Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 98 Su Ye decides the outcome! Everyone is united (asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 98 Su Yi decides the world! Everyone is here to help! (Please vote for me)

The next night!

The capital received an urgent report from Tianjin.

"The new army mutiny!"

Suddenly, the emperor was furious again.

What does this mean? Less than a month after Su Yi left the New Army, a mutiny broke out?

Is it because he has too much control over the army? Or are Zhaolin and Boyan incompetent?

Or is this new army too domineering?

The new army that I established against all opinions and spent millions of taels of silver to train, mutiny occurred before it was officially formed?

Then can we still want this new army?

But then, several secret notes came.

Because of the outbreak of cholera in the New Army, after these secret memorials were sent to the capital, the messenger immediately isolated himself and read out the contents of the secret memorial through a wall. The person in the next room copied it specially before sending it over.

And even so, it can't be sent directly to the palace.

Outside the palace, it needs to be recited and copied again.

After going through it three times, these secret notes were sent to the palace.

This can ensure that the secret notes sent to the palace do not have any possibility of contracting cholera.

But even so, the emperor did not read these secret memorials himself, but had people read them to him.

There are secret performances by Boyan, secret performances by Yikuang, and secret performances by five people in total.

The emperor focused on the secret memorials of Yi Kuang and Rong Lu, as well as two secret memorials with hidden nails.

Through the intersecting content of these secrets, the truth was finally pieced together.

The emperor immediately gritted his teeth.

This... this is a natural disaster, but it is also a man-made disaster.

Sporadic cholera appeared in Tianjin, but it was originally not spread to the New Army camps.

Moreover, Su Yi had constructed extremely strict defense measures in the new army. It was very difficult for any materials to enter or exit the military camp, or for anyone to enter or exit the military camp.

But after Zhaolin arrived at Xinjun, five or six large banquets were held.

Each time, chefs were found from Tianjin City, and even wine accompaniments were found.

Many prominent figures in Tianjin were invited by him to visit the New Army camp and attend banquets.

And a lot of supplies were flowing in and out like water.

The strict defensive measures that Su Yi had formulated before were suddenly thrown into disarray and were ineffective.

As a result, cholera was introduced into the new army.

Once cholera was introduced into the military camp, the consequences would be very serious, and then it began to spread.

Zhaolin and Boyan made a prompt decision to isolate those infected with cholera. And the entire military camp was immediately closed, no one was allowed in or out, and the news was completely blocked.

The cholera epidemic was finally stopped after nearly half of the population was infected.

And this small half of the people were locked directly in a large courtyard without any treatment and no one was allowed to come in or out.

Eventually the group recovered and broke out to mutiny.

"Rong Lu's secret memorial, read it to me again!" the emperor said.

Next, the eunuch Zenglu read it again.

In the end, it was absolutely certain that this was a man-made accident and had nothing to do with Su Yi.

"Asshole, incompetent, shameless!" the emperor yelled again.

"When cholera first broke out, why didn't we report it? Why didn't we report it until a mutiny broke out and we couldn't cover it up?"

"Summon Su Yi into the palace!"

More than half an hour later, a voice came from outside.

"Your Majesty, Su Yi wants to see you!"

"Let him in!"


After entering Sanxi Hall.

The emperor said: "Look at these secret memorials!"

"The new army mutinied, mutinied!"

Su Yi took five copies of the secret memorial, and after reading it once, her expression changed drastically.

Then, he immediately bowed down and said: "Your Majesty, the current situation is extremely urgent and it is not the time to hold anyone accountable."

"Now we need to calm down the incident immediately and reduce all losses to a minimum."

"I will go to the New Army immediately to calm the situation."

"I made a thousand mistakes, and they are all my fault. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Su Yi didn't admit his mistake before, but now he takes the initiative to admit it, even though it's not his fault.

The emperor was silent for a while and said: "But now that the quarantined people have rushed out, the entire New Army camp may be infected with cholera. If you go there... you will also be infected."

Su Yi didn't sensationalize, saying that the emperor's new army was more important and that the ministers should not be pity.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I will take care of myself." Su Yi said.

Then, he bowed down again and said: "I request an imperial edict to go to the Tianjin New Army immediately to calm down the incident."

The emperor said: "I give you an imperial decree and appoint you as an emergency imperial envoy to deal with the mutiny."

"We'll talk about other things later."

