Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 45 The dust has settled! A great victory

Chapter 45 The dust has settled! A big win!

The current situation was still slightly beyond Su Yi's expectations.

In his opinion, everything would be settled this morning, and the emperor's suspicion would be enough to decide everything.

But he didn't expect that the emperor was very suspicious, but also very cautious. Even though Su Yi's logical chain had completely closed the loop, he was still not sure about the case.

Not only did the emperor suspect that someone had plotted to kill him more than ten years ago, he also suspected that Su Yi was playing political tricks and taking advantage of him.

This emperor is not as easy to fool as imagined.

There was also Du Han's move at the critical moment, which also shook the emperor's balance. doesn't matter.

This was still part of the plan of Su Yi and Negative Bamei, so Su Yi repeatedly asked Negative Bamei to confirm whether Zhuo Bingtian died in those days.

Negative Bamei checked over and over again and gave Su Yi a completely positive answer.

Su Yi is not that capable of killing Zhuo Bingtian, but history has such great inertia.

Therefore, this can only make Su Yi win more thoroughly.

Ruilin came to visit Chongen.

Chongen lay on the bed, motionless and ignored him.

In his opinion, Ruilin was a betrayer. Even if he had a high position, Chongen could break off relations with him.

At that time, you, Ruilin, vowed to take the lead in presenting the memorial for Su Yi and put pressure on the emperor.

"I couldn't sleep all night these past two days." Ruilin said slowly: "Not only have I disappointed Chong Weng, but I have also disappointed my son Waitabu, and I have really disappointed my daughter."

"But I don't regret it. I really think it's not necessary at the right time." Ruilin continued: "But now, I really regret it. Maybe I should have risked the emperor's wrath and followed you in the performance. "

"I can't imagine that Su Yi would use such decisive measures to save himself."

"Determined, ruthless, and extremely smart! Unheard of, unseen."

"For such a great talent, I really should have followed you. If I hadn't quit, maybe others wouldn't have quit either. If I had succeeded at that time, what happened later wouldn't have happened."

Now that things have happened, Ruilin, as the minister of military aircraft, certainly knows what happened.

Chongen said: "What's the point of talking about this now?"

Ruilin said: "Yeah, it's meaningless. But Su Yi almost succeeded. If Du Han hadn't come to the palace to persuade him, the emperor might have directly issued an order to finalize the decision."

What people pay attention to is a superior.

The logic of this shocking case fabricated by Su Yi was so complete that it was very possible that the emperor was so furious that he directly issued an order to finalize the case.

Chongen said: "Not necessarily, the emperor is suspicious, but he rarely makes judgments and is an extremely cautious person."

Then, Chongen said: "You have worked with Zhuo Bingtian and Du Shoutian. Do you think Zhuo Bingtian has done anything to murder the current emperor? Is the emperor's fall from the horse related to him?"

Ruilin thought for a while and shook his head. He felt that Zhuo Bingtian didn't have the courage!

"The Hunan Army, Mu Ningzhu, and Jia Zhen have all made arrangements. Zhuo Bingtian has also made arrangements, so the day Zhuo Bingtian comes to Beijing to prove his innocence may be Su Yi The time of destruction.”

Chongen said calmly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. After the unjust death of Su Yi's family, I will completely resign, leave the capital, and travel around the world. The country of my ancestors has nothing to do with me, an unworthy descendant."

Zhuo Bingtian has not yet entered Beijing, but public opinion has already begun to ferment.

Although there is no explicit statement that he is innocent, because this shocking case cannot be made public.

Almost all public opinions are about Zhuo Bingtian's hard work and meritorious service, how highly he was valued by the late emperor, how noble his moral character was, etc.

This kind of public opinion is one-sided.

And recently, Zhuo Bingtian's articles and poems have become viral again.

Obviously someone is adding fuel to the flames. In short, they want to shape Zhuo Bingtian into a moral sage, a rare gentleman in ancient and modern times, with dazzling brilliance.

