Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 49 The Su Ye family has become rich! Castration of Zhang Yuzhao!

"Su He, receive the decree!"

Dad Su He was stunned. Why is there something about me?

Then, he immediately knelt down.

"Appoint Su He as the Left Good Samaritan of the Monk's Office, this is the decree!"

Su He kowtowed and saluted: "I thank my master for his grace. Long live, long live, long live!"

Then, he took the decree and smiled from ear to ear.

This position is good, this position is good.

The rank is not low, and there is a certain amount of benefits, but there is nothing to worry about, and there is no responsibility.

"Su Quan, receive the decree!"

Su Quan was excited and knelt down.

"Su Quan is loyal to the king and patriotic, diligent in the king's affairs, and is promoted to the Langzhong of the Ministry of Revenue, this is the decree!"

Su Quan trembled all over and burst into tears.

After a long while, he staggered forward, took the decree, kowtowed and said: "I thank my master for his grace. Long live, long live, long live!"

This time, not only will the official position be returned, but it will also be promoted to a higher level. Compared with the post of Taifu Temple Chief Bookkeeper after being demoted, she was promoted to an unknown level.

The Ministry of Revenue Doctor is already a very important position.

"Tong Jia receives the imperial edict!"

Mother Tong Jia was stunned. Why is there something about me?

"Appoint Tong Jia as the sixth-rank Anren, I decree this."

"Thank you for your grace, long live, long live, long live!"

Mother Tong Jia was so excited that she didn't know what to call herself.

Because she never thought that there would be a day when she would become a lady of the imperial edict with a husband who only knows how to brag.

Then, the eunuch's face became serious and he said loudly: "Su Ye receives the imperial edict!"

"Su Ye, you are considerate and I am very happy. I specially summon you to the court tomorrow to discuss state affairs, I decree this!"

This kind of imperial edict with a friendly tone is the rarest.

"I receive the imperial edict, long live, long live, long live!" Su Ye received the imperial edict.

This imperial edict did not confer an official title, but it was the most important today.

Let Su Ye make a public appearance in front of all the civil and military officials.

Even the previous imperial edicts combined are not as important as this one.

The eunuch smiled and said, "All the imperial edicts have been given to you. Shouldn't we ask for wedding money?"

Asking for wedding money at this time is not greed for money, but a way to get closer.

When you really want money, you will keep saying you don't want it.

The more you want, the more you will say you don't want it.

Bai Feifei stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, and then handed the banknote to Su Quan.

Su Quan was a little uncomfortable. He was not good at bribery. He handed over the banknote and said, "Give the eunuch tea."

Su Ye took another banknote and handed it over, saying, "The eunuch is highly respected and has many disciples. You can keep this money to reward people."

Eunuch Jin Xi took the two banknotes with a smile, without even looking at them, and said to Su Ye, "Brother Su Ye, we will have a lot of time to get close in the future. Gradually, you will understand me. Let's meet in the matter."

"Who said it wasn't?" Su Ye said, "The emperor can choose you, so we are destined to be together."

Next, a group of people enthusiastically invited the eunuch to stay for tea and wine.

"I would like to, but first, I am busy in the palace, and second, I can't be blind, right? Next is your family's happy time. Although I am happy, I won't get involved."

Then, the eunuch left Su He's house with a smile, waited until there was no one, took out the banknote and looked at it.


One for five hundred taels, three for one hundred taels.

What a big deal.

This job was really snatched.

He really made a fortune.

Su Ye is a good person. We should treat him well in the future. We should let him know that there are loyal eunuchs.

Su Ye's family was once again in great joy.

Unexpectedly, everything they had lost before was recovered just through this case.

Even more.

Is this the benefit of standing on the same side with the emperor and working for him?

It is indeed too generous.

Not long after the eunuch left.

There were guests at Su Ye's house.

First, the wife and son of my uncle Su Dong came with people to congratulate.

As before, the family's attitude was more reserved. Although they congratulated, they still had a sense of distance.

Then Tong Jia's sister-in-law Wu Ya and her nephew came to congratulate.

Su Ye's aunt Wu Ya was very enthusiastic this time and praised Tong Jia.