Su Yi: "I thank you, Lord, for your kindness."

Then, Su Yi said: "Your Majesty, I never want to see such a mutiny. They should never mutiny, but... to a certain extent, they are excusable. Please have mercy on your Majesty."

The emperor said: "We don't know the specific situation now, let's see how far they go. If something drastic really happens, don't blame me for being ruthless."

A few hours later!

Su Yi made complete preparations, led a dozen people, and rushed towards the Tianjin New Army camp with the imperial edict.


Back to the time of the mutiny, the New Army camp!

Boyan, who was extremely close to him, only saw a dark group of people rushing over.

They wanted to fight back and escape.


It was too late.

A few people were immediately drowned.

Several of Boyan's personal soldiers were killed.

The son of the dignified Prince of Khorchin was captured.

Lin Li was a radical and wanted to lead everyone to continue to charge and destroy everything.

He called on hundreds of self-healers and infected people to continue the riot.

Because they were too angry, they were incited by Lin Li after surviving the disaster, and the whole person seemed to be on fire.

The situation was about to get out of control.

The new army that was not infected was filled with fear when they saw this group of people rushing over, and instinctively wanted to raise their guns.

Once a conflict occurred, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

At this critical moment, Li Qi and Wang Tianyang rushed out.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Li Qi fired into the sky!

Suddenly, these hundreds of infected people stopped temporarily and looked at Li Qi and Wang Tianyang.

Some time ago, when they were most desperate, it was Wang Tianyang, Li Qi and others who resolutely entered the quarantine area with medicines and lived and died with them. So in their minds, Wang Tianyang, Li Qi and others were heroes and their leaders.

Li Qi took the opportunity to stand on a high place and shouted loudly.

"Brothers, brothers!"

"We want to live, but don't forget, are you going to put Yishuai in an unjust position?"

"Brothers, we are isolated in that yard, it's miserable, like hell. But the brothers outside who are not infected are not our enemies, do we want to infect them?"

"Who hurt us like this? It was Zhaolin. He broke Yishuai's rules and let cholera spread into the barracks."

"It was Boyan. He didn't care about our lives at all. He confined us in a small yard and let us wait for death inside."

"But the brothers outside who are not infected are innocent. They are our comrades."

"If we take action against them, won't it be a pain for the relatives and a joy for the enemies?"

Li Qi shouted to the new army who were not infected: "Brothers, stay away from us, don't be infected by us."

"You still have to wait for Yishuai to return."

Lin Li woke up immediately.

Yes, was he confused?

Now is the opportunity to win over all the new troops. Why should we set the uninfected and the infected against each other?

Suddenly, he shouted: "Yes, we are all new troops, and we are all brothers."

"Brothers who have been infected, stay away from the uninfected brothers."

"This time, we will only pursue the main culprit. This group of people does not treat us as human beings."

"Brothers who are not infected, these evil officials treat us like this today, and they will treat you like this tomorrow. For them, their lives are lives, and our lives are as worthless as wild dogs."

"When cholera spread, what did Zhaolin do? He lived alone in the dock area in the farthest corner, not allowing anyone to enter or leave, and he also prepared a boat, ready to escape at any time."

"What did Boyan do? He picked a dozen personal soldiers and did not allow them to come out of his yard. They were dedicated to serving him food, clothing, housing and transportation. No one else was allowed to get within twenty steps of him."

"If they had not broken the rules of the Wing Commander, how could the cholera come in?"

Li Qi immediately stopped Lin Li's words and could no longer incite hatred.

Next, he raised his hands and said: "Brothers of the new army who are not infected, you should hurry to the new recruit station. You can't stay here any longer and you can't be infected by us."

"Leave this barracks to us, just leave us some supplies, we will carry it by ourselves, and we will never implicate our brothers."

"Good brothers, listen to my advice, you must recognize people!"

Next, Li Qi shouted: "All infected brothers, all sit down where they are, don't get close to the brothers who are not infected!"

Then, Li Qi, Wang Tianyang and others took the lead and sat down.

Then, Lin Li also sat down.

Finally, hundreds of infected people and self-healers all sat down.

When the new officers and soldiers who were not infected saw this scene, they suddenly quieted down.

Ask yourself, if it were them, they would never be able to do this after suffering such a crime and escaping from death.

At this time, no one would think of ordering them to shoot.