By then, the accusation of murdering the emperor would be completely shattered before it even hit him.

Therefore, in the eyes of Jia Zhen and Zhang Yuzhao, as long as Zhuo Bingtian goes to Beijing to prove his innocence, he will win directly.

Next, Zhuo Bingtian will give lectures in Beijing for a few days, and will even attend classes in the upper study room for a few days.

After proving his innocence, in order to make amends, he still needs to be given another honor, or his descendants need to be promoted to a higher rank.

When the emperor paid a visit to the Queen Mother today, the Queen Mother even talked about Zhuo Bingtian and had many compliments.

The emperor suddenly felt pressure.

He dislikes Zhuo Bingtian very much because this was his biggest competitor.

During the period of seizing the throne, he, Yi Qi, had been a loser and loser for a long time. Most people were optimistic about Yi.

Because Yi is better than Yi Qi in every aspect.

Therefore, in Xianfeng's heart, there was even a shadow towards Zhuo Bingtian.

But now this shadow seems to have come again. Although no one said it clearly, they were just reciting Zhuo Bingtian's articles and praising Zhuo Bingtian for his hard work and his moral role model.

The subtext is, for such a moral gentleman, Your Majesty, you actually suspect him of plotting to murder you?

Isn't it ridiculous?

No one blamed the emperor, but the pressure of hiding needles in the cotton was overwhelming.

Zhuo Bingtian's old friends are all over the court, and the ministers in the court never want to set off such a major case, lest it affect themselves.

However, at this time, Du Han changed his stance and publicly criticized Zhuo Bingtian for many mistakes in his governance.

This made Xianfeng feel a little better.

Moreover, this also made the fickle Xianfeng waver again.

Was he really too suspicious? Was he used by Su Ye's power?

So, Xianfeng took the initiative to find the queen and ask her opinion.

The queen said that she felt that Zhuo Bingtian was a moral gentleman, who had a high opinion of himself and disdained some things.

Xianfeng went to Yipin again to ask her opinion.

At this time, Yipin was in a moment of emotional explosion. She did not expect Su Ye's self-rescue counterattack to be so smart, powerful and vicious.

And at the critical moment, she could not bear the pressure from the queen and took the initiative to draw a clear line with Su Ye.

Now, the opportunity is in front of her again, what should she choose?

"I think that although Zhuo Bingtian has a good reputation, you can't know a person's heart by knowing his face. Su Ye's memorial is not aimless!"

After retreating, Yipin chose to rush forward again.


In the court today, someone asked the emperor why he summoned Zhuo Bingtian to Beijing.

Under countless eyes, the emperor chose to retreat so as not to lose face at that time.

Because after Zhuo Bingtian came to Beijing, if he proved his innocence, what should he do as the emperor?

Zhuo Bingtian was a veteran of three dynasties and a former university scholar.

So the emperor said that it was because the late emperor had a dream, saying that he thought of the old minister, so he summoned Zhuo Bingtian to Beijing to worship the late emperor.

When this was said, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

The dust has settled!

In Shuntian Prefecture.

"We won this round!" Mu Ningzhu sighed.

Jia Zhen said: "What did we win? How much have you and I paid? Can killing Su Ye's family make up for it?"

He Jia Zhen originally wanted to please the emperor, so he got involved in this right and wrong.

Zhang Yuzhao said: "After Su Ye's family was destroyed, Mu Dutong could only take 30% of his family's silver, and the remaining 70% had to be distributed."

This time, a lot of silver was spent on the campaign, of course, it had to be taken from Su Ye's family wealth.

Mu Ningzhu said angrily: "After all the hard work, I turned out to be a passing god of wealth. Su Ye, this thief, has made us suffer so much."

This sentence is extremely arrogant. You took the initiative to murder other people's families and seize other people's wealth, but blamed others for fighting back?

