Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 67: The whole world is in turmoil, the emperor issues an edict (3 more to congratulate the l

Chapter 67 The world is in turmoil, and the emperor issued an order! (3 more for the leader Yuxian Qi Tian congratulations)

Outside the village, a bonfire was lit.

Eating meat and drinking wine, how happy.

Liu Hongmei sang and danced in the firelight.

It is said that in this world, men don’t like their women to show up, but Li Qi is not like that.

He looked at Liu Hongmei’s figure with pride.

He rushed up and danced with her.

Then, Cuihua and Ma Gou couldn’t help it and rushed up to dance with them.

But in this way, the dancing postures of several people were a little unbearable to look at, and Liu Hongmei, who was dancing very well, was directly led astray.

Qingqing nestled in Su Ye’s arms and couldn’t help but tilt her face back and look at him.

Su Ye leaned forward and kissed her.

Qingqing was shy.

Is this... okay?

There are so many people.

But soon she was addicted to it.

Everyone around her started cheering and applauding.

Qingqing thought to herself: Is this the life I want?


This is my dream, but I dare not imagine such complete happiness and freedom.

This kind of life, in just one day, is more than the previous twenty years.

Lengmu drank and said to Heigong: "Brother, I don't want to be displaced anymore, I want to stay."

Heigong said: "Following such a stupid master, it is very likely that you will die."

Lengmu said: "That's better than living like a dog."


Kill the most vicious enemy.

Drink the strongest wine.

Sleep with the most beautiful woman.

Su Ye has done it all today, and is now doing the last one.

Qingqing's little boat, in the stormy waves, doesn't know where to go.

Don't know whether to go to heaven or go deep into hell.

Heaven is a dream.

Hell is sinking.

She feels like she is sinking.


Late at night!

Su Ye walked out of the manor.

On the grassland, Heigong stood with a knife, looking at the moon in the sky.

"Are the people from Yangwu Escort Agency useful to you?" Heigong asked.

Su Ye handed over a pot of wine and said, "No."

Heigong said, "Then why take the risk to save them? It seems that we have won very easily, but it is actually very dangerous. If those hundreds of escorts had not rushed up at the risk of their lives, more than a dozen of us might be trapped and in danger of our lives. There is no enemy of a hundred people in this world."

Su Ye said, "There is something engraved in my bones and in my beliefs."

Heigong said, "Do you want to be chivalrous and punish the strong and help the weak?"

Su Ye shook his head and said, "The greatest heroes serve the country and the people."

Then, He smiled and said, "You are a little dissatisfied with me. You think that I am a nobleman, and I can't beat you on the battlefield, right?"

Heigong said, "Yes!"

Su Yi said, "Now my hands and legs are all holding lead blocks, about 30 kilograms."

"Let's fight!"

"I'll show you whether I am a nobleman's martial arts or a killing skill?"

Heigong said angrily, "You are looking down on me."

Su Yi said, "It's not in the words, it's in the knife!"

Heigong roared, waved the knife in his hand, and rushed towards Su Yi fiercely.

Su Yi drew his knife.

The two people, under the moonlight, fought madly.

Every move was desperate.

Every move was thrilling.

No one came out to stop them, but behind the window, pairs of eyes were staring.

Half a minute later!

Su Yi's sword was across Heigong's neck.

Su Ye said slowly: "Is my killing skill powerful?"

Hei Gong said: "Powerful."

Su Ye said lightly: "My least noteworthy skill is this killing skill!"

Hei Gong said: "If you have something for me to do, just tell me, don't knock me down and step on the ground first."

Su Ye said: "I have something for you to do, but not now."

Hei Gong said: "What is it?"

Su Ye said: "Big things, big things! You will be needed to do it soon, and you will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of silver after the task is completed."


After the fight.

Su Ye went back to take a bath and put on comfortable Hanfu.

He didn't like the clothes of the Qing Dynasty.

He liked to wear loose and flowing Hanfu.

It's a pity that I don't know when this braid can go.

Five years? Ten years?

Qingqing also wore a Hanfu skirt, swaying her delicate body, sticking to Su Ye's back.

"My little Yi is so handsome." Qingqing said softly, "It's a pity that he has a braid. If it was the hair style of the previous dynasty, it would be more beautiful."

