
Chapter 236 I won’t tell anyone easily…

"Is there really nothing left?"

"Well...if you have to say that there is something left...it is all kinds of metal fragments. Out of curiosity, some of our people collected all kinds of metal fragments and started to make steel in a primitive way to make kitchen knives. It is said that the quality and performance are no problem."

"Steelmaking? All the people on our border can make steel?"

"Father, you may not believe it. There is a baron in our kingdom who has been using [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.] Gold coins are used to buy steelmaking technology from the dark elves. As a result, the dark elves directly taught him how to make a simple carbon furnace to make steel. So...the whole village in the baron's territory can make steel."


It has to be said that strange things will never stop these days. Even some incredible things will no longer be strange when they happen too many times.

Compared with the serious confusion between King Decarte and his son, the simple carbon furnace with a blast device and the steel-wrapped technology based on it were of course from Abu Sogen's idea.

Of course, even with these two things, the major princes of the Kahn Empire who barely understood what steel and iron were still unable to achieve the level of equipment for each noble knight wearing metal armor and steel weapons.

However, the current King Decarte is not stupid. After many battles with the dark elves and many trades with them, he understands a truth.

No matter what type of armor they wear or what kind of thick helmets they wear. In front of the dark elves, the warriors of their kingdom are no match for melee and ranged.

Not to mention that the dark elves can also perform various types of spells.

For this reason, King Decarte himself thought seriously. If he does not want his kingdom to be destroyed, the crossbow must become the main weapon.

At the same time, the dense infantry formation that everyone liked in the past can no longer be used, and the cavalry cannot make a swarm of frontal attacks.

Moreover, according to his previous battle summary. Cavalrymen were not allowed to carry shields, and they had to collectively practice archery and saber skills. In particular, he strictly prohibited the act of holding a shield and a spear on horseback.

"Father, regarding this matter..."



"Give orders, from now on, control the iron ore mines in various places. All people who need to purchase iron must be registered and approved before they can be released."

"This...isn't this the Principality of Akern..."

"I now finally understand why the Principality of Akern can become strong, that is, their principality protects many important resources to avoid unnecessary losses and unwarranted waste. You must know that most merchants on our side have their own channels to sell iron ore, and even process it into various iron products. But...this is a waste. And it is a wasteful behavior that sacrifices major interests in order to make a little money."

"But in this case, merchants..."

"Merchants? Can they be better than the dark elves in the southeast? The essence of merchants is to make money. As long as there is enough profit, these merchants dare to steal the crown on my head and then sell it publicly in the market."

Obviously, Decart Golson does not value the interests of merchants. In his own opinion, the real source of income for his treasury is the millions of serfs in the kingdom who are working and waiting for the harvest.

To be honest, if it were not for the exchange with the royal family, the Ascetic Church, and the five northern countries, he would not want the caravan to become more prosperous.

But if there were really no such merchants who valued money as their life and thought about whether they had enough money in their pockets wherever they went; his kingdom would not be able to circulate materials and have necessary external exchanges.

Relying on those idiots in the Ascetic Church who only thought about collecting faith taxes and couldn't think of a way to deal with the dark elves?

Fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Just like what King Decarte, the king of the Kingdom of Golson, thought, the archbishop of the Ascetic Church left the palace with a depressed look on his face. And the angry Emperor Tony wanted to draw his sword and chop the archbishop who proposed to use rat blood mixed with rat excrement to make a throwing weapon to crack the dark elves' explosive iron pipes.

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

"Prime Minister Mura, have you ever heard of such a stupid person? How did he come up with such an idea? It would be better to capture a few zombies and throw them to the border area of ​​the dark elves."

"Your Majesty..."

Although he knew that this was 100% nonsense, Prime Minister Mura also thought about the feasibility of doing so.

Obviously, it was a fantasy, unrealistic and self-destructive. Even if such a projectile is useful, is it so easy for the dark elf mercenaries to get close and leave you a chance to throw something?

Don't forget that the dark elf mercenaries will also throw explosive things (grenades) at you. And the power of that thing... Anyway, since then, many front-line soldiers have wished that their shields could be thicker and their armor could be harder.

Of course, including Emperor Tony, such an idea has little practical effect. Because the so-called grenades thrown by the dark elves in their mouths are not only high-explosive, but also burning, smoke, and freezing.

Simply thickening physical defense is of no use to the mercenaries of the Kingdom of Negan. The Kingdom of Negan, which has plenty of armor-piercing, armor-piercing, and armor-crushing weapons, naturally has ways to change its tactics, and even uses the people of the Kahn Empire to test the actual combat capabilities of new weapons.

"I... I know. Prime Minister, I... Why are the qualifications of the church members getting worse and worse. Even... well... I won't say it, I won't say it."

Although he was angry, Emperor Tony still understood the great role of the church in himself. If it weren't for his family's support for the Ascetic Church, and the Ascetic Church has always been diligent in the work of educating the people, he really didn't know whether to give up the Ascetic Church.

But he also thought that the church cannot be abandoned. Without the church, people's hearts will be scattered. Not to mention letting the people below work hard, earn money and pay taxes.

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At the same time, he was also worried that as the trade exchanges between the various forces in his empire and the dark elves and the purchase of mercenary services deepened... would the religion of the dark elves take the opportunity to invade and make the ascetic church, which was already becoming more and more useless, completely disappear?

Obviously, Emperor Tony was too worried. The Kingdom of Negan was unwilling to let the Kahn Empire believe in the Black Dragon God, and would not even easily tell others what they believed in...

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