Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 265 Returning to Beijing to attack the Hunan Army

Chapter 265 Return to Beijing! Attack the Hunan Army! See you soon!

This is the third round of killing.

The entire inner city fell into a dead silence.

After mass executions, people were still dragged to the incarnation field and then washed over and over again.

After Prince Hui Mianyu returned to the palace, he sat motionless on his chair.

There was only one sentence that came to his mind, Du Xing'a's warning to them: Didn't you expect such a result if you did this?

Before you do it, can you afford the consequences?

Now the consequences appear!

In fact, Mianyu is not too old this year, only fifty years old, but he already feels that his body is not as good as before.

Historically, he died in 1864.

In his life, he often shouted slogans loudly, but in fact he did not achieve anything. At that time, he followed Sushun to fight for power, which was just a few slogans.

Because there is no need, he has been extremely honored in this life, and no matter how hard he works, he can't achieve anything.

Therefore, this time the alternative Qian Sou forced the palace into the palace, it was the first time that he had done something big.

Of course, from the planner to the organizer of this major event, he was not actually the one.

He is the pushed leader and the one who calls the shots in critical moments.


Even if Su Yi was not in the capital, this move was still violently broken.

How many people were killed? have no idea.

But then, I don’t know how many bannermen wore sackcloth and mourning.

He looked at the rafters and played with a piece of white silk in his hand.

Then, he gently threw Bai Ling up.

He was really not afraid, nor was he worried about being liquidated.

But it's the inability to face such consequences, the inability to face such failure.

Just as he was pulling Bai Ling, someone rushed in, knelt and hugged his legs and said, "Amma, what are you doing? What are you doing?"

This is his son Yixiang, fifteen years old this year, Guiliang's grandson.

Immediately afterwards, Prince Gong, Prince Yi, and Bao Yun all rushed in.

"Prince Hui, you must never do this, you must never do this."

"The situation is not bad, the situation is not bad."

Prince Gong said: "Uncle, you are an elder of the royal family, are you just watching your ancestor's empire being usurped bit by bit?"

"The most difficult thing to die is."

"Prince Hui, you are not even afraid of death. Are you still afraid of fighting Su Yi to the end?"

Prince Hui Mianyu said slowly: "Yes, I am not even afraid of death, I am afraid of fighting to the end."

"I don't really want to die, I just want to feel this state of mind."

"I'm also wondering why Sushun and Duanhua stood up at the critical moment." Mianyu said slowly: "Because after the late emperor left, Sushun and Duanhua were the ones who were the most powerful. They couldn't stand up if they didn't."

"After Sushun and Duanhua died, they were superior to us, and we had to stand up."

"The country and country of our ancestors cannot be cut off like this."


In the study room.

Mian Yu suddenly said: "What on earth does Su Yi want to do? He has killed three waves of bannermen in total. We bannermen are all relatives. We have broken bones and connected tendons. By killing these three waves of bannermen, he has already destroyed the world." The bannermen are all thoroughly offended.”

"On the Han side, apart from Xu Youren and Wang Youling, he also offended all the southern governors."

"What exactly does he want to do? His Amasukh, who likes to have fun and meet relatives the most, can't stay in the capital anymore."

"If he continues to kill like this, his family will no longer be able to stay in the capital?"

"Did he really go to Nanjing to establish a new business? If so, what was he doing in Beijing?"

"If he continues to kill like this, who will support him in the future in the entire capital? He can't kill all the millions of bannermen."

Baojun suddenly said: "Your Majesty, this is not the problem we want to think about."

"There are only two questions we have to think about now. If Su Yi continues to do this, will the country and the country of his ancestors be destroyed? Or, to put it more bluntly, will this still be the country and the country of the Qing Dynasty?"

Several people thought for a while and shook their heads.

Mian Yu said: "If this continues, all the privileges of the bannermen will be gone. The Eight Banners will also be completely disintegrated, and this country will have nothing to do with us."

Baojun said: "Then should we stop him completely?"

This is a very strange thing to say. Of course we have to stop him. Wasn't everything we did before trying to stop him?

Baojun said: "Everything I did before was indeed to stop him. But I always had illusions and compromises, and I didn't dare to completely confront him, and I didn't dare to fight to the end."

Mian Yu said: "The army is in human hands, how can we fight it to the end?"

