Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 87 Hong Renli's blasphemy, killing and meeting his father-in-law again

Chapter 87 Hong Renli's blasphemy! A bloody massacre! Meet my father-in-law again


Shang'er immediately rushed towards Hong Renli.

Hong Renli's other men were stunned for a moment, and then fired directly at Su Ye.

But just a moment of daze was enough time.

Su Ye hugged Bai Feifei, smashed the window, rushed out of the cabin, and clung to the wall outside.

Hong Renli's men rushed out of the window and fired into the night.

Unfortunately, the rifles of this era, even the advanced Minié rifles, had a little bit of cumbersome loading process, and there was no continuous firing.



Hei Gong and others rushed over.

You are finally here. In some ways, you can't blame them. They were seasick today, dizzy, vomiting again and again, and couldn't sleep at all.

So Su Ye asked them to drink, almost drunk themselves, and then fell asleep.

As soon as the gunshots rang out, they immediately rushed over, which was considered a quick reaction.

"Bang bang bang..."

Hei Gong and others resisted vomiting and drunkenness and opened fire directly.

Although they were in a very bad state, they knocked down two of Hong Renli's men in one go.

And at this moment.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, the whole steamer shook violently.

The flames shot up to the sky!

There was a violent explosion on the ship.

Then, the alarm on the steamer sounded loudly.

Following the flames of the explosion, Su Ye immediately saw a dense crowd of small boats rushing over on the sea.



This should be the Shandong sea.

And this period was almost the time when pirates were most rampant.

There was a military vacuum on the sea of ​​the entire Qing Dynasty.

The entire maritime trade suffered a huge blow from pirates, which was one of the main reasons why the Qing court handed over the customs to Britain.


After this steamer went out to sea, it hung several foreign flags.

This is a passenger ship from Shanghai. Although it is operated by Chinese on the surface, there should be foreigners behind it.

Generally speaking, pirates do not rob foreign ships. Of course, this is only a general situation. The pirates in this sea area are lawless and dare to rob basically any ship.


A loud noise!

A cannon opened fire on the pirate ship.

An iron bullet hit hard.

At such a close distance, it directly made a big hole in a cabin of this steamer.

This is still a big pirate group, and they even have cannons, although they are old-fashioned cannons, the kind that uses black gunpowder to hit iron balls.

The guests of the entire steamer fell into great panic.



The crowd ran around desperately and screamed desperately.


The pirates' cannons fired again.

This time, the iron ball directly hit Su Ye's cabin.

"Ah..." Only a scream was heard.

One of Hong Renli's men had his legs broken.

Shang'er desperately hugged Hong Renli and cried, "Mom, don't die, don't die..."

Su Ye said from outside, "Hong Renli, are you dead or not? If not, let's talk."

"Hei Gong, don't shoot yet!"

"Now the pirates are attacking, there are many of them, and this ship is in danger. Why don't we join forces for the time being?"

"In this situation, if we still fight each other, we will be wiped out by these pirates."

Hong Renli said, "I will never join forces with you, a Tartar, even if I die."

After that, she coughed violently and vomited blood.

Su Ye said: "Okay, we won't join forces! But we won't fire at each other, we'll fight on our own, and after we beat back the pirates, we'll fight to the death, how about that?"

"Hong Renli, this group of pirates is not good, and there are many of them. You hide, wait for the opportunity, and kill them!"

"Hei Gong, withdraw from this room, occupy a favorable terrain, look down, and snipe the pirates."

"Yes!" Hei Gong and others looked at Hong Renli and all retreated.

Shang'er said: "Mother, he... Hei Gong, isn't he a rebel? Why did he follow the Tartars?"


Next, Su Ye took Bai Feifei, Hei Gong and six others, holding foreign guns and bows and arrows, and quickly occupied various advantageous positions.

A moment later!

Hong Renli said: "Let's go and occupy the high ground on the other side."

Then, she covered the wound on her chest and ran hard.

Only five of the eight men she brought were left at this time.

