
Chapter 114: Natives who don’t know what death is



Oh no!

As the shotgun in his hand made a very smooth mechanical sound, Sogen completely ignored the screams of the five natives he had knocked down with one shot.

It has to be said that the emergence of firearms brought an end to the era when cold weapons dominated the battlefield. Just the shot he just fired would have taken five minutes of fighting with a sword, spear, axe, hammer or crossbow to kill a brave native who was not afraid of death in a Western human country still in the age of cold weapons.

At the same time, not only him, but also the Lord Minnie next to him, and even other guests and waiters in the hotel began to release various magic rays to resist.

Although the gunshots mixed in were in the minority, the bloody scene of Thorgen's Hawker shotgun falling to pieces was really exciting to every member involved in the melee.

However, he still installed a bayonet under the muzzle of the shotgun to deal with the impact of these indigenous people who did not know why they did not know or fear death.


At this time, with the sound of a cannon outside, an orange-red spark burst out from the ranks of the indigenous people, lighting up the night sky. However, the natives, whose eyes were full of bloodshot eyes and whose behavior was quite crazy, did not stop their killing behavior.

Then Sogen saw successive shells continue to fall in the middle of the indigenous people's team, but he could also hear that the shells fired by the 75mm caliber rapid-fire cannon were not very loud, but in terms of power...

What about a 75mm rapid-fire gun? Even if a continuous ammunition feeder is installed, it cannot be said that there is really a huge performance improvement.

Even if the bombed natives were indeed torn apart by the force of the shock wave and shrapnel generated by the shells, the insufficient killing radius was still an insurmountable barrier.

Therefore, this is why there are people who have been using it recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. ] The reason for the 5 mm caliber truck cannon is that he himself is also very much looking forward to having two of them that he has been using recently [To be honest, I have been using them recently, both Android and Apple. ] Come over with 5 guns.

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In any case, Yifa has been using it recently [to be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】5mm caliber grenades have far better performance than 75mm caliber artillery shells in terms of range and power.

However, when he looked at the explosion outside, it was still at a harmless level, and he knew that Ketuo City had not been using it recently [To be honest, it has been used recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】5 guns.


It was precisely because of such a painless bombardment that Sogen had no choice but to continue pointing the gun in his hand at the head of the natives who had no idea what death was.


"It seems that the shotgun in his hand needs to be improved in the future. The ammunition capacity is too small. No wonder Envita doesn't need a shotgun when he has a submachine gun."

Speaking of Enwei who spent a lot of time with his wives, Sogen himself could only lament that it was all a price. After all, those four wives were willing. Even if Enwei now has six children, he will definitely not be happy.

And if he encountered his current situation, he would probably have to shoot wildly with a submachine gun in each hand.

Dong dong dong...

But at this time, with a few more different explosions, the number of indigenous people falling increased more and more. Sogen discovered that there were still 8 people in the city who had been forced recently.

With such a good thing, the natives may have to reconsider whether to continue the attack.

"Clear all the natives on the road, block the road and run over!"

At the same time, with the roar of engines, he finally saw the armored combat vehicles from Ketuo City dispatched. The 84 mm caliber main gun normally used as a naval gun can not only fire the armor-breaking shells commonly used by the navy. When a shrapnel is fired, the road outside the back door of the hotel is filled with various broken bodies and various flesh and blood residues flying all over the sky. .

Watching these light tracked chariots with six pairs of wheels firing cannons and using parallel machine guns to slaughter the natives who finally knew the taste of death, not to mention Sogen who had loaded the bullet twice, the Lord Minnie and other travelers who were also in the hotel were all shocked. It was a relief.

To deal with the crazy natives, tracked combat vehicles, also known as tanks, are indescribably useful. He couldn't blame him for the fact that heavier tanks with larger main guns were being developed outside.

The title of King of Land War is completely deserved.

Especially now that another round of shrapnel is fired from the muzzle of the light tank, I have been using it recently. [To be honest, I have been using it recently. It can be used on Android or Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】The natives who were a few meters away turned into bloody mess again. He nodded with the two bodyguards of Lord Minnie.

Therefore, the matter finally ended under the suppression and killing of light tanks. The natives, who were not opponents at all, basically retreated towards the river. However, the light tanks of their Negan Kingdom had certain amphibious capabilities and could float across the river section of the White Galaxy where the current was not too turbulent.

Suddenly, the bodies of the indigenous people could only drift toward the eastern seaport, accompanied by their rafts and some fragments of large transport ships.

"It's finally quiet."

"Beth, are you okay?"

"That's not the case. But the natives are quite fierce. They are not afraid of our guns and spells at all. If the armored vehicles hadn't come to kill them, they would probably have fought to the death. We might have to use bayonets for close combat."

"The key to the problem is that the cavemen still haven't done their duty. Their morale is too low, and they collapse when they are attacked. Such troops can't even be qualified cannon fodder, let alone take the initiative to fight with the natives."

"Hiss... Sogen, if, I mean if, if those natives take drugs... do you think they can be used on the cavemen?"


Hearing Beth say this, Sogen naturally pondered in his mind. In order to let these cavemen who are very afraid of fighting take the lead and charge forward bravely, in addition to repeated harsh training, the best way is to take some kind of stimulant to make them brave and have no problem fighting ten people.

So after returning to the room, Mayor Minnie listened to Beth's words and began to discuss with her secretary and two bodyguards.

"But Beth, have you ever thought about another question, will the cavemen develop drug dependence?"

"With drug dependence, isn't that better? As long as they are obedient, they will have drugs to take."

It must be said that Beth's answer made Sogen admire her. Even he himself doubted whether Beth was better at being an official than himself.

She had such cruel tricks... Fortunately, she was his wife, and he was more confident in himself and the children.

"That's right. So Sogen, you should be careful when you sleep at night in the future."

"Lord Minnie, I... I... can you not ask this question?"

Compared to Sogen's embarrassment, Beth stared at him with a funny face. After all, she was married to Sogen now. Although Sogen, an official who was not doing his job, was a little belligerent, she herself had never regretted it...

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