Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 94: Su Ye's military method kills people with great force! Imperial decree!

Chapter 94 Su Ye's military law! Killing heads rolling! Imperial edict!

The fight is over.

The officers and soldiers of Tianjin Green Camp began to flee.

Su Ye shouted: "If you want to flee, carry all your wounded away."

The other party was slightly stunned.

Then they tried to return and carry away the wounded.

After confirming that Su Ye's side did not continue to attack, they came back one after another and carried away all the wounded.

They came quickly and left quickly.

Did we win?

We won!

More than a thousand peasant recruits were unbelievable at first, and then burst into cheers.

We really won.

Although many people were injured, they were all in high spirits, taking the opportunity to be in the joy of victory.

Victory is the most inspiring.

Victory is also the most cohesive.

"The Marshal is mighty!"

"The Marshal will win!"

More than a thousand recruits cheered.

At the last moment, Boyan and others who jumped down from the wall had pale faces and looked extremely ugly.

It was unimaginable that Su Ye could win in such a situation.

And he won so thoroughly. The Tianjin Green Camp was simply a complete waste.


In the training ground, there was a murderous aura!

Two hundred new army officers and soldiers who did not leave the camp to participate in the battle at the last moment were surrounded in the middle.

All of them were Boyan's men.

The highest-ranking one among them was Soloren, the temporary commander of the cavalry battalion, a Manchu noble.

Su Ye's face was full of frost.

Pointing at Zhaobu and the four new army soldiers whose legs and feet were broken.

"Who are they? They are your comrades!"

"They had their legs and hands broken, and were paraded through the streets, and you just stood on the wall and watched coldly?"

"When your comrades are in trouble, you stand by and do not help them. Is this how you serve in the army?"

"Although I did not recruit you, have I ever treated you harshly? Have I ever been unfair to you?"

"Whoever fights side by side with me is my brother. But where were you when I led the army to fight just now?"

"According to military law, those who do not help others in danger shall be beheaded!"

"Those who do not go to battle shall be beheaded!"

"Those who disobey military orders shall be beheaded!"

"I said that those who still do not leave the camp to fight after three drums of war shall be beheaded!"

"Since the establishment of the new army, I have repeatedly said that military orders are as heavy as mountains, but you don't seem to care much."

"You dare to disobey the orders of my commander-in-chief!"

"Since you want to die, I will grant your wish!"

When these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

This... these are exactly 200 people?

They account for one tenth of the new army.

Are you going to kill them all?

"Come on, kill all these two hundred people!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience changed color.

These two hundred new soldiers immediately shouted loudly: "General Yi, spare us!"

"General Yi, spare us!"

"Please spare us this time, we will never dare to do it again, never again."

The deputy commander of the new army, Boyan, also stepped out and bowed, saying: "General Yi, please consider that this is their first time and pardon their death penalty."

Su Ye ignored him and shouted: "Where is the law enforcement team? Execute!"

Bai Qi rushed forward with hundreds of people.

Three people in a group directly pressed more than 30 disobedient new soldiers to the ground.


With an order.

Thirty heads were chopped off directly.

The remaining more than 100 people saw that Su Ye was not trying to scare them, but really kill them.

Suddenly, they were desperate and shouted loudly: "Brothers, fight them, fight them."

"Brothers of the Eight Banners, Su Ye is eliminating dissidents and taking the opportunity to kill people, come with us, and rebel against him!"

However, the remaining 800 Eight Banners new soldiers did not move.

Are you kidding? It's not us who are dying. Do you want to drag us to death?

The remaining more than 100 disobedients actually started to fight desperately. Some fled desperately, and some rushed towards Su Ye.

Su Ye raised his hand!

Suddenly, 39 mercenaries raised Minié rifles.





At such a close distance, it is almost certain to hit.

These disobedient recruits who rushed up fell to the ground like wheat.

Then, nearly 100 soldiers under Wang Tianyang raised their bows and crossbows.