Shang'er said, "Mother, why did you show mercy to Bai Feifei's men?"

Hong Renli said, "Don't call me mother."

Then, she said, "We've dealt with each other before."

A moment later, more than a dozen pirate boats surrounded the ship and climbed onto the steamer with hooks.


"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Accompanied by bursts of gunfire, there were also bursts of grim laughter.

The pirates began to kill on the ship.

"Gold, silver, pocket watches, all handed over."

"Silver notes, pounds, francs, all handed over."

After more than a hundred pirates rushed into the steamer, they killed a dozen guards and took direct control of the entire ship.

Then, they began to plunder.

From Tianjin to Shanghai is one of the busiest routes. Those who can afford to take this kind of steamer are either rich or noble.

And in order to do business, they usually carry valuables, so this pirate group made a fortune this time.

At least Su Ye and Bai Feifei had 150,000 taels of silver notes on them.

"Brother, I... I'm robbing someone..."

"Hurry up, don't delay the business!"

"Don't you know my speed?"

"Beautiful women, gather together and play together."

"Okay, hahaha!"

But this is not the kind of stupid thief that Fan Wei is. All this happened in a truly cruel way.

The sound of clothes being torn suddenly came from the entire steamer.

Then, there were women screaming.

The pirates smashed the doors of the cabins one by one and robbed them one by one.

When they met beautiful women, they were all dragged to the restaurant. After the robbery was completed, the pirates vented together.

Then, all these women were robbed and taken to the pirates' den for their enjoyment.

At this time, Zhang Yuzhao and Shen Baoer stayed in their cabins, shivering.

There were only a few first-class cabins on this steamer, and the rest were multi-person cabins or large bunk beds.

So they soon found their cabin.

Zhang Yuzhao held a hand gun, and Shen Baoer also had one in his hand.

The two hid in the corner.

Speaking of which, the two had never encountered such a situation before.


With a loud bang, the door of the cabin was smashed open.

Zhang Yuzhao and Shen Baoer opened fire directly.

"Bang, bang!"

Suddenly, a pirate was shot and fell down suddenly.

The pirate was furious.

He rushed in with a sword.

Zhang Yuzhao and Shen Baoer tried hard to load the second bullet, but it was too late.


One of the pirates slashed with a knife.

"Wait, this pretty boy might be Su Ye, catch him!"

"This woman is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Tie her up, tie her up, and let the boss sleep with her later."

Then, Shen Baoer was carried out directly.

She had only one thought in her mind.

It's over!

It's over!

Not only will his innocence be lost, but he will also be ravaged by the dirtiest and most disgusting pirates.



All the wealthy merchants and nobles in the first-class cabins of the entire ship were captured.

There were about twenty people.

The remaining pirates continued to plunder and search and plunder in the middle and lower cabins.

Poor family, rich road, can also make a small fortune.

"Which one is Xilinjueluo. Suye!" The pirate leader shouted loudly.

No one answered.

"Which Suye?" The pirate asked again.

Someone else said: "Boss, why are you wasting so much time? Isn't it enough to kill all the men?"


"That makes sense!"

The pirate did what he said, picked up a knife, selected a handsome young man, and chopped him down one by one.

One of the men pushed Shen Baoer in front of the pirate leader and said, "Boss, look what we found? Have you ever seen such a beautiful, watery, and white woman?"

The pirate leader was salivating.

"This must be a daughter of an official family, with such skin and figure..."

Then he pinched Shen Baoer's face hard and made a strange sound.

"Tender, tender, tender..."

"Tofu-like face, it will be wet if you pinch it, wet..."

"Boss, there is more water in other places, more..."

"Boss, do it, do it, do it..."

"Brothers are here to help you kill people. Such a beautiful woman, brothers have not seen it yet, take a good look now."

"Look at other places, is it as white as tofu?"

"White outside and red inside, do you understand?"

Next, several pirates suddenly put Shen Baoer on the table, held down her limbs, and tied her up with ropes.

The pirate leader stepped forward and tore off her clothes.

