
Chapter 336 The princes in the western part of the Kahn Empire are probably still thinking about get

In fact, as Xinduo, who had been monitoring his direction but had not noticed anything, said, Braver was troubled by the easy disappearance of powdery white salt crystals.

Although he was not the main general leading the troops, he also had a hundred men who obeyed his orders.

As a result, these men of his... stole salt.

That's right, they stole salt. And they stole a little bit at a time, and accumulated a lot, and piled up sand into a tower.

Because he used salt as currency here, stealing and hoarding salt was not a rare thing. Even in his barony, there was a very prosperous business... private salt.

That's right.

There were profiteers from the dark elves in the southeast who specialized in this, but there was nothing they could do. There were not many salt mines in the Kingdom of Golson, and the number of salt lakes was limited. In addition, there were always various restrictions on transportation (the convoys transporting salt would inevitably be "harvested" when passing through the territories of different nobles, causing people far away from the salt-producing areas to often have headaches about eating salt).

So, eating salt became a very luxurious thing. Small barons like Braver can still buy and eat salt because of the huge profits brought by green paste.

The problem is his subordinates.

You know, after becoming a small baron in the Kingdom of Golson, even if there are people and fields in his territory.

But his barony is facing the dark elves, and the military pressure is not small when the dark elves come here from time to time.

What's more, the dark elves don't know why, and they habitually set his green paste workshop on fire many times.

Therefore, his territory is a place where few caravans in the Kingdom of Golson are willing to come. And unfortunately, those dark elf merchants from the southeast came with their own salt.

Salt, more than all gold, silver and jewelry, is the most important seasoning for humans.

Without salt, his barony can't see anyone walking out of the door of his room, and even crawling out is an extremely painful thing.

For this reason, he himself didn't know how many valuable things disappeared from his barony and turned into salt hidden in the cellar jars by some people.

At the same time, he also knew that his men were greedy for salt not just to enrich themselves. If he didn't want to be unable to even pull his sword out of the scabbard, he had to eat more salt.

Especially for the three meals a day, he had to put more salt in every meal.

In the fight with the dark elves, physical strength is absolutely indispensable.

However, because of the salt, not only his men, but also other grassroots soldiers, most of them looked tired.

This was not the result of fatigue from the march, but all the consequences of lack of salt.

To be honest, he, Braver, really hoped that the dark elves on the opposite side would have another group of profiteers. Compared with the style of the great nobles above him who were taking advantage of others and buying salt at low prices and selling it at high prices, he himself accepted the salt sold by the dark elf merchants even if it was not of high purity.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

In any case, the dark elf merchants would never be like the nobles above them, who would agree to buy and sell based on their mood and the face of the buyers who came up to buy. As long as the price was right, there would be absolutely no problem.

The deal was done.

"Private salt?"

"Father, this matter..."

"Investigate, investigate strictly. And warn them not to act as profiteers to make a lot of money. In this world, besides us, the dark elves across the way also have salt to sell to the people below. If you don't want the people to collectively become servants of the dark elves, then they should not get involved!"


"Also, regarding the salt-producing areas, all are directly governed by the kingdom and protected by the kingdom's army. No nobles or church members are allowed to interfere. Anyone who dares to attack the salt transport convoy and the salt shop, regardless of whether they are nobles or men and women, will be beheaded! The whole family will have their property confiscated and will be directly demoted to slavery! Anyone who dares to try to get involved in the kingdom's salt industry through economic means will be directly regarded as a suspect of treason and will be allowed to be arrested or even killed immediately!"


Obviously, the private salt and the nobles' hoarding of salt have been heard by the King of the Golson Kingdom, Decarte Golson.

In this regard, Padsefino Golson, the eldest son of the Golson family, the crown prince of the Golson Kingdom and the future heir to the throne, was embarrassed.

Because everyone knew that the huge profits from salt were so terrifying that the nobles who were not short of money had no intention of controlling their own black hands.

However, this also shows one thing, salt, like iron, has an important position in the Golson Kingdom that is no less important than food. In particular, the people of the entire kingdom, whether rich or poor, old or young, male or female, have to eat some salt every day to contribute to the kingdom normally.

Otherwise, the people of the entire kingdom... let alone defending against the enemy, the dark elves will directly march in line and destroy the country without blood.

"Alas... To be honest, do you think I am willing to warn the nobles below like this? If I don't warn them, the case of the Principality of Akern will be repeated in our Golson Kingdom. Moreover, what is the situation of the five northern countries?"

"The situation is not very good. Unless there is a place with good garrison protection, there are always bandits on the northern border of our kingdom."

"In this way, let's pretend and let the troops in the southeast attack the old capital. The scale should be as large as possible, so that people from other countries can see the price our Golson family paid to recover the old capital for the empire."

"Really attack? The casualties will..."

"Hmm... control it around 10,000, um... no, just around 5,000. Otherwise, if our kingdom's 120,000 troops are really finished, other countries will definitely continue to nibble at us."


Listening to his son's reply, King Decart was helpless. In fact, he didn't want his troops to die in the dark elves.

The problem is that if he doesn't die like this, how can the royal family, the church, and even other human countries be willing to support him? And if he doesn't die, the church will probably be the first to call on all countries to jointly encircle and suppress him on the grounds that his kingdom sells green paste, and divide up the territory and wealth of the Kingdom of Golson.

The Principality of Akern didn't play the trick of using the enemy to gain self-respect well. King Decart is not a young man who hangs himself. Poor and unlucky Sidney Akern, he believes that his methods are better than Sidney.

What's more, he also knows that the dark elves in the southeast don't really want to fight him. After all, he has a guess that the real strength of the dark elves requires the mobilization of the entire Kahn Empire and the siege of millions of troops to effectively defeat them. But is this possible?

The princes in the western part of the Kahn Empire are probably still thinking about getting some benefits...

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