
Chapter 305 That's what I mean


"Your Majesty, this harvest..."

"Have they all been collected and preserved?"

"Uh... Your Majesty, we are doing the opposite."

"What do you mean?"

As the Prime Minister handed a report to the King of the Kingdom of Nigan, Lai Ting Winnie, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, the worry on the Prime Minister's face became more obvious.

"Your Majesty, although the most dangerous place is the safest place, I personally... reserve my opinion on building a research institute in Lengchuan City."

"Prime Minister, do you want to object?"

"Yes. But I also know that the objection is invalid. After all, too many witnesses saw such an underground facility more than a month ago. It is difficult to keep them secret."

"Don't trust our people so much?"


"While the war in the Principality of Akern is about to end, the affairs of Lengchuan City must be the focus of discussion in Congress."


"At the same time, the police officer named Gorman Maron wrote it, and all the police officers in Lengchuan City signed and agreed What is the opinion of the Congress on the proposal? "

"The main reason is that the opinions of the Ministry of the Interior are still not unanimous. After all, it takes time to set up a special police force to deal with some extremely vicious criminal gangs, and experts sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs need to be consulted together."

"Even the military disagrees?"

"No. The military agrees, and they also hope that officials from the Ministry of the Interior will set up such a special police force as a good place for some retired soldiers. In fact, in my opinion, there is still one problem."


Queen Winnie looked at the clear sky outside. She knew in her heart that the small kingdom she had established was a good achievement. Something like money... is it necessary for the Kingdom of Negan to pay for it?

The Principality of Akken has plenty! Water and soil are money! As long as the Congress comes up with a new immigration plan and she stamps her approval, she doesn't believe that the poor people below will not work hard.


As Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Negan, how could Leiting Winnie not know that her kingdom is not short of poor people? It's just that over the years, the country's policies have not dared to be too lax, forcing the people and even high-ranking nobles like herself to work hard and make contributions.

But she also understands a very terrible truth: although the world is great, forgetting war will lead to danger, and being born in trouble will die in comfort.

The tragedy of Blackwater Town in the past was enough for her, a survivor, to take it as a warning, and the current Negan Kingdom cannot relax its vigilance in the new world surrounded by fog.

Although she knew that her idea of ​​forcing the people to have more children was not very good, she hoped that the number of people in the kingdom would increase by another 5 million.

"Your Majesty, the main place to spend money is still the military, otherwise..."

"Have you told the officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs?"

"No. Your Majesty, you are the first to hear it."

"Tell the officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs, otherwise they will scold you to death and give you face."


Listening to the words of the prime minister, Queen Winnie carefully looked at a special technology specially noted in the report, the magnetic storm coil.

A terrible power that can release strong electric currents to fixed targets at a long distance.

According to the description in the report, the technology came from a planet called Terra, but for some reason it appeared in the mysterious underground chamber of Lengchuan City in the New World. And the chamber has been used by private salt dealers in the production of industrial products due to their discovery.

For example, the firearms used by private salt dealers are all homemade weapons made privately without exception. And what surprised the Marong police officer who was responsible for investigating the private salt dealers was that the high-intensity white lightning energy provided by the magnetic storm coil can be used as a weapon or an energy device for power equipment.

In short, Queen Winnie nodded. As the Black Dragon God said, there are many secrets in this world waiting for him to explore and as an important gain for himself.

So in the city hall of Lengchuan City, Sogena, as the mayor, formally signed a cooperation agreement with the priests from the Black Dragon God Temple and the senior engineers from Solo City.

"We are very grateful for your support, Mayor."

"Ha... I hope you can speed up your work. After all, if there is such a mysterious underground base being used by criminal gangs, it means that it is not surprising that there will be a second one."


"It's okay. I will do my best to find out the situation underground."

After the meeting, Sogen said goodbye to the guests and returned to his office with Beth.

"About this..."

"Beth, do you know something? How can those guys who went abroad to sell private salt have 2mm caliber machine guns?"

"To be precise, they are just like your previous ideal country organization. It's just that they did not seek the protection and blessing of the demons, but adopted another method to prepare a big gift package for Eri in the future."


"Sogen, they can't easily report their names."

"But you know."



"Zhongzhi Federation, the members in it are all brown-skinned Kalai like us. And all of them have been persecuted by the upper class people in Eri, and some family members have even been forced to self-immolate by these upper class people."

"In other words, the opposition radicals in our kingdom?"


"So, what's their big gift package?"

"I don't know either. They also have a confidentiality system within their organization. My eavesdropping investigation work and the information from the Chamber of Commerce have not mentioned the details of the gift package. But I can guarantee that they can use magnetic storm coil technology to make their own weapons. Their gift package is definitely not an inconspicuous thing.”

"Yeah. No wonder the interrogation at the police station didn't yield very good results."

"So, Sogen, the following is my own judgment without any real evidence. I...I am very worried about whether organizations like Demosisto will have the ability to manufacture large missiles."

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"Large missile? What do you mean? Don't tell me..."

"That's what it means."

No matter where the magnetic storm coil technology comes from, there is a worry in Sogen's heart, that is, as the public's knowledge level improves under compulsory education, various criminal behaviors will inevitably appear in the country. On the land of the kingdom.

To this end, he wanted to write a letter to the Ministry of Education to ask the officials of the Ministry of Education to think about what knowledge cannot be easily taught to every student.

And what knowledge must be taught to every people in their childhood...

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