The snow-white skin was exposed.

The pirates immediately made strange howling sounds.

Killing people became more excited.

And Shen Baoer was full of despair.

At this moment, even if she wanted to die, she couldn't.

Her mouth was stuffed with a smelly, almost disgusting cloth strip.

She could only struggle desperately, but she couldn't beat the four pirates. The more she struggled, the more excited they were.

At this moment, Hong Renli and Shang'er, who were hiding in the dark, were about to burst their eyes.

"Mother..." Shang'er whispered.

Although she didn't speak, her meaning was very clear.

Although Shen Baoer was the daughter of a Tartar official, she was a woman after all. It was too tragic to be ravaged by a group of beasts.

Hong Renli was pale at this moment because of excessive blood loss.

Su Ye's shot shattered her breast shield and shot directly into her body.

Until now, there was no time to treat her. The blood kept pouring out, almost soaking half of her body, and she was dizzy.

Seeing this scene in front of her, although she and Shen Baoer were in the opposite camp, she couldn't help it at this moment.

I never thought that one day, I would actually help a Tartar woman.

Just when Shen Baoer was about to have her bellyband torn off, Hong Renli could no longer hold back.

Fired fiercely!

"Bang bang!"

The pirate leader was shot directly from the front and back!

The front shot was fired by Hong Renli.

The back shot was fired by Su Ye.


Hong Renli gave the order, and the five men under his command opened fire fiercely.

The pirates fell to the ground and died one after another.

"There are enemies, there are enemies..."

"Catch them there, cut them into pieces, cut them into pieces..."

Then, these dozens of pirates rushed towards Hong Renli.

Hong Renli fought and retreated.

Her group had extremely high combat effectiveness. In just a short moment, more than a dozen pirates fell to the ground and died.

And the seriously injured Hong Renli had to pay a huge price for every meter he retreated.

Blood all the way.


Su Ye, with seven people, came directly to kill.

He did not use a gun, but a bow and arrow.

For a top master like him, bows and arrows are faster, and it is too troublesome to change bullets with a gun.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

A few arrows were fired at the same time, and the pirates who stayed in the restaurant were killed, and then rushed into the hidden room.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Shen Baoer.

She was tied to the table with her limbs spread out.

Only the upper body was left with a bag.

The lower body was only covered with underwear.

Her snow-white skin was exposed.

She was so ashamed at this moment.

Su Ye stepped forward, looked away, and took off the smelly cloth in her mouth.

He picked up the clothes, covered her body, and cut the ropes on her limbs with a knife.

"This kind of thing is no big deal, don't take it too seriously." Su Ye said quickly.

Then, he left quickly.

He took the three people and continued to chase forward.

Then, Bai Feifei caught up from behind, saw Shen Baoer on the table, and rushed over and said: "Miss Shen, are you okay?"

Shen Baoer burst into tears and shook her head desperately.

Bai Feifei quickly helped her cover her body, quickly helped her put on clothes, and then scolded the other men: "What's so good about it, a bunch of trash!"

Suddenly, the group of wealthy men who were captured looked away.

And at this moment, Bai Feifei suddenly felt her ankle tighten.

One pirate was not dead yet, so he grabbed her feet, picked up the crossbow next to him, and was about to shoot at Bai Feifei.

Bai Feifei picked up the knife and chopped it down fiercely.

The knife was so powerful that it cut off half of the pirate's head.


The crossbow flew directly past Bai Feifei's neck, leaving a faint blood mark.

Then, several pirates rushed over from behind the ship and were stunned when they saw this scene.

The boss fell in a pool of blood, and his pirate accomplices died on the ground.

"Boss, boss."

"What happened?"

Bai Feifei pulled Shen Baoer down, overturned the table, and blocked in front.

Without saying a word, he fired directly at the pirates.

The remaining three intelligence elites quickly protected Bai Feifei.

He bent his bow and shot arrows at these pirates.

At this time, Bai Feifei seemed to have returned to the glorious years of the past.