She praised Su Ye to the sky.

Although Tong Jia said that she would drive her sister-in-law out, she could only receive her with a smile when she really came to her house. However, her words were not very pleasant, and were mixed with sarcasm from time to time.

Wu Ya said with a sweet mouth: "Sister, with two such good sons, your good days are still ahead."

"By the way, is there any plan for Xiao Ye's marriage? Do you want me to go to my mother's house to ask? You have seen my niece Bingbing, who is so beautiful that men can't open their eyes."

Tong Jia waved her hand and said: "No, no."

When Su Ye was down and out, she thought it would be nice to marry Bingbing.

But now, she has set her sights on Zhenzhen from Lord Ruilin's family.

In Tong Jia's eyes, Qingqing is the best and dream daughter-in-law, but it's a pity that she is married.

Zhenzhen is also good, just raise her like a daughter.

But Bingbing from Lord Zhaolin's family was too beautiful, too coquettish, and not very nice either.

Aunt Wu Ya sat for a while and then left with her son.

As soon as he went out, his expression changed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is not developed yet, yet you are showing this face. Is it great to have a household doctor? Your position in the Ama Internal Affairs Office is more powerful and closer to the emperor. Your uncle is still a third-rank official. ”

Wu Ya's son Tong Li said: "Enie, why did you mention cousin Bingbing again? My uncle is very disgusted with Su Yi."

Wu Yashi smiled and said, "No, I'm just coveting their house for fun."

Then Waitabu, who looked ashamed, came to congratulate him with valuable gifts.

Su Yi spoke to Waitabu alone, and earnestly advised him to understand Master Ruilin.

"First of all, your father does not owe anything."

"Secondly, I am marching in danger, and there is no way out. My parents and family have no choice but to take risks with me, but your father is different. He wants to protect your mother, you and your sister. "

"If he took the risk for me, wouldn't it be a matter of priority?"

"The most important thing for parents in the world is their own children, and then they can love others."

These words made Waitabu burst into tears and he respected Su Yi even more!

In Dali Temple Prison, Zhang Yuzhao suffered a serious crime.

Nowadays, the military expenditures given by the imperial court to the Hunan Army are a drop in the bucket, and most of them are raised by Zeng Guofan and others themselves.

One is to sell officials, the second is to plunder places, and the third is to break into cities and plunder.

Especially the last item, it was a huge windfall.

Despite the shabby life Shen Ting'en lived in, the amount of money the Hunan Army bribed Sushun's party at this time was already astonishing.

As the only contact between the Hunan Army and the powerful people in the capital, Zhang Yuzhao handled an astronomical amount of money.

Speaking of this crisis, Du Han and Zhang Yuzhao turned around very quickly.

When the emperor agreed to Zhuo Bingtian's visit to the capital, the two men immediately changed directions.

Du Han impeached Zhuo Bingtian every day for his various mistakes in serving as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Zhang Yuzhao published an article publicly on two or three things about Zhuo Bingtian being a hypocrite.

They let Zhuo Bingtian go to Beijing, just to prove his innocence and kill Su Yi.

But they and Zhuo Bingtian are still political enemies.

Zhuo Bingtian belonged to the Yi Party, while Du Han and the Hunan Army belonged to the Sushun Party at this time.

But even so, Zhang Yuzhao's name was still included in Mu Ningzhu's confession.

It is said that Zhang Yuzhao incited Mu Ningzhu, colluded with Jia Zhen, and framed Su Yi. Borrowing public weapons to avenge private enemies.

The case of murdering the emperor really did not involve Zhang Yuzhao.

First of all, Zhang Yuzhao was from Sushun and was born to be Yi's mortal enemy. Moreover, when the emperor fell from his horse, Zhang Yuzhao was still a child and he didn't know where he was.

The first confession that Li Si forced out of Mu Ningzhu either said this or involved Zhang Yuzhao in a major case.

However, Tian Yugong was personally consoled by Zaiyuan, Duanhua, and Duhan, and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

As a result, the confession changed slightly.

At this time, Li Si, the Han Cheng of Dali Temple, who had just made great achievements, was red-eyed and working overtime all night.

