
Chapter 24 Do you want to change careers?

"What? I said flamethrower...Sorgan, do you think anyone in the Kalai clan can use a flamethrower?"

When it was time for dinner, Omaina poured a basin of cold water on Sogen very rudely. Just like Oumai said, the Kalai clan has many fire experts who know how to throw fireballs. Arson is something that cannot be troubled by the fair-skinned Karai members who are born with magic skills.

"But the problem is that brown-skinned Kale basically doesn't know any spells."

"Uh! You! To tell you the truth, when the border war broke out, I saw soldiers carrying flamethrowers in the human army. At first, I almost thought that human being could spray 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. The flames of the rice burn the passing houses, and can also burn the soldiers who try to hide in the houses directly. "

"Has anyone ever captured one of their humans' flamethrowers?"

"No, who dares to rush up and get burned? The human soldiers carrying flamethrowers are all strong guys. And I still don't know what the red flames sprayed by the flamethrowers of the human army are? However, I My own analysis should be some kind of liquid, a flammable liquid."

"Not the mortar shell you had before?"

Listening to Oumai's story, Sogen naturally quickly remembered that he had been using millimeter-caliber mortar shells in the past 8 years.

"The incendiary agent in the mortar shells I used is not liquid, but solid."


"I can't tell you the specific recipe."

"I understand, but... would you like wine?"

Speaking of this, Sogen knew that everyone had some secrets. When he was a slave, he once saw a bottle of strong liquor said to be directly ignitable in the tribute of Master Nofalis to Omer. . And Oumai also picked up a pen and paper and recorded it seriously.

"Wine...it's probably high-purity alcohol, but do you know where that wine comes from?"

"I don't know. This was the only time I saw wine being lit. At that time, Mr. Nofalis and his children were so happy."

I don't know why, but whenever I mention Nophalis and those half-brothers and sisters, Sogen feels angry in his heart. However, he was angry because he kept recalling the discoveries he made when he was a woodcutter.

"High alcohol...it's hard to handle."

"Wait, before... when I was cutting down trees, I once chopped down a tree with gray-black bark. When I hit it with an ax, there was a very sticky white liquid under the bark..."

"Diesel tree."


“You’ve been cutting down trees for so many years and you don’t even know what type of trees you’ve cut down?”

In response, Sogen could only shake his head. In the past, he was illiterate and had no cultural knowledge. I don't know how to identify the various things I come into contact with. At most, I can only describe them in terms of simple colors and textures.

"I only know that the sap flowing out of that kind of tree is not only very sticky, but can also be the source of wildfire accidents during thunderstorms. So, at that time, I relied on cutting down such trees to hone myself little by little. Tree felling technology.”

"Hmm... maybe it will work. But I don't have any hope. After all, you know that the Kalai clan probably won't want this kind of thing, let alone sell it."

With that, another day of dinner is over. It was rare that Saugen didn't have to go out on patrol at night. As he walked in the factory, he looked at the employees in front of him who continued to produce weapons and equipment.

Due to the unresolved issue of bullets, Sogen has been a gun tester several times in his spare time. The bullet that he has accepted the most so far is the one with a standard weight of 5.8 grams and can shoot 34. Available for both Android and Apple. 】The 9× muzzle velocity of meters per second has recently been using 7mm pistol bullets.

So he watched the mechanics who continued to work at night assembling parts one after another, and he suddenly had an idea that he didn't know was correct or not.

Why can't a submachine gun and a pistol be combined into one?

Thanks to his work as a guard and a gun tester in the arsenal, he has become more and more understanding of gunpowder weapons. Even though he has never seen what Eastern humans' pistols and submachine guns look like, after completing his patrol, he directly On his desk, he began to draw the appearance of the submachine pistol in his mind.

"How about it?"

When the next morning came, Sogen naturally handed over his sketch to All Might.

"I said Sogen, isn't this just a standard-length submachine gun that has been shortened and made larger than a normal pistol? This thing... To be honest, I can only show it to the factory director and the others."

However, due to Sogen's expectation, when he came back from the beach three days later, Director Farah gave him another 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Xifu's bonus.

"I asked Sogen, do you want to change your career and don't be a factory guard? I don't have enough technical workers and production workers here, you...ah! No, if you don't work as a guard, our sisters will have even more headaches. It's too difficult for employees like you found."

As Director Farah said, due to its own special reasons, it is not easy to recruit professional guards in the arsenal. In particular, the gunpowder weapons produced by the Solo Arsenal are not legal equipment of the United Kingdom of Eri. The reason why they can continue to be produced and operated today is because the conflict between the colonial regime of Gemstone Island and the top management of Eri has deepened.

In fact, the defeat in the border war led to serious instability in the domestic situation, and the colonial regime of Gem Island gained autonomy from the repeated struggles of the top leaders of Eri.

As the first arsenal of the colonial regime, the Solo Arsenal has to produce as many weapons and equipment as possible for the colonial regime to fight against the traditional political forces in the local area.

After all, in the eyes of the traditionalists in power in Eri, the Gem Island with a relatively large number of brown-skinned Kalai is a slave-free island. This is completely intolerable for the traditionalists.

Of course, this also led to the colonial regime implementing the policy of abolition of slavery, secretly sending members to the mainland many times to recruit more brown-skinned Kalai villages that were not paid attention to or even ignored by the forces to go to the Gem Island.

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Therefore, this is the important significance of the existence of the Solo Arsenal - to provide weapons for a large number of brown-skinned Kalai people to fight against the traditional forces in the local area.

Dong, dong, dong...

Rather than the question of whether to change jobs, the alarm bell of the arsenal sounded again. Sogen had to say goodbye to Director Farah and immediately found Enwei and the others to go to the northwest beach where the incident occurred.

What surprised the guards was that they saw a group of black-clad people rushing onto the beach in several small boats. In response, the guards evacuated the members of the construction team behind the unfinished retaining wall or the reef on the beach, while pointing their guns at these guys with human faces...

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