Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 90 Zhang Yuzhao died tragically! Massacred!

This side of the dock warehouse.

Sailors and Hunan troops are loading boxes of goods onto the freighter.

The move will be completed soon, and then the final payment will be made.

Then, Zhang Yuzhao received a message that Su Yi was leading more than 200 people towards the dock.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Is Su Yi crazy?

Is this Shanghai?

This is a concession. Although strictly speaking, this terminal warehouse is not within the scope of the lease, Western cargo ships have docked here for a long time.

Moreover, the major shareholder behind this warehouse is also a British company.

Therefore, everyone agreed that this area also belonged to the British sphere of influence.

How powerful are the British? Others don’t know, but you, Su Yi, don’t know?

This is the true world overlord, the empire on which the sun never sets.

If you, Su Yi, do this, it will cause a serious diplomatic incident.

You are a complete lunatic.

"How far away are Su Yi's people?" Zhang Yuzhao asked.

"It's about ten miles away from Wusongkou Pier," the subordinate said.

"Speed ​​up the transportation, ask everyone to start setting up defenses, and send someone to notify the British concession." Zhang Yuzhao ordered.


Suddenly, several fast horses galloped out.

Some of them monitored Su Yi's actions, while others rushed towards the British Concession.

Zhang Yuzhao said to Colonel William and other 20 officers: "Mr. Colonel, Su Yi is crazy and leading a group of gangsters to attack us. As our hired officers, please fight alongside me."

Colonel William said: "I am very sorry. I am very sorry for the internal conflict in your country, but we strictly abide by neutrality."

Then, Colonel William led 20 officers and evacuated the warehouse directly, but did not go far. Instead, he went to the tallest building a few hundred meters away. With a telescope, he overlooked the entire battle situation from a high position.

"We just take this opportunity to watch the battle between two backward teams in this ancient country." Colonel William said: "Who wants red wine?"


Su Yi led two hundred and dozens of people and began to mask their faces.

Everyone was masked and had red cloth tied on their sleeves.

He was at the front.

Although he is masked, his personal characteristics are very obvious, because there are not many people as tall as him, and he is also carrying a huge bow.

The distance to Wusongkou Pier is getting closer and closer.

Zhang Yuzhao's scouts are also distributed on various rooftops, delivering news all the time.

"Su Yi's team is still five miles away from Wusongkou Pier!"

"Su Yi's team is still three miles away from the dock."

Next, there is no need to report.

Because Zhang Yuzhao saw it.

Even in the dark night, even if the moonlight is not bright, you can still see dense crowds of figures rushing over quickly.

About two hundred people.

In the dark night, more than two hundred people moved forward, full of strange beauty.

An army is not like an army, and gangs are not like gangs.

There is a hint of dark romance in the chilling atmosphere.

Inside the dock warehouse, the Hunan Army camp officers kept shouting.

"Everyone in your place!"

"Don't move, don't panic!"

"Wait until the enemy gets close, then fight!"

"Kill an enemy and get a reward of one hundred taels of silver!"

"Capture Su Yi and reward you with five thousand taels of silver!"

As soon as this reward came out, the Hunan army and bodyguards in the warehouse were immediately excited and crazy.

Kill an individual for a hundred taels? !

This reward is so crazy.

How can there be such a high bounty on a normal battlefield?

But Zhang Yuzhao gave this price.

Suddenly, there were five hundred guards in the entire dock and warehouse, and their morale was extremely high.

Several warehouses throughout the dock, all high places, all have shooting points.

All key positions are guarded.

Although time was very tight, Zhang Yuzhao's 500 men still relied on the favorable terrain to build a solid defense line.

The defending side has twice as many troops and more weapons than the attacking side, giving it a huge advantage.

Li Zhenglin, the camp officer of the Hunan Army, said: "Master Zhang, we must win this battle. Su Yi is here to die! If we can't win this kind of battle, the general will not have the dignity to live in this world."


At this time, Colonel William, who was watching the battle from the highest point a few hundred meters away, also saw Su Yi's team in the telescope.