Baojun said: "The goal of our previous struggle was to make Su Yi compromise and give in. Even the highest goal is to get him to step down from the center, so no matter what we do, it will not be thorough."

Mian Yu said: "How else can we be thorough?"

Baojun said: "Let him fail at all costs."

"The so-called "no matter what the cost" means even borrowing the enemy's power.

"Even if it is the power of the Russians, even if it is the power of the Han warlords, even if it is the power of the rebels in the northwest."

"Haven't you noticed? After every struggle, Su Yi's opponents die, and his strength becomes stronger."

"Last time, Senggelinqin, Dexing'a, Duolong'a and others were all on our side, but now? None of them are willing to confront Su Yi."

"Let's take a look at the abolition of the Eight Banners this time. Although there were some minor disturbances, overall, whoever dared to oppose it on a large scale would all obey the abolition obediently."

"Every time Su Ye fought, he would eliminate some of his opponents, and some of his opponents would submit to him."

"If he really succeeded in this banner reform, what would the consequences mean, do you know?"

Prince Gong Yi said: "It means that many Eight Banners ministers will give up resistance. It means that many Han ministers in the central government will also turn against him."

Bao Jun said: "Yes, don't look at Su Ye as a dictator now. He has completely offended the bannermen in the north and the Han governors in the south."

"And in this game, he has to fight against two opponents in the north and south alone. The north wants to defeat us, and the south wants to disintegrate the power of the Hunan Army."

"If he succeeds this time, who else in the court dares to confront him?"

"Now all the civil and military officials in the court are staring at us and the Hunan Army, waiting for the result of this struggle."

"So, this is the last chance."

Several people were silent and agreed.

"If, after Sushun, Duanhua and others died, Su Ye did not propose radical reforms of the Banner Affairs, it would prove that he had room for easing with us, and he still had certain illusions of cooperation with us."

"However, he directly proposed radical reforms of the Banner Affairs, which proved his determination."

"For him, it's either advance or retreat."

"So, we can't have any illusions about him."

"Of course, surrendering to him is still possible. He probably longs for our surrender. But once you surrender to him, you will have to become his vanguard, bear the thunder and fire for him, and charge for his Banner Affairs reform, just like Chongen and Zhaobu today. The key is that if this is the case, are you willing?"

Of course not.

Look at Zaiyuan, although he was the leading minister of the Military Affairs, he surrendered to Su Ye at a critical moment, betrayed Duanhua and Sushun, and immediately died in the Banner People's society.

He completely turned into stinky dog ​​shit.

Even if you are the leading minister of the Military Affairs, so what? Every time you go to court, all the Eight Banners ministers despise you, and even spit on you in person.

Every day, the Bannermen go to your Zaiyuan's palace to throw shit and urine.

I don't even know how many Bannermen nobles have severed ties with your Zaiyuan.

And I'm afraid that Zhaobu and Chongen's ancestral graves will be dug up by the Bannermen.

"My lords, this is the last chance, there is no room for retreat."

"And this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There are now more than 100,000 or 200,000 Hunan troops, 50,000 Russian troops in the north, and hundreds of thousands of rebels in the northwest."

"Su Ye has less than two pot lids in his hands, and he is still cutting down his troops, but he has to face three places with fire."

"We know the combat effectiveness of the foreign army. At that time, more than 10,000 people easily defeated our nearly 100,000 troops."

"So this time, we must work together to completely destroy Su Ye."

"If we don't stand up, Zeng Guofan and others in the south will soften Go. If we are tough, the Xiang army will fight to the end. "

"So this time, we must fight to the death, otherwise our ancestors' country will be completely destroyed, and our future and our descendants will be completely destroyed."

"Prince Hui, are you willing to take the lead publicly this time?"

Mian Yu said: "I have always been the leader, haven't I?"

Bao Jun said: "It doesn't count before, you didn't confront Su Ye directly before, and didn't attack Su Ye directly."

Mian Yu said: "But I have resigned from the post of Minister of State Affairs."

Bao Jun said: "You are still the Grand Master."


That night, Mian Yu lay on the bed.

The imperial physician came to diagnose him.

"It's okay, the prince is in good health. As long as he rests well, there won't be any problem."

Mian Yu said: "Don't lie to me, tell the truth."

The imperial physician said: "It's fine, it's fine."

Mian Yu said: "Tell me honestly, how long will it take?"

The imperial physician said: "Why do you say that, why do you say that?"

