Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 285 The Secret Weapon Wins a Great Victory

Chapter 285 Secret Weapon! A Great Victory!

In fact, on the third day after the Russian Far East Navy was completely destroyed, the secret letter from the Russian envoy had been delivered to the commander of the expeditionary army.

The letter said that Su Ye had solved the problem of the Hunan Army in the south at an incredible speed, and his army should have gone north, so please be careful.

When the commander of the expeditionary army received this secret letter, it was too late. The fleet and the troop transport fleet had been sent out and could not be recalled.

Even if he could recall them, he did not intend to recall them.

He felt that even if only 20,000 troops landed in Dalian Bay, they could sneak attack Shengjing to obtain supplies, and then sneak attack Shanhaiguan to threaten the capital.

After Su Ye wiped out the Hunan Army, his troops were at most more than 30,000.

More than 20,000 Russian troops, fighting more than 30,000 Su Ye troops, it was completely possible.


After a long time, the troops that were divided out no longer sent messengers, and no news came back.

This is really disturbing.

It was not until more than 20 days later that the Russian envoy sent a letter to tell the terrible news.

The Far East Fleet had been completely destroyed.

Of the more than 20,000 troops that went south, except for 5,000 who were captured, the rest were all destroyed.

Suddenly, the commander of the expeditionary force and the governor-general of East and West Siberia were struck by lightning and could not believe the news at all.

This... this was a huge blow.

Losing these 20,000 land forces and the protection of the navy, how would they fight the next war?


That is, when Su Ye led his troops to the Heilongjiang front, thousands of prisoners of the Russian army were also escorted to the prisoner-of-war camp.

A dozen officers headed by Baron Romanov were also brought to the capital to visit the two empress dowagers.

Of course, he was treated with complete courtesy.

Even after entering the capital, he was treated too highly because he had the same surname as the Tsar, and in the eyes of many people, he was a royal relative.

Just like many British people regarded Su Ye as a royal family member at the beginning, even though he was only a third-rank official at that time.

The Empress Dowager Cixi personally summoned this so-called royal relative of Tsarist Russia.

Soon, Empress Dowager Cixi also came.

The two chatted with the baron across the screen.

Wenxiang, as the Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs, accompanied him.

In addition, the Prime Minister's Office sent two translators.

The two sides exchanged so-called aristocratic greetings.

"Sir, may I ask what kind of country is our country in the eyes of your emperor?" asked the Empress Dowager Cixi.

The baron thought for a while and said, "It is a beautiful, vast country with a long history. But it is also a barbaric, decadent country far away from the light of civilization."

Suddenly, the translator looked at Wenxiang with a little panic. This... do you need to translate this?

Wenxiang nodded and translated as usual.

If it were Wenxiang in history, he would not do this 1000% of the time, because the monarch would not like to hear it and might even vent his anger on him.

But Su Ye, who is now in power, is a pragmatic style.

What kind of leader you have, what kind of ministers you have.

So the translator translated as usual.

Suddenly, the faces of the two Empress Dowagers turned very ugly.

The Empress Dowager Cixi said: "Your country has already lost the war, but you are still so rude? Our country has thousands of years of civilization, with a long history and profoundness. How can you countries understand it?"

The baron said: "There is a difference between what you think you look like and what others think of you."

"There are several situations where you think you are very good, but others think you are very bad."

"I think you are very good, and others think you are also very good."

"I think you are not good enough, but others think you are very good."

Next, the Empress Dowager Cixi made another argument, which was very mysterious.

She was already considered cultured in the harem, but she could not compare with the great Confucian scholars. These contents were all prepared in advance.

The baron listened very carefully, and then said: "Every word you said, Queen Mother, is full of philosophy and wisdom. Obviously, the person who first said this sentence had gone through countless thoughts and facts. This also proves that you are indeed a country of ancient wisdom."

The Queen Mother's face looked better.

But the baron said: "However, when you put these words together, they become empty and powerless. And they are not in line with the current reality, so I think your country should do things first, take risks, and then verify the wise philosophical words in your mouth again and again. Use new political, economic, and military practices to re-verify the ancient wisdom and gain a new understanding."