Su Yi smiled and said, "You, a princess of the royal family, also said such a rebellious thing?"

Qingqing said, "If it looks good, it looks good. If it doesn't look good, it doesn't look good."

Then, Su Yi returned to the candlelight and began to practice calligraphy.

He practiced calligraphy for two hours every day.

And Qingqing sat beside him, lying on the table like this, looking at him with her face sideways.

Can look for a long time.

Every time at this time, four words would appear in Liu Hongmei's mind: immortal couple.


In the next few days.

Su Yi continued to practice riding and shooting, broadsword, and Shi Shuo desperately!

But Qingqing didn't watch it.

Because she felt that the broadsword weighing 150 kilograms and Shi Shuo weighing several hundred kilograms were not worthy of his man.

And she stayed in the room and continued to write the policy question.

She wanted to be perfect.

As for Su Ye's ignorance of the imperial examination, she had only one thought.

She was not worthy of my man in the civil service examination.

About the ninth day.

Qingqing handed a policy question to Su Ye.

"Okay." Su Ye took it and began to recite.

He did not ask whether this policy question could beat Zhang Yuzhao or take first place.

Because there was no need to ask.

Qingqing was in the best state of her life now.

And she had put all her talents and even inspiration into it.

"Xiao Ye, when are we going back to the city?" Qingqing asked.

"The day after tomorrow." Su Ye said.

Qingqing did not want to go back, it was too good here, too free.

At this time, Liu Hongmei's voice sounded outside: "Master, the eldest young lady is here."


Bai Feifei?

After a while, Bai Feifei walked in.

At first sight, she saw Qingqing.

Seeing her state, she was unprecedentedly beautiful, just like fine wine, making people drunk at the sight.

And her eyes, full of happiness, charm, and even spring...!

Bai Feifei felt a pang of bitterness in her heart.

Has this day finally come?

She tried to make herself happy, and she should be happy.

Qingqing is very good, the best woman, beautiful and noble.

She is a good match for Xiaoye.

Qingqing said softly: "You talk."

Then she walked out without showing any expression.

But she was confused in her heart.

She didn't notice it before, but now she found that Bai Feifei was wrong.

Because she had a lover, everything would become sensitive.

But she wouldn't say it, nor would she ask.

She was only immersed in her love.

She didn't want to care about other things, and she was reluctant to distract her emotions.


"Sister-in-law, what's wrong?" Su Ye asked.

Bai Feifei said: "The eunuchs in the palace are here, with the emperor's edict!"

Su Ye was shocked. What kind of edict would the emperor come at this time?

"Can't you take the edict on my behalf?"

Bai Feifei said: "No, the eunuch said he was waiting at home. When you arrive, he will announce the edict."

Is it so urgent?

The angels in the palace can't wait, so Su Ye must set off back to the city immediately.

"Xiao Ye, sister-in-law is so happy." Bai Feifei said: "I often think, who can match you, it seems that only Qingqing can. There are too few outstanding men and women like you."

"I think the couples in the opera are just like this."

"Our Xiao Ye has finally grown up."

After Bai Feifei finished speaking, she smiled at Su Ye and walked out.

In the yard, she greeted Qingqing's eyes.

Bai Feifei showed a close smile.

It was not until she was alone that she felt her eyes were dry and sour.

This is the best result. Everyone will live a peaceful life in the future. All the messy emotions were completely suppressed.


More than an hour later!

Su Ye packed up everything, got on the horse, took advantage of the night, took Qingqing, and sister-in-law Bai Feifei to leave the grassland village.

Return to the capital.

When he arrived at his home in the capital, it was almost dawn.

Entering the city gate was also smooth, because it was to go home to receive the imperial edict.

Send Qingqing home first.

At this time, Chongen and his wife had been waiting for more than an hour.

The first time she saw Qingqing, Mrs. Chongen knew something was different.

Qingqing knelt down and said, "Father, Enie, Xiaoye and I are husband and wife."

Chongen trembled, and didn't know what to say for a while. He thought he would feel like being struck by lightning, but in the end he didn't. He just felt a little depressed and a little uneasy.

After a long while, Chongen asked, "Then...then..."

But he couldn't say anything.