Then, the imperial physician hurriedly left, fearing that he would be dragged by Mian Yu again and say something irreversible.

At this time, several sons knelt in front of him.

Mian Yu suddenly said: "Chongqi, how is it?"

Chongqi, Duanhua's son-in-law, is a rare talent in the Eight Banners.

Yi Xiang said: "Study hard at home."

Mian Yu sighed: "Oh."

Then, he closed his eyes and began to think.

Under normal circumstances, his sons will become pillars of the court in the future, and there will definitely be a prince, several beile and Zhenguogong.

Entering the center is basically a foregone conclusion.

But if Su Ye succeeds in doing this, his sons will have no future.

In this case, he, as the father, will fight to the death.

Of course, there is another way, that is to surrender to Su Ye.

But is that possible? Who dares to repeat the fate of Zai Yuan, who is now in disgrace?


In the next few days, although Empress Dowager Cixi was extremely reluctant and repeatedly said that she was not feeling well.

However, the court meeting had to be held.

Because the Qing Dynasty was different from the Ming Dynasty, it was unimaginable not to attend court for a long time.

After attending court, Prince Hui Mianyu stepped out and said, "This old minister has a memorial to submit."

Empress Dowager Cixi frowned, didn't you resign?

However, she certainly knew that Prince Hui was not only a minister of state, but also a great clan leader.

"Zhaobu, without permission, mobilized troops and massacred innocent people, which is a treason. I ask the Queen Mother to order Zhaobu to be arrested and punished!"

When these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Prince Hui, didn't you hide before? You closed the palace and didn't care about anything.

Why are you so tough now?

From the perspective of the princes and ministers of the bannermen, it was quite tragic.

After Sushun and Duanhua died, Mian Yu took over.

You can't not resist, you can't let Su Ye alone press all the princes of the Eight Banners to death on the ground.

Sure enough, after hearing Mian Yu's words, Empress Dowager Cixi's beautiful face twitched.

Here it comes again.

Is there really no peace at all?

She looked around and couldn't help but want to announce that this palace was unwell and retired.

However, this trick has been used too many times.

Probably, it is no longer effective.

Chong'en stepped out and said, "Prince Hui is ridiculous. Zhaobu was just following the emperor's orders. What's wrong with that?"

Mian Yu said, "What do you mean by following the emperor's orders? Did Zhaobu send troops with the imperial decree of the two palaces?"

Chong'en said, "The two empress dowagers made it clear before that no one can illegally gather and force the two empress dowagers. Once they violate the order, they will be killed without mercy. In other words, this is a long-term effective order, which is automatically triggered, so Zhaobu's sending troops is naturally justified."

This is of course a far-fetched argument. No matter what the reason is, it cannot cover up the fact that Zhaobu sent troops without an imperial decree.

Next, one after another, the bannermen ministers stood up.

"Empress Dowager, I ask you to arrest Zhaobu and punish him according to the law."

"I second the motion."

"I second the motion."

"I second the motion!"

The civil and military officials and bannermen ministers stood up one after another.

Half of the military ministers stood up.

Among the civil and military officials in the court, 80% of the bannermen ministers all stood up.

The last time, the Eight Banners soldiers were massacred, but they were only the lower-level Eight Banners soldiers.

The last time, the Eight Banners rogues were massacred, but they were only the lower-level ones.

But this time, more than a thousand old men from the Eight Banners are not the lower-level ones, and their arrested descendants are not the lower-level ones either.

They have been counted, and a total of more than 1,600 people have been killed.

There are many bannermen officials among them, and there are more than 200 people working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs alone.

At the moment, it is suddenly one-sided.

Then, an old man trembled and stepped out of the line, bowed and said: "Minister, I second the motion!"

Everyone was stunned. It turned out to be Weng Xincun?

In history, this man died last year and did not survive the winter.

In this world, perhaps it was because of the revenge for killing his son that he survived last winter.

But his health was obviously not good.

In fact, he was forbearing. He firmly judged that his son Weng Tongshu was killed by Su Ye, and he was full of deep hatred.

But he had never criticized Su Ye.

Now, he felt that it would be difficult for him to survive this winter. He felt that if he didn't speak out, he would have no chance.

Moreover, in history, this person had a feud with Su Shun and was dismissed from his post. He was not reused until the Xinyou coup.