Wen Xiang, who was next to him, was very surprised.

The captured Russian nobleman in front of him was not only smart, but also communicated very sincerely. He was completely unlike the annoying Russian envoy, full of masks and cunning.

Next, the communication between the two sides became more and more difficult.

Because the baron didn't know how to reply to the Queen Mother at all.

The words she said were all very good on the surface, quoting from classics, but in fact they were randomly pieced together and had no substance.

The knowledge is really insufficient, and it is the kind that he cannot refute.

To be honest, he is looking forward to this meeting, because he and Su Ye have communicated many times before.

In his opinion, it is really a collision of wisdom.

Su Ye is obviously condescending, but he is also on an equal footing to communicate.

Sharp, but tolerant.

Every sentence is full of tolerance for the other person's different civilization.

Rarely say words like "should", "absolutely", "must", etc., which are like razor blades.

That is, the position where the two parties can talk can be very high, but it will not be very narrow, and it will not be like a knife edge, completely unable to gain a foothold.

It seems that the road on the top of the mountain, although steep, is enough to accommodate the footsteps of two people.

The queen mothers of the two palaces are the de facto monarchs, so the baron feels that this is an even more high-end exchange.


Empress Dowager Dong was fine. She didn't understand much and didn't speak.

The Queen Mother of the West didn't quite understand, but she forced herself to understand and talk to herself.

This conversation left the baron mentally and physically exhausted.

Because he is so serious, no matter how childish the other person's words are, he will answer seriously and give an answer that is not too profound, sincere enough, and not too superficial.

After more than half an hour, all the homework prepared by the Queen Mother was finally used up, and the exchange was finally over.

The Baron even wanted to wipe away the sweat.

Ci'an suddenly asked: "Sir, what do you think will be the outcome of the battlefield in the north now?"

The baron breathed a sigh of relief.

This...this is a normal question. Although it is very straightforward, it is not pretentious.

The baron said: "Honorable Queen Mother, according to public data and information, the military strength of both sides should be evenly matched now. Whoever attacks will suffer."

Ci'an said: "Our military strength is twice that of you."

The baron said: "Yes, the Queen Mother. But our army is a result of fighting on the European battlefield for a long time. Although your army has undergone new training, it is guided by the best military leaders, and it has very good weapons and equipment. , has extremely high theoretical guidance, but there is still a gap in combat effectiveness with our army. Your army is too new and has too little experience.”

Ci'an suddenly said: "You, the best military leader you said is... Su Yi?"

The baron said: "This is His Royal Highness Prince Su Yi."

Ci'an said: "When you say the best, do you mean in the country?"

The Baron said: "No, he is the best military leader and political leader in the world. Many of his military theories have been adapted and introduced into the teaching materials of some European universities."

Empress Dowager Ci'an's eyes were shining, this is what I want to talk about, this is what I love to talk about.

Ci'an said: "How did you know?"

The Baron said: "I studied in London for several years and studied many theories and deeds of Prince Su Yi."

Next, the two people actually started talking in depth.

And everything revolves around Su Yi.

For example, how do Londoners view Su Yi?

ah? The Queen of England also said this about Su Yi?

Prince Albert has such a good relationship with him?

"Is that bicycle so amazing?" Ci'an said, "He gave me a few bicycles, but I don't know how to ride them."

Baron said: "The bicycles produced in Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone have become popular throughout Europe and the United States."

"Is that gramophone so amazing?"

"Is that airship so amazing?"

"Is that electric light so amazing?"

The Baron said: "This electric light will completely change the world. The electrification theory written by Prince Su Yi is known as the guiding light of the new industrial revolution. He is a great scientific leader. In the future, many industrial structures in the world may be Under his guidance. I heard that he has submitted many design patents for internal combustion engines, which will even subvert the current industrial structure in the future and may completely destroy all warships and trains in the future.”

Empress Dowager Ci'an couldn't understand it at all.

However, he listened with great interest.

She could understand some of the words.

For example, changing the world, being a great scientific leader, leading the industrial structure of the entire world, subverting the industrial structure, etc.