Next, the safest thing for them is to withdraw from this barracks and move to the new recruits' camp.

Then, some officers who were not infected immediately stepped out and began to assemble their respective teams.

"Take care, brothers!"

Then, these new soldiers who were not infected withdrew from the barracks in an orderly manner and headed towards the new recruit station that had not yet been built.

Suddenly, the entire old barracks fell into the hands of Li Qi and others.

Bo Yan, the deputy commander of the new army, was directly detained by them.

Next, they began to search for Zhao Lin everywhere, but they didn't find him at all. He was nowhere to be found.

Little did they know that when the mutiny just happened, Zhao Lin had already run to the dock and escaped by boat.

Bo Yan, who was captured, looked at several people and said coldly: "You are in big trouble, a huge disaster!"

Lin Li shouted: "Imprison him and wait for the commander to come back to deal with him!"

Li Qi looked at Lin Li with a complicated look and said: "Lin Li, I don't know whether you are right or wrong, but you have caused a lot of trouble for the master."

Lin Li said: "My loyalty to Yishuai is known by heaven and earth! Most people in the world are mediocre. I will do what you dare not do!"

Wang Tianyang looked at the two of them. For a moment, he could not tell who was right and who was wrong.

He was just worried that such a big incident would affect Yishuai?

If it really affects Yishuai, then...he will die with all his might.

Lin Li is too inflammatory and cannot be stopped at all.


Su Ye led a dozen people and ran for hundreds of miles without sleep.

Because the situation was extremely urgent.

When they were still far away, the new army scouts found Su Ye.

"Yishuai, Yishuai!"

"It's not good, it's not good, there is a mutiny, they occupied the old barracks, and detained Deputy Marshal Boyan!"

Under the guidance of the new army scouts, they entered the new recruits' station.

After hearing the complete report, he closed his eyes.

Very unexpected!

Lin Li, you are awesome!

Loyalty is also true loyalty.

But your means are scary, which is also true.

And you didn't do it well enough, and your political means are not sophisticated enough.

This mutiny was really too sudden.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Li Qi and Wang Tianyang came out to prevent further deterioration.

It should be possible to save the situation.

Even if everything goes perfectly, it can develop in a better direction.

Su Ye said: "How many people came to the new recruits station, and how many people stayed in the old barracks?"

"Reporting to General Yi, there are about 1,300 people who came to the new barracks, and 800 people are still in the old barracks."

Su Ye said: "All troops assemble!"

After a while, more than a thousand new troops were assembled.

At the critical moment, there was no fighting between the new troops, which was good.

Su Ye looked at the more than a thousand people and shouted: "Where are the military doctors?"

Thirty military doctors came out immediately.

Su Ye said: "Leave five military doctors in the new barracks to prepare for possible cholera infection. The remaining 25 people, all follow me to the old barracks to treat illnesses and save lives."

"This is an order. Those who disobey will be killed!"

"As for which five people to stay, draw lots to decide."

"In addition, I need a group of volunteers, only 30 people, follow me back to the old barracks to save people together."

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Marshal Yi, the old barracks are now full of infected people.

You, as the commander, you actually want to take the initiative to go.

This... this will be infected.

Su Ye did not say any sensational words, just quietly waiting.

Anyway, as the commander, he will be the first to go in.

Suddenly, the first person stood up.

The second.

The third.

The fourth!

In the end, fifty-nine people stood up.

Su Ye said: "I only need thirty people. Don't worry. I have prepared the most comprehensive protection for you."

"All the soldiers who stay in the new recruits' camp, ten people in a room, all stay in their dormitories and are not allowed to go out!"

"Follow the epidemic prevention measures completely. Stop the training for the next period of time."

Su Ye selected thirty people and twenty-five military doctors, and got on the horse.

Headed towards the old barracks.

All of a sudden, all the new officers and soldiers looked at Su Ye's back and were silent.

At this time, silence is better than a thousand words.


The reason why Su Ye only needed thirty volunteers was that he only prepared protective clothing for less than sixty people.

It was a very primitive protective clothing made of silk, covering from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

Two pieces of glass were inlaid in the eyes.

During this period, glass products were relatively common and the price was not so high.

Although the transparency was not excellent, it was enough. Although cholera is basically not transmitted through the respiratory tract, the environment is too bad, and the risk of infection from feces and body fluids is not small. Just in case, it is better to put on protective clothing directly.

