Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 69 The scientific expedition was won! Su Ye killed everyone in the family (5 more, please gi

Chapter 69: The Imperial Examination Won! Su Ye Killed Everyone! (5 more, please vote for the monthly ticket)

(8,000 words long chapter, do you still have monthly tickets?)

Most people didn't know Su Ye, they just treated him as an ordinary candidate.

After meeting each other, they bowed and greeted each other silently.

They didn't talk to each other.

Behind many candidates, there were families seeing them off, including wives, children, and parents.

Every candidate represented the hope of every family.


Shen Tingen's home.

Shen Baoer silently prepared everything for Zhang Yuzhao, and also checked it over and over again.

Although Shen Tingen was a veteran of the imperial examination, he didn't say a word at this time.

Because Zhang Yuzhao's knowledge surpassed his, he didn't need his instructions.

In addition, Zhang Yuzhao had experienced too much during this period, and his willpower had long been tempered like iron.

He lost a lot of weight, but his eyes became more determined.

The whole person's temperament has changed.

Just walked out of the door.

There were hundreds of scholars standing outside.

They all came to see him off spontaneously.

After being sent out by the Ministry of Justice, Zhang Yuzhao published more than ten articles in less than half a month.

Almost one article every three days, and the quality of each article was higher than the last.

Each article was more penetrating and insightful than the last.

It attracted countless scholars to follow.

For a time, it was almost as expensive as paper in Luoyang.

Because he had been persecuted by the Dali Temple, he became a hero among the scholars.

His reputation was already very high, and it was getting higher and higher during this period.

Almost everyone felt that Zhang Yuzhao's first place in this subject was what everyone expected.

Weng Tonghe bowed and said: "I send Brother Lianting to the Dragon Gate, and I wish you success in this exam!"

Hundreds of scholars saluted at the same time: "I wish Brother Lianting success in this exam."

Zhang Yuzhao bowed deeply in front of everyone and stood up after a long time.

At this time, Shen Baoer didn't care about avoiding suspicion. Han women were not allowed to show their faces, but she still sent Zhang Yuzhao to Shuntianfu Gongyuan as his fiancée in front of everyone.

She felt that at this time, her attitude to stand beside Zhang Yuzhao was firm.

Outside the Gongyuan, there were densely packed people, about 30,000 to 40,000 people.

There were about 15,000 people participating in the Shuntianfu provincial examination, and the final number of successful candidates was about 150 to 210, almost one in a hundred.

Every Shuntianfu provincial examination was the focus of attention, after all, it was the capital.

And this time, the heat was much higher than in previous years.

Because Su Ye participated in both civil and military imperial examinations, it had spread throughout the north under the manipulation of public opinion by those with ulterior motives.

This made this imperial examination even more eye-catching.

Countless people talked about this imperial examination after dinner.

Sure enough, after Su Ye entered the venue.

He immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and some people began to point fingers.

"Is this Su Ye?!"

"He is the one who is taking the civil and military examinations?"

"His status as a tribute student of the Imperial College was donated. He was not even qualified to take the provincial examinations."

"This man is really grandstanding, falsely reporting military exploits, escaping from the battle, and now he is taking the double imperial examinations. Isn't he afraid of losing face?"

"It's really shameful to take the same exam with this man."

"What does he think of the sacred imperial examination venue? His stage?"

So, wherever Su Ye went, people would immediately avoid him and were unwilling to get close to him.

"Mr. Zhang is here, Mr. Zhang!"

The crowd suddenly became restless because Zhang Yuzhao was here.

He was already very famous, and because he was persecuted by the Dali Temple, and because he wrote ten great articles this month, his reputation was at its peak, and he was regarded as an idol by many scholars.

So, wherever he went, people would make way.

It's just that they didn't avoid him like snakes and scorpions, but made way for him.

Shen Baoer enjoyed this moment very much.

This is the glory of Zhang Yuzhao, and also the glory of her, Shen Baoer.

