
Chapter 185 It’s just…

In short, after the sun continued to rise the next day, the red-bottomed gold-cross flag representing the little emperor Luqman marched east again. In order to seize the eastern port town with the dark elves, Luqman led the army in person, so that the more than 10,000 soldiers under his command could feel the power from him.

And to ensure the smooth foreign trade, and to obtain as many advanced weapons as possible to arm themselves.

However, Tulo, who returned to the dock of this small town to open a shop, was not optimistic about this army, especially when he had seen several transport ships with brown-bottomed green-center flags transporting soldiers to the river beach near him for resistance.

"They still use the old routine of shield soldiers going up to block, and javelin soldiers and archers shooting from behind."

"Then what?"

"Tulo, do you think we should get some war horses to open their eyes?"

"War horses? Don't they have camels? Camels can also be used as cavalry mounts."

As Tulo, who came back to investigate in the name of an observer of the Turan Company, said, cavalry does not necessarily have to ride on horses to be called cavalry. If you have the ability, riding on the back of an elephant or a tiger is no problem, as long as the rider has good driving skills.

However, the natives' sword skills are too poor, and there are no stirrups or anything like that. Most of the current natives ride on alpacas or camels, and use bows and arrows as their main combat method.

That is, archers, special troops used for long-range reconnaissance or harassment.

As for riding on it and harvesting with swords... the bronze sword is less than 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ] cm long, basically no chance. At most, the riders ride on the mount and stab.

That's right. Riding on the mount and facing the infantry's body stabbing straight.

It's better to let the cavalry hold the spear under their armpits and stab people. With such a combat method, it's no wonder that the natives have always relied on spearmen as their main combat force. And the spears of the natives... He really couldn't understand the strange idea of ​​the natives to deliberately use soft metal to make spearheads in order to prevent back-throwing (the enemy picked it up and threw it back). Even if he had money, he wouldn't waste it and make all kinds of disposable weapons. Disposable weapons mean that the lives of the warriors are basically short.

Although this level is similar to that of the human kingdoms in the western part of the Old World, which are also in the cold weapon era, and there should be a chance to catch up, the human kingdoms in the western part of the Old World know how to fold and beat red-hot iron blocks to forge swords and provide protection for the so-called knights to make plate armor. Not to mention the horse farms everywhere in the Old World, even the human kingdoms in the eastern part of the Old World, who have completed the industrial revolution, still maintain the noble activities of riding horses while driving armored vehicles.

Not to mention that the term saber was actually introduced by the Kingdom of Negan from the army of the Iron Fist Empire in the Old World. It's just that in terms of form, the Kingdom of Negan did not really copy it in its entirety, but retained a certain degree of independence and freedom.

"Camel cavalry... um..."

"Melan, you may not have heard that camels have a smell that can make horses go away automatically."

"Isn't it like the smell in the human kingdom in the west of the Old World?"


The smell that Meilan refers to is of course body odor, and in the west of the Old World, the humans there are famous for their strong body odor. They have a kind of fanatic love for spices, so much so that in their world, the price of spices is so expensive that the merchants of the Kingdom of Negan are eager to move.

The problem is...

Their smell is really bad. Her Majesty, who studied abroad before, was a case of almost fainting because she couldn't stand it. Therefore, this also led to Her Majesty publishing articles on hygiene many times, asking everyone to pay more attention to this issue. If possible, every household should grow some plants with a little fragrance.

Just like Turan Company has lavender and mint everywhere, these two decorative plants add a lot of color to the facade of Turan Company.

But when it comes to going to the Western human kingdom in the Old World... Sorry, so far, basically no member of the Negan Kingdom, from the official to the private sector, is willing to take the initiative to go.

To put it bluntly, even though there are many profiteers who bargain with the caravans of the Negan Kingdom, the Western human kingdom in the Old World is not welcome at all.

[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended me a book-chasing app! It is really useful. I use it to read and listen to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here ]

The reason is that we have to thank the Japanese for their very good hygiene concept. At least they will not make weird mistakes such as building mausoleums next to reservoirs or water wells. The Japanese even practice cremation and sea burial to ensure that the filthy substances produced by the corpses will not pollute the local water and soil.

The Western human kingdom in the Old World and the Kahn Empire are basically mentally ill, and often bury the remains in various good places with abundant water and grass. Not to mention the pollution of the water and soil, now that the zombie plague has arrived, the bodies that are not completely rotten and still have flesh will basically crawl up and bite people.

So, when Tulo picked up the camera and filmed the riverside battle of at least 20,000 natives on both sides, he really wanted to know whether these natives would be smarter after the battle and know what cremation or sea burial is.

If it really doesn't work, learn from the Kingdom of Negan and bury the dead in trees. It doesn't take up space, and it is more conducive to the development of greening and even agriculture (some families have planted fruit trees that have a good harvest).



When the two groups of native shield soldiers hit each other with their shields, the sound of daggers crossing and spears stabbing was endless.

And the weapons that can cause casualties are not beyond Tulo's expectations, that is, steel weapons sold by his ship or other peers.

Especially the steel ring-handled knife, which is the credit for the most blood splashed among the natives.

"Your Majesty, Duke Morat has more iron swords than us."

"Prepare the crossbow."


Because his financial resources are not as good as Duke Morat, the first batch of troops sent up are basically all kinds of miscellaneous guys, such as captured hooligans or other types of criminals.

So in Lugman's own opinion, these guys are basically the same as dead. In this regard, the three hemp rope torsion crossbows he prepared were long-range weapons used to break through Morat's troops.

After all, few people in Duke Morat's family could read, and they had no idea how to make some more complicated weapons and equipment.

So under Tulo's watch and filming, three large stones from the crossbows instantly hit three bloody paths for Duke Morat's troops who were about to push the front line forward. In addition to the heavy impact sound on the battlefield by the river, not many of the wailing warriors stood up again...

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