When Su Ye appeared in the old barracks with his men.

Although his whole body was covered in protective clothing, he wore a military uniform outside the protective clothing for obvious identification.

All the infected people were stunned, and then their bodies became hot and tears flowed out.

Yi Shuai!

Yi Shuai!

At this time, the entire old barracks was already full of cholera.

Yi Shuai, unexpectedly... came in again.

"Yi Shuai, go, go out quickly." Li Qi shouted.

"Yi Shuai, we are satisfied if you can come back to see us." Lin Li shouted.

"Yi Shuai, if you are infected, we will be blamed for your death!" Wang Tianyang shouted.

Then, someone shouted: "Yi Shuai, you... are you here to catch us?"


Su Ye still did not give any speeches, nor did he comfort them, but he did not scold them, just glanced at them.

"Where is the quarantine location?"

Lin Li, Wang Tianyang, and Li Qi turned pale.

Wang Tianyang knelt down and trembled: "Master, did we do something wrong again? Did we cause you trouble again?"

Li Qi kowtowed and said: "Master, did something wrong?"

Su Ye sighed and said: "You two, at the critical moment, stopped the situation from getting worse, which is good."

Lin Li's face turned pale and he knelt down and said: "Wing Marshal, did I...did I do something wrong?"

Did Lin Li do something wrong?

He was absolutely loyal, but his methods were too drastic.

Su Yi stepped forward, put it on his head and said, "I will do my best to save you, and I will do my best to save you. If I can save you, I will teach you a lesson later!"

"However, the top priority now is to treat the infected brothers. No more deaths can be allowed."

Then, Su Yi walked directly towards the courtyard where the patients were isolated.

Lin Li was still kneeling on the ground, looking at the sky, and said tremblingly: "I...did I do something wrong? Did I do something wrong?"


Su Yi entered the isolated courtyard directly.

Suddenly, Su Yi was completely frightened by the environment inside, and the circles in Su Yi's eyes became hot.

Is this hell?

Feces was everywhere, and hundreds of infected people were lying there, some with vomiting and diarrhea, and some in agony.

And some people are already dead.

Zhaolin damn it!

Cholera was not supposed to turn out like this.

Can we blame them for a mutiny under such circumstances?

The patients in the isolation area were once again shocked when they saw Su Yi.

Is Shuai Yi here?

This place is like hell, but Yi Shuai is really here?

Zhaolin and Boyan did not treat us as human beings, but locked us in here directly, leaving us to fend for ourselves, and we were miserable.

And as soon as Yi Shuai came back, he actually came to see us?

"Shuai Yi, get out quickly, get out quickly!"

"Shuai Yi, you will be infected, get out quickly!"

Su Yi looked at the group of people and said hoarsely: "I'm sorry, brothers, I'm late!"

The group of patients looked at Su Yi and fell silent after hearing these words.

Then, some people just burst into tears.

"Shuai Yi, if you can come and see us, it's worth it to us, it's worth it to us!"


Next, Su Yi acted vigorously and resolutely!

Disperse all the patients.

According to the severity level, they are divided into different dormitory areas.

Then, organize some of the people who have recovered on their own and ask them to clean up all the feces and clean up the environment of the entire barracks.

There is no particularly good treatment for cholera, and penicillin is of little use.

However, as long as the symptoms are overcome, the fatality rate is actually not high.

The most important thing is to replenish electrolyte water, replenish salt water, and maintain a clean environment.

In the following time, Su Yi and dozens of military doctors worked around the clock.

Prepare enough nutritious meat porridge.

Prepare enough hot water.

Enough salt water, and his homemade electrolyte water.

Ensure that every patient can be cared for.

Make sure they maintain basic decency. Whenever they have vomiting or diarrhea, someone will rush over and change them into clean clothes.

During this time, Su Yi talked to every patient.

Take care of everyone with your own hands.

I even changed clothes full of filth for many people.

Then, everything was worth a thousand words.

During this period, Su Yi's figure was engraved in everyone's heart.


In the past few days, Su Yi had lost a lot of weight. Her eye circles were sunken and her eyeballs were red.

"Moro, how much porridge did you drink today?"

"How many times have you vomited and how many times have you had a bowel movement?"

"You look much better." Su Yi stepped forward, touched his forehead and said, "Do you have a fever?"