Mrs. Chong'en asked softly, "Qingqing, do you feel good?"

Qingqing said, "It seems that I have never been so happy in my life. Even if it's only these few days, I feel it's worth it."

Mrs. Chong'en said with tears in her eyes, "That's good, that's good."

"I said that our eldest princess is the best girl in the world and must have the best life."

"Xiaoye is good. Although he is much younger than you, he has loved you since he was a child."

"Anyway, this is a good marriage. Father and mother are very happy for you."

"As long as you are happy, everything is good."


Suye had just entered the house.

The eunuch in the palace was already sitting in the hall waiting. It was the old acquaintance who had received eight hundred taels from Suye before.

He had a serious face, but when he saw Suye come in, he immediately put on a friendly smile.

"No need to say anything, Brother Su Ye, you are studying outside the city for the imperial examination and to win face for the emperor. There is nothing wrong with that. We will eat and drink well at your house. It is not difficult to wait."

He held Su Ye's hands affectionately and said: "Brother, you are really serious in studying. You look thinner."

After the greetings, the eunuch said: "Then shall we issue the decree?"

Su Ye said: "I am exhausted. It is better for me to take a bath and change clothes to show solemnity."

The eunuch said: "No, no, you are also a member of the royal family, a family member, why do you need these empty formalities!"

Then, the eunuch's expression became serious.

He said loudly: "The emperor's oral order!"

Su Yi said: "My lord, I respectfully send you my regards."

The eunuch cupped his hands and said, "Holy greetings!"

Then, the eunuch said: "Su Yi, I heard that you are ill and may not be able to take part in the imperial examination. I am very sorry. I have given you three ginseng branches. I hope you can take good care of your health and serve me as soon as possible."

"Appreciate this!"

Su Yi was stunned, what does this mean?

What kind of drama is the emperor acting in?

"I thank the Lord for your kindness. Long live, long live, long live!"

Then, Su Yi stuffed in another banknote.

"Don't, don't, don't." Eunuch Cheng Shou pushed back and said, "We also want money, but we can't come to your house to ask for money. This will make our friendship seem superficial, right?"

Su Yi said: "I am superficial, and I still ask your father-in-law to give me some advice. What is the profound meaning of this, Your Majesty?"

Eunuch Cheng Shou said: "Brother, the matter of your participation in the civil and military examinations has caused a storm in the city. Now not only the capital, but also the entire Zhili are alarmed. Everyone is talking about it, and not to mention how unpleasant it is."

"The Manchu people are scolding me, saying that brother, you are only good at sensationalism. The reputation of the Manchu people and the Eight Banners is not good. This time you participated in the civil and military examinations and your results were extremely poor. Wouldn't you become even more of a laughing stock? Losing the Eight Banners’ face.”

"The Han people are also scolding them, saying that it is extremely difficult for them to get a place to take part in the civil and military examinations, but brother, you have two places at once because of your clan background. This is very unfair. "

Su Yi wanted to correct him. These two quotas were obtained with money, not by family background.

"In short, the situation is overwhelming, and the emperor also feels tremendous pressure, so someone in the court said that you should not take part in the civil and military examinations."


If this is the case, it will bring huge trouble to Su Yi.

"Master Ruilin said that if Brother Su Yi does not participate in the civil and military examinations, he will be ridiculed by the world, and many people will say that you have once again escaped from the battlefield. And he said that when public opinion comes together, the emperor will back down. This is It sets a bad precedent.”

Master Ruilin is awesome!

This last sentence obviously directly hit the emperor's heart.

"So, do you know what my brother will do next?" Eunuch Cheng Shou asked.

Su Yi said: "I have been studying until midnight these days, and I accidentally got caught in the rain. I fell ill. I won't see guests for the next few days. I need to take good care of myself and prepare for the imperial examination."

Eunuch Cheng Shou gave a thumbs up and said, "That's what it means. In this way, even if the exam is too ugly, we will still have something to say."

Su Yi was helpless. Isn't this deception?

Next, the eunuch Cheng Shou said goodbye and left.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he found a carriage following him. When he opened it, he found that it was full of silk.

Cheng Shou said: "Hey, hey, what is your master doing? Do I dare to come here again?"