After making way, the crowd soon gathered towards Zhang Yuzhao again.

Countless people bowed and greeted.

"For this subject, we can only compete for the second place."

"Brother Lianting deserves the first place."

"There is another first place, probably also deserves the title, but he is the last one."


Halfway through, Zhang Yuzhao and Su Ye found each other and looked at each other.

In an instant, there was really a feeling of electric sparks.

Su Ye looked indifferent and bowed to Zhang Yuzhao.

Zhang Yuzhao had a cold expression and a firm look, and he also bowed to Su Ye.

He was determined to win this subject.

For this subject, the court also took out twice as many people as the previous subjects.

Almost all the people in Shuntian Prefecture came out, and the Infantry Commander's Office also transferred 3,000 people to maintain order inside and outside the entire examination room.

Even the original chief examiner was replaced by Lin Kui, the former Minister of Military Affairs, the former Minister of Rites, and now the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

This person was the first in the second class of the palace examination in the sixth year of Daoguang. He was the president of the Hanlin Academy and the Minister of Rites more than ten years ago.

He has a very long history and is very knowledgeable.

He was asked to be the chief examiner for the Shuntianfu provincial examination, which shows how much the emperor values ​​him.

“No noise!”

“Line up!”


“Enter the venue!”


Inside the Dali Temple.

Tian Yugong paced anxiously.

Because he encountered a difficult case.

Jinglong, the younger brother of Prince Fujin of Qing, has disappeared, along with the eight capable men he brought with him.

And the only clue turned out to be Da Gege of the Chongen family.

"Li Si, what do you think?"

Li Sidao: "Sir, do you want me to tell you the truth?"

Tian Yugong said: "Of course it is true."

Li Sidao: "According to the official's instinct and intuition, Jinglong's disappearance is probably related to Qingqing Dage. And 80% of them are gone."

Tian Yugong frowned and said, "This... this is troublesome."

Li Sidao: "Yes, it's troublesome!"

Tian Yugong said: "What do you think?"

What do you think about this time? What should I do if I ask Li Si?

Li Sidao: "Master Chongen is one of our own. If only our Dali Temple family investigates the case, we will naturally find a way to lead it elsewhere. But the Emperor has paid attention to this case, and the other party has a great background. The key is not that our family handles the case." , and the people from the Zongren Mansion, that’s Duanhua’s territory, and they don’t want to deal with us.”

Tian Yugong said: "This is what bothers me. If we conduct a thorough investigation, Da Gege will be found. Chongen will be in big trouble, and Qingqing Gege's reputation will probably be ruined."

"If we don't investigate, the Zongren Mansion will not let him go. Duan Hua and Chong En are political enemies."

Li Sidao: "It would be great if Brother Su Yi was here. He has a good mind. It's a pity that he is in the examination room."

Tian Yugong said: "If you have chosen a position, then you will stand till the end. Let's support it first. We can't stand it anymore, so we have done our best."

"Sir, the Zongren Mansion has sent people to Master Chongen's Mansion." The staff came in to report.

Tian Yugong said: "Who took the lead? How many people did he lead?"

The staff member said: "It's You Zongzheng, Gushan Beizi Yixu, who brought more than a hundred people with him, including people from the Ministry of Punishment."

Tian Yugong's expression changed, this is because the person who came here is evil.

What's the meaning?

Don’t you believe me, Dali Temple? He even brought people from the Ministry of Punishment with him?

This time the other party insisted on taking away the initiative in this case.

Hearing the name Yixu, Tian Yugong also had a headache. The emperor's cousin is sixty-four years old today. He is almost the oldest among his peers, has the highest qualifications, and is also the most stubborn.

If he deliberately wanted to destroy the Chongen family, it would be a huge trouble.

Taking a deep breath, Dali Temple Qing Tian Yugong put on his official hat and said: "Let's go to Lord Chongen's residence! Let's go and meet this Gushan Beizi for a while!"

