
Chapter 328: Fighting is necessary

In the Kingdom of Negan, according to the data Beo knows now, the army has less than 420,000 soldiers in total. And there are also some female soldiers or civilian workers in the army.

As for how many citizens the Kingdom of Negan has now... that is probably one of the data that Her Majesty the Queen least wants to know from the Prime Minister. Because everyone knows little, the kingdom has always allowed polygamy to promote the rapid growth of the number of citizens.

However, in fact, the ratio of men to women in the country is abnormal, and the data has changed from 1:8 to 1.7.7, and the problem has never been completely improved.

In this regard, the male friends of the Kingdom of Negan have gone from being happy at the beginning to being collectively depressed now.

The more women you hug to bed, the better, especially like your father, you have to pay taxes.

And paying taxes... no matter which country you are in, it is something that you understand, but you are very unwilling to do.

So until now, the men in the Kingdom of Negan who can marry several women home are all men with certain merits without exception.

His father lived a better life because the pistols and submachine guns he designed were the standard equipment of the military and police of the Kingdom of Negan, and he had always enjoyed the special preferential policies of the Kingdom of Negan.

If it were the wealthy people in other kingdoms...

Perhaps you don't believe it, but the wealthy and powerful people in the Kingdom of Negan are the main force that is most opposed to polygamy.

For no other reason, the rich are not necessarily willing to donate generously.

Beo has nothing to say about this.

The richer you are, the more you care whether the money in your pocket will suddenly disappear.

Compared with Beo's sigh, King Decart, who has been in a bad mood for four days, is extremely troubled by the report sent to his throne.

The looting behavior of the five northern countries not only made the small lords in the north of his kingdom full of complaints, but even made his son-in-law want to form a mercenary team to plunder the north.

"This...isn't this nonsense? There is a strong enemy watching us in the southeast, how can we march north?"

"Father, this also shows that our northern neighbors really need some warnings."

"Padesefino, warning...it's easy to say, but the cold winter is coming, we have to attack the old capital in the southeast. Even if we can't get into the place within the city wall, not all places in the old city are protected by the city wall. Don't forget that their city walls can't cut off the river."

As King Decart said, the old capital of the Kahn Empire, now the Lengchuan City of the Kingdom of Nigan, was built on the river bank west of the river. Even though Sogen, as the mayor, has completed the construction of the first circle of city walls and artillery positions, the existence of frozen rivers in winter will always be the weakness of Lengchuan City.

Of course, even so, King Decart did not believe that the old capital would really leave such a big breakthrough for him to attack the city. On the contrary, he has been looking for other ways to attack Lengchuan City.

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For example, tunnels.

For this reason, this is one of the important reasons why King Decarte secretly sent people to master the formula of black gunpowder.

Even if he did not attack the city, he had to create some panic for the dark elves to ensure that he had enough time to plunder the farms outside the old capital.

However, King Decarte himself had thought about whether he could trade with the dark elves. But he shook his head. After all, his kingdom was within the influence of the Ascetic Church, and the Ascetic Church would never allow him to have any contact with the "messenger of the devil".

Even the fact that he now began to use the ring-handled single-edged sword provided by the dark elves as a sabre, the Ascetic Church had very strong opinions. Of course, the Ascetic Church did not dare to publicize this matter loudly. After all, it was good enough for the Ascetic Church to come back alive when it encountered the dark elves.

You must know that the dark elf mercenaries began to attack the Ascetic Church, kidnapping, assassinating, and cursing the monks of the Ascetic Church, which put the archbishop of the Ascetic Church under a lot of pressure.

In particular, the dark elves turned the magic tools made by the Ascetic Church and even the traditional Gladius dagger into scrap iron in public. Even the members of the Ascetic Church were so scared when the Minotaur warriors who were terrified by the news appeared...

"Can we not fight?"

"If we don't fight, who will continue to donate money and people to our kingdom? Even if we are just pretending, we have to pretend to be good."

To be honest, King Decart couldn't understand why the Ascetic Church was obviously a bunch of trash, but he had to get the recognition of the Ascetic Church to be considered a legal existence even if he promoted a noble?

Obviously, if King Decart knew the concept of divine power being higher than royal power, he would understand the significance of the Ascetic Church's existence.

However, for the mayor of Lengchuan City, Abu Sogen, his mission is to ensure the development and stability of Lengchuan City, and to become a bridgehead for destroying the Kingdom of Golson and annexing more territory in 2 years. Therefore, he knew the reason why the Kingdom of Golson was militaristic and was more aware of the military strength of the Kingdom of Golson.

However, he didn't care much about these things. After all, there were some restless people in Lengchuan City, like his daughter Xin Duo, a priest who dared to capture the acolytes of the Ascetic Church alive.

"In other words, the Ascetic Church is full of blond, blue-eyed, white-skinned human members?"

"That's right."

"Beth, have you ever thought about a problem? The minority rules the majority..."

"The majority often destroys the minority."

"Then how can we make the majority listen to the orders of the minority?"


"I can also beat them with the branches I picked up, and intimidate them to tell me their knowledge."

"Knowledge is not something you can tell everyone about. Otherwise, why do we have so many different academies in our kingdom? Can't the priests of the Black Dragon Temple take care of everything?"

As Beth said, the inheritance of knowledge is not something that can be achieved overnight. Especially since the Ascetic Church controls the power of magic, with the restraint of magic power, the princes of the Kahn Empire will be obedient.

After all, as far as it can be seen, if the fragmented Kahn Empire wants to fight against itself and reunite, magic power is the only choice. At the same time, this is also the last choice they should make.

According to the information provided by Xinduo and the feedback from the troops of the Principality of Akern, the source of the magic power used by the Ascetic Church is the demons. To put it bluntly, the Ascetic Church is a demonic cult that worships demonic power and eventually becomes an evil demon group like the Brahma Society.

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