How classy.

Suddenly, her eyes were filled with stars.

I know he's amazing.

But is it so amazing?

So awesome.

But as they chatted, the baron realized something was wrong.

Queen Mother, I thought you were talking to me about the world structure, the industrial structure, and the technological revolution.

As a result... you were just talking to me about Prince Su Yi?

There is... love in it.

However, the Baron didn't think anything of it. Instead, he found it very romantic.

After all, Tsarina Catherine's love story is famous far and wide.

The Queen Mother of the West next to her was filled with doubts. Was this Russian baron bribed by Su Yi?

Otherwise, why would you say such good things about Su Yi? And also using such exaggerated words?

By nature, she questions everything.

So, she directly brought the topic back and said seriously: "So according to Sir's point of view, although you lost 20,000 people in this battle, we may not be able to win?"

The Baron said: "Yes, it is very, very difficult for you to win. And once winter comes, our advantage will be even greater. In addition, because of the defeat in the previous battle, our emperor will continue to increase his troops in order to restore his dignity. , the war will continue to escalate, and eventually it will turn into a war that will overwhelm the country. The Russians will send 300,000 or even 500,000 troops to fight in the Far East, even if it is a cost-effective one. Victory is better than failure full of benefits."

Next, the meeting between the two parties ended.

The Baron would be placed under house arrest.

Because he was said to be a member of the royal family and was very friendly to China, senior officials from the Qing court went to visit him one after another, trying to make arguments and convince this legendary Russian royal figure.

Exactly half a month later, the Russian minister applied to the Qing court for a meeting with Baron Romanov.

"The decadence and obsolescence of this country are really far beyond my imagination." The baron said: "People in Europe have been ridiculing the Qing Dynasty for its decadence, barbarism and ridiculousness. I don't agree with it at all. I think there is a Prince Su Yi. How could our country be as corrupt as the rumors say? But after more than half a month of communication, it is really unimaginable that they are so ignorant and arrogant."

"No, to be precise, it's ignorance and arrogance in a certain field."

"In their own fields, their cultural thinking is still very powerful, profound, profound, and has a complete core logic."

"But as long as it comes to science, industry, and world structure, they are completely ignorant. But they feel that they know everything, or they feel that their cultural theory can be proficient in explaining anything in this world."

"I don't know how to pretend to understand, I forcefully explain, and I am completely pragmatic. The communication is too painful."

The Russian minister said: "They think there is a set of theories that can explain everything. They call it universally applicable. So I have discovered a long time ago that, at least so far, there is only one person in this world who has really opened his eyes to see the world. ”

"He alone is dragging this backward country to run wildly."

"He's trying to start a fire and make the whole country full of fire, but at least now, as long as he is eliminated, the country will completely sink."

"But ten years from now, twenty years from now, it will be different. The system he cultivated will really work, and this country may really be able to run on its own strength. Even without him, it will be able to Ran wildly."

"So, I need you to join me in writing a joint letter to our emperor, and you must do your best to extinguish this flame in the east."

"We will increase our troops by 200,000 or 300,000, and we will completely eliminate him."

"Otherwise, in the future, we will have no hope in the Far East, and even the entire Eastern Siberia will be lost."


After Su Yi, the real commander, arrived at the Heilongjiang battlefield, he did not immediately launch an attack.

But Seng Gelinqin breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Su Xiang, you are finally here, you are finally here."

Su Yi said: "Monk King, why is your hair so gray?"

During the Battle of Baliqiao, his hair was not white.

Afterwards, he led his army to suppress the war in Shandong and fell into a trap. He fell into despair, but he was not so exhausted.

The idea at the time was very simple, just keep your head down and fight, the worst case scenario would be death.

But this time, the responsibility is really heavier than Mount Tai.

These 50,000 Northern Expeditionary Forces are the elite of the entire country, and they must not be lost in their own hands.

Relying on this belief, he completely adopts turtle shell tactics. No matter how provocative the opponent is, I will not attack. I will rely on a solid defense line to defend.

It has been a whole year since he took charge of the Northern Expedition and stayed here for a whole year.