Then, not to be outdone, Tian Yugong brought dozens of people with him.

The two groups of troops marched towards Master Chongen's residence.


Inside the Gongyuan of Shuntian Prefecture.

After a long body search process, more than 10,000 candidates finally entered the narrow room.

Listening to the gunfire outside.

Su Yi secretly sighed. He was quite lucky. He was not assigned the worst position, at least not next to Gong's room.

Next, the buglers in the examination room began to patrol around and read out the rules.

Various examiners also began to inspect the entire Gongyuan.

Almost every examiner who passed by Su Yi would look at him deeply for a while.

In this examination room, he and Zhang Yuzhao were undoubtedly the two people who attracted the most attention.

There will be people watching him from beginning to end, and the probability of cheating is absolutely zero percent.

After the long ceremony, it was finally time to release the exam papers.

Next, it’s time to witness your luck.

Just like what Negative Bamei said, if the test papers change, then everything will be over.

Therefore, when Haojun put down his exam papers one by one, Su Yi could feel his heartbeat speeding up.

I have never been so nervous since I traveled through time.

At this time, others were more nervous than Su Yi.

Negative Eight Sisters hadn't slept since last night until now. She had been kneeling on the bed and praying for Su Yi.

A man who was bald at an early age and who should have seen through everything long ago went to the temple before dawn to burn incense and worship Su Yi.

He didn't even know when he passed the stage of believing or not, and he got involved in it inexplicably.

Moreover, he has experienced great glory and humiliation, and now he has nothing, but he can find such a sustenance, and his life seems much more complete.

There is also Qingqing Dagege, although Su Yi did not say how he knew the test questions, or even mentioned whether the test questions would change.

But she still knelt down in front of the Bodhisattva sincerely, and she had been kneeling there motionless ever since she returned home.

Although she didn't know exactly what she should ask for blessings for.

Just wish her Xiaoyi that everything goes well in the scientific examination.

What Bai Feifei worships is not Bodhisattva, but Mazu.

People who go to sea for a long time worship Mazu.


The test papers were sent to Su Yi, and they even had the scent of ink.

Apparently it was just rolled up.

Su Yi couldn't wait to open it and almost held her breath.

The first question, the second question, the third question.

It quickly caught my eye.

There was a sudden burst of ecstasy.

The breath I was holding was finally released.

That’s it!

Completely done!

Definitely win!

History still maintains a strong inertia in this place.

The questions in Shuntianfu's 1855 rural examination remained unchanged. Although the examiner has changed, the test questions have not changed at all.

Su Yi quickly browsed from beginning to end, and every question was exactly the same as in history.

Even when Su Yi was reading the questions, the standard answers had already appeared in his mind.

If nothing changes in the first exam, nothing will change in the future.

In terms of pure fraud, the first and second games are the easiest to cheat.

If you miss a question, you can at least find the standard answer.

Su Yi calmly read all the questions, and then started to answer the questions.

Of course, he did not write as if he were a god and move around.

Instead, like other candidates, they answer a question after thinking for a long time.

Knowing how many pairs of eyes were staring at Su Yi in the entire examination room, his examination state must not be abnormal.

It's time to draft, draft.

Write several answers to the ambiguous question on the scratch paper, then select the correct answer step by step, and finally fill in the correct answer on the test paper.

What is required is a truth.

The first exam took three days and two nights.

Although the amount of questions is very large, if you really want to pursue speed, it can be completed in two or three hours at most.

So at the beginning, a lot of people came to Su Yi.

Both the bugler and the examiner were always observing Su Yi from a few meters away.

But no one dared to come close.

Because Su Yi is too special in this examination room, it is best not to get too involved, let alone get too close, to avoid suspicion of cheating.

But seeing that Su Yi was so well-behaved, gradually fewer people stared at him.

On the contrary, more and more people are watching Zhang Yuzhao.

Contrary to Su Yi's cautious look, Zhang Yuzhao's writing was really thoughtful.