He picked up two foreign guns and kept shooting.

After shooting one, she immediately handed the foreign gun to Shen Baoer beside her.

Shen Baoer was stunned, and then immediately began to reload for her.

At first, she didn't know how to reload, but she learned it by watching Bai Feifei reloading.

So, Bai Feifei was responsible for shooting, and Shen Baoer was responsible for reloading.

The pirates behind the ship were constantly coming.

But Bai Feifei and his four men occupied a favorable position, and there were enough obstacles to block the counterattack of these pirates.


At the same time!

Hong Renli over there retreated while fighting.

But soon there was no place to retreat.

Because they had retreated to the bow.

Moreover, their bullets were about to run out, and they were in a desperate situation.

"Run, I want to see where you can run!" A dozen pirates surrounded them.

"Bitch, you killed so many of our brothers, what do you think we will do to you next?"

"Second boss, look, this woman... is more beautiful, this figure, it makes people angry!"

"Have you ever seen such a woman, her figure is even more exaggerated than that of foreign women."

Shang'er immediately blocked Hong Renli.

Hong Renli looked at Shang'er and the two surviving men, and said weakly: "It's all my fault, I am a bad leader, and I always bring you into desperate situations."

"Queen, don't say it, we are willing!"

"Mom, what are you afraid of, at worst we will die together."

Hearing this mother, the pirates' eyes were even more fiery.

Oh my God, is there anything more beautiful and exciting than this?

Hong Renli said, "Shang'er, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you and went directly to Jiujiang to find your father."

Lin Shang'er said, "I haven't seen him many times since I was born. In my heart, although you are only ten years older than me, you are my mother."

Hong Renli coughed a few times and coughed up blood, saying, "But, I don't want to be your mother. You call me old."

The second in command of the pirates hissed, "Don't shout, you will shout later."

Hong Renli said, "These are a group of beasts. Even if they die, they will be defiled. So fight with knives first, and then jump into the sea when you can't beat them. Do you understand? Remember to throw me into the sea too. Even if I am eaten by fish, it is better than falling into the hands of these beasts!"

Hong Renli and his four men, who had run out of bullets, drew their knives one after another, intending to fight a last desperate battle.

However, the pirates still had bullets and crossbows.

More than a dozen people aimed at Hong Renli and his four men with muskets and crossbows.

Step by step, they surrounded them in a fan shape.

The Hong people were reluctant to leave.

She wasn't afraid of death, but she didn't want to die here, in the hands of these beasts.

If Su Yi hadn't hit her vital part with that shot, she wouldn't have been so passive.

Tonight, he killed more than a dozen pirates alone, and she could have killed more if he hadn't been injured.

Just die!

Anyway, I'm not afraid of death.

But dying in the hands of these beasts is worse than dying in the hands of Su Yi.

And next!

She saw an extremely amazing scene.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Under dim light.

Sharp arrows shot out like lightning.

Extremely fast.

Every arrow is extremely powerful.

All I saw was that these pirates had their heads shot straight through.

Shot directly through the chest.


The frightened pirates opened fire directly at Hong Renli.

One of Hong Renli's subordinates pounced in front of her, and the bullet hit her back directly.

Hong Renli seized the opportunity, picked up the knife, and threw it at the pirates.

Pierced a pirate alive and killed him instantly.

She is really tough, and up to this moment, she is still killing people.

"There are enemies, there are enemies..."

The remaining dozen pirates turned around, trying to search for Su Yi.

But at this moment, Su Yi was hiding in the darkness, standing at the highest point.

From a high position, you can see everything at a glance.

Seventeen-power bow, shooting wildly.

At the same time, Hei Gong and the other three people kept firing and shooting arrows.

But Hong Renli kept throwing knives from the other side.

In just a few moments, the remaining dozen pirates were killed.

However, Hong Renli's last movement was too violent, tearing the wound open and blood gushing out.

After all the pirates were dead, she couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

Then, Su Yi slowly jumped off the deck and walked towards Hong Renli.

