Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 56 Must win first place! Sleep with her!

After the dispersion of the dynasty, the emperor left Chongen alone.

Inside Sanxi Hall.

"Chongen, tell me honestly, how hopeful is Su Yi's provincial examination?"

Chongen said bitterly: "Su Yi is indeed talented, but the subjects of the imperial examination are vast. It is impossible to pass the examination without studying for more than ten years. Therefore, Su Yi's hope in the provincial examination this time is slim."

The emperor sighed: "You are the best learned among the clan, and the provincial examination is very close, so it's good to cram for a while. During this period, you should focus on helping Su Yi with his homework. Even if there is only one point of hope, you must try your best. ”

"The imperial examination, to select talents for the country, must be fair and authoritative, and no fraud will be tolerated."

"But as long as Su Yi can pass the exam, even if he is the last one on the list, as long as he can pass, I will definitely use him."

"After all, he is of ancestral blood, and he is truly one of our own."

Chongen knelt down and said: "Although the hope is slim, I will do my best."

The emperor said: "Although he applied for both civil and military examinations at the same time, he specializes in martial arts. He failed in the martial arts examination a few years ago. This time he can only focus on the literary examination. Even if he fails, don't be too... Ugly."

Chong'en said: "I obey your order!"

The emperor stepped forward and patted Chongen on the shoulder and said: "Uncle Chongen, we are uncles and nephews. We quarrel. But even if we break the bones and connect the tendons, we still have to rely on our own people in this world, and let outsiders do everything." If you do it, your ancestors’ empire will be unstable.”

Chong'en's eyes filled with tears, he knelt down and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, I have committed an outrageous act of rebellion, please punish me!"

Xianfeng said: "If a family has a stubborn man, the family will not be ruined, and if the country has loyal ministers, the country will not be destroyed. Although I am not as wise and wise as my ancestors, I still have this ability. The country is in danger, and we, as descendants, must overcome the difficulties together." ”

Chongen almost kowtowed and cried, "I know, I know."


In Cining Palace, the Queen Mother asked Su Ye if she was married, and Su Ye said no.

The Queen Mother wanted to sit up as if she wanted to say something.

But in the end he didn't say anything, but said: "There's no rush, just pick and choose carefully."

Su Yi understood almost instantly.

The Queen Mother valued his auspicious name and wanted to be happy, but Su Yi's weight was still too light after all.

At least for now, he is not worthy in any aspect.

After returning home.

Su Yi reviewed his performance in the court.

It's perfect!

More perfect than imagined.

Next, I only need to take the first place in high school in both civil and military examinations.

That would definitely shock the entire capital, and even half of the world.

The emperor's shock and surprise will be even more unimaginable.

Military power comes naturally.

Soon, he received shocking news.

The emperor ordered Zhang Yuzhao to participate in the Jinke Provincial Examination.

What about his first place in the civil service examination? Did it fly?

Immediately afterwards, he learned that Wang Shiqing was performing martial arts in the palace, which shocked the whole audience.

A seventeen-strength bow can penetrate the poplar with a hundred steps.

A 150-pound sword dances like flowers.

Shi Shuo, weighing 380 kilograms, was able to reproduce in one fell swoop.


So strong?

I knew that Wang Shiqing was very strong, but I didn't expect him to be so strong.

As a result, even the first place in the martial arts competition is not stable.

For a moment, Su Yi stood in the yard, looking up at the sky.

The dark clouds are coming down.

But when does it thunder and when does lightning strike?

This time, he had to go online to discuss Plan B with Negative Bamei and Young Young Bald.

At this time, when the family members saw Su Yi's gesture, their voices suddenly became softer.

Because in their opinion, Su Ye might be thinking about some great truth between heaven and earth, but they couldn't disturb him.

Waited for half an hour.


Finally, there was thunder.

Immediately afterwards, lightning struck suddenly.

Su Yi quickly rushed into the yard and closed the door. The family members had a tacit understanding that they must not enter his yard at this time.

Dad Suhe was confused.

This... this waiter's hobby is really strange.

Do you like to do things every time there is thunder and lightning?

Su Yi turned on the tablet and connected to the Internet.

Sure enough, as soon as it went online, there were a lot of messages.

Negative Bamei: "How was your first performance in court?"

"Did something happen?"

"Talk back, talk back!"

Because of time constraints last time, the network was disconnected only halfway through the preview.

Su Yi said: "The performance in the court is perfect, extremely perfect."

Negative Bamei: "That's good."

Young and bald: "That's good."

"Start the review."

Next, Su Yi used the shortest time to explain her performance in the court today.

Negative Bamei: “Awesome!”

Young and bald: "Absolutely awesome, absolutely perfect. You are simply a born political animal, and every word you say hits the emperor's heart."

Negative Bamei said: "Next, you will have a long honeymoon period with the emperor."

Su Yi: "Uh..."

"But the situation has changed today. Zeng Guofan was different from history. He captured Xianning in advance and was joining forces with Hu Linyi to attack Wuchang. The emperor dismissed Zeng Guofan from the post of governor of Hubei because of the fall of Wuchang, but he fought again He won a battle, so in order to appease the Hunan army, he ordered Zhang Yuzhao to take part in the Jinke Township Examination."

"And Wang Shiqing, he is more powerful than I thought. With a seventeen-power bow, he can pierce a poplar with a hundred steps. A hundred and fifty kilograms of swords, which can show flowers. A three-hundred and eighty kilograms of stone, he can copy the seal in one fell swoop!"

Negative Eight Sisters: “Fuck!”

Young and bald: "Sun!"

As a result, it is not safe to get first place in both civil and military examinations.