Shooting in unison!

Dozens of rifles and dozens of crossbows took turns shooting.

In an instant, the rebellion of more than 100 people was put out.

The remaining dozens of people all knelt on the ground motionless.

The law enforcement team stepped forward, tied up each person one by one, stripped them of their clothes, knelt on the ground, and stretched their necks.

And even those who had been killed or injured were tied up one by one, and even if they were shot to death, they had to be beheaded again.

"Su Ye, you can't kill me!" Suddenly, the temporary commander of the cavalry battalion, Suo Luoren, said: "I am the light car captain, my title is higher than yours, I am the third-class guard of the emperor, and I am the cavalry commander appointed by the emperor, you can't kill me."

At that time, the emperor gave Su Ye one-third of the vacant official position, and Su Ye had the right to recommend the remaining two-thirds.

And the officials who were actually appointed by the emperor were very few.

Yixin was a special commissioner in charge of appropriations.

Boyan was the second in command of the new army.

Next, it was Suo Luoren's turn, so this one was obviously very valued by the emperor.

Su Ye said angrily: "You are the guard beside the emperor, and you are personally appointed by the emperor. How important is this? You don't want to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, but you are passive and lazy, disobeying military orders. Are you worthy of the emperor's painstaking efforts?"

Yi Xin next to him stepped forward and said: "Wing Marshal, Suoloren was personally appointed by the emperor after all, so don't kill him first. How about asking for permission?"

Bo Yan, Ronglu and others nodded in agreement.

Facing a person like Suoloren, Su Ye didn't want to kill him.

But there is no way, he is just stubborn and fearless.

Su Ye finally planned this opportunity to enforce military law.

It is to let everyone know that military law is like a mountain.

Killing people today is to avoid killing people in the future.

If you let Suoloren go, wouldn't all your previous efforts be wasted.

Su Ye, your military law is not as good as a mountain, it also depends on the person.

Suororen seemed to sense hope and continued to shout: "Su Ye, you can't kill me, because the emperor has given me the right to make secret reports. If you kill me, you will deliberately eliminate the emperor's eyes and ears."

When these words came out, the faces of the whole audience changed.

Suororen's words were even more coercive to Suororen.

Suororen stepped forward, put his hand on Suororen's shoulder, and said slowly: "Military orders are like mountains, there is no exception!"

"I will personally send you on your way!"

Then, he suddenly drew out his sword.

He slashed at Suororen's neck!


Blood splashed everywhere.

Suororen's head rolled off.

The whole audience was shocked.

This...this...this is the emperor's personal appointment.

"Behead!" Suororen shouted again.

The law enforcement team once again raised their swords and beheaded the last batch of those who violated the military order!

So far, all 189 people have been executed!

The whole training ground was stained with blood!

"I hope all of you will remember this scene today."

"We are the new army, the new army that belongs only to the emperor. Anyone who disobeys the military order must die!"

"No exceptions!"

Almost all the new soldiers stayed awake that night.


From then on!

The new army's atmosphere changed drastically.

No one dared to disobey Su Ye's military orders anymore.

All the new soldiers of the Eight Banners looked at Su Ye with fear. No longer dared to collude privately, or even say bad things about Su Ye, for fear of being reported.

No one dared to be negative even if the training was hard. They could only grit their teeth and endure the high-intensity training every day.

Then, unknowingly, everyone became stronger.

Stronger endurance.

More strength.

Tougher willpower.

Lineups and conduct became more orderly and solemn.

The aura of a strong and sturdy army gradually took shape.

Su Ye took advantage of this wave of residual power and directly adjusted the army, mixing the new peasant army and the new Eight Banners army, no longer clearly distinguishing them.

Instead, they were completely broken up, with each other in their own.

From then on, there was only the new army.

There was no new peasant army or new Eight Banners army.

Of course, even so, they were still divided into two camps, and they still clung to each other.

There was no way, and nothing could be done overnight.

Then, Su Ye announced another order.