That is to say, relying on this tactic, the powerful Russian army had no choice but to finally adopt the strategy of dividing its troops and heading south, which led to the ruin of the Far East Fleet and the ruin of 20,000 army troops.

So from this point of view, Seng Gelinqin is meritorious.

"Xiang Su, after you come, we will have an army of 90,000, and the other side will have more than 40,000." Seng Gelinqin said: "Do you need to fight?"

Su Yi said: "King Monk, there are only two of us in the command room, so I will tell the truth."

"It's hard to fight."

"The last time we were near Shengjing, we fought a tough battle. Forty thousand people surrounded seven thousand people, wiped out five thousand of the opponent, and captured two thousand. Do you know how many casualties we had?"

Seng Gelinqin said: "How much?"

"No less than the other party."

Seng Gelinqin said: "It's so..."

Su Yi said: "The current situation is that our defense line is very strong and impregnable. However, the Russians' defense line has been built for more than a year, although it is not as good as ours. But the current situation is that they take the initiative to attack and they suffer losses. We take the initiative Attack, we suffer."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Although I don't know much about the world structure, I am blind. But... I also read a lot of books from the Army Academy and found that the Russians are very difficult to deal with. The more difficult the battle, the more difficult it is for them. The more resilient they are, the more they are careless and will often make mistakes, but... they are difficult to beat.”

Su Yi said: "Yes."

Seng Gelinqin said: "However, it is best not to delay this battle until winter."

In winter, the temperature here can easily reach minus 30 degrees Celsius. The Chinese army's ability to withstand the cold is still worse than that of the Russians.

Moreover, the Russian emperor cannot afford to lose.

After the news of the previous battle losses reached St. Petersburg, not only would they not give in, but they would desperately increase their troops at all costs.

The monk king said: "The war at this stage must have an end. Even if there will be a larger war next, this war must have a result. This war cannot be over yet, and the wars that follow will continue to come. , just fight for several years, endlessly.”

Su Yi very much agreed with Seng Gelinqin's words.

This battle must be ended.

Victory over.

Instead of lingering, the bigger the fight, the harder it gets.

In the end, it became a battle that turned the country upside down.

Then should we proceed with the next construction?

Tens of millions of taels of military expenditure are needed every year.

The monk king said: "Your Majesty, if the battle is to end before winter, it will be based on the freezing of Heilongjiang. It will only last about four months."

Su Yi said: "Yes, four and a half months at most."

"Within four months, these 40,000 Russian troops must be completely defeated to end this battle. At least two to three years of peace will be obtained, and many major events can be carried out."

The monk king said: "Can it be done?"

Su Yi said: "It's a bit difficult."

The monk king said: "Then... what if our navy is allowed to enter Heilongjiang and attack the Russian army's defense line from behind?"

Su Yi said: "First point, Aihui City is still in the hands of the Russians at this time. The north and south sides of the Heilongjiang River are Russian fortresses, and the river is not wide enough. After our fleet enters, it will easily become a hunting target. , unable to escape."

"Second point, our firepower to cover the opponent's position is sufficient, but it is useless. Most of the opponent's troops are in trenches and fortresses. It is difficult for our artillery to directly destroy them."

"The third point is that the Russian army's individual combat literacy and fighting will are not inferior to ours, and their combat literacy even exceeds ours. Of course, we have more repeating rifles than they do, but their army also purchased a large number of American rifles. Repeating rifle."

The Monk King said: "According to my understanding of you, Your Majesty, although it is difficult, it can still be done, right?"

Su Yi nodded and said, "Yes, it should be."

The monk king said: "Rely on what?"

Su Yi said: "Our Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau has been developing several secret weapons since the year before last. Among them, the secret weapon that I have the greatest hope for has not yet been formed. It is definitely not possible."

"However, another secret weapon has been put into full production, and the difficulty is much lower. But..."

The monk king said: "But what?"

Su Yi said: "First, our army has never used it before, so it needs time to learn."

"Second, this weapon is not fully mature yet. Once it is not launched, it may detonate directly, causing huge self-inflicted casualties."

Su Yi was referring to the mortar.

