Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 51: A sudden change in the court! Su Ye's butcher knife!

There were still hundreds of officials standing so densely that the end was endless.

There was no room inside the Qianqing Palace, so they all stood outside in the square. Su Quan, a fifth-rank official, could not be seen in the crowd.

And Su Ye had been dismissed from office and was now just an ordinary bannerman, so there was no place for him in the Qianqing Gate Square, but he was waiting in a corner of the Forbidden City.

There were small meetings for big things, and many things had already been decided, so they just went through the motions at the grand court meeting.

It was just that the emperor was in a particularly good mood today.

"I impeach the late minister Zhuo Bingtian. During his tenure as Minister of Works, he built the defense fortifications of the capital without considering his own policies, appointed private people, passed off inferior goods as good ones, and embezzled public funds. In just less than ten years, these defense fortifications have been damaged by 60% to 70%. If a war breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous. This person has a false reputation, forms a clique for personal gain, and ruins state affairs. Please punish him, Your Majesty."

The Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Works, Du Han, was the first to rush out and open fire.

Suddenly, Xianfeng was in a better mood.

Next, Du Han presented a lot of evidence.

Xianfeng was furious when he saw it and asked, "Where is the Dali Temple?"

Tian Yugong stepped out.

Xianfeng said, "The Dali Temple must investigate this case strictly and must find all the worms in it."

Tian Yugong was overjoyed and said, "I obey your order."

The so-called murder of the emperor and the fall of the horse cannot be made public, but other charges can be found to attack Zhuo Bingtian, and this is just the beginning.

Then, the second person to open fire was Chongen.

"I impeach Shuntian Prefecture Yin Jia Zhen for accepting bribes, bending the law for personal gain, and trying to kill people. Under the feet of the emperor, the best place, such officials are actually sitting on the throne and eating for nothing. What is the fault of the people?"

The emperor said coldly, "Jia Zhen."

Jia Zhen stepped out.

The emperor said, "Do you admit these charges against you?"

At this time, Jia Zhen had long given up struggling.

"I am guilty!"

Xianfeng said: "Come on, take off his hat and his official uniform!"

Several guards stepped forward, took off Jia Zhen's official hat and official uniform, revealing the cotton white clothes inside.

This was a public humiliation. At this time, Jia Zhen was ashamed, his hair was gray, and he was extremely embarrassed.

This was an unprecedented humiliation in his life. Many ministers saw it and couldn't help but feel sympathetic.

"The Censorate, the Dali Temple, the case of Jia Zhen's partiality and perversion of the law will be handed over to you. Strictly and severely punish him to set an example."

Left Censor-in-Chief, Aixinjueluo. Wencai stepped out and said: "I obey your order."

Tian Yugong stepped out again and said in a trembling voice: "I obey your order!"

It's really three years of not opening a business, and five years of eating after opening it.

Zhuo Bingtian is a loyal minister in the traditional sense, and he has never offended Su Ye, but for the sake of his life, Su Ye still has to join hands with Tian Yugong to overthrow him. It is really a matter of life and death.

Next, Tian Yugong stepped out again.

"I impeach Mu Ningzhu and his son for killing their cousins ​​Guangqi and Guangshu in order to seize the property of Su He's family, and then framed Su He's family. The means are extremely cruel and sensational."

Then, Tian Yugong submitted the memorial to the emperor for preview.

There are thousands of words in it, all of which are the details of Mu Ningzhu and his son's murder and framing, and the evidence is conclusive.

Of course, there are two memorials in total.

One of them is Mu Ningzhu admitting that he, together with Zhuo Bingtian and Ningshou, had tried to murder Yizhu.

Of course, this thing will not be made public, after all, it is too sensational.

But the emperor holds it in his hand and can use it at any time.

Tian Yugong said: "Mu Ningzhu and his son are extremely evil. I ask the emperor to make a judgment!"

Xianfeng was furious and said: "It's shocking. Such treacherous and evil people cannot be killed to appease the public anger. They will be executed immediately! The whole family will be exiled to Ningguta and become slaves to the armored men."

Tian Yugong: "No one is more wise than the emperor!"

The case about Mu Ningzhu and his son has come to an end.

Sushun glanced at his brother Duanhua.

The military minister, Heshuo Prince Duanhua, although he is the elder brother, has always followed Sushun's lead.

Duanhua said loudly: "I impeach Prince Gong Yi for listening to opera and singing in the palace during the period when the empress dowager was seriously ill. It was unbecoming and against filial piety. He is not worthy of being a role model for the world."

Prince Gong Yi stepped out and knelt down and said: "Your brother knows the crime!"

Seeing this scene, Xianfeng felt even better.

It is said that Tian Yugong gained the most from this major case, but he, the emperor, was the biggest beneficiary.

After defeating the biggest political enemy and the biggest threat to Yi, he could only kneel down and beg for mercy.

And most of this was thanks to Su Ye.

The emperor sighed with a look of pity, "Yi, what can I say about you?"

"Draft an edict to dismiss Yi from the post of military chief and the post of Zongzhengfu Ling, and go home to study hard and cultivate your mind and character!"

Prince Gong Yi kowtowed: "My brother, I accept the edict and thank you!"

The emperor said: "Draft an edict to appoint Wenqing as the chief minister of the Military Affairs Office and Duanhua as the Zongrenfu Ling."

Fei Mo Wenqing stepped out, and Prince Zheng Duanhua stepped out.

"I accept the edict and thank you!"

"I accept the edict and thank you!"

Wenqing is also a loyal and capable minister in the traditional sense.