The above questions can be understood almost immediately.

No need to even draft.

There seemed to be a breath of air in his heart. Zhang Yuzhao was cautious before, but after being tortured by Dali Temple, he became more public.

As a result, more and more examiners gathered around him, and there was no need to worry about being suspected.

A top student! During exams, it is normal for the teacher to stand aside. This has been the case throughout the ages.

Looking at it, many examiners couldn't help but nodded.

Not bad, not bad, very good.

Although he wrote very quickly, he answered almost every question very accurately.

He truly deserves to be a first-rate talent.

As expected, I am determined to be number one in this subject.


at the same time!

In full view of everyone, Yi Xu from the Zong Ren Mansion led hundreds of people and rushed directly into Chong En's mansion.

Tian Yugong, the Qing of Dali Temple, was very respectful and polite and sent someone to deliver the greeting card first.

Then, he entered the mansion under the welcome of Chongen.

Yi Xu said calmly: "Let's go to the hall and start the trial."

Tian Yugong was surprised and said: "Master Beizi, what are you interrogating? What you said doesn't sound right."

Zheng Yixu, the right sect of the Zongren Mansion, sneered: "Tian Yugong, don't pretend to be confused because you understand. We are here to investigate the case and interrogate the suspect."

Li Si said from the side: "This is wrong. Jinglong is missing. We can't find any other clues. We can only come to Master Chongen's house to ask Da Gege. We are asking for help, not Interrogation, please don’t make a mistake, Master Bei.”

Yi Xu was stunned for a moment.

Who is this person? Looking at Dingdai, it is only a fifth-grade one at most.

And he, Gushan Beizi, is a super-ranked person. He is the great-grandson of Emperor Gaozong and Qianlong. Who is a fifth-ranked official like you?

"Tian Yugong, is this how you manage your subordinates? Our ancestors' empire is so corrupted because you people have no rules." Yi Xu was furious. As the eldest member of his generation, no one usually dared to contradict him. , let alone a mere fifth-rank official.

Chongen said from the side: "Many of our ancestors' kingdoms were corrupted by clan members like you. Isn't it just that you want to use your clan identity to solve the problem when you send the clan's office here?"

"Yixu, in terms of seniority, I am your uncle."

"In terms of rank, I am still the acting governor of Shandong. Although I am not as good as you, a Gushan Beizi, you don't need any etiquette when entering my home. You just rush in with a group of people and treat my family as imperial invaders."

Tian Yugong said: "Gushan Beizi has only been in the clan mansion for a long time. He has been in a high position for a long time and has forgotten many rules, which is normal."

Before the case even started, Chongen and Tian Yugong started to harmonize with each other to suppress this superb Gushan Beizi.

"Furthermore, this case of Jinglong's disappearance is mainly being investigated by our Dali Temple. There is no need for the Zongren Mansion. It was because we wanted to ask Da Gege a few words, so we asked the Zongren Mansion to come over to cooperate with the supervision. That is to say, we in Dali Is there anything disrespectful about the temple?”

"Now our Dali Temple is not rude, but your clan has begun to be rude?"

"Doesn't your clan's mansion care about the dignity of the clan?"

Dali Temple Qingtian Yugong's burst of output directly suppressed the clan's arrogance temporarily.

Because what he said makes sense.

I, Dali Temple, are responsible for investigating the case, and we are the main force.

Why is the Zongren Mansion so active? You are just here to supervise.

The minister of Dali Temple said righteously: "Before we start handling the case, we must set the rules. Between our Dali Temple and the clan's mansion, who is the leader and who is the auxiliary?"

"But according to the rules, members of the clan are not involved in the case, so it was me, Dali Temple, who took action. Jinglong and the eight Jianrui battalion soldiers who died should not be your clan."

"So in this case, my Dali Temple is the main one, and your clan's government is the auxiliary one. There's no problem, right?"

Beizi Yixu's face was cold and he said: "Stop chatting and let's get started!"

