
Chapter 208 Between Mother and Daughter

Obviously, the king of the Kingdom of Golson, Deckard Golson, did not know that the queen of the dark elves in his mouth, Laiting Winnie, was a pharmacist-turned-biology expert.

Poisoning and detoxification are her family's traditional skills and special techniques that are not passed down to others. He couldn't understand even His Royal Highness the Prince's wife, Aoba Gru, who had just married into his wife. He didn't even understand how his Queen wife made poisons and medicines.

But this will not make him feel any bad resistance to the Queen's wife. After all, as His Royal Highness, she has given birth to several children for him. These things... he was very clear about when he first got married.

As for King Deckard's thoughts, Her Majesty the Queen was in her room communicating with her eldest daughter, Her Royal Highness Lai Ting Jiaqi, the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Negan, who had a rare trip home. She had a look of contempt on her face. .


"After a hundred years of development, the indigenous people still can't escape the indigenous ideas. Although their ideas are normal, they can't even register 100% of the people in their own territory. How can they build a strong army? ?”

"Like the United Kingdom of Eri?"

Looking at the beautiful daughter with purple eyes and fair skin in front of her, Queen Winnie nodded gently.

"My child, the reason why I asked Congress to implement compulsory education for all is to ensure that the overall national strength of our kingdom is improved. And, do you believe it? I am the only Kalai in the Nigan Kingdom who can speak the English language of the United Kingdom. ”


"Actually, when I founded the Negan Kingdom, I initially wanted to promote the language and writing I knew. However, the High King and the Elders' Hall were strictly guarded against it, and they didn't even give me a single textbook. In addition, I got married myself. When I was young, I still found time to study with my mother from time to time, but..."

"In other words, after learning half of it..."

"To be honest, I am also illiterate."

"Uh... Mother, you are illiterate. Who in the kingdom seems to be literate?"

"So I can only introduce the languages ​​and characters of the Old World. And what kind of conclusions do you have when you go out to explore?"

"Well...those boys..."

Upon hearing this, Lai Ting Winnie almost laughed. Due to his own reasons, his daughter naturally inherited an excellent figure. Although she is not as powerful as herself, Jiaqi's beauty has caused a sensation among the male Kalai.

Just the fact that Jiaqi is now wearing a purple dress similar to hers is enough to make men inside and outside the palace unable to control their gazes.

"Used to it."


"Although I had the opportunity to study abroad and learn foreign cultural knowledge, I was just a gift in Eli."

"A gift that makes men jealous, even fist-fighting?"

"At the same time, it is a gift that can bring great honor to my family. The men who pursued me back then almost had a fight in private. However, they did not marry me because they really liked me. They did it because of my beauty and Giving birth to a daughter like you who has been beautiful since she was a child is used to recruit a son-in-law. Now, Jiaqi, it is your turn to face this problem."


"Do you have anyone you like?"

"No, I, I don't usually have contact with those boys. And in the academy, their eyes are very uncomfortable."


A wise daughter is better than a mother.

Her daughter, who has a pretty face, a good figure, and even a voice as good as her own, is actually a "copy" of her mother.

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"We...can we only become the prey of men?"

"You are the princess, who dares? And is the prey really destined to be hunted by the hunter? No, absolutely not. So, have you learned what I taught you?"

"It's a little difficult."

"It's okay, we have plenty of time."

As he said, the Kalai family has no shortage of time. As a result, this resulted in a certain difference between the Kalai family's concept of time and that of other intelligent races.

At the same time, even if she didn't ask, as a mother, Her Majesty the Queen was very aware of her daughter's performance as a healer and cook in the academy and in practical activities outside the city.

Of course, Her Majesty the Queen is even more aware that the bread eaten by the aborigines is definitely worse than the food cooked by her own daughter.

Especially the kind of stone bread that is so hard that it can't be taken directly to a blacksmith's house for forging.

The kneaded dough does not add alkaline flour, let alone yeast, and simply burns a ball of dead dough... If you change it to the Eastern human country in the old continent, especially the overlord of the Eastern human country - the Iron Fist Empire, it is as hard as a brick. A piece of bread is an excellent product waiting to be beaten by customers.

If nothing else, as the first-class overlord among human nations, the Iron Fist Empire's food culture has developed along with its strong national power.

Therefore, the Negan Kingdom, which has learned a lot about the Iron Fist Empire, naturally introduced one recipe after another through some special channels a long time ago.

However, what surprised her, the Queen, was that there were people in the Iron Fist Empire who specialized in vegetarian dishes. As a result, this was a complete bargain for the Kingdom of Negan, so that bamboo shoots, one of the imported ingredients, and related bamboo became an important material in the Kingdom of Negan at present - lacquerware made of bamboo as raw materials was also popular among the people.

Then again, the natives' meals, whether nobles or commoners, did not like to add seasonings or even pickled food without salt, which she could not understand at all.

"That's because the people have a habit of saving money."

At this time, Emperor Tony, who was listening to the Queen's explanation, was at a loss. Since he began to remember, the three meals a day taught by his ancestors were the type that would at least add salt, and even sugar on this basis.

"But without salt and sugar, wouldn't the food be..."

"It wouldn't taste good. But compared to the taste, wouldn't it be better to save more salt to buy more things? For example, clothes, farm tools. Especially farm tools, wooden farm tools will never be as good as iron farm tools."

"And the price of iron farm tools will be more expensive than wooden farm tools?"

"So, saving money is a habit of many farmers. Not to mention businessmen, if businessmen don't even have savings, they can't do any business."

"No wonder many people now use sealed pottery jars to store salt."

Ever since salt was used as a practical currency, Emperor Tony himself didn't know whether this policy was good or bad. But at least one thing is that the stock of precious metals in the treasury has increased a little...

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