
Chapter 240: Suffering at the Door

What direction will the future develop in?

In short, this is not the question that Marquis Usoda should think about now. Especially when the employees of Turan Company came to the completely deserted northern village of the Principality of Akern again and quickly established a small base on the ruins of the village.

"Everyone, now... confirm that there are no zombies around?"

"We have cleaned them up. And compared to us, the south is the most attractive place for zombies."

"Then... in this way, according to the requirements of our employer, the Unbending Butterfly, these protective walls on the map must be cleared. At the same time, as much zombie plague virus as possible should be placed in it to ensure that the employer's additional conditions can be met."

While listening to the words of other colleagues, Tu Luo felt funny for the Unbending Butterfly organization.

Although he now relies on the virtual screen provided by the summoned poisonous eyes to observe the outside of the camp2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】 meters away, but he couldn't help but lament for the Unbending Butterfly Organization, which was gradually losing its mind, as he watched the Principality of Akern on the verge of collapse.

As a bystander, Tulo still had some impression of the Principality of Akern, which was quite prosperous and thriving.

But all this gradually faded away as the Unbending Butterfly Organization became a private salt dealer, openly planting and processing drugs.

Just like the devastated scenery he saw now, like the Blackwater Town of the past, the surface was gray-black dust, and the rest were house-like ruins with unknown victims.

A weak country has little right to speak in front of a strong country, especially when this weak country is kneeling down to beg for mercy from the strong country.

Today, the Principality of Akern has entered the countdown to its demise. The ignorant people of the Principality will run as fast as they can as long as they hear about zombies, even if they have never seen what zombies look like.

If the people of a country have no attachment to their own land, then the country will be officially declared completely extinct when the last of its people leave.

For this reason, the shopkeepers of their group of mercenaries want to take advantage of the situation and grab a piece of land on the territory of the Principality of Akern, or monopolize the economy of a new city.

After all, to put it bluntly, Turan Company has always been a company that relies on making money to support a large number of employees and to support the private pockets of the shopkeepers.

However, Tulo himself does not want the Principality of Akern to end so quickly. The money in the treasury of the Principality of Akern cannot be given cheaply to the various princes of the Kahn Empire.

At least a quarter of it must be taken back!

Of course, this can only be said to be a fantasy. Especially after the Principality of Akern weakened and became vulnerable, officials in the Congress of the Kingdom of Nigan publicly proposed a plan to annex the Principality of Akern.

Even with the rumors received by the company, the Congress has not yet made a final statement on this matter. However, compared to the large rainforest in the north of the Kingdom of Negan, and the cannibals and various unknown existences hidden in it, the south, which has been developed and has certain infrastructure, is a very good development direction.

Even if there are some kingdoms, principalities and some countries that are not recognized at all in the south except for the Principality of Akern, which has entered the countdown stage, the problem is... if the number of people in the Kingdom of Negan is not limited, the Kahn Empire would have been completely destroyed a hundred years ago. All the people of the Kahn Empire would have either died or been collectively escorted to the Old World and sold as slaves.

"Everyone, there is a situation here. I don't know where the armored warriors came from. They are holding crossbows in their hands and have long-handled weapons on their backs. There are about 30 in total. Coming from... the northwest."

At this time, Tulona suddenly found a group of warriors appearing on one of his virtual screens. Before he could react after notifying his companions, a crossbow arrow from a warrior instantly killed his poisonous eye scout.

In response, he looked at the other colleagues present. And there is no need for colleagues to say much. Those who should take guns take guns, and those who should prepare staffs prepare staffs.

Since you are here to suffer, don't ask them why they let them live instead of killing them immediately. After all, it's better to kill these natives directly these days. Sending them to the Old World to squeeze out the last drop of surplus value is the kingly way.


"Dark elves! Everyone prepare crossbows..."

But before the warriors finished speaking, the Turan Company members who surrounded them not only teleported directly, but also released white lightning and blue icicles at them.

However, except for four or five targets who were not quick enough to react and fell to the ground, the rest of the warriors scattered, and then took out their cold weapons to kill the Turan Company members wearing gray masks in front of them.






Accompanied by a series of wailing sounds, only three of the native warriors who could not beat the Turan Company members were still standing.

So these three warriors looked at each other, and no one put down their weapons easily. However, the opponent in front of them not only has a very powerful magic attack ability, even if it is just physical skills...

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

In the end, facing the masked mercenary who began to install sharp blades on the iron pipes in his hands, the three warriors chose to drop their weapons and kneel down to surrender.

Obviously, if they didn't want to die, the three of them had no other choice. Even if they didn't know what kind of place the Kingdom of Negan was, just by contacting these masked guys, they knew that the dark elves knew more than they could understand.

Especially the people of the Kingdom of Negan who became mercenaries, the elites among these guys were retired regular army soldiers. Even if other members were not military soldiers, under the guidance of their elite colleagues, their combat effectiveness would definitely not be much worse.

"Kneel down and surrender so easily? You should be the so-called knights, right? Although you don't ride horses and camels, your martial arts..."

"What do you want to do?"

As the words conveyed by the translation spell said, one of the knelt warriors couldn't help complaining at the first time.

"Nothing? I was thinking if you could have some backbone and continue to fight like your partners."


If they could beat them, would these knights kneel down, almost begging for mercy?

Compared to the various sword and spear techniques developed by the various lords of the Kahn Empire, the dark elves' spear techniques basically do not have any unnecessary moves...

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