In particular, he saw Su Yi's huge bow.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hans, you once said that you admire Sir Su Yi very much, right?" Colonel William asked.

Hans said: "Yes, I even want to disobey the order and go directly to Sir Su Yi to join his team."

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

Of the twenty officers present, fully half took a stand.

Because three days ago, Su Yi's performance completely stunned them.

"We have retired. Who we choose to serve is our freedom in a sense." Lieutenant Colonel Hans said: "I believe Sir Su Yi is very happy to pay Sir Henry the liquidated damages for our sake."

Colonel William said: "I used to think so too, but I don't think so now. Look, is there any more stupid battle than this?"

Then he handed the telescope to Lieutenant Colonel Hans.

After Lieutenant Colonel Hans saw it, he suddenly felt like his idol had been shattered.

"What is Sir Su Yi doing? Is he crazy? Is he crazy?"

"That's not how wars are fought."

"The enemy has five hundred defenders, and they occupy a favorable position, completely waiting for work."

"Sir Su Yi's people do not exceed three hundred at most, and they are still a mob."

"You're going to lose, you're going to lose!"

Colonel William said: "What's even more ridiculous is that he completely gathered these two to three hundred people together. So it's not like fighting, but more like performing on the stage. I heard that he likes Shakespeare, it seems that he treats fighting It’s like a stage play.”

"He was blinded by anger, and he also had a strong desire to perform and strong personal heroism."

"There are a total of five hundred people on Zhang Yuzhao's side, including at least two hundred professional troops."

"As for Sir Su Yi, there is basically no professional army anymore. It is a combination of mercenaries, vagrants, ruffians, and hooligans."

"His core consists of only thirty Western mercenaries, and the rest are all hooligans, armed with all kinds of weapons, including the oldest muskets, bows and arrows, spears and broadswords."

"He didn't understand the battlefield at all, but he completely mistook it for a street fight."

"It seems that all our hopes are dashed. He is not a good commander."

"This battle is destined to be lost!"

Then, many officers sighed.


"Master Zhang, Su Yi's army is one mile away."

"Su Yi's army is half a mile away!"

"Su Yi's team has stopped."

"They started to get into formation."

With a distance of 200 to 300 meters, Su Yi's more than 200 people began to arrange their formation.

Immediately afterwards, both sides fell into a brief silence!

After a while, Su Yi suddenly shouted loudly.


Suddenly, a battle broke out!

More than 200 people on Su Yi's side opened fire at the warehouse area.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Various weapons, firing simultaneously.

Ancient musket.

Bow and arrow.

Wait, wait.

"Counterattack!" Zhang Yuzhao ordered.

All five hundred men under his command also opened fire.

Their situation is much better because they have at least 200 professional troops with uniform weapons.

But it is difficult to hit the target even though there are densely packed buildings separated by 200 to 300 meters.


A strange scene appeared.

Both sides opened fire on each other.

The sound was violent and the fire was radiating.

But...there were almost no casualties.

Colonel William and others were watching the battle from a high place, and suddenly felt that this was a big joke.

Is this how Easterners fight?

This is almost as good as the native Africans.

But, just at this time.

Casualties appeared.

It turned out to be caused by bows and arrows.

A tall figure, holding the huge bow and arrow, began to shoot the opponent.

"Sir Su Yi's bows and arrows are still full of lethality, but on this battlefield, they look particularly ridiculous!"

At this time, Su Yi's thirty Western mercenaries also began to show off their power.

They began to instinctively look for battlefield positions and wait for opportunities to eliminate their opponents.

Zhang Yuzhao quickly discovered Su Yi's Western mercenaries and immediately dispatched the Hunan Army to suppress them with three or four times the force.

The Hunan Army is still very effective and occupies a favorable position.

In an instant, the twenty or thirty mercenaries on Su Yi's side were completely suppressed and unable to move.

However, the casualties were still small.

Because it was night after all, even though there were torches and moonlight, the hit rate was still greatly reduced.

Next, Zhang Yuzhao discovered that among the two hundred or so people on Su Yi's side, the only ones with real combat effectiveness were the thirty Western mercenaries.

