
Chapter 125: Fatter

"I...I...I don't...think about him..."

"Beth, there's no need for you to be so in front of me, right? Don't forget that you're carrying his child, just like me. And did you hear what Sirui said secretly just now? He seems to be thinking of a new pistol for you."

"Not for us?"

"The first person he gave the gun to was you, wasn't he? He remembers you, otherwise...this is Sirui peeping at him..."

"Got it."

Just as Sirui and the others said, the not-so-frank Beth might really have to give birth to a third child before she would be honest and honest, but Leia herself knew that the usually serious and rigid Sogen had Beth in his heart.

It's just that Sogen has always been a clumsy guy in some ways. He is definitely not like the so-called upper-class nobles of the United Kingdom of Eri, who are full of all kinds of glib words to attract a large number of women.

And the men in the Kingdom of Negan are basically like this, so there is nothing much for these women to say.

"Ah. Let's not talk about this. Beth, if you were not pregnant and not his personal confidential assistant secretary, would you have joined the expedition team in Solo City?"


"No? Why? Our family..."

"It is precisely because our family does this that I will not take the initiative to go to Solo City's Chamber of Commerce to suffer this loss. If I really want to do this job, I would rather sign up for the Chamber of Commerce in the local city of Marle City. The Chamber of Commerce in Solo City is not run by idiots, they will definitely extract a lot of profits from it. There are not so many discounts in the world, and there are not so many gold and silver that can be dug up with just two shovels."

Speaking of this, Dieli Beth, who began to hire servants to serve herself and even the whole family, looked at the dark night sky outside.

Although she had taken the night vision potion before and could clearly see that there were actually two or three people working at night outside the window, she always felt that if she wanted to make a fortune here, relying on external plunder was definitely not a long-term solution.

Although through external plunder, the Kingdom of Negan can have more abundant power to carry out more investment plans in the progress of improving productivity

For example, the extremely expensive naval construction is the fundamental reason why the finances of the Kingdom of Negan are barely surviving.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Xin Mi, look at the pie in your hand, it's bigger than your face. Be careful not to eat so much, what will you become in the future?"

"I say, Beth, how can you talk like that? I want to let you two taste my cooking skills."

"Cooking skills?"

"Why? Are you worried?"

"How is it possible? Are you really not afraid of getting fat?"

"Fat? I think we can get fatter."

Listening to Xin Mi who put the homemade pie in front of her on a plate, Beth certainly understood why Xin Mi thought so.

It's very simple. Their Kalai tribe is the "bean sprout" spirit tribe in the eyes of the human race.


But as a vegetarian intelligent race, the Kalai tribe has almost no way to change the eating habits formed ten thousand years ago.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Negan, which learned from the Eastern human kingdom, learned to make one thing.


As a result, from then on, the people of the Kingdom of Negan had a rapid improvement in protein intake.

The cultivation and processing of soybeans, as well as the related recipes, have benefited every citizen of the Kingdom of Negan.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

Apart from anything else, the female members of the Kingdom of Negan, whether they are members of the royal family or the most ordinary farmers, generally have a significant improvement in their physical development.

Although this has also caused confusion among men like Sogen, no man, including Sogen, would think that such confusion is a bad thing.

What's more, the army of the Kingdom of Negan now has an open habit of drinking a cup of soy milk as the most basic drink every day. As a result, this has also made them, who should have been thin, become as strong as Sogen.

Of course, not to mention Sogen, the official, his diet is all watched by Si Rui. Occasionally going on business trips for meetings, or the meals provided by the canteen of the Council Hall, can really be regarded as a step up (most of them need to pay for it themselves).

"A little fatter, huh? Speaking of which, I'm a little worried that everyone might be a little overeating..."

"Beth, that's too much. And do you think you can stop them? You know how many people have been starving before."

Thanks to the fact that the people of the Negan Kingdom are basically war refugees, most of them have experienced an extremely difficult period of food control, that is, they all rely on compressed biscuits and other special foods that taste terrible and can only guarantee the special food needed for combat work to maintain their lives.

So now, with the agricultural development of the New World becoming better and better in the addition of the geographical environment, the people who finally don't have to continue to eat the hard-to-eat compressed biscuits naturally learn from the human forces in the Eastern countries and make better meals for themselves in various ways.

Simple rice, noodles, and buns can't satisfy the stomachs of the Negan Kingdom. The Negan people who began to study dishes have all kinds of unique dishes.


Beth herself knows that, and the current Negan Kingdom has a mandatory requirement that every town must build a warehouse to store food for two years. Therefore, there is enough food in the New World to make profits in places where floods occur from time to time in the United Kingdom of Eri, or droughts often occur.

"So, try my handiwork, stuffing made from mung beans."

Stop chatting and have some midnight snacks.

After all, Beth herself had been through similar times and knew that starvation was no less than being tortured.

In the daytime of the next day, Sogen naturally took Siri, who was walking a little awkwardly, on the warship back to Marle City. After experiencing previous attacks, officials in the New World are now looking for safer ways to travel.

Among them, letting warships help pick them up is a good choice, at least the natives are not so bold to come up.

Especially the destroyer that Sogen is currently riding on, 85 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】Dense displacement, with a total length of 73.5 meters, a total width of 7.3 meters, and a draft of 2.8 meters. Under the operation of 84 naval officers, the ship can move at a speed of 55 kilometers per hour in the offshore areas of Baihe Galaxy and even the Bund of Marecheng City. In addition to its 6 single-mounted 84-meter cannons, 2 automatic beam launchers that replaced the original 37-meter cannon, and 2 6-mm-caliber self-defense machine guns, Saugen still has some confidence in it.

Of course, Thorgen himself also knows that the Navy has been praying for one thing, which is the recent use of 3 mm caliber anti-aircraft machine guns...

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