaded, are unlikely to be adopted by the Iron Fist Empire army, which is used to using submachine guns.

Similarly, the Negan Kingdom is also like this. Shotguns have never been the main equipment of the Kingdom’s army. In fact, they are only used by police and security workers, as well as some mercenary forces.

But here, the shotgun with a rotary bolt structure...

Bet himself has never seen it. If his father and mother were still alive, they should know something. But...

No, how about he also get a rotary shotgun and shoot a few shots himself?

As a military attaché who provides military intelligence advice to ambassadors in diplomacy, Bet still knows what the best practice test standard is.

After all, the current manual loading shotguns basically use pump-driven slides to load bullets, and the rotary bolt structure... he has never seen it.

At the same time, as far as he knows, among all the countries in the world, only the Japanese Mai people will equip their army with shotguns and use them in the navy, army and air force.

In response, Bet shook his head. If the dog-headed people can do it, they must really develop submachine guns.

Shotguns are not the best close combat weapons, even though he knew very well that Emperor Dunde was just a coping tool and did not want to continue to offend his soldiers, so he chose a compromise method.

After all, he had used a pump-action shotgun before, and it was a pump-action shotgun with a rear-mounted bolt structure, but the length was not a small problem that could be ignored.

And what was more troublesome was that the ammunition capacity of most shotguns would not exceed eight rounds, which was really not good compared to submachine guns...

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