So, he once again increased his troops, using a full 150 men to suppress the opponent with all his strength.

Under this intensive firepower.

The thirty mercenaries on Su Yi's side soon suffered casualties.

After all, they are mercenaries. They are paid to fight, but they don't have to sacrifice their lives.

Once the battle situation becomes passive, this group of mercenaries will soon have the intention to retreat.

It doesn't matter if they retreat.

The other two hundred or so people Su Yi brought with him, except for a very small number of core personnel, the rest were all temporarily hired with money. Although the remaining strength of the Little Knife Society is actually very powerful in combat, loyalty is far from enough.

As soon as the battle situation fell into a disadvantageous position, even before there were heavy casualties, there was a tendency to flee.

at this critical moment.

Hong Renli and Bai Feifei took their place directly with their core strength.

However, although they are brave, they are not good at this kind of gunfight.

In front of the professional Hunan army, casualties quickly appeared.

And because they were so brave, the casualties were getting bigger and bigger.

Less than half an hour into the battle, Su Yi's side was at an absolute disadvantage.

"It's over, it's over!" Colonel William, who was watching the battle not far away, said, "I bet that in less than ten minutes, Su Yi's rabble will be completely defeated."

"He gave us the ugliest, most humiliating fight."

They're not the only ones who think so.

Zhang Yuzhao also breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "Su Yi's ability on the battlefield is still so stable."

Battalion Officer Li Zhenglin said: "Yes, I have been on the battlefield with him, and we have been defeated many times. We escaped before the battle. See you again today, and you are still so vulnerable."

"In fact, I am very curious now. Where did he get the courage to come to Shanghai with more than 200 local hooligans?"

"Ignorance is really fearless!"

Li Zhenglin, the battalion officer of the Hunan Army, grinned and said, "Mr. Zhang, the time has come. It's time to charge and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop."

Zhang Yuzhao nodded and said, "Go and catch Su Ye. I want to ask him personally where he got the courage from."

Li Zhenglin shouted loudly, "Prepare to charge, completely destroy the enemy, and capture Su Ye!"

"Get promoted and make money, right now!"

"Get promoted and make money, right now!"

The officers of the Hunan Army began to make the final mobilization, and immediately the four or five hundred people under Zhang Yuzhao were full of blood.

They were about to rush out and completely destroy the will of Su Ye's team.

"It's over, everything is over."

"Su Ye, you are so ugly and so shameful when you really go to the battlefield!" Zhang Yuzhao sighed.

Then, he gave the order directly.


"End the battle!"


At this moment!

"Boom..." A loud noise!

It was like thunder.

Zhang Yuzhao and Li Zhenglin, the battalion officer, were stunned.

Where was the sound of the cannon?

He turned around suddenly.

Suddenly, he saw a cannonball streaking a long flame in the air and whistling violently.

It hit the dense array of the Hunan Army directly.

Then, it exploded violently!

"Boom boom boom..."

Dozens of Hunan soldiers were blown to pieces.

Zhang Yuzhao and Li Zhenglin, the battalion officer of the Hunan Army, were suddenly struck by lightning.

They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.


This... This artillery was fired from behind.

It was actually... fired from a British armed cargo ship, and the purchased military ammunition and guns were all on it.

But, this cargo ship is British? Is it guarded by British sailors?

This kind of armed ship usually has two or three naval guns.



Another cannonball shot violently.

It fell fiercely into the array of the Hunan Army and exploded violently again.

Zhang Yuzhao stood there in a daze, as if struck by lightning.

He fell into a trap!

He fell into a trap!

The man with the bow on his back, the powerful archer, was not Su Ye at all.

Because he was carrying a large bow, because he gave orders, and because Bai Feifei stood next to him, everyone instinctively thought he was Su Ye.

The real Su Ye had already dived into the water and directly seized the British freighter with armed force.

Then, he operated the ship's guns and fired at Zhang Yuzhao's back from behind.

Colonel William and others who were watching the battle not far away were also completely stunned by this amazing change.

At first, they looked at the freighter in disbelief.