Chang'er trembled: "You, what do you want to do?"

Su Yi said: "Your mother is really going to die if she doesn't get treatment."

Chang'er said: "You're a Tatar with no good intentions. Do you think I will believe you?"

Su Yi said: "Hong Renli, it's easy for me to kill you now, but... I want to save you now. If you want to kill me, how about you wait until I save you?"

Hong Renli and this girl Chang'er are extremely important to Su Yi in the future.

The Taiping Army in Jiujiang is the army Su Yi dreams of.

But it is too difficult to conquer that army.

And these few people in front of me are an excellent opportunity.

"If we wait another two-quarters of an hour, she will die." Su Yi said, "You take her to a cabin and I will save her!"

After saying that, Su Yi turned and left.

There were only two girls left beside Hong Renli.

"Wan'er, what should I do?" Chang'er asked.

Another girl said: "We can't watch the queen die, let's do what he said first."

Then, the two girls carried the semi-conscious Hong Renli to the nearest cabin.

Su Yi lit many candles inside.

Then open the box and take out a series of tools inside.

He is not a doctor and cannot perform surgery, but in the military, he still needs to know how to suture some simple wounds.

Especially in his team, everyone needs to know it.

Putting Hong Renli on the bed, her extremely beautiful face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

This is the mysterious and mysterious most beautiful woman in heaven. She really... deserves her reputation.

This figure... is really thrilling.

Su Yi stepped forward and violently tore Hong Renli's clothes.

The snow mountain broke free and shook.


So high?

This size?

This shape is simply perfect.

For a moment, it was really dazzling.

Chang'er exclaimed: "What are you doing?"

Then, he tried his best to block Hong Renli's upper body.

However, Su Yi showed an extremely professional attitude and did not look sideways.

He handed over the tweezers and said, "You two, open the wound!"

Chang'er and Wan'er were stunned for a moment, then took the tweezers.

"Open some more!"

Su Yi's shot hit right between the two hills.

Fortunately, she had a breast shield, otherwise she would have died with this shot.

The two of them tore open the wound with force, and Hong Renli woke up from the pain.

Su Yi picked up the tweezers and found the bullet.

The bullet got stuck directly in the bone above the xiphoid process.

With a little force, he took out the deformed projectile.

Woman, you shot me twice in the back.

I shot you in the chest and everyone was even.

After taking out the bullet, Su Yi took out the liquor and poured it directly on the wound.

The severe pain completely woke Hong Renli up.

However, she remained silent and did not struggle at all.

Then, wipe the wound clean with strong alcohol and clean the injured bone area.

The pain of the whole process was completely beyond words.

Hong Renli still didn't make a sound, but cold sweat continued to pour out of his body.

Finally, Su Yi took out her needle and thread and began to suture the wounds on her body.

Do it all.

He took out a crude version of the syringe made at a high price, pierced Hong Renli's wrist, drew out half of the blood, then melted the penicillin powder into the blood and injected it into her body.

"Are you ready?" Chang'er asked.


Shang'er hurriedly helped Hong Renli cover his upper body, even though he had already seen it long ago.

Su Ye said: "Push back a little, I have a few words to say to your queen."

Shang'er and Zeng Wan'er hesitated.

Hong Renli said: "Go."

Although the two girls were reluctant, they still left the cabin.

Su Ye said: "Hong Renli, you should have seen the black bow next to me, and you also know what they do."

"I know what I am saying to you now is ridiculous, and you don't believe it at all."

"But I'll say it for the time being, and you'll listen for the time being."

"It's impossible to overthrow the Tartar Dynasty by your means."

"To overthrow the Tartar Dynasty, people like me are needed."

"You guys are more corrupt and rotten than the Tartars. You know this better than me, so you don't want to go back to Tianjing."

"Why did Lin Fengxiang die? He not only died at the hands of Senggelinqin, but also died in the internal struggle between Hong Xiuquan and Yang Xiuqing."

"What's going on in your mind? Such a most elite Northern Expedition Army, let them go deep into the capital alone."