Tian Yugong said: "Da Gege is a female family member. It is not convenient for us to face her directly, so please find a screen and we can ask questions apart from each other to show our dignity."

In this way, Tian Yugong turned away from the client and directly turned the trial into a help inquiry.

Then, Tian Yugong said to Chongen: "Excuse me, sir, please go and ask Da Gege to come over. Let's ask a few words."

After a while, Qingqing Gege came and sat on the opposite side of the screen.

"I've met Beizi, I've met Tian Shaobao, I've met Li Shidu."

Just this greeting from Qingqing made Tian Yugong and Li Si very happy, because it seemed to be superior.

Tian Yugong said: "Excuse me, Da Gege."

Yixu next to him said: "Correction, it should be Mrs. Feng En."

Tian Yugong said: "Mrs. Fengen, where were you during the past few days from July 22nd to July 29th?"

Qingqing said: "In the past three days, I went back and forth between my home and the Kaiseki Temple in Baiyun Mountain. Later, I didn't want to bother with it, so I stayed in the Kaiseki Temple."

Tian Yugong asked: "Mrs. Feng'en, if you don't live at home, why do you go to Huaishi Temple?"

Qingqing said: "There is no harmony at home, so I can avoid the troubles of the world at Kaiseki Temple. The Ancient Blue Lantern Buddha can calm my mind."

Wai Lang, a member of the Criminal Department next to him, suddenly said: "Then Mrs. Feng'en went to Huaishi Nunnery to stay permanently, is it because there is Guanyin, the Guanyin for Seeking Children, and you have the intention of seeking a child?"

Qingqing said: "Absolutely not, I just went to seek some peace and quiet. And most of the so-called children seeking children are in Xiaobaiyun Temple, which is very popular, but it has been burned down."

Xiaobaiyunguan's quest for a child is very dirty.

After sending the daughter-in-law over and drinking a bowl of soup, the woman didn't know anyone. When she woke up the next day and took her home, she felt as if she had had a more colorful dream. Soon after she came home for a checkup, she found she was pregnant.

But I don’t know what happened that night.

The real person who gives birth to a child is not a Bodhisattva or a Taoist king, but a group of rogue Taoist priests.

If you do this kind of immoral thing too often, you will be punished immediately.

A few months ago, all the Taoist priests in Xiaobaiyun Temple were killed, and the Taoist temple was burned down with a fire.

The Baiyun Temple in the capital was not angry, but clapped and applauded.

I want you to call me Xiaobaiyunguan, rub my reputation every day, and ruin my reputation.

Tian Yugong said: "Mrs. Feng'en, you can see Jinglong and his entourage in the palace, but do you hear any sounds of fighting?"

Qingqing said: "Not at all. You may not know that I needed to use incense to fall asleep during that time. I slept very lightly. I didn't see Jinglong and his group, and I didn't hear any sounds of fighting or killing."

Wailang, a member of the Criminal Department, said: "Mrs. Fengen, after Jinglong disappeared, you also disappeared from Huaishi Nunnery. May I ask why? Where did you go?"

As soon as these words came out, Tian Yugong's heart trembled slightly.

This is the most terrible place.

Qingqing said: "Master Huaiyu saw that I couldn't sleep and was troubled by my thoughts, so she took me down the mountain to search for ancient ruins."

This statement seems to be vague, not very convincing, and there is not even any personal or material evidence.

Wailang, a member of the Criminal Department, said: "According to King Qing Fujin's description, she had a conflict with you and wanted to ease the relationship. So she sent her brother Jinglong to lead people to Baiyun Mountain to take Mrs. Fengen home, but suddenly she I'm missing, no matter how you try to make excuses, you can't escape suspicion."

Tian Yugong said angrily: "How dare you, should you, the Criminal Department, preside over this case, or should I, Dali Temple, preside over this case?"

Yi Xuhan said in a cold voice: "Tian Yugong, don't forget your responsibilities. Your loyalty is to the emperor. If you are so partial, I will enter the palace to join you."