"Oh my God, he's crazy."

"He's so bold!"

"But this is a tactic of a madman."

"He actually dared to seize the British freighter by force. It's crazy. He actually dared to attack British sailors."

"I take back all my comments."

"I want to serve him."

"I want to serve him too."

"He didn't lie. No one knows more about artillery than him."

"Gentlemen, cheers to madness!"


"Boom boom boom..."

Su Ye took a dozen of his most elite men and seized control of the freighter by force.

Three naval guns fired at Zhang Yuzhao's army at the same time.

Several other Western mercenaries fired their guns while shaking all over and saying, "It's so cool, so cool."

"This is a real battle, this is a real massacre!"

"Sir Su Ye, we will follow you."

"You are really crazy!"

Compared to large warships, the caliber of these three naval guns is undoubtedly small.

But compared to ordinary artillery, this is a large-caliber artillery.

Moreover, Su Ye is the ancestor of playing with artillery.

At such a short distance, every shot is extremely accurate.

Crazy bombing.

Crazy massacre!

Every shot is a flying limb.

Zhang Yuzhao's army has no resistance at all.

After a short moment!

His army completely collapsed and began to flee desperately underground.

On the other side, Hong Renli shouted loudly: "Kill!"

Then, she rushed over with hundreds of her own people.

More than 20 Western mercenaries rushed over.

Bai Feifei and Bai Qi rushed over with more than 100 people.

From a hot war, it became a cold weapon battle.

Hong Renli's troops and the remnants of the Xiaodaohui suddenly became the most brutal butchers.

The whole battle suddenly became a foregone conclusion.

Once they failed, it would be a complete rout.

The remaining Hunan Army and the bandit troops were chased directly to the seaside, with no way to go.

Killed and expelled madly all the way.

Zhang Yuzhao's remaining troops fell into the sea one by one, and then were killed one by one.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Hong Renli's group, once they had cold weapons in hand, became the most terrifying army.

Like killing gods, they killed Buddhas if they were in the way, and killed Buddhas if they were people.

These Taiping veterans, who had fought their way out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, were invincible with cold weapons.

The dozens of surviving Hunan Army completely collapsed, knelt on the ground, raised their hands and surrendered.

And Zhang Yuzhao and Li Zhenglin, with the remaining few Hunan Army elites, fled desperately.

There is only one place for their escape.

Where Colonel William's officer corps is located, we can only seek their asylum at this time.

No matter how crazy Su Yi was, he would never dare to kill someone in front of the British officer corps.


Half an hour later.

Su Yi's more than 200 people surrounded the building where Colonel William's officer corps was located.

Su Yi took a few people and walked in.

Colonel William and other twenty officers were sitting quietly, drinking with Zhang Yuzhao.

Zhang Yuzhao and Li Zhenglin were holding glasses of red wine in their hands.

"Su Yi, do you know your guilt?" Li Zhenglin, the camp officer of the Hunan Army, said: "We are also an army of the Qing Dynasty. You dare to summon rebels to attack us, which is tantamount to conspiracy..."


Su Yi shot him directly in the forehead.

The Hunan Army battalion officer fell to the ground and died before he finished speaking.

Then, Su Yi said to Colonel William and others: "Gentlemen, can you give us a space to be alone?"

"Of course, I think you will have a lot to talk between you." Colonel William said.

Then they retreated.

Su Yi's people also all retreated.

Su Yi and Zhang Yuzhao were the only two people left in the whole room.

He calmed down and sat down opposite Zhang Yuzhao.

Zhang Yuzhao said in a cold voice: "Su Yi, the British will not let you go. You started a war on their territory, and you caused a terrible diplomatic dispute."

Su Yi said: "You are very smart, but you don't understand the British mind. You are too low-level and don't understand the art of diplomacy at all. I don't even bother to talk to you."

"Zhang Yuzhao, I have already negotiated for this batch of arms, why do I want to snatch them?"

"Your Hunan Army has a lot of money, but it lacks only these thousands of guns and dozens of cannons? You can definitely buy a batch of them and buy the next batch."

