
Chapter 215 Is it that serious?

Obviously, the Queen's ill-intentioned suggestion was quickly stopped by the prime minister who reacted.

Only a month later, Sidney Aken, who was escorted to the palace of the Kahn Empire, said nothing and stared at everyone in the palace with complaints.

Especially those court priests in white robes, who knew very well the dirty things done by the Ascetic Church.

"Grand Duke, I know you are not convinced. But the fact is that you have been defeated and escorted to the palace. So... um... from now on, Sidney Akern will be stripped of his dukedom and imprisoned in Overflow City for 10 years. The territory will be temporarily entrusted to the royal family until Sidney Akern's eldest son reaches adulthood at the age of 2 and inherits the Principality of Akern again."

"Your Majesty, the royal family can't manage so far, so you have to ask someone for help, right? Otherwise, once the dark elves come, the Principality of Akern will be gone."

Sidney, who finally said something, didn't care about his fate. On the one hand, he realized the threat of the dark elves, and on the other hand, he understood that the purpose of His Majesty not letting his family lose the ruling power of the Principality of Akern was to prevent those rebellious nobles from losing their own territory.

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"I know, so... I entrust the church to find a noble with a certain level in the Principality of Akern to temporarily manage the Principality."


"Come here, take this Mr. Sidney Akern to prison and start serving his sentence for incompetence in governance."

Emperor Tony actually didn't know what to do with this former Grand Duke who was defeated on the battlefield because of political struggles.

Although the church and those rebellious nobles wanted to kill Sidney, reason told him that once Sidney died, the Principality of Akern would definitely fall into greater civil strife.

As for those noble rebel leaders who could attract foreign enemies and dark elves as commandos to capture Sidney, they were more drunkards than each other. They were sure to be unable to manage the Principality with only wine, beauty and wealth in their minds, especially under the premise that the people of the Principality generally loved Sidney.

"Your Majesty, thank you."

"Queen... it would be great if we had a little son who could go to the Principality of Akern."

For such a principality that began to differ from the Kahn Empire in culture, Emperor Tony originally thought of dismembering it and distributing it to different meritorious nobles. However, he was also very hesitant. The more fiefs there were, the weaker the overall strength of the country.

In the past, his third-generation ancestor, Emperor Luqman, was very aware of the huge hidden dangers of the feudal system. For this reason, he constantly made his own efforts to try to unify the empire.

But the fact is that Emperor Luqman failed, and the Kahn Empire was divided into thirteen countries. So much so that now, in the generation of Emperor Tony, Emperor Tony is very doubtful whether he has the ability to reduce this number.

Even to put it bluntly, it is not easy to maintain this number. After all, in the empire, even a small farmer with no reputation wants to circle a village and become a local emperor.

It's just that such a small farmer has no money and no soldiers, and can't achieve the "great goal" of occupying a place and becoming a local emperor.

Of course, in the era of Emperor Lugman, under such a thought, the terrible situation of many heroes rising up together was a heavy blow to the empire. So now, as His Majesty the Emperor, he is more and more reluctant to open up educational resources to the entire empire, so as to prevent the low-status civilians from having ambitions that they should not have.

So it is not difficult to understand why his aristocratic academy only allows aristocratic teachers and students to exist, and does not accept civilian members to study. But at this time, as Sidney was sent to prison, he did not hesitate to expel the civilian students in the academy.

In the current empire, he does not need to see the civilians below being restless and always thinking about how to be superior. Civilians should bend down, lower their heads, listen carefully to the words of the nobles and priests, and work and dedicate themselves.

At the same time, since Sidney was sent to prison, the treasures hidden in the Principality of Akern must not be let go.

But what disappointed him was that when a guard handed him the property statistics of the Principality of Akern, his expression was very embarrassed.

Because he was not wrong, the noble rebels led by the Principality of Akern had already taken away everything they could rob as soon as possible. As a result, there were basically no valuable and useful resources here.

The only ones left were some craftsmen... Wait? Craftsmen?


There were four of them... Please come over!

Since the leaders of these noble rebels didn't do everything, he didn't need to be polite to them!

And if he guessed correctly, the noble rebels would have to pay a high price to hire the dark elves' mercenaries to make the dark elves do a good job.

He even didn't rule out the possibility that these nobles would borrow money from the church. For economic reasons, the small nobles who were originally a group of good-for-nothings would definitely only think about money first.

And some of these small nobles' visionary subordinates would take away many of Sidney's craftsmen for some purpose. In this way, Sidney, who had not completed centralization, was left with a duchy that had to continue to implement the feudal system.

Although this is actually a good thing for him, is it really the case?

Perhaps because the human race has a short lifespan and is not good at planning and design, Emperor Tony did not know that the so-called dark elf forces located to the east of his empire, the Kingdom of Negan, had already formulated a long-term plan report to raise the Kahn Empire.

And Her Majesty, who was pregnant with a new life again, took this report and discussed with officials in the reception room of the palace.

"Your Majesty, this..."


"At least we have to wait until the number of citizens in our kingdom exceeds one million. For some gambling, the kingdom does not have any chips to gamble. Moreover, judging from the current situation, our military affairs department is very worried about the shortage of male soldiers and the need for female soldiers to make up for it."

"Is it that serious?"

"Your Majesty, the ratio of men to women in the kingdom is 1:7.8. Even if the law allows men to marry four wives, the problem of gender imbalance in our kingdom will not be solved for a thousand years."

The Secretary of Military Affairs is also known as the Minister of Defense. He was very embarrassed as he spoke. After all, the Queen in front of him was a typical mother with no sons but only daughters.

And mothers like Her Majesty the Queen, who have never given birth to a son and have only had daughters, actually account for 27% of the kingdom's fertile women...

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