This is the trumpet god of war.

Because of the special ballistics and the ease of movement, enemies hiding in the trenches have nowhere to hide, and can cause large-scale destruction and precise strikes.

Su Yi's army now has a large number of artillery and can carry out artillery washing.

But even if the bombing is carried out round after round, it can only blow up part of the opponent's defenses at most, and it is actually not very lethal to the enemies in the trenches.

In many major wars after the 20th century, artillery caused 80% of the casualties.

There are countless types of artillery.

But... mortars accounted for more than half of the casualties.

Historically, it took about forty years for mortars to enter the battlefield.

The reason why we have to reach that time is not that technological breakthroughs are difficult, but that it is a matter of war concepts.

Of course, mortars are still difficult for the current Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau.

The most critical gunpowder problem has been solved.

Even precision mortar shells and various fuses are not that difficult.

It is difficult, but it can be overcome.

There is only one problem, precision and yield.

It’s really hard to improve.

Su Yi used extremely high salaries to hire more than a hundred European weapons engineers to join in the development of secret weapons.

Including the craftsmen trained in the country, the number exceeds a thousand.

However, there will still be a large number of problematic shells and duds.

Moreover, due to problems in basic industries, once the yield rate rises to a certain level, it will be very difficult to improve further.

Finally, Su Yi decided on a direction and her tolerance for duds increased.

But... the tolerance for self-destruction in the barrel, or failure to shoot far, or self-destruction next to it, must be reduced to the minimum.

It would be better for the shells fired not to explode than to minimize the casualties of one's own troops due to problems with the shells.

It was under this guiding ideology that the engineers of the Manufacturing Bureau showed off their skills and spent a huge amount of money to produce a large number of mortar shells.

The monk king said: "Is this artillery unit still training?"

Su Yi nodded and said, "Yes, more than two thousand gunners are training day and night. Moreover, Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau is still working hard to increase production capacity. We need time to ramp up production capacity."

Hearing this number, the monk king was shocked.

Two thousand gunners? This number is really terrifying.

In fact, it's just a few hundred mortars, nothing.

The monk king said: "In that case, do we still need to attack now? Or should we wait until the combat effectiveness of this mortar matures before attacking?"

Su Yi said: "If you want to fight, you can't rely on secret weapons. Once a secret weapon is used once or twice, it is no longer a secret. You still have to rely on your own fighting power. The harder it is to fight, the more you have to fight."

"We now have more than 90,000 troops, and we can withstand casualties."


A few days later!

The Northern Expeditionary Army finally launched its first attack.

Countless artillery pieces and crazy bombings were earth-shattering.

After the bombardment, the infantry began to push forward.


He soon suffered a bloody head injury.

At that time, the Russian army attacked several times and suffered severe head injuries. In the end, it had to retreat in frustration, and then decided to divide its troops and go south.

The Russian army's defense line construction is definitely not as good as China's.

But...the opponent's fighting power is too fierce.

Combat literacy is also very high.

Chen Yucheng, Lai Wenguang and others were full of confidence at first.

Because the battle between the South and the Hunan Army was so smooth and easy that they felt that they were already top masters.

Moreover, the Russian army's position and defense line in front of them does not look much different from that of the Hunan army.

Therefore, I feel that I can copy the Battle of Anqing and the Battle of Wuchang.

The result...heavy casualties.

Next, the second, third, fourth, and fifth rounds of attacks were launched.

If you can't live, there will be no results.

At least, the front line did advance a lot and some positions were occupied.

But the price was too high and the casualties were too high.

Chen Yucheng was so angry that he even rushed forward with his troops, but was shot.

Fortunately, it was a penetrating wound, and a bullet shot directly through his left arm, and by great luck, missed the bone.

Chen Yucheng was unshaven and puffed on his cigarette: "Your Majesty, we have fought against foreigners before, and they are not that difficult. We have fought thousands of foreign troops several times, and we have won them all."

He was referring to the mercenaries, the mercenaries.

Su Yi said: "Now is a period of great military changes, and the front-line armies in Europe are also undergoing this kind of progress and innovation. Most of those foreign gun teams and mercenaries are hooligans, even if they have retired from the European army, That’s also an outdated tactic from many years ago.”