Two months later, a comprehensive assessment will be conducted.

All officers below the rank of magistrate will be appointed based on the assessment results.

Even if they are temporary officers now, they will be eliminated as long as their assessment results do not meet the standards.

The mediocre will be demoted, and the capable will be promoted!

If it were in the past, it would cause great dissatisfaction.

But now, no one dares to disobey orders. Even Boyan can only obey.

So, whether it is the new army of the Eight Banners or the new army of peasant origin.

They train like crazy every day.

Those who have already become officials don't want to lose their positions, which is too shameful, and the income of officers is completely different from that of regular soldiers.

And those who were originally soldiers also see the hope of promotion.

Everyone is training and full of motivation.

The entire new army has begun to involute.

For modern society, involuntariness is cruel.

But for the new army, involuntariness can make it strong.


"Wing Marshal, now the entire new army is full of absolute awe for you, and will never dare to disobey your orders again." Colonel William said: "But awe alone is not enough to make a first-class commander, you also need love, their love from the heart."

Of course, Su Ye knew that only by being full of awe and love for the commander can you get twice the result with half the effort on the battlefield.

However, love requires an opportunity.

Next, Su Ye opened a new army school, and he himself became the principal.

There are three courses in total.

Loyalty to the emperor, political structure, and military theory.

The instructors under Ting Ren and the outstanding representatives of the new army are the first batch of students.

Colonel William and the Western mercenaries were originally reluctant to attend this class.

But it was too boring in the military camp, so they came to listen to a few classes.

Then, they could never go back.

Su Ye's course is the most professional and advanced.

Because this is not just his own content, but the information packaged by Fu Ba Mei, Su Ye digested it by himself first, and then taught everyone.

Many of the courses here are from the world's top military academies.

There are a lot of modern military theories, actual combat analysis, etc.

Colonel William and the mercenaries were fascinated and their eyes were opened.

So, Su Ye opened another class, and taught in English.

In this kind of teaching, Su Ye gained the first batch of admirers.

They were the cultural teachers under Ting Ren. These twenty or so people were all failures in the imperial examinations and were worried about not finding a future.

Su Ye gave them a future.

And tailored relevant courses for them.

He also used the world political structure to broaden their horizons.

Although they didn't understand, they felt it was great.

Especially when Su He taught the Western officers in English, they felt that Su Ye was like a man from heaven.

Yi Shuai even knew Western words, and he completely convinced these Western officers who were arrogant.

So, even though they didn't understand English, they came to listen every time.

Su Ye felt their admiration and immediately approached them.

They often talked by candlelight at night and talked all night.

Sometimes, he just lived in their dormitory.

This group of people is very important and will become the political commissars of the new army in the future.

However, the current theory is not enough to support the position of political commissar.

The timing is not right.

However, it is enough to let them brainwash the new army and do psychological massage.

Next, these dozens of cultural teachers, encouraged by Su Ye, also began to conduct light military training.

Then, this group of people began to try to enter the army.

In the name of literacy class, educate this group of new soldiers.

Su Ye repeatedly emphasized that we should not output opinions to the new army first, but make friends first and listen to them first.

Heart-to-heart communication is the most important.

What are their troubles, what ideals, and so on.

In addition, there is another most important thing, which is to help these new soldiers write letters home.

After establishing trust, help the new soldiers take some military pay home and help them visit their parents.


Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Su Ye can clearly feel that his new army is becoming more regular and powerful day by day.

And Boyan and others have not made trouble since the last setback.

They have been waiting for the emperor's order. Su Ye has caused such a big disaster in a series of events. Will the emperor not punish him?

More than a month has passed.

The emperor's order has not arrived yet.

The first assessment of the new army went smoothly.

After fair and just scoring.

The first batch of real officers was born, although they were below the rank of captain (company commander).

At this level, Su Ye does not have the final say.

But it is enough. Officers below the rank of captain can truly control the army.