"Zhang Yuzhao, do you want to recruit or not?"

Yesterday Mu Ningzhu confessed, and now it’s your turn to be Zhang Yuzhao.

From beginning to end, Zhang Yuzhao remained silent.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The jailer of Dali Temple dipped his whip in salt water and whipped him desperately.

Every stroke of the whip leaves a deep bloody mark.

Therefore, Zhang Yuzhao was already covered in bruises at this time.

He is a scholar, but he can withstand such torture.

"Zhang Yuzhao, do you want to recruit or not?" Li Sihan asked.

Then, he took out the red-hot iron from the charcoal fire, placed it in front of Zhang Yuzhao, and said slowly: "Mr. Zhang, why bother to resist? Sooner or later, you will be charged. Confess early to avoid suffering."

Zhang Yuzhao remained silent.

Li Si immediately wanted to stamp the red iron on it hard. The colleague next to him was startled and quickly pulled him aside.

"Brother, this man is different from Mu Ningzhu."

Li Si said coldly: "What's the difference? Mu Ningzhu is still the deputy capital, and this jade Zhao is just a scholar."

"Even if Mu Ningzhu is the deputy capital commander, he is only the emperor's domestic slave. If he offends the emperor, he will die. But behind Zhang Yuzhao is Zeng Guofan, who is the Hunan Army. The war situation in the south is entirely supported by Zeng Guofan, so... You know."

In troubled times, the one who has soldiers is the Caotou King.

Those who have no soldiers, no matter how high their official position is, will die at the emperor's command.

But those who have soldiers, even if they are defeated again and again, even if they offend the emperor, they cannot kill them and they dare not kill them.

Dong Fuxiang, who was born in the Nian Army rebellion, relied on thousands of troops and made repeated mistakes. Even Cixi could not kill him. He had to wait until his Gan Army was defeated before he was finished.

Li Si said coldly: "Of course I know this truth, but Brother Su Yi is kind to me, so of course I have to vent my anger for him. This guy might be released one day. If he is not tortured now, it will be too late later. , we didn’t expect him to confess anything.”

The official next to him said: "Then if you do this, you will completely offend Suzhongtang. This is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people."

Li Si hesitated immediately and put down the red-hot iron in his hand.

At this time, a person from outside rushed in and said: "Master Li, hurry up, hurry up, the imperial edict is coming, go and receive it quickly, you are going to be promoted."

Li Si was startled and ran out.

"Li Si, the Han member of Dali Temple, is very diligent and diligent in his work. I am promoted to the rank of Attendant of the Hanlin Academy. I admire this!"

"I thank the Lord for your kindness. Long live, long live, long live!"

After receiving the imperial edict, Li Si's eyes were red and his heart was surging!

He got promoted!

This Hanlin Academy Reader was a part-time job for him, and it was also a nominal position, but it solved the rank problem, and he was promoted from the sixth rank to the fifth rank.

And this Hanlin Reader was prepared for the next promotion to the Dali Temple Shaoqing.

A few years ago, Li Si was an official who was loyal to others and took the blame. He was dismissed for several years, exhausted his family wealth and borrowed countless loans before he was promoted to the sixth rank official of the Dali Temple.

Now he has finally been promoted after all the hardships, and he is worthy of his parents who are waiting at home.

How did this official position come about? Yesterday, Master Su Ye asked Mu Ningzhu to confess, and then gave the credit to him, Li Si.

Li Si gritted his teeth.

Master Su Ye's favor, we must repay it!

Su Zhongtang is a figure in the sky, we can't get close to him.

If we don't repay the favor, who will dare to play with us in the future?

Li Si returned to the Dali Temple prison and heated the iron again. With a fierce look in his eyes, he said in his heart: "Zhang Yuzhao, you are the one who stole the fiancée of Master Su Ye, right?"

"I let you snatch it, I let you snatch it!"

"Do you confess, do you confess?"

After saying that, Li Si pressed the red-hot iron hard on Zhang Yuzhao's vitals.

Suddenly, there was a burning sound and thick smoke rose.

"Ah..." Zhang Yuzhao could no longer bear it, and screamed in pain, and his whole body was twitching in pain.


Note: Second update.

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