
Chapter 358 Undercurrent

Recoilless gun.

An infantry anti-armor weapon from the Old World, the Iron Fist Empire.

Although when the weapon is fired, the gas ejected from the shell will be ejected along the tail of the launch tube that is not completely blocked, so there is a great probability of accidentally injuring comrades within the fan-shaped expansion area behind the launch tube within 3 degrees and 2 meters of radius.


This gun is lighter than many barreled artillery with hydraulic buffer recoil devices. Even if the effective range will be greatly reduced, it is worth it for the dog-headed man to equip himself through seizure and imitation.

However, the problem is here.

Chengxian knows in his heart that such advanced weapons will definitely not fall into his hands first. It is even good that he did not let these worthless gray-haired cannon fodders carry explosive packs to fight for their lives like other black-haired colleagues.

Although it is a bit... a bit immoral to let the men carry explosive packs as a suicide squad, what morality do these bastards have?

These bastards who deserve to be whipped every day have the opportunity to contribute to the Guangwu Empire, which is the supreme honor for them to die immediately.

The so-called humanitarianism outside... Humph! He is not a human being, so why should he listen to human reasoning?

You must know that the Guangwu Empire is a country that was driven out of the old continent by human forces. There is no need for the Guangwu Empire to listen to the enemy's thoughts and ideas.

What made him very depressed was that half a month ago, a transport ship carrying gray-haired pariahs in the Guangwu Empire rioted. More than a thousand gray-haired pariahs on the transport ship drove away to the northern seas after killing the black-haired guards.

Needless to say, they must have become the protected objects of the Orchid Republic, and even the people of the Orchid Republic.

Not only him, but also His Majesty the Emperor was annoyed by this.

"Orchid Republic, this is outrageous. These guys are obviously robbing!"

"Your Majesty, calm down."

"Humph! I really don't believe that those worthless pariahs have the ability to do that."

When Emperor Dunde thought of such a group of gray-haired pariahs who dared to make trouble and rebel, he wanted to lead his troops to the Orchid Republic and burn down a few of their towns to vent his anger.

You know, how could ordinary gray-haired pariahs have the courage to use knives and guns against black-haired and white-haired people, and still have the ability to drive transport ships to the Orchid Republic?

If it is said that there are no spies from the Orchid Republic interfering here, he absolutely does not believe it 100%.

But... there is a question that he can't answer at all.

That is language.

The language and writing of their dog-headed people are unique. When did the Orchid Republic learn the language of the dog-headed people?

Or when did those gray-haired pariahs master the ability to communicate with foreign forces?

When his father was alive, the number of translators who could communicate with the outside world was strictly controlled.

Later, when the Iron Fist Empire invaded, these translators were basically cleared out by his elder brother and his men. Now the gray-haired pariahs who came to the New World should not and could not communicate with countries like the Orchid Republic...

Obviously, Emperor Dunde did not realize a more important thing.

That is, such a cleaning method is actually very unsafe. There are some gray-haired dog-headed people among the families of the white-haired or black-haired translators.

As for how they appeared...It's very simple. In the society of the dog-headed people, white-haired and black-haired are the superior class, and there are always some gray-haired pariahs in their families doing various jobs.

【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. 】

So, some unexpectedly born gray-haired dog-headed people are a tacit secret.

However, it is precisely such an unexpected secret that makes it unlikely for them to be easily discovered. Especially when they rely on the advantage of gray hair to hide in the settlements of other gray-haired dog-headed people.

And as illegitimate children without any status, these gray-haired dog-headed people who can't even be named too noble are illiterate, unreasonable, and unwise. If it weren't for the noble white hair and the strong black hair like me, how could they survive in this world?

"Mingyang, thank you for bringing important wild rice seeds to our Republic. Every mouth in the Republic that needs food and drink will be extremely grateful for your contribution."

"Uh... So, from now on, we can farm on the land of the Orchid Republic?"

"That's right."

Listening to the answer of the gnoll official in front of him, Gan Mingyang, as the representative of the rebellious gray-haired dog-headed man, was shocked.

You know, he was in the Jiwei Peninsula. Because his mother was of humble origin, even though he had a father who was a black-haired official and had been a tutor for his half-brother, Gan Mingyang, who had a certain level of culture and foreign language skills, was like a domesticated pig or sheep. No matter where he went, he had to endure contempt and discrimination.

But things began to change with the invasion of the Iron Fist Empire. He also got in touch with the navy of the Orchid Republic with his ability to speak foreign languages.

As a result... he successfully threw all the more than 200 black-haired dog-headed people on the transport ship into the sea to feed the fish. For the first time, he led his compatriots, who were also worse than livestock, to officially settle down on the land of the Orchid Republic.

It must be said that he, who has never had any personal property, has the biggest dream of owning a place to farm and live a self-sufficient pastoral life.

Moreover, the Orchid Republic is also a good people. From fishing villages to wheat fields, from swamps to forests, their more than 800 dog-headed people can choose for themselves.

For this reason, he chose the swamp that is most suitable for growing rice as the location of his new home. And from now on, he is no longer a gray-haired pariah who has to bow his head as a slave all the time. He is a citizen of the Orchid Republic with a surname and a name!

Gan Mingyang.

This is his full name.

The ugly name in the past has nothing to do with him. And like the people of the Negan Kingdom in the southeast of the New World, his surname comes first as proof that he is no longer a slave.

Obviously, there are still many intelligent races in the world that may not even have a normal name.

This is why the New World has become a paradise for many nameless people. After all, they have suffered too much torture and disaster in the Old World.

What he also didn't realize was the significance of the wild rice seeds and other types of goods on the transport ship he brought to the Orchid Republic, which had always been poor.

Especially in terms of food, the Orchid Republic, which used to only eat noodles and bread, now has more types of staple food, as well as some new industries that can also be established...

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