Chen Yucheng asked: "Will the next battles be so difficult?"

Su Yi said: "Absolutely."

Chen Yucheng said: "If we fight like this, we will fight for who knows how long."


Later generations of Russian troops also asked the same question.

Whether it is Mariupol or Bakhmut, it is a war like a meat grinder.

It's a small city, and we don't know how many troops we need to invest and how much we pay to win it.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder and said: "We have made great progress. Before, it would have collapsed at the first touch. But now the Russians are helpless against our defensive line, and they have been beaten to death."


Next, the two sides fell into a tug-of-war again.

There are times when Chinese troops attack.

There were times when Russian troops attacked.

There will be changes in the front line, especially the Chinese army, which will be able to move forward.

However, progress is very slow.

Pushing forward a few dozen meters would cost a huge amount of casualties.

I really have never fought such a difficult battle.

This is a terrifying test of combat effectiveness and willpower.

In fact, these contents are in textbooks and have been taught many times in classes at the Army Academy, but I have no real impressions.

Especially since it was so easy to defeat the Hunan Army, it was as easy as eating melons and chopping vegetables, which made them think that this was the normal state of the new war.

Now, the battlefield is perfectly recreated from the textbook.

Only then did I realize how difficult the battle is.

This is still a double force, and the fight is so difficult.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

The Chinese army pushed the front more than a kilometer forward.

The number of casualties was enough to make Su Yi and Seng Gelinqin tremble.

One by one, lists of the dead went south.


The sentiments of Chinese people in this era are still quite polarized.

Either extremely high-spirited or extremely depressed.

Previously, when the news of the great victory came, the entire capital was extremely excited and full of confidence.

Prince Su Yi was so awesome that he destroyed the Russian Far East Navy so quickly and killed 20,000 people.

At this time, there were more than 90,000 troops in the north, more than twice the number of Russians.

Then we will definitely win the battle soon.

There will be greater success soon.

As a result, after fighting for so long, we still didn’t win.

The battle reports from the northern battlefield to the capital have never stopped. The Queen Mother of the two palaces has always received complete, true and detailed battle reports.

This is also a mental test for the court and the people.

However, Su Yi somewhat overestimated the court and the people.

Faced with such heavy casualties and such small results, the court and the people fell into extreme pessimism.

"I'm just afraid I'm going to lose."

"With more than twice the number of troops, we are still fighting like this. The Russians continue to increase their troops and increase them to 60,000 or 80,000 again. Then we are bound to lose?"

"Have you heard? The Russians are best at fighting in winter. Once it enters the cold winter, we will lose even more."

"Let me just say, the last war was a complete fluke. It was all won at sea. Do you know? The navy is not our own navy at all. Most of them were played by the British, so the last war was The war was not won by ourselves at all, but by the British, who wiped out more than 10,000 Russians.”

"I'm just saying, I'm just saying, we lost so miserably to the foreigners three or four years ago, and in just a few years, we have become stronger? How can there be such a light and beautiful thing?"

"Prince Su Yi is really unkind. He blames himself for the British record."

"So let's talk quickly and don't fight. When the Russians increase their troops to 70,000, 80,000 or 100,000, then our Northern Expeditionary Army in the north will be completely destroyed. When the Russian army enters the capital again, it will be a disaster. It’s a disaster.”

Rumors abounded throughout the capital and even the entire north.

After a while, it was said that the Northern Expeditionary Army was completely destroyed.

After a while, it was said that the Northern Expeditionary Army had all fled, and the battle line had retreated to Shengjing.

Some people even swore that they saw large-scale troops retreating south.

In short, it is very difficult to desire public sanity.

During this time, Shen Baoer had also moved north.

Because this is closer to the battle report.

Her newspaper will report in detail the battle situation on the front every time.

Report in an optimistic manner while being as realistic as possible.

It's not too exaggerated, it's still authoritative, and it's hoped to exercise the nerves of the people and elites and improve their cognition and rationality.

I don’t know whether to call it a success or a failure.


