
Chapter 204 The Power of Money

So, he hoped to use the opportunity of His Majesty's establishment of the Noble Academy to let his children find out what the latest weapons of other countries are, as well as the recent military changes and other things.

After all, among the thirteen countries, he did not believe that none of them knew how to strengthen the army and how to make their own countries richer and more distinctive development paths!

Compared with Sidney Golson's fantasies about the development of his own kingdom, the interest agent of the Kingdom of Barnabalite, the current Prime Minister of the Kahn Empire, Mura Barnabalite, was visiting the Grand Bazaar in Overflow City.

As the fifth brother of the current King of the Kingdom of Barnabalite, he was very dissatisfied with the way merchants and the people used salt to trade.

But he had no choice. In the entire empire, including the thirteen countries that had grown bigger, no one dared to say that they had many gold, silver and copper coins.

Even if there were, only some nobles or some high-level royal armed merchant groups would carry coins.

You should know that all the countries affected by the Ascetic Church have experienced several mine depletions. Once the mine depletion happens, it is like a heavy hammer hitting the head for all countries.

What ambitions, achievements, and triumphant return, the mine depletion is enough to make every ambitious guy lose the motivation to fight.

Even if things go wrong, they will have to fight with sticks and stones. So His Majesty proposed to establish a noble academy and recruit noble children from various countries to study together, and he was very supportive.

In his hometown, the Kingdom of Barnabalite, the stirrups of the cavalry in their kingdom are made of hemp rope. As for the metal materials that should be used, they are all used to make weapons.

And because the craftsmen in the kingdom are not skilled enough, although the forging skills are not bad, the performance is really not satisfactory to him and his elder brother.

Especially the sword on his waist, which is actually the second one. The first one was forced to be directly re-melted because of the average craftsman's skills and serious bending and deformation during the quenching process.

Even if it was re-melted and re-forged, he himself could not guarantee that the one on his waist would not have any problems. After all, until now, the blacksmiths in their kingdom have used water quenching.

That is, the red-hot iron is thrown into the river water for rapid cooling to ensure the hardness of sharp blades such as swords.

But no matter how the blacksmiths in the kingdom quench, the quenched steel weapons always have a big problem-brittleness.

What will happen to brittle weapons and equipment on the battlefield? Break. And the soldiers who use such brittle weapons that break while fighting will die!

That's how unnecessary death is born!

For this reason, he has been wondering whether other countries have better forging methods. But he also knows that the Principality of Aken, the first to master the iron forging technology, has never made public its own iron forging formula and how to mass-produce steel weapons in thousands of quantities.

Other countries also learned about the power of the swords of the Principality of Akern on the battlefield or through trade exchanges.

However, despite this, no one thought of marrying with the Principality of Akern to establish good relations. As for the reason...

The Principality of Akern is a heretical country in a sense. If it were not for the marriage of His Majesty the current emperor with the Principality of Akern, no one would be willing to trade with the Principality of Akern.


"Prime Minister?"


Every time he watched another transaction in the big market end in the weighing of salt, as the prime minister, Mura Barnabalit was extremely sad. If he had not directly ordered the control of salt production and circulation as soon as he took office, the finances of the entire empire would have been ruined by the extremely rampant private salt dealers.

At the beginning, he also didn't understand why the Principality of Akern did not collapse economically. As a result... Fortunately, he kept an eye on it and investigated the situation of the Principality of Akern.

Salt and iron official monopoly

It is this system that allows the Principality of Akern to be in a remote area without encountering economic difficulties.

At the same time, he also admires such a clever trick from the mouth of the dark elves. It is a trick that makes him unable to imagine how strong the dark elves are.

However, the official monopoly of salt and iron is currently only implemented thoroughly by the Kingdom of Barnabalit, the Principality of Akern, and the territories directly under the empire.

Other countries... In this era, how many countries are willing to listen to their central dynasty?

The Kingdom of Golson, one of the traitors, is a typical case. Not only does it go against them in various ways, but it has even opened its mouth many times, secretly instructing various forces to invade the royal territory, and showing its strength in the name of the royal protector.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Golson is the only country among the thirteen countries that still has sufficient gold, silver and copper coins. It is difficult to just want the Kingdom of Golson to take out the money in its pocket!

In addition, even if each country is more willing to strengthen its army than the other, it is even more difficult to pull it out for a war!

The worst thing was that ever since the imperial family tried to hire dark elf mercenaries a hundred years ago, whenever the Thirteen Kingdoms encountered any extremely difficult problems, the dark elf mercenaries would solve the problem to such an extent that even the prime minister would be at a loss for words, under the premise of high bounties.

Anyway, although the dark elves are very bad at collecting money, it must be said that the way the dark elves can eliminate certain annoying things or prevent them from appearing again is very consistent with his ideas.

Even in a strict sense, the dark elves are actually the common enemy of the empire and must be guarded against at all times.

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Especially the Principality of Akern, this country even has a store specially established by the dark elves!


With money and relevant personal interests, who would regard some guys who should be guarded against at all times as enemies?

Like the Principality of Akern, this is a typical example of making huge profits from the trade of the dark elves. And why does the Principality of Akern want to learn from the dark elves to solve the problem of dining with two wooden sticks?

Even a plant called bamboo was imported, which was specially used to make small bamboo sticks or small bamboo sticks as tableware.

Don't they know that this is against the teachings of God?

Eating with tableware is blaspheming the food given by God to all people. Eating without using your hands is extremely disrespectful to food!

So, he has to keep an eye on the Principality of Akern. The Principality of Akern, which has been in contact with the dark elves for a long time, will definitely bring adverse effects to the empire or other countries...

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