Then, Yi Xu said: "I'll just tell the truth and stop beating around the bush. This Jinglong was lustful. He had evil thoughts when he learned that Qingqing was alone in Huaishi Temple in Baiyun Mountain. He wanted to take the opportunity to be indecent, but he was killed instead. Isn’t that what you are doing?”

Chongen was furious.

What would happen to Qingqing's reputation if she said this?

Tian Yugong was furious: "Master Bei, this is to settle a case, not to tell a story. If you want to tell a story, go under the overpass!"

Yi Xu slammed the table and said angrily: "Who do you, Mr. Tian Yu, do you? Who do you, the crown prince's Shaobao, do you? What do you mean in front of me, a beggar from a mountain? With chicken feathers as arrows, since you don't want to handle the case properly, just Don't do it. I will go to the palace to see you and take over this case completely. Please step aside!"

"Tian Yugong, what is your relationship with Chongen? Why do you protect me at all times? It seems that you, the Minister of Dali Temple, don't want to do it anymore!"

Then, Yi Xu stood up directly and said in a cold voice: "Qingqing, you don't want to say it now. When you enter my clan's house, you won't be able to stop saying it."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Chongen and his wife changed drastically.

The Zongren Mansion has a complete punishment system and a separate prison. Once it is done, it will be more cruel than Shuntian Mansion and Dali Temple.

Not to mention the distant clans, even if the royal family members entered the clan mansion, many of them would be driven crazy.

After saying that, Yi Xu walked away directly.

Tian Yugong came to Chongen and said: "Lord Chongen, I can't stop you for long. This Yixu is the emperor's eldest cousin, and his weight far exceeds mine. Now that he has entered the palace to see the emperor, he will soon take him. This case has been completely taken over, so when he comes to your house again, he will directly take Da Gege into the clan house for interrogation. "

To be an official, you must have a firm stand. You may suffer a temporary loss, but in the end the benefits outweigh the disadvantages and everyone will believe in you. Tian Yugong knows this well.

While he was leaving, Tian Yugong continued to give instructions.

"The methods used by the Zongren Mansion are no less cruel than those of our Dali Temple. Once Da Gege enters, the consequences will be disastrous."

"So no matter what means or strategies you have, use them quickly."

"This case is too obvious. Da Gege is the only clue. Anyone will doubt her."

"Lord Chong'en, no matter what method you use, it must be fast, it must be fast."

"As expected, before dark, Yi Xu will be able to request the order, and the clan government will send troops to capture Da Gege."


Night is falling!

Su Yi put away her pen and did not hold the candle to answer the question.

Then he sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

His thoughts drifted to Qingqing.

The killing of nine people in Jinglong was a major case after all and would definitely alarm the emperor.

I don’t know what position Tian Yu Guild holds, but I hope it won’t disappoint him.

But Su Yi had no hope for the Zongren Mansion. This was Duan Hua's territory. He was a political enemy and Chong En would not be lenient.

So there is a bottom line, Qingqing cannot enter the clan mansion.

Why doesn't the black bow over there take action?

The time has come to test their loyalty.

If Heigong doesn't take action, Bai Feifei and her people can only do it.

But that would increase the risk. Bai Feifei and the people he brought were far inferior to Hei Gong and others in terms of force.


Yangxin Hall, inside Sanxi Hall!

Beizi Yixu handed the entire inquiry record to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the facts of this case couldn't be more clear. Qingqing has serious suspicions."

"Nine people from Jinglong went to Baiyun Mountain to take her home, but she disappeared inexplicably. No one was seen alive, no body was found after she died. After that, Qingqing also disappeared for several days."

"And Mr. Tian Yu has always been partial and obstructed my servants from doing things."

"I am impeaching Mr. Tian Yu and bending the law for personal gain."

"On behalf of the clan, I would like to take over the case with full authority and bring Qingqing into the clan's mansion for interrogation to get to the bottom of the matter."

