
Chapter 354: Under the Force

"In the name of the omnipotent and omniscient master and the principality, attack!"

Da Da Da!

However, compared to Emperor Tony who was worried in the palace, a certain little bishop holding a nail hammer was shot three times in the chest and died without even calling for everyone to resist or chanting a spell.

In response, the village attacked by Cheng Xian the next day was blown up, but no matter how they fled, they could not escape the cruel hunting carried out by the dog-headed people holding modern guns and cannons.

"Any barbarians who dare to resist will be killed without mercy."

With just such a simple word from Cheng Xian, the dog-headed people who have always relied on burning, killing, looting and building their country were naturally very happy.

These backward and barbaric natives who are at most holding spears and short swords are simply a group of living targets!

Especially in front of 8×58mm rifle bullets, the primitive natives will be shot dead no matter what kind of armor they wear!

Although manual rifles are not good in various ways, he still has to say that the guns and cannons from the Iron Fist Empire are definitely an indispensable and important force for the Guangwu Empire.

According to the private purchase (smuggling) of the Iron Fist Empire and the improvement with the assistance of those pig-headed people, the current Manka revolving rifle has a total length of 58 mm, a weight of 3.7 kg, an effective range of 9 meters, a maximum range of 3 meters, and uses a ten-round magazine for ammunition.

In addition, in order to save costs and facilitate actual combat needs, the Guangwu Empire adopted a folding spike (the spike is 25 cm long) to deal with close combat.

So even if there are natives who dare to come up with a simple wooden stick, Chengxian is very happy to see such a stupid native being stabbed to death by the spike.

After all, even if the dog-headed people are not capable of defeating the Iron Fist Empire, it does not mean that the dog-headed people cannot defeat anyone.

The reason why the dog-headed people cannot stay in the Jiwei Peninsula of the Old World is because their weapons and equipment are not as advanced as those of the Iron Fist Empire.

In the New World, Chengxian absolutely does not believe that the black-haired and brown-skinned indigenous humans who cannot even make a steel knife and can only use bows and arrows at most can defeat the Guangwu Empire.

Obviously, Chengxian did not know that there was a modern country from the Old World in the southeast corner of the New World, and he did not know that this country already had the high-tech military industry capabilities to manufacture vertical take-off and landing fighters.

So Chengxian, who was complacent and did not understand that he was just a fool who looked at the world from a well, took out his folding six-shot revolver, and then aimed the crosshairs on the pistol at an indigenous warrior wearing a metal helmet and holding a bronze dagger.


A 9×9mm pistol was fired, and the abdomen of the indigenous warrior suddenly burst into dazzling blood. The warrior who was originally thinking of taking advantage of the chaos and ambushing in the ditch immediately knelt on the ground. The moment the sword in his hand fell to the ground, another 9×9mm pistol bullet was fired from the muzzle of the revolver.

The native warrior who wanted to say something was shot in the mouth and fell on the land in the midsummer season of the New World with the most embarrassing and disgusting expression, completely bidding farewell to this world he was very familiar with but could not accept.

Perhaps what the people of the Negan Kingdom who had participated in or like Sogen's eldest son, Beian, who had been engaged in the military industry, did not guess was that the circulation of the 9×9mm pistol bullets sold by the Negan Kingdom was not a small number.

The dog-headed people also obtained samples of the 9×9mm pistol bullets through some special channels, and they could also imitate them in small batches for their own use.

Of course, the fact that the technology is not yet mature is not a big deal. The fallen native corpses still prove that the revolver in Chengxian's hand and the 9×9mm pistol bullets fired can be used normally to kill the enemy.

"Captain, we are running out of bullets."

"Idiots! A bunch of trash! I told you to save, save, save again! You are still so happy to shoot! Our original goal was to capture a thousand prisoners and bring them back. Now look, there are only 871 including the previous ones!"


"Everyone listen, go back to the base camp and pack up, and then come out again."


There is no way.

The dog-headed people who can come to the New World are not the most elite soldiers. There are even many ruffians who were caught from the streets and alleys.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ]

In order to ensure the stable development of the Guangwu Empire, including Chengxian, it is through various forced means that the gray-haired pariahs carry guns to fight, or work in farm workshops.

At the same time, the Guangwu Empire inherited the will of the previous emperor who unfortunately died at the hands of the Iron Fist Empire. The Guangwu Empire is the place of the dog-headed people. They will never let any foreign race ride on their heads, and will not allow their hierarchy to be shaken in any form.

After all, His Majesty has made it clear that if they follow the example of the Orchid Republic and make everyone equal, the foundation of the empire will inevitably face the fate of decay.

Therefore, in Chengxian's view, the waist knife and pistol he wears, as well as the vine whip that is always ready, are the means of punishment that these untouchables who are not smart and like to be lazy and play tricks must learn every day.

However, as expected, as the Guangwu Empire was built on various internal and external oppressions, some gray-haired pariahs dared not speak out against these white-haired and black-haired dignitaries.

Therefore, Chengxian did not know that the number of bullets reported by his subordinates was always inconsistent with the actual situation.

But when fighting outside, which officer can completely verify the number of ammunition and the loss of weapons and equipment?

In short, some things that the Orchid Republic and the Negan Kingdom knew were bubbling under the surface, but who would care about these trivial matters?

"Yes, yes. So in addition to the obvious increase in the number of slaves, our hometown..."

"Your Majesty, the Iron Fist Empire is determined to eliminate every dog-headed man, and the Great Prince and his people have also had internal disagreements."

"Become a slave of the Iron Fist Empire?"

"Yes. However, such voices were not adopted by the Great Prince, and the Great Prince has beheaded several representatives who made such suggestions."

"Hmph! There is no hope in staying in the Old World, so why not come to me."

"Your Majesty, the problem is that the Great Prince does not agree with our suggestions."

"My brother is afraid of me and does not trust me, the fourth brother."

Since he put a crown on himself in the New World, Quan Dunde knew the internal fighting between the royal families in his heart.

In the final analysis, it is not the same thing.

Who would easily hand over the crown on his head? Which person in power who is not lacking in ambition and desire for power is willing to live under someone else's roof easily?

Emperor Dunde was neither worried nor distressed, he believed that his brothers would agree with his suggestion...

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