In the palace of Prince Gong!

At this time, Prince Gong, who was elegantly dressed, took the newspaper in his hand and read it over and over again.

Then, he sat down calmly, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

He sneered softly and said: "It's been written like this in the newspapers. I don't know how miserable the battlefield ahead will be."

Prince Dun Yi said: "It's the old routine. A draw is called a big victory, a small defeat is called a small victory, and a big defeat is called a draw. Now Su Yi's newspaper says it's a draw and a small victory. What does the battlefield really look like? Or Do you need to say it?”

Prince Chun Yixuan said: "According to what Fifth Brother said, Su Yi actually suffered a disastrous defeat at the front, at least a moderate defeat."

Prince Gong said to Baojun, "What do you think?"

Baojun said: "I also think they are almost the same."

Then, Baojun said: "In this case, Master Liu will be ready."

Prince Gong said: "What are you preparing for? This rich and idle man is quite good now."

Baojun said: "You must be prepared to negotiate with the Russians, otherwise it will be too late when the Russians really invade the capital on the day of defeat. The Russian minister has publicly stated several times that he will send an additional 150,000 troops to the battlefield in the Far East. "

"Now the opponent only has 40,000 people, and they are fighting like this. If we really increase the number of troops to 150,000, what hope is there?"

"Prince Gong can give advice to the Queen Mothers of the two palaces, especially the Western Queen Mother, and prepare to build a team to negotiate with the Russians, just like the Fu Bureau back then."

Yixuan suddenly said: "If we lose this battle, will it prove that Su Yi's tactics are nothing special? It's not worth paying such a high price and making such a big innovation."

Prince Dun said: "Isn't it?"

Soon after the few people dispersed, Prince Gong Fujin Guarjia returned to the palace.

"Going to Prince Yijun's Mansion again?" Prince Gong asked calmly.

Guarjia said: "Yes, I had tea with Zhenzhen, and also tried a new snack called chocolate. I was not used to it at first, but now it is quite delicious."

Then, she took out a small box, opened it, took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to Yi Dao: "Master, you can try it too."

"I won't taste it anymore." Yi frowned and said, "From now on, stay away from Prince Yijun's Mansion."

Guarjia said: "Your Majesty, it was you who asked me to go."

Yidao: "This moment, that moment."

Guarjia said: "Your Majesty, you are really a pure and kind man. I am heart to heart. It has taken me more than two months to keep warm. If I don't go, or even go less, people will see through it all at once." Now, I won’t be able to keep you warm anymore.”

Yi Dao: "I, the dignified prince, the chief political king, still want to curry favor with a king with a foreign surname like this, isn't it a joke to the world? What do people in the capital say about me now, and why do they laugh at me? How cruel are these bannermen? , it’s not like you don’t know that if you say I’m going to be second to Zaiyuan, it’s going to be even worse, and my reputation will be completely ruined.”

Guarjia was so angry that she trembled all over and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to hear how unbearable it is?"

Yidao: "What do you care about these dirty words?"

Guarjia said: "The prince has already pointed it out, and I can't help but listen."

Yi said: "Those bannermen said that in order to please Su Yi, I... sent you into the tiger's mouth."

In fact, the rumors got worse.

In order to save their lives and avoid following in Mian Yu's footsteps, Shuo Yi and Yixuan sent their Fu Jin to Su Yi to sleep with.

The two sisters-in-law waited on Su Yi alone.

And he said it so vividly and with great blood.

The key is that Su Yi was not in Beijing at all during this period, but that didn't stop the rumors from getting worse.

After a while, Guarjia said hoarsely: "My lord, do you think I have lost your reputation? I doing this for?"

Yidao: "Anyway, just go less often from now on."

Guarjia said: "Okay, okay, I will go less often in the future."

She could never forget how Yi hid in bed and shivered when the good news came and Mian Yu was killed, and was in panic all day long.

And how to beg her to plead with Zhenzhen.

Are your eyelids that shallow?