He also has another identity, that is, the benefactor and sponsor of the Hunan Army. Zeng Guofan, Hu Linyi, and Luo Bingzhang, the three giants, were all recommended by this person.

After Yi's complete downfall, the biggest beneficiary was still Sushun's party, because Prince Hui's line had no one and he couldn't even hold on.

Xianfeng looked at Tian Yugong and said, "Tian Yugong, the Minister of the Dali Temple, is diligent and pragmatic, loyal to the country, and was awarded the title of Prince's Guardian and the President of the Hanlin Academy."

Tian Yugong burst into tears and knelt down.

"I accept your order and thank you!"

Finally I have waited for this day!

After three years, I have finally waited for this day.

At this time, many low-level officials did not know what happened, and they were just shocked.

Oh my God?

What happened?

It actually triggered an official earthquake?

Zhuo Bingtian, Jia Zhen, Prince Gong Yi.

They are all big figures, all-powerful figures, and they all fell today?

And a deputy governor Mu Ningzhu and his son were also killed.

It's terrible!

But as I said, the grand court meeting was just a formality, and everything had been decided in a small meeting before.

Chongen and Ruilin looked at each other, the process was over, and it was Su Ye's turn.

The military minister Ruilin stepped out and said, "I have a petition."

Xianfeng smiled and said, "Speak!"

Ruilin said, "Su Ye is proficient in military tactics, and he is the best choice for both civil and military strategies. His judgment in the last Jiujiang battle was impressive. I ask the emperor to summon him to ask questions and use him according to his ability!"

Xianfeng still smiled and said, "Approved!"

Many people couldn't help but wonder, when Chongen asked for a petition before, the emperor was furious and left early, causing the court meeting to end unhappily.

And now, the emperor happily agreed, what happened?

So it's a bit ridiculous.

Su Ye said that judging the outcome of the Jiujiang battle was a serious matter, and it was a major national event, but instead of being rewarded, he almost got himself killed.

Afterwards, he set off a shocking case, eliminated political opponents for the emperor, and received a huge reward.

Then, the eunuch Zenglu shouted: "Announce, Xilinjueluo. Suye, come to the audience!"

"Announce, Xilinjueluo. Suye, come to the audience!"

"Announce, Xilinjueluo. Suye, come to the audience!"

Because the distance was too far and the palace was too big, they had to pass the message out one by one.

After several minutes, Suye appeared in everyone's sight and entered the Qianqing Palace.

"Suye kowtows to the emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

"Stand up!" Xianfeng was still smiling.

Then, for the first time, he saw Suye's face calmly.

It was really enviable handsomeness and bravery, really matching his beautiful and great appearance.

According to the next process, the emperor should consult about the war situation in the south.

At this time, the Imperial Censor Lang Shiting stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, I impeach Su Ye for harboring resentment and cursing Your Majesty!"

Xianfeng frowned and said, "Lang Shiting, I want evidence."

Lang Shiting stepped out and said, "I have evidence."

Xianfeng said, "Then bring it out."

The Imperial Censor Lang Shiting held up a piece of paper and said, "Su Ye, did you write this? It was seized when Shuntian Prefecture went to your house to arrest people."

Su Ye looked at it and saw a few words written on the white paper: Escape from the battle, shame on ancestors, deeply disappoint my expectations, demoted to a bannerman, and never employed again.

Everyone was stunned. This is nothing.

Although the word "I" appeared in it, this was the imperial edict that the emperor had given to Su Ye. As a minister, copying the emperor's imperial edict and being vigilant at all times, is there any problem?

The emperor also thought it was okay, and even thought Su Ye was appropriate.

Chong'en said coldly: "Lang Shiting, Su Ye copied the emperor's edict, is there any problem?"

Lang Shiting said: "Su Ye, let me ask you, did you write this?"

Su Ye said: "Yes, I wrote it."

Everyone was puzzled, there was no problem at all.

Lang Shiting said: "Don't worry, there is more to come."

Then, he continued to unfold the calligraphy, revealing the last eight words.

The initiator of the burial, will he have no descendants!

Especially in the two words "no descendants", which are heavily bolded and particularly eye-catching.

Chong'en and Ruilin took a breath when they saw it.

Su Ye also tightened his breath suddenly.

Too vicious!

The other faction knew that Su Ye was deeply favored by the emperor this time and might be reused.

So they tried to stop him.

Unexpectedly, the means were so cruel.

Falling off a horse and breaking a leg was the emperor's lifelong pain, so Su Ye took advantage of this and planned a shocking case to kill Mu Ningzhu, Jia Zhen and others.

And now the enemy is using his own methods to treat him.

This method is really clever!

Because the emperor has another unspeakable secret, a lifelong pain.

That is, he has no offspring so far.

After being married for many years, none of the concubines in the harem have any offspring.

This is more serious than breaking a leg from falling off a horse.

Riding a horse with a broken leg can be mentioned, but having no offspring is related to a man's dignity and the future of the empire, and it cannot be mentioned at all.

Lang Shiting said coldly: "This is Su Ye's handwriting at home, and he himself admitted it. There is nothing wrong with copying the emperor's edict in the front, but adding the words "the initiator" at the back, how can he have no offspring. He also heavily bolded the words "no offspring."

"That is a curse on the emperor and a curse on my Qing Dynasty!"

"Su Ye is resentful because of being demoted, and this crime should be executed!"

The emperor immediately looked at Su Ye coldly and said coldly: "Su Ye, what else do you have to say?!"

Su Ye closed his eyes slightly, and there was only one sentence in his mind: Why force me to kill people!


Note: Second update.

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