Su Ye solemnly awarded medals to this first batch of real officers.

Fifty percent of the officers born in this first assessment came from the original Eight Banners New Army, and thirty percent came from the Peasant New Army.

The other twenty percent were all from Wang Tianyang's escorts. This ratio is already very remarkable. This group of people are all Su Ye's most direct and loyal.

Su Ye personally put on epaulettes and military caps for each officer.

"Thank you, Marshal Yi, for your cultivation!"

"Thank you, Marshal Yi, for your cultivation!"

"Thank you, Marshal Yi, for your cultivation!"

At this moment, every officer looked at Su Ye with a fiery and loving gaze.

Because Su Ye was completely fair and just.

Especially the people of the Eight Banners New Army, they were afraid that they would be targeted and suppressed.

Because in their opinion, they were not Su Ye's own people.

But in the end, there was no suppression at all, and they were treated equally.

Many of the Eight Banners New Army began to think, why should we be loyal to Prince Boyan?

Why not be loyal to Su Ye?

This general is fair and strict, has outstanding abilities, and is also the emperor's favorite.

Since you have been in the army, have you ever met someone who pays you in full? Have you ever met someone who doesn't take any blood from the soldiers? Doesn't use power for personal gain?

Even Prince Boyan is employing private individuals.

Although we were recruited by Prince Boyan, many of us were ordinary soldiers.

Those officers either have a good background or are close to Prince Boyan.

In this round of assessment, many officers were directly dismissed and replaced by new recruits with excellent grades.

This group of people found that they could only become officials in a fair and just environment.

They were just ordinary Eight Banners, without background and money.

Only by following Marshal Su Ye can they have a future.

And Su Ye's education officer seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and attacked immediately.

Conduct psychological massage one by one.

Look, were you stupid before?

Still want to oppose the Marshal? Wouldn't that be hard on your own future?

Look at the Marshal, for his soldiers, he is willing to be punished on his behalf.

For his soldiers, he dared to kill the guerrilla general of Tianjin Green Camp and break the hands and feet of the lieutenant general.

When Tianjin Green Camp came to kill, where was Boyan? It was still Marshal Su Ye who rushed up first.

Such a good commander, you don't follow, are you stupid?


So, in this atmosphere.

The order of the new army was gradually established.

Boyan found that he was gradually losing the power of the new army.

Although Su Ye did not suppress him or target him at all.

But inexplicably, his power and reputation were gradually lost.

The new soldiers of the Eight Banners that he had personally recruited before also gradually stopped supporting him.

The eyes of the Eight Banners recruits looking at Su Yi became more and more intense.

Ever since Su Yi beheaded 200 people last time, his cold and solemn face seemed to have disappeared again.

Instead, there was another face that loved soldiers as much as sons.

So Su Yi said before that he didn't care at all about Boyan seizing power.

Because all these things about the New Army were written by Su Yi, they couldn't really understand the underlying logic.

They don't understand the new system, which is completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

As long as Su Yi builds a fair and just new army order, he will benefit more and more from it.

And these vested interests in a just order will begin to support this order.

Anyone who wants to harm their interests will become their enemy.

To maintain the new order is to protect coach Su Yi.

Wait until the new system and new order are fully mature.

Wait until Su Yi and New Order are completely equal.

The new army is Su Yi, and Su Yi is the new army.

What can never be taken away again.


And at this time.

The eunuchs from the palace arrived at the new army camp.

"The Emperor has a decree to summon Su Yi to the capital for an audience. I appreciate this!"

Su Yi sighed, this day finally came.

So, he went to Beijing overnight!


Yangxin Hall, inside Sanxi Hall.

The emperor coughed, a habit he had a long time ago.

Every year after winter, he would cough.

And it gets worse every year, and this year it's even worse, with a heart-wrenching cough.

He didn't know that in a few years, he would die of consumption.

Although it has not yet developed into tuberculosis, his lungs have been problematic for a long time.

"Isn't Su Yi here yet?" the emperor asked.

