
Chapter 187: The Principality of the South

As the sun set the next day, Sogen could finally relax a bit, feeling physically and mentally tired in a sense.

Especially in persuading the navy to station in Ruyi Town for a long time, he felt that his words were not enough.

"It seems we need to build more hotels."

"Beth, you have to find someone to invest and agree to build a house in Ruyi Town. I used to spend the money on security and defense in the town, but now there really isn't much money in the town."

Speaking of this, Saugen was also convinced. Serious unrest has recently broken out in the indigenous country south of Ruyi Town, and now a new country called the Principality of Aikeen has emerged south of Ruyi Town. As for the winding road here, Saugen is currently entrusting the Chamber of Commerce to find suitable explorers to conduct relevant investigations.

"Who told you to be so ruthless? Just use a 55 truck gun to suppress the battlefield recently. If you look at other border towns, the most is 84 guns. By the way, the Principality of Aiken in the south has sent some intelligence. "

"Send? Oh. Got it."

The so-called sending, no need to ask, there must be some explorers in Ruyi Town who have integrated into the Principality of Aiken through various channels. Therefore, when he saw the intelligence documents, the Principality of Aikeen covers an area of ​​250,000 square kilometers and has a population of 4 [To be honest, it has been used recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】 Ten thousand times is in a sense unbelievable.

"I can't believe the numbers mentioned above. But they said that this principality only has so many superficial data. In fact, due to the enfeoffment system, the Grand Duke of the Principality of Aiken simply cannot govern such a large area. Moreover, this Grand Duke of Aiken is a usurper, and he has wiped out the family that originally ruled."

"Bess, what do you think these natives should tell Congress about? Let's fire a few more rounds of missiles to make them more chaotic."

"Isn't that enough for you?"

"Recently I have been using 4 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available.] Ten thousand people, let alone this number, I even think it is too much when I have been using 40 thousand people recently."

"Alas. The current Grand Duke of the Principality of Aiken is called Legrand Snakad Aikeen. Before the rise of the Kahn Empire, he was a descendant of the great chief family of a certain tribe. When the Kahn Empire expanded, Aiken The Kern family just surrendered to protect their territory when the situation turned bad."

"No sand added?"

"Yes. The result is that the current Grand Duke of Aiken basically cannot control all the marquis and earls. As for the lower-level viscounts and barons, the 33-year-old Grand Duke probably doesn't know any of them, and he doesn't know if they have any friendship. Overtax."

“Sand mixing works well.”

As everyone imagines, in the heyday of the Kahn Empire before it fell apart, His Majesty the Emperor would not have been stupid enough to dismantle some of the larger vassal forces. Therefore, it became common for these princes and forces to place some of their own people.

However, in the face of foreign enemies such as zombies and even the Kingdom of Negan, these "own people" who do not listen to themselves have become a serious problem for the Principality of Aiken today.

So in the castle where Archduke Ayken stayed, the ten members of Grand Duke Ayken's family were extremely shocked when they saw one ring-handled sharp blade after another. Because their family used such sharp blades to kill the supervisors who originally controlled them one by one.


"Are there any zombies out there invading our territory?"

"Yes. But..."

"but what?"

"Father, if we kill the people sent by the palace before, won't we directly offend the royal family?"

"Hmph. We have started to issue our own currency independently, so why bother with the little emperor? What's more, we are far away from the palace, and the emperor's orders may not even get out of the palace. Also, have the roads been repaired?"

As the ruler of the Principality of Aiken, the brown-skinned man with a black beard did not hesitate to tease the little emperor Luqman. Not only did he not want to pay any attention to the affair between Lugman and Duke Morat.

"It's still being repaired. It's just father, the road is repaired...will it cause..."

"Afraid that enemies will follow the road to our castle? Collins, you are so stupid. You are one of those idiots who will get lost not far from the castle. Do you remember how many enemies tried to kidnap you?"


"If you don't do it right, maybe the enemy knows how to get to our castle better than you! So the roads must be repaired, and more road signs must be prepared to prevent idiots like you from not knowing how to get home!"

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The young man who was scolded by his father was named Corinth Tina Aikon. As a young son, he was so stupid that he would get lost within half a day of leaving home, and he was often attacked by enemies. For this reason, Grand Duke Aikeen did not even think about it and directly asked this 5-year-old child to be responsible for one thing, road construction.

"And we have to thank the dark elf traders in the north. The compass they sold us is so useful. Corinth, look at the compass, don't tell me you don't even know where the sun rises."


Upon hearing that this fat-looking son was almost mistaken, Archduke Aikeen really wanted to slap him on the head. However, the reason why he is so stupid is his own fault.

When his wife was pregnant with Corinth, she was besieged by thieves. Even though he tried his best to kill them all, his wife was severely frightened and gave birth prematurely. It was from that time that he wanted to be a king, a king who had his way, and everything in his kingdom had to listen to him!

However, things did not go as he wished. After all, he was the descendant of an ancestor who took the initiative to surrender to the Kahn Empire. The Kahn Empire has always been very wary of nobles like him who have obvious backgrounds.

Especially when he was completely different from the blond, blue-eyed and white-skinned royal family of the Kahn Empire.

Even in the current Kahn Empire, blond, blue-eyed and white-skinned people will always have a higher status than people like him with brown skin. Therefore, he refused to accept it and resolutely chose the ring-handled sharp blade in front of him to chop off all the disobedient white-skinned men. As for the remaining female members, only those who were young and beautiful would be chopped off and fed to the wolves.

Obviously, Grand Duke Aken did not know that there was an Iron Fist Empire in the Old Continent, and the main citizens of this country were humans with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin. And those blond, blue-eyed, white-skinned humans are part of the huge slave army of the Iron Fist Empire. At the same time, he is even less aware of the fact that white and brown skin in the Kingdom of Negan live in peace and work together to create a harmonious society.

However, this is not surprising. In the Kahn Empire, white skin is a symbol of conquerors, and brown skin is a symbol of the conquered. Once some fixed ideas appear, it is not a small matter of one or two generations to change them.

At least the butcher knife in the hands of Grand Duke Aken may be an important tool to speed up the progress...

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