"A nobleman of the Eight Banners, a fifth-grade Yunqi Lieutenant, has just disappeared. We must find out, otherwise people will be panicked."

The emperor was silent for a long time, then nodded and said: "Sure, but be careful. I will bring it to the clan's mansion for questioning. No matter what, keep it confidential and try not to use punishment."

"According to the order!" Yi Xu said.

No punishment? !

It doesn't matter, the Zongren Mansion has many methods.

When an iron man comes, he will also give you nails, not to mention a delicate woman.

Yixu was so excited that he left the palace and returned to the clan's mansion. He gathered his troops and prepared to go to Chong'en's mansion to be interrogated by the Qingqing clan's mansion.

The emperor then said in a cold voice: "Here you come, I want to order Tian Yugong, the minister of Dali Temple, to pay an audience."


In a certain mansion.

The dead ghost Jinglong's brother, Jingtai, is another brother of Qingwang Fujin Dong E's family.

His title is higher, he is a fourth-grade Yunhui envoy, and a deputy shotgun guard and military commander!

He is already considered an important figure in the Eight Banners Army.

Moreover, the Eight Banners came from noble families and had deep roots.

Both of these brothers were promoted because of one thing: the Northern Expedition to destroy Lin Fengxiang of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

At this time, dozens of members of Jingtai's family and more than a dozen of his close men were also present.

He is discussing the matter of revenge for his younger brother Jinglong.

"It must have been that bitch Qingqing's mistress who killed Jinglong."

"After that bitch was arrested and sent to the clan's mansion, I couldn't believe that she didn't do anything."

"I heard that Qingqing's bitch's mistress was Su Yi. Maybe Jinglong's death was related to Su Yi."

"Check it out, get to the bottom of it, and send this couple to the guillotine!"

"Drag Su Yi out of the examination room and ask him if he is that bitch Qingqing's mistress? Did he harm Jinglong?"


At the same time, outside Jingtai’s mansion.

Sixteen brothers including Hei Gong were dressed in black and fully armed.

Li Qi also wore a mask and black clothes.

There is another person, Master Huaiyu.

She looked at Jingtai's mansion with deep-seated hatred.

Li Qi whispered: "Hei Gong, master's order, will you do it or not?"

Black Gong said: "Do you know what we are going to do?"

Li Qi said: "Isn't it just killing the whole family and annihilating them all?"

Hei Gong said: "This is a rebellion by killing officials. Once caught, the entire clan will be killed."

Li Qi's eyes were suddenly filled with contempt.

The Nianjun brothers beside Hei Gong also looked at their boss with dissatisfaction.

Li Qihan said: "My martial arts skills are not as good as yours, and my brother is the young minister of Dali Temple. I dare to do it, but you rebels don't dare to do it. It's embarrassing!"

After that, Li Qi picked up the crossbow and aimed at an officer inside.

Without saying a word, pull the trigger!


He shot the officer to death with a single arrow.

Immediately afterwards, Master Huaiyu also fired a powerful crossbow.

If you don’t take action, I will force you to take action!

Hei Gong cursed angrily, "Fuck!"

It's not that I don't take action, I just think about it again.

In an instant, Hei Gong and the other sixteen people began to bend their bows and set arrows, shooting wildly.

A few minutes later!

Eighteen people rushed into Jingtai's mansion.

A killing spree!

Kill, kill, kill!

This black bow had been hesitant to take action before, appearing indecisive.

Once he rushed in and started to fight, he was the most brutal, killing people like cutting melons and vegetables.

In a short moment, he killed dozens of people in Jingtai's family, including more than a dozen of his confidants, without leaving a single one.

The whole mansion was covered with blood and corpses.

He shouted while killing.

"Revenge for the Marshal, revenge!"

Then he wrote a big word on the wall in blood: Hong!


Note: The fifth update is here, with 30,000 words updated today! There is only a few dozen gaps from the second place on the new book list.

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