"To overthrow the Tartar regime, you have to rely on me. I am many times stronger than you."

Hong Renli looked at Su Ye in disbelief.

"You, you are a Tartar yourself." Hong Renli said.

Su Ye said: "You don't understand the feelings of family and country."

This sentence made Hong Renli very angry.

Su Ye said: "I am the same as you. When you saw Shen Baoer was about to be humiliated, although you were in a different position, you couldn't help but help her. I am the same. I not only helped her, but also helped you."

"It's just that you can't bear to see such a tragedy happen."

"And I care about the world. I want to save many people, I want to save this country, including you and everyone else."

Hong Renli said: "You told me so much, aren't you afraid that I will betray you? Tell the Qing court?"

Su Ye said: "If you tell it out, will anyone believe it?"

Su Ye continued: "Although I am the Tartar in your mouth, don't be so narrow-minded. As long as you have the same aspirations, you are brothers and sisters."

"Of course, you won't believe me if I say Po Tian, ​​and I don't expect you to believe me."

"Don't you always want to kill me?" Su Ye handed over the pistol directly and said: "I will never resist. If you want to kill me, do it now."

Hong Renli sat up suddenly, raised his hand and aimed at Su Ye's head.

It didn't matter that she sat up, the amazing snow mountain broke free again.

A little red in the white makes people dazzled.

Su Ye took a step back and closed his eyes.

Su Ye said: "If my words can't convince you, then I will convince you with my actions. I will prove myself with my life."

"If you want to kill me, just pull the trigger."

"I will also give you a countdown."




Hong Renli didn't fire after all.

Su Ye opened his eyes and took the musket from her hand.

"You should take good care of your injuries and be careful of fever. I will come to see you every few hours and give you injections."

Then, Su Ye went out and left.

Hong Renli's voice came from behind.

"There is no bullet in your pistol, don't think I don't know."

Huh? !

The routine was seen through, a little embarrassed.

"Also, the attack tonight, whether it is my assassination of you or the pirate attack, is not accidental." Hong Renli said.

"I know." Su Ye said, "But you have coaxed Wang Shiqing into falling in love with him, and he is confused and infatuated. Aren't you afraid that it will not end?"

Hong Renli said, "It's none of your business!"

Then, her face changed slightly and she said, "You, did you know my identity earlier?"

Su Ye said, "I have said before that I have no ill will towards you, otherwise I would have arrested you and made a contribution."

Hong Renli said, "Someone in the Tartar court hates you so much that he actually uses this method to kill you."

Su Ye said, "So, how about we cooperate from now on?"

Hong Renli said, "Close the door, thank you!"


At this time, the pirates on the steamer had been almost wiped out, and the rest fled.

The ship owner came to Su Ye and thanked him profusely, knocking his head.

"Sir, our ship is backed by a foreign company. This time, you not only saved my life and this ship, but also saved the reputation of the foreign company. After returning to Shanghai, we will definitely repay you."

"If you have any instructions, we will do our best to do it for you."

Su Ye said in his heart, although I saved you, the disaster of your ship was also caused by me.

In the following time, Su Ye went to visit Hong Renli's injuries every few hours.

Every few hours, she was given an injection.

Her physique was so strong that she didn't even have a fever.

And in just one day, she actually recovered her mobility and vitality.

"Su Ye, I also know a little about foreign medical skills. After going to Shanghai, I will definitely ask if the injection really needs to be injected in that place. If not, I will not forgive you next time we meet."

Su Ye was helpless.

That place has the best drug effect, well-developed nerves and blood vessels, and relatively loose tissues.


The next morning!

The steamer docked.

We arrived in Shanghai, which was already very prosperous.

The crowds on the dock are all here to pick someone up.

I took a quick glance and saw an acquaintance on the dock.

Shen Baozhen, why is he also in Shanghai?


Note: The second update is here, 15,000 posts updated today!

My benefactor, my monthly ticket ranking is declining, and you are so worried? Can you help me?

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