Guarjia said: "Your Majesty, I don't have to go to Zhenzhen's place. The worst is that your Majesty will just become a wealthy and idle man and stay away from the center. But... I have a message, please listen to your Majesty. No matter how others instigate you, never forget it." Don’t take the lead and speak out, and don’t do anything that goes against Su Yi’s will.”

Yi said: "Is this king so comatose that I need you to warn me?"

Guarjia said slowly: "The prince knows who I am doing this for. The happy Fujin and several elder brothers are now safe and sound, and their lives of wealth and wealth remain unchanged."

What she said was very heartbreaking.

If you can't help being lonely and can't help others' ridicule, then show your face now.

In the future, you will be the only one who is killed.

Su Yi will not harm his family. Wasn't everything I did in the past just for you?

Then she left angrily.

As everyone knows, Yi is such a person. Normally he behaves wisely and calmly, but whenever the situation changes drastically, his whole person will change.


Although Yi and Yixuan no longer allow Fujin to go to Yijun Prince's Mansion to please Zhenzhen.

But the rumors are still not over.

The ridicule of these two princes did not end.

Banner people are scoundrels. When they scold others, they will scold them no matter how unpleasant or dirty they are.

Although Yixuan stuttered, he was calm and turned a deaf ear.

Yi Ke couldn't stand it anymore. If he continued like this, wouldn't his reputation be ruined?

However, he would never dare to go against Su Yi.

So, he went privately to see the queen mothers of the two palaces and asked whether a team should be formed to negotiate with the Russian minister.

While fighting, talk at the same time.

In his opinion, this was normal, and he had no intention of going against Su Yi.

But he made his own voice to show that he did not kneel down and lick Su Yi.


If you want to keep a low profile, the banner people won't let you.

Sure enough, as soon as Yi showed his head, countless bannermen picked him up.

They all submitted memorials to the empress dowagers of the two palaces, saying that when the British and French forces entered the capital, it was Prince Gong who established the Fu Bureau and negotiated with the British and French.

This time, the front line is at stake. The Russians continue to increase their troops and see that the chance of victory is getting slimmer.

Therefore, the queen mothers of the two palaces were invited to let Prince Gong and the Russian minister conduct armistice negotiations.

You Yi don’t want to fight with Su Yi.

We will push you forward to fight.


Su Yi would receive detailed information about everything that happened in the capital every once in a while.

After reading it, I just smiled with disdain.

Even the monk king despised him.

"Alas!" Seng Gelinqin sighed: "I didn't know it before when I was in it, but now that I'm standing far away, I realize how disappointing and ridiculous it is."

Then, King Monk said: "At that time, King Yi looked at me as such a rotten and ridiculous person, right?"

Su Yi said: "The prince is at least aboveboard and a hero at heart. His cognition can be improved, but if his character and fundamentals are not good, then he is completely useless."

Seng Gelinqin said: "This Yi is really disappointing."

Su Yi said: "It's okay to be a frivolous person."

Then, the two of them immediately put aside everything in the capital.

Seng Gelinqin said: "Your Majesty, the hundreds of mortars that have been prepared for a long time will be put into the battlefield tomorrow. I am afraid that I will not be able to sleep tonight. I wonder what the result will be?"

Su Yi said: "Honestly, I don't know either."

"However, I think we can achieve good results."

"Let tomorrow's actual battle tell us the answer!"

The next day!

The Northern Expedition launched a full-scale offensive.

The most violent attack since the war began.

Hundreds of mortars were put into the battlefield for the first time.


This completely shocked the Northern Expeditionary Army on Su Yi's side.

It also completely shocked the Russian army.

I knew it would be fierce, but I didn't expect it to be this violent.

Such crazy killing.

In particular, the Russian army had no defense against this kind of weapon.

However, the Chinese army did not make any detours and directly followed the most correct and sharpest mortar tactics.

They don't even know it themselves, because that's how they are trained.


Much better than imagined.

The casualties inflicted on the Russian army on this day exceeded that of two months.

The front line advanced on this day also exceeded that of the previous two months.

A real win.

On the frontal battlefield, the Chinese army had its first real victory over the armies of Western powers.


Note: If you give me nearly 10,000 yuan, can you give me your benefactor’s monthly ticket? Thank you.

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