"But I'm short of them, and my new army can't wait for the next batch."

"Why did you come to rob it?"

"The British threw a bone and let us two dogs fight each other."

"Why are you still being so contemptuous and making people laugh at you?"

Zhang Yuzhao said slowly: "We have different paths and we don't want to conspire against each other."

Su Yi said slowly: "What you said is too cheap. Are you so disdainful of my rise?"

"Zhang Yuzhao, am I not tolerant enough to you?"

"Shen Baozhen broke off the engagement and humiliated me, was I rude?" Su Yi asked: "Did I obstruct your engagement with Shen Baoer, or did I say anything unpleasant?"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "No."

Su Yi said: "After the prophecy of the Battle of Jiujiang ended, I won. Have I ever made it difficult for you? Have I ever humiliated you?"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "No."

Su Yi said: "You and Mu Ningzhu and his son joined forces to harm my family. I was extremely cruel to Mu Ningzhu's family and almost killed his entire family. But did I do anything to you?"

Zhang Yuzhao thought for a while and said, "No."

Because Li Si of Dali Temple was entirely seeking revenge for Su Yi, so he was tortured.

Su Yi added: "You regretted it later and came to take the provincial examination again to block my way. Did I stop you? Did I humiliate you after I won the first place in the provincial examination?"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "No."

Su Yi said: "On the small fire wheel a few days ago, I saved your and Shen Bao'er's lives. Did I say anything frivolous? Did I try to repay the favor?"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "No!"

Su Yi said: "I am cruel to the Manchu nobles, but I am so tolerant to you. Do you know why?"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "You want to conquer me?"

"You are not worthy of my subjugation at all. Do you think I fancy your talent? Zhang Yuzhao, your talent is nothing in my eyes!" Su Yi said in a loud voice: "You are an outdated person, in a certain sense Go on, you’re worthless!”

"But..." Su Yi's voice slowed down: "I still want to conquer you."

"Because I hope that in the future, all Han elites can be used by me. And you, Zhang Yuzhao, are a benchmark. You have offended me again and again, but I can tolerate you and want to recruit you."

"I just want Zuo Zongtang, Zhang Zhidong and others to see how magnanimous I am."

"A thousand dollars buys bones, you are the horse bones, you are the horse bones!"

"You and me, why do you do this to me?"

"Why are you forcing me like this?"

His voice was always calm, but it was hoarse.

Under the calmness, it seemed as if magma was surging.

"If you do this, you will really force me to kill you in the future. I will really kill your entire faction."

After Su Yi was briefly excited, she became quiet again.

"Of course none of this matters anymore, you broke this bottom line."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Then, Su Yi grabbed his neck, dragged his body, and slowly walked out.

We arrived at the highest point of this building.

Below, Witoma and Sir Henry came, looking up at Su Yi.

There were dozens of Hunan Army prisoners left, who were being led to kneel on the ground.

"Zhang Yuzhao, you really disappoint me."

"Your greatest value is the moment you let me kill you."

Zhang Yuzhao's body began to tremble. He originally wanted to face danger without fear.

But he found that he couldn't do it, and fear kept rising in his heart.

Su Yi looked at Wade and Sir Henry.

He put on his steel claw gloves, then grabbed Zhang Yuzhao's head and kept exerting force.

The steel claws on the gloves pierced into Zhang Yuzhao's head.

Blood continued to flow.

Zhang Yuzhao became more and more frightened, and then he screamed out loud when it exceeded the critical value.


Zhang Yuzhao kept shouting, as if he was unwilling to give up, and as if he was expressing his fear.

"Goodbye, Zhang Yuzhao!" Su Ye said calmly.

Then, he pinched Zhang Yuzhao's head with his palm and exerted force suddenly!


Zhang Yuzhao's head shattered directly.

He was completely dead!

As soon as Su Ye loosened his hand, his body fell directly from the upstairs.

At the same time!

The people below put away their knives.

Beheaded dozens of Hunan Army prisoners!


Note: The first update is here. I would like to ask weakly, do the benefactors still have monthly tickets?

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