
Chapter 233: Headaches

Compared to Tulo who was waiting to be scolded, Sogen in Lengchuan City felt comfortable watching an ammunition factory being built on his own territory.

Although the cold wind, which was completely opposite to the old continent, finally stopped raging, the natives of the Kahn Empire would honestly stay on their own territory and start farming and grazing, and no longer continue to launch large-scale military attacks on Lengchuan City where they were.

But out of the idea of ​​preparing for a rainy day, he wanted to say a good word to the Congress. Even if this is just an arsenal that produces artillery shells, artillery shells can not only be fired out by cannons to kill the opponent, but can also be directly improved into mines or time bombs to kill the opponent.


"What's up, Sirui?"

"Leya was promoted to be in charge of the civil affairs of Marle City."

"Very good."

"No more?"

"What? Is there anything else?"

"Well... um... Beian received a letter from that Highness Jiaqi."


Hearing this, Sogen suddenly became a little nervous. According to his understanding with Beth who was still pregnant in Marle City, his eldest son had never seen Princess Jiaqi, and only heard some gossip on the radio.

"What? Sogen, you are... unhappy?"

"Not unhappy. Just the content..."

"Beth said that this princess was just thanking him for making good knives, and wrote a thank-you letter and gave extra money to Beian."

"Oh. That's it? Well, it's okay."

"You haven't thought about it..."

"No, I dare not think about it."

Marrying with the royal family.

This may be something Abu Sogen has never thought about in his life, and it is even more a delusion without any thoughts.

For no other reason, the royal family of the Kingdom of Negan has no male members so far, except for the royal husband who married into the family. And Her Majesty, who has given birth to several princesses in a row, has never made any clear statements about her attitude.

As a result, the famous forces in the Kingdom of Negan are eyeing these princesses covetously. It doesn't matter if they marry into the family, after all, this is the royal family. Marrying into the royal family is unusual. Just thinking about having offspring who can become a member of the royal family makes everyone feel lucky.

Although everyone knows that Her Majesty the Queen has fulfilled her promise and rarely appears on the political stage; but... after all, this is a marriage with the royal family, and everyone in the Kingdom of Nigan has their own little calculations.


"Si Rui, you... um... see fate. If... uh... Beian has that ability, I, as a father, will not have any complaints and will fully support it."

Obviously, Sogen did not say it completely.

He still remembered that he was a staff member of His Royal Highness the King's wife, but His Royal Highness the King's wife was in charge of intelligence work related to the Old Continent in recent years, and his attitude towards him was not as enthusiastic as before.

However, it didn't matter. He just had to do his job well, make the Kingdom of Golson in the northwest stronger, and step by step make the Kingdom of Golson the second Principality of Aken.

For this reason, he was not worried that the Kingdom of Golson would gather a large number of troops to attack Lengchuan City, but was worried that the Kingdom of Golson would not move big enough. So he had previously used local special channels to let the caravan responsible for trading with the Golson Kingdom resell the low-temperature forging steel technology that the Nigan Kingdom disdained at a sky-high price.

As a result, King Golson, Decarte Golson, lost 20,000 gold coins in one breath. Why did these damn dark elf merchants have to ask for a lion's mouth (if he knew what a lion was), and directly took away one-third of the kingdom's treasury.

But he had no choice now. After all, his blacksmiths seemed to have come to their senses and finally learned how to mass-produce qualified knives. And he now understood one thing, that is, the dark elf forces also did not want to continue to fight with him.


"It's Padsefino... Ha, how are the various countries, the palace, and the church doing? Their biggest activity now is..."

"The main target of the various countries and the church is the Principality of Akern. In order to ensure domestic stability, the Marquis of Usoda, who truly controls the power of the Principality of Akern, agrees to the intervention of various countries and the church in internal affairs. And in order to save trouble, Marquis of Usoda directly bypassed the acting Grand Duke Mortarion and ordered that all the rioters who refused to obey the rules would be slaves, and the troops sent by various countries and the church had the right to take them away immediately."


Although he did not dare to say that he was a powerful monarch, King Decarte suddenly felt pity.

Of course, he did not pity the people of the Principality of Akern who were captured as slaves, but mourned for the "unqualified" monarch like Marquis of Usoda.

If a country does not even have civilians, who will serve you? Not to mention the issue of paying taxes, providing troops to maintain law and order and fighting.

And in his own opinion, the Principality of Akern will no longer be a country. In the harsh environment of war, the Principality of Akern is likely to become a place where a large number of bandits, mountain bandits, and robbers gather. By then, let alone Marquis Usoda who can't control the principality at all, even His Majesty the Emperor and Prime Minister Mura can't solve it together.

If things go wrong, everyone can only clean up the entire Principality of Akern, and then continue to colonize and build civilization.

"Father, compared to the countries and the church, the palace... the palace's goal is still father."

"Hmph! This little emperor is just not smart, just like his Emperor Lugman."


"If I'm not mistaken, it seems that the little emperor still hopes to fulfill his ancestors' long-cherished wish. The Principality of Akern is too far away, so he can't swallow it all at once, so he puts the sword on my neck, right? Good, very good, very good. Padsefino."

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"Take this opportunity to increase communication with the dark elves as much as possible. If possible, let the dark elf mercenaries go to the palace to see what the little emperor thinks."

"Ah? This... Father, you are openly provoking the royal family."

"Of course I don't want the hostile attitude of the royal family. The key is that you have to make all countries and the church aware and understand that our kingdom is on the front line of resisting the dark elves and does not receive rewards and understanding from the royal family. As a result, this led to the emergence of traitors in the Kingdom of Golson, who colluded with the dark elves and conspired to assassinate His Majesty and frame the king."

After such a set of words, Padsefino was frightened by his father's decision. If nothing else, how to create a force that is ostensibly opposed to his father and the royal family, but is actually loyal to the king is enough to give him a headache...

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