After a long while, the eighth sister said, "Are you sure you can beat Wang Shiqing in martial arts?"

Su Yi said: "His and I are roughly equal in strength, but what I want is absolute victory, without any dispute!"

Then, Su Yi said: "So, I have an idea, you go find me a stimulant formula, and it must be available in my time. I started taking stimulants half a month before the martial arts competition." agent.”

Negative Eight Sisters: "..."

"You're awesome!"

"Su Bacun, you are awesome!"

Negative Bamei said: "This involves my knowledge blind spot, but there are relevant professionals in our group, including doctors of medicine and doctors of biology. And I can also go to my classmates at Peking University, and they should be able to do it for you. To the stimulant formula that suits your era.”

Young Bald said: "I also know the experts from the Anti-Doping Center of the Sports Bureau, and I can also find the relevant formula for you. By then, as long as you increase your strength by about ten percent, you should be able to beat Wang Shiqing."

Negative Bamei said: "Not only must we win, but we must win thoroughly and win beautifully."

Su Yi said: "Okay, the doping plan for the martial arts examination is passed."

"Next, we will discuss the response plan for the provincial civil examination."

Negative Bamei said: "Two plans."

"The first plan is to find a way to kill the second place, and then copy the second place test paper during the exam. Of course, in this case, you can only get the second place."

The second place is Guarjia Songfan. Like Su Yi, he is also a blue flag and will be a future feudal official.

Moreover, the power of this person’s family cannot be underestimated.

It is difficult to kill him in a short time, but it is not impossible.

This is a very safe and secure plan. Even if you place second in the civil examination, the emperor will be very surprised and will still use it again.

But... this is not perfect enough, not amazing enough.

It would be satisfying if he could completely defeat Zhang Yuzhao in the imperial examination, which he is best at.

To be first in the civil and military examinations is enough to shock you.

"The second option is not to copy anyone else's test papers and make your own essay to win the first place."

Young and bald said: "This, this can't be done."

"Tch!" Negative Bamei said: "A useless man is frightened because he is uneducated and has no skills. In fact, this path may not be impossible."

"First of all, in the first session, there is the third question on the meaning of the "Four Books" and the first question on the five-character and eight-rhyme poem."

"In the second session, there is one question each on "Five Classics" and Zhiyi."

"The third session of policy questions. The first title of the "Four Books" is "The Analects of Confucius", the second is "The Doctrine of the Mean", and the third is "Mencius."

"Don't forget, we know the test questions in advance."

"The first and second tests are typical test-oriented education, with standard answers. We have studied Zhang Yuzhao's test papers for these two tests. They are very, very good, but they are definitely not full marks. If scored, it should be around 95."

"However, I can find a dozen of the best scholars in the country and use a few days to come up with the perfect answer, so that your first and second games will get perfect scores, surpassing Zhang Yuzhao."

Ying Nian Zao Bald said: "If I remember correctly, the most important question in the imperial examination is policy questions, which can even directly determine life and death."

Negative Eight Sisters said: "Yes, Ce will determine life and death."

Ying Nian Zao Bald said: "Then the scholar you found is more capable than Zhang Yuzhao in policy matters?"

Negative Bamei said: "I can't do it. There are specializations in the arts. Modern scholars are just doing research, so they shouldn't be able to do it against these imperial examination monsters."

"But... we have three advantages. First, we know the test questions. Second, we have enough time. Third, we can anchor one goal, which is Zhang Yuzhao's policy."

Su Yi said: "I understand."

Young and bald said: "I understand too."

Negative Bamei said: "We already know that Zhang Yuzhao is the number one, so our strategy is to focus on Zhang Yuzhao and do nothing else."

"We don't have the same level as others, but we still have the level of finding faults. I gathered more than a dozen experts to study Zhang Yuzhao's policy and find out all the shortcomings and deficiencies in it."

"Then, we outline a policy question framework and specifically focus on these shortcomings of Zhang Yuzhao's policy theory."

"We must make this policy question surpass Zhang Yuzhao in terms of purpose and perspective."

"We have to be sure of one thing, that is, when the two policy papers are put together, our policy intention is more brilliant and far-reaching. It is very obvious to judge the superiority and inferiority."

“Our expert team can do this because this is our specialty.”

"However, we can only be responsible for the framework and intention of the entire policy inquiry. We cannot write specific articles, and if we write them, we may not be able to defeat Zhang Yuzhao, because we are only researchers, not people of that era."

"So, Su Bacun, you need to find someone who is an absolute master and someone you trust absolutely, and according to our framework, write a policy to kill Zhang Yuzhao."

"Remember, there are two conditions, absolute master and absolute trust. One is indispensable."

"Otherwise, once it is revealed, you will be an imperial examination fraudster. Why do you know the test questions in advance?"

"Su Bacun, can you find such a person?"

Su Yi thought for a while.

At present, the only people he absolutely trusts are probably his family.

However, Su He is a mascot, and he can't recognize many characters.

Su Quan's talent was only above average.

Although sister-in-law Bai Feifei is very smart, she is not well-read.

Chong'en is very knowledgeable, but he is too honest to help Su Ye cheat. Even his level is not good enough. His strengths are poetry, calligraphy, and epigraphy.

Su Ye said: "There is really someone."

Fu Ba Mei said: "Chong'en's daughter, the disciple of Gu Taiqing, the first talent of the Qing Dynasty, Jue Luo Qingqing, your elder sister."

Su Ye said: "Is she okay?"

Fu Ba Mei said: "I asked someone to read the articles you took of her. She... is very, very good."

"Su Mengde, start plan B... immediately!"

"Go and sleep with elder sister Qingqing, and take her body and mind!"


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