As a result, this Moreau began to sob.

The crying became more and more sad, and finally the whole person burst into tears.

He knelt down on the bed and cried loudly: "Shuai Yi, you go ahead and scold me, go ahead and hit me!"

"I'm not a human being, I'm not a human being!"

"Zhaolin and the others wooed me, and I actually agreed. I actually agreed."

"I'm not a human..."

"Commander Yi, from now on I am yours. If you give me an order, I will go through fire and water without hesitation. If you have any objections, let me be shattered into pieces and die without a burial place!"

Others in the same room were infected and knelt down and said: "From now on, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Su Yi did not speak, but lightly patted his shoulder and said, "Don't talk about these things, take good care of your health."

I don’t know how many times I have experienced this situation.

After experiencing this disaster, the New Army was almost no longer divided into the Eight Banners and the New Peasants' Army.

Everyone experienced life and death at one time, rebelled together, and imprisoned the commander together.

Let’s help each other together.

After experiencing this disaster, the entire New Army will undergo its first transformation.

But this storm is not over.

He must use all his strength to help the new army survive this mutiny crisis.


In the past few days, Su Yi kept saving people and comforting every patient.

It took four or five days for the situation to stabilize.

He finally had time to see Boyan.

"Brother Su Yi, you are fine." Boyan lost a lot of weight and his beard grew very long.

Su Yi said: "Prince Boyan, you have suffered."

Boyan looked at Su Yi and said, "Brother Su Yi, you won, but you didn't win!"

"During this period, you have been working hard to win over people's hearts, and you have been working hard to cure diseases and save people. You have won over the hearts of the entire New Army. From now on, no one can shake your position in the New Army."

Su Yi smiled bitterly and said: "Of course I hope to win over the new army, but...not in this way."

Boyan said: "Everything you did was in vain, because after all, there was a mutiny. They imprisoned me, the deputy commander, and Master Zhaolin does not know whether he is alive or dead."

"Brother Su Yi, you are very talented. You are indeed the best I have ever seen."

"This mutiny is different from Zeng Guofan's. It happened on the edge of the capital, right under the emperor's nose. The court cannot tolerate it, and neither can the emperor."

"Either kill all the hundreds of soldiers who participated in the mutiny."

"There will even be countless courtiers who suggest disbanding the New Army."

"In this mutiny, they imprisoned me, the deputy commander, and killed five of my soldiers."

"Of course, the most important thing is that Lord Zhaolin is missing and his life or death is uncertain. He is an imperial envoy sent by the emperor, the co-organizer of the new army, and the father of Empress Lianbi."

"So Brother Su Yi, I advise you not to do useless work. It's useless."

"Master Zhaolin is an imperial envoy and represents the emperor's face. Whether he is dead or missing, it is a huge sin."

"So I advise brother Su Yi to think about how to explain to the emperor and how to survive this mutiny crisis!"

"Don't waste your efforts on these hundreds of people. They will definitely be killed if they participate in the mutiny."

At this moment, a cry of surprise came from outside.

"Yishuai, Yishuai!"

"There are enemies, coming from the sea!"

Su Yi and Boyan couldn't help being surprised.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally here.

Then, the two stood on a high place and looked towards the sea. .

They are all densely packed with pirate warships and I don’t know how many people there are.

It's constantly approaching.

Su Yi and Boyan took the telescopes respectively.

Boyan took one look and was stunned.

Because... the person standing on the bow of the pirate flagship is Lord Zhaolin, isn't it?

Co-organizer of the New Army.

He, why did he go to the pirates?

Moreover, he was still shouting something, but it was too far away to hear clearly.

Su Yi also saw clearly in the telescope, wasn't the pirate next to Lord Zhaolin none other than Hei Gong?

He changed his mask at this time, and it was that of a ferocious ghost.

Then, as the pirate ship got closer and closer.

Everyone heard clearly immediately.

Zhaolin, the New Army co-organizer, waved a white flag in his hand and shouted loudly.

"I am the co-organizer of the New Army. I order you to give up your weapons and not to make any resistance."

"I am Zhaolin, the co-organizer of the New Army, and I order you to surrender!"

For a moment, Boyan almost fainted.


Note: This is the first update. I can’t think of words to ask for monthly votes. I can only kowtow to my benefactors!

Thank you for your monthly pass! Thanks!

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