The housekeeper Su Lin said: "Father, please make no mistake. This silk is not for you. Your concubine came to my shop to order it a few days ago. We have nothing to give to you this time."

Yes, this eunuch also has a concubine outside. This is very common for the eunuchs in the palace.

It's just that the concubine Cheng Shou was not randomly found, but was once the wife of the palace. She was released when she reached the age. The two have been together for many years, and they are really an old couple.

Cheng Shou complained: "This girl, with her body like this, how many clothes do she need to wear?"

But I felt better about Su Yi in my heart. This friend was worth keeping.


In the next few days, news came from Su Yi's home.

Su Yi fell ill. He was very ill and closed the door to thank guests. He might not be able to take part in the civil and military examinations.

Now, instead of stopping the cries of ridicule and crusade, it started up again.

Look, look!

This is for fear of embarrassment.

I'm about to run away from the battle again.

The last time he escaped from battle in the southern battlefield, this time he escaped from battle in the imperial examination room.

Knowing that he was incompetent, why did he talk so loudly in front of the emperor that he wanted to participate in some civil and military examinations, setting a precedent that had not been seen in hundreds of years?

It's not enough to embarrass yourself once, how about embarrassment twice?

This was in line with Su Yi's judgment.

In the current situation, Su Yi would be scolded if he took part in the dual imperial examinations.

If you don't participate, you will get scolded.

If you pretend to be sick, you will still be scolded.

However, after the news of his illness came out, the palace gave special grace and sent an imperial doctor to treat Su Yi.

It was finally confirmed that Su Yi was indeed ill.

After the news spread, there was even more abuse.

However, Su Yi closed the door to thank guests and stayed in her own courtyard, feeling relaxed and peaceful.


at night.

The back door opened, and a wonderful figure squeezed in.

Almost before they could see each other clearly, the two of them were hugging each other, their lips pressed together.

It's Qingqing.

This is her first love, and they are a young couple. She really doesn't want to be separated for a single second.

"Did you come here secretly, or did you tell your uncle?" Su Yi asked.

Qingqing said: "Ama pretended not to know. Enie agreed that I would come, and Tingren sent me here."

Well? !

All right!

Does the whole family help you steal... love?

Then, the two of them kissed while entering Su Yi's room.

I don’t know why, but when I got to the room, my clothes disappeared.

This kind of thing is really addicting.

And it's different from the grassland here, the walls have ears.

So, it seemed more exciting.

Su Ye took advantage of Qingqing's inability to object and unlocked a lot of new knowledge.

When it was almost dawn, Qingqing sneaked out from the back door to go home.

Su Ye rubbed the corners of his mouth, and the root of his tongue hurt a little.

He picked up the tea on the table, and it tasted a little strange.

Is the tea that was usually good a little bit light?


The next night, Qingqing sneaked in again, and went home at dawn again.

After returning home, she looked in the mirror.

There was a little strangeness in her throat, and she spat secretly, picked up the tea, and tried to wash away the strangeness.

She secretly warned herself: "Qingqing, you can't go again tonight, he still has to take the exam."

"You are a dignified woman, how can you be so unrestrained?"

But after nightfall, she still couldn't help but sneak out.

It was almost dawn again before she went home.

However, this time, just after returning to the room, Enie sat on the chair.

She said something very embarrassed.

"Big Princess, be moderate..."

"Your little brother, you still have to take the exam."

"Also... you are a little trembling when you walk, it will be a joke if people see it."

After saying this, Mrs. Chongen herself ran away very embarrassedly.

Qingqing was left in the room, shy to death.

Tonight, I really can't go.

According to what he said, if I toss and turn, it might get inflamed, and then it will be really troublesome.


Night fell, around nine o'clock.

Su Ye heard the sound coming from the back door again.

Big sister, I've been waiting for you for a long time.

This sneaky feeling is really too exciting and wonderful.

It makes people unable to stop.

He hurried to greet her, and a graceful figure came in from the back door.

Su Ye hugged her and directly occupied the high ground.

Then, he was stunned.

It's broken, it's not Qingqing.

Because the altitude is wrong.

Zhenzhen, the little princess of Lord Ruilin, was struck by lightning and dared not move.

"Brother Su Ye, don't do this... You can't do this yet!"

Zhenzhen's voice trembled.


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