In this world, they have a common enemy, so they have not had a feud. Until now, this person has been an assistant university scholar.

Moreover, he was the teacher of Emperor Tongzhi, but because of his old age, Weng Tonghe often took his place in class.

Seeing Weng Xincun come out, Zhou Zupei and Jiao Youying, the two Han ministers of the Council of State, bowed their heads and said nothing.

For many Han ministers, the so-called flag reform is the family affair of your Eight Banners. We Han people have no right to ask, so we can stay out of it.

There were two other people present, one was the former Jiangning General Tuomin'a, and the other was the former Guangzhou General Mukden.

In front of Su Ye, these two people kept calling themselves slaves.

When Tuo Ming'a saw Su Ye's prestige in Nanjing, he had made up his mind to seize the last opportunity to rejoin Su Ye's camp and be reused.

After entering Beijing, he found that this opportunity was always there.

He was also a bannerman, and a high-ranking official. As long as he announced in public that he supported Su Ye's banner reform, it would be a token of his loyalty.

He would definitely be reused.

So he had made up his mind that after returning to Beijing, he must find a good opportunity to speak impassionedly, support the banner reform, and submit this token of his loyalty.

But after returning to Beijing, he found that the whole atmosphere was completely different.

In Nanjing, it was completely Su Ye's territory, and everyone admired and obeyed him.

And when he arrived in Beijing, it was as if he had entered enemy territory.

All the bannermen hated Su Ye and shouted for his killing.

Especially Zaiyuan, as a leader of the military ministers, was even more daunted by his stinking dog shit situation at this time.

The capital is a society of favors, especially the inner city. If someone praises you, you are the boss.

If no one touches you, what is the use of a high official position?

And the swordplay in the court today made him even more afraid.

Can he bear the one or two hundred pounds? I am afraid that as soon as I shout out, before I have time to grasp the power, I will be killed by spit and shattered.

So, Tuomin'a finally mustered up his courage, and then gave up completely and became a coward.

He couldn't help but look at the former Guangzhou general Mukdena, and found that the other party also bowed his head and kept silent.

Forget it, forget it.

If you don't have this ability, you won't pretend to be a hero.

There were originally many things to do in today's court meeting, but in the end it became only one thing.

Countless ministers of the Eight Banners put collective pressure on the Queen Mother, forcing her to arrest Zhao Bu and execute him.

The Queen Mother Ci'an trembled and her eyes were red.

Suddenly, the little emperor said, "Is Zhao Bu so bad?"

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

The ministers of the Eight Banners were ecstatic.

Although the emperor was only eight years old, he was the emperor after all.

Suddenly, someone stepped out and said, "Yes, Your Majesty. Zhao Bu, without the imperial edict, arbitrarily sent troops to arrest the officials of the Bannermen and killed them. He was tantamount to treason and was extremely evil."

"Shut up!" Queen Mother Ci'an couldn't help but said, "What do you know?"

Then, she shouted directly, "Dismiss the court."

Then, she took the little emperor and left the Qianqing Palace.


After returning to Zhongcui Palace.

Empress Dowager Ci'an trembled and said, "Who taught you to say that?"

The young emperor said, "No one taught me, but Zhaobu did kill people indiscriminately."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said, "Don't say a word about this in the future."

The young emperor said, "Is Zhaobu Su's man? The Imperial Household Department is my slave. Does Master Su want to disband the Imperial Household Department?"

Empress Dowager Ci'an said, "Shut up, shut up."

Then, she said more sternly than ever before, "Zaichun, you are still young and don't understand many things. From now on, don't say a word about your Master Su. Don't mention a word."

The young emperor said, "I know."


Next, the whole capital was filled with mourning.

The whole city was filled with grief and indignation.

The entire court had only one topic, to arrest Zhaobu and punish him according to the law.

Empress Dowager Ci'an held two more court meetings.

But at each court meeting, countless ministers of the Eight Banners made memorials, asking the empress dowager to order the arrest of Zhaobu.

Almost all other topics were shelved.

Every time, Empress Dowager Ci'an could only force the court to be dismissed.

She once again fell into a state of restlessness and continued to eat and drink.

She really felt that every day was like a year.

And at this time.

Su Ye returned to Beijing!

This news instantly swept across the entire capital like a gust of wind.

All civil and military officials rushed to tell each other.


After Su Ye returned to Beijing.

He saw Zhao Bu kneeling on the ground.