"Lord Jia Zhen, can we still kill the white duck now?" Guanglu suddenly said: "Should I find a woman with a similar figure to Bai Feifei first? It's a pity to kill such a beautiful woman like this. Aren't you tempted?"

Jia Zhen snorted coldly. After this matter was settled, he decided to stay away from Mu Ningzhu's family.

Guanglu said: "Since Lord Jia Zhen doesn't want it, then I will refuse it disrespectfully."

As long as Bai Feifei is obtained, this trip will not be in vain.

Inside the palace.

Xianfeng was very angry and depressed, but he couldn't resolve it.

Is his suspicion so absurd?

Is Zhuo Bingtian such a moral gentleman with flawless character?

Am I really so suspicious?

Because it seemed that everyone was secretly criticizing his suspicion, suspicion, and lack of capacity.

If there was such a possibility, why didn't the late emperor investigate?

During this period, he was under invisible pressure.

No one questioned him like Chong'en, and no one scolded him, but many people praised Zhuo Bingtian.

So, today, a minister in the court asked, Zhuo Bingtian is old and has come a long way, why did he still summon him to the capital?

What can the emperor say? I suspect that he once caused me to fall off my horse and break my leg?

The reason why I, Yizhu, am not good at riding and shooting is because someone framed me, not because I am too stupid?

Can you say such a thing?

So the emperor could only say that the late emperor missed his old minister in a dream.

And at this moment, the eunuch Zenglu rushed in.

"Your Majesty!"

Xianfeng said angrily, "What happened again?"

Eunuch Zenglu said, "First-class guard, the imperial envoy Fu Qi returned to Beijing and is waiting for the emperor's order."

Xianfeng asked in confusion, "Didn't he ask him to pick up Zhuo Bingtian? Why did he come back by himself?"

Obviously, it would not be so quick to pick up an old man like Zhuo Bingtian.

"Call him in."

A moment later, the first-class guard Fu Qi came in with a dusty face and knelt down and kowtowed, saying, "My lord, Zhuo Bingtian is dead."

Xianfeng seemed to have heard it wrong and asked, "What? What did you, a slave, say?"

Fu Qi said, "I didn't pick up Zhuo Bingtian, he's dead!"

Xianfeng stood up suddenly and said, "How could he die? Didn't he submit a memorial some time ago, saying that he was in good spirits? Didn't his son say that Zhuo Bingtian was in good health and could still help the country? When did he die?"

Fu Qi said, "He died a few days ago! It was about the same time as the so-called Crazy Horse case in the Imperial Household Department."

"Ha...hahaha..." Xianfeng laughed coldly.

"What a coincidence, is it so coincidental?"

"He didn't die earlier or later, but died these days, and he died just when I sent someone to ask him to come to Beijing?"

"Is there anything more coincidental in the world than this?"

Su Quan had just submitted a memorial about the large number of crazy horses in the Imperial Household Department, and his family was immediately arrested and framed for murder.

Su Ye submitted a memorial to expose the shocking conspiracy, and all the clues pointed to Zhuo Bingtian.

As a result... Zhuo Bingtian died.

Is there such a coincidence in the world? You can fool the devil!

If he dies, all the clues will be cut off, and everyone will be safe, right?

My suspicion is right!

Su Ye's memorial is right!

My intuition is right, I shouldn't have wavered at that time!

Someone wants to harm me, and Lao Liu's party has been dormant, wanting to revive at any time.

Who dares to question me now? Who dares to criticize me secretly?

Xianfeng was in a state of excitement.

"Come here, come here..."

"Go to Prince Gong's Mansion and release Su Ye!"

"Come here, arrest people, arrest people!"

"Arrest Mu Ningzhu, arrest Guanglu, and arrest everyone in Ningshou's family."

"Search Mu Ningzhu's house, arrest everyone, don't let them run away!"

"Catch Jia Zhen..."


Note: The second update is here.

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