Zenglu said: "Not yet, Your Majesty."

The emperor coughed a few more times, and then continued to read the book.

In front of him, memorials piled up.

His face was livid and his eyes were filled with anger.

About half an hour later, a voice came from outside.

"Your Majesty, Su Yi, would like to see you."

"Call!" said the emperor.

After a while, Su Yi entered Sanxi Hall.

"I see your Majesty, long live my Emperor!"

The emperor looked at the dusty Su Ye on the ground and said slowly: "Su Ye, do you think I can be bullied?"

Su Yi said: "I don't dare."

The emperor picked up a memorial and threw it directly in front of Su Yi.

"This belongs to Shen Baozhen."

"This belongs to Zeng Guofan."

"This belongs to Peng Yulin."

"This belongs to Luo Bingzhang."

"You killed Zhang Yuzhao in front of everyone in Shanghai. You are so majestic!"

"Now officials from Hubei, Hunan, and Jiangxi provinces are participating in your investigation."

"I have suppressed these memorials." The emperor said: "These memorials came two months ago. Being impeached by several feudal officials, ordinary people have been unable to sleep for a long time, but you are calm and calm, why? "

"Even though I was protecting you with all my strength, even though you killed Zhang Yuzhao, I didn't blame you and didn't want to disturb you in training the new army."

"Because I have great expectations for the new army and you."

"That's why you can stay in Tianjin to train troops safely, and even the money and food will be paid for you."

Then, the emperor threw over a second wave of memorials.

"This belongs to the prefect of Tianjin."

"This belongs to the Tianjin General Soldier."

"This belongs to General Tianjin."

"This is under the direct control of the governor."

"This belongs to the Ministry of War."

"This belongs to the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

"It's all your fault. You, Su Yi, are so majestic. You are the butler of the Governor of Zhili, and you will kill him whenever you ask him to."

"If you say to interrupt the hands and feet of the Tianjin guerrilla generals, interrupt them."

"You fought with Tianjin Green Camp, killing dozens of others and injuring hundreds. You broke the hands and feet of Tianjin General."

"What do you want to do? What do you want to do?"

"If it had been anyone else, I would have sent someone to get it."

"But I've also helped you suppress these twists and turns."

"Because I really believe in you and respect you, and they were wrong first."

The emperor then coughed violently and his handkerchief started to bleed.

Su Yi quickly stepped forward to pat the emperor on the back.

"Go away!" the emperor said angrily.

Eunuch Zenglu hurriedly stepped forward to appease the emperor and poured him a cup of ginseng tea.

After the emperor drank it, he felt a little better.

"Su Yi, I don't think I don't respect you, right? I don't think I don't protect you, right?" The emperor said, "How did you repay me in the end?"

"Two hundred and eight flag soldiers, kill them all if you say so!"

"I personally appointed the commander of the New Army Cavalry Battalion, and I will kill him even if you ask him to."

"That is my personal seal, my personal seal."

"Soloren's title is higher than yours, and he has been my third-class bodyguard for several years. You are also killed."

"Su Yi, he has already said that he has the right to secretly report. Even if he is half an imperial envoy, did you take me seriously when you killed him?"

"Of course, even so, I am still willing to give you a chance and wait for you to explain and apologize in person."

"What's the result?"

"I've been waiting for two whole months, but I still haven't received your confession."

"You only make mistakes every three days, yet you don't even acknowledge your mistake or apologize at all!"

"So, I have to send someone to invite you here in person." The emperor pointed at Su Ye and said, "All of these are huge crimes. I give you this opportunity to convince me in person."

"Su Ye, if you can't convince me today, then you don't have to be the commander of the new army."

"Take off your official hat with a flower feather. Take off your official robe!"

"Go ahead!"


Note: The first update is here. I have to write all night again. I feel helpless.

The monthly tickets from the benefactors are my biggest motivation to keep fighting. Please, everyone. I thank you with cakes!

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