"Your Majesty, it was this humble official who mobilized the army without authorization. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

"Your humble official, death is not a pity."

Su Ye helped him up and said slowly: "No, you are not only innocent, but also meritorious."

"Don't have any mental pressure, continue to do your work."

"With me here, no one can do anything to you."

Zhao Bu kowtowed heavily and said: "I thank my master for his kindness."

Su Ye instinctively refuted, what slave, what master.

"Go back to the military camp to do your job." Su Ye said.

"I'm leaving." Zhao Bu kowtowed again and retreated.


"Your Highness, Mian Yu is in poor health and feels that he has not much time left, so he is not afraid of death and is fighting to the death." Tian Yugong said: "These princes of the Eight Banners are really stubborn. After Sushun and Duanhua died, someone else rushed out immediately."

Lin Shaozhang said: "Based on our experience in fighting, the Eight Banners are not lacking in blood and courage."

Chong En next to him couldn't help but roll his eyes, I am also an Eight Banner.

Su Ye said: "How is Zaiyuan? As the Minister of Banner Affairs Reform, has he not spoken out?"

Tian Yugong said: "No, he has been claiming to be sick at home, and it has always been Lord Chongen who has been holding on."

"The Queen Mother is weak in nature. It is very difficult for her to hold on until now. When the prince returns to Beijing, the Queen Mother will be relieved."

Chongen said: "Prince, Zaiyuan is the Minister of Banner Affairs Reform and a prince. He is the most suitable candidate. But now he has been hiding in the back. It seems that he is unwilling to charge into the front."

Su Ye said: "Originally, the Banner Affairs Reform was presided over by the Banner Ministers, and everyone still had a decent attitude. Since they don't want this system, If you are afraid of the situation, don't blame me for using Han people to preside over the flag reform. "

Chong'en said: "Tomorrow's court meeting, all the artillery fire will probably be focused on the prince. Forcing the prince to shed tears and execute Ma Su, if the prince does not do it, it will probably be a complete break, and a large number of civil and military officials will resign on the grounds of illness, which will completely paralyze the court. "

"In the northwest, it has been suppressed, and it has been suppressed, and now it is probably unstoppable. "Tian Yu said: "The northwest is in chaos, and the rebels will massacre our Han people. It will probably still happen. The invasion of Yakub Beg mentioned by the prince before may even be advanced. "

For the situation in the northwest, Su Ye has sent a large number of intelligence spies.

However, the situation there has been out of touch with the Qing court for too long. The intelligence spies can only get information there. It is extremely difficult to change the situation.

Shaanxi and Gansu Hui rebellion, Xinjiang anti-Qing, nearly one-third of the Qing court's land is in danger.

In total, nearly 20 million Han people will be massacred, which will also leave a huge hidden danger for future generations.

Zuo Zongtang pacified the northwest and recovered the territory. He is truly a national hero and will be remembered forever.

But this time, Su Ye will never let Zuo Zongtang's westward expedition be so embarrassing and powerless.

This time, he will never let so many people die.

"And the Russians have assembled 40,000 to 50,000 troops. War may break out at any time."

"And the Hunan Army in the South."

Tian Yugong suddenly said: "The Hunan Army in the south is the top priority."

"The chaos in the northwest, with countless rebels, is a foregone conclusion, but to be honest, these rebels cannot enter the core area of ​​our country, and annihilating them will not be achieved overnight."

“The Russian minister kept saying that he could launch a war at any time, but it was a long way from Moscow to Eastern Siberia and without enough military supplies, they did not dare to start a war rashly.”

"Only the Hunan Army is a serious concern and a top priority."

Su Yi said slowly: "Brother Tian is absolutely right."

The current situation seems to be ambushed on all sides.

But the core lies in the Hunan Army, and other parties only helped the Hunan Army contain Su Yi's army.

Tian Yugong said: "Actually, Zeng Guofan's move this time was very unique and very clever. It is similar to the prince."

Chongen said: "We rely on foreign countries to respect ourselves."

This word is not wrong.

Zeng Guofan and others knew that while the Russians were in the north and there was going to be chaos in the northwest, Su Yi's army was far from enough. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them.

Once the situation in the northwest is calmed down, the Russian crisis will be relieved.

Or maybe in two or three years, the empire's new army will be continuously trained, and then his hundreds of thousands of Hunan troops will be no match at all.

He must completely make the Hunan Army's territory independent and stable within one or two years.

The method used was the same as Su Yi used to rely on foreign countries to show his self-respect.

Why is it that in the past few years, not only has the struggle been fierce, but Su Yi has often mobilized all the soldiers and horses in Jiujiang, the entire Jiujiang has always been as stable as Mount Tai, and no one side dares to send troops to invade Jiujiang?

It's because there are huge interests in the British Empire.

Anyone who touches Jiujiang will attract British revenge.

This time, Zeng Guofan hurriedly held an investment conference to bring in capital from another British faction, American capital, French capital, and a small amount of Russian capital.

It was to copy Su Yi's method and spread the properties of these foreigners across the territory of the Hunan Army.

As a result, it would be very difficult for Su Yi to use military means to deal with the Hunan Army, which would trigger possible violent retaliation from several major powers.

If the opponent actually invests tens of millions of taels of silver, then the territory of the Hunan Army will become the territory of the great powers.

If you dare to send troops, it means going to war with the big powers.

It was precisely because of this that Zeng Guofan and other Hunan army bosses had the confidence to challenge Su Yi completely and fight to the death.

Tian Yugong said: "So, our top priority is to stop Zeng Guofan's investment conference, and we must not let him succeed."

Su Yi said: "No, it's much more than that."


Inside Zhongcui Palace.

Su Yi met Empress Dowager Ci'an again.

She stared at Su Yi with tears in her eyes and cried, "Otherwise, you'd better call her back. I really can't hold it anymore."

Su Yi looked at her with red eyes and said, "How long has it been since you slept?"

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "I can't sleep at all. I can't sleep for several nights."

Su Yi held her in her arms distressedly.

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Su Yi, can you please bring her back? I don't want to take care of anything anymore, please let me go."

"Whenever I close my eyes now, I will dream that the late emperor's eyes are bleeding and he blames me, saying that I ruined the country and the country of my ancestors."

Then, she raised her face and said, "Please spare me."


There will be a meeting the next day.

Su Yi appeared in the court wearing a five-claw royal robe.

Maybe he really killed too many people. Just standing there was full of awe.

"Queen Mother, the Emperor has arrived."

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The great eunuch Zenglu said: "There is a memorial."

Suddenly, everyone looked at Su Yi, watching the prince return to Beijing and see if he had any big moves to make.

As a result, Su Yi stood motionless.

Prince Hui Mianyu came out again and said: "I am reporting to the Queen Mother that Zhaobu sent out troops without permission without permission. He has committed a heinous crime. Please arrest him immediately and give him a proper punishment."

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

The situation of every previous court meeting was repeated again, forcing the Empress Dowager Ci'an to deal with Zhaobu.

But no matter how the little queen mother cried to Su Yi yesterday, she felt safe now. At least she was able to sleep last night.

She said in a clear voice: "General Zhaobu belongs to the Ministry of War. Su Yi, you are the Minister of the Ministry of War. What do you say?"

Su Yi said: "Back to the Queen Mother, Zhaobu sent troops, it was entirely under my command."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was shocked.

Then, Su Yi couldn't resist the other party's refutation at all, and said in a cold voice: "The Queen Mothers of the two palaces have already made a decree. Anyone who dares to illegally gather in front of the palace to force the palace will be tantamount to treason and will be killed without mercy. But I think this group of people have They are elderly people over 60 or 70 years old, so they are exempted from death, but their families will be punished!”

"The Queen Mother, I sincerely request that all the family members who participated in the forced forced imprisonment of the old man be exiled to Ning Guta!"

"Thinking of God has the virtue of a good life, and those over the age of sixteen can be exempted from the crime of exile. All remaining family members will be exiled!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire audience changed completely.


Not only can we not deal with Zhaobu, but these thousands of bannermen will also be exiled to Ningguta?

You, Su Yi, are going too far.

Immediately, Mian Yu came out and said: "To inform the Queen Mother, I am preparing to participate in the investment conference of the southern provinces on October 15th."

This is not a invitation.

Instead, announce it directly.

Representing the center of the imperial court, it is to recognize the legitimacy of Zeng Guofan's investment conference and to allow the Hunan Army to take away the power of Westernization.

Su Yihan said: "Prince Hui, Zeng Guofan's investment conference will most likely not be held."

Mian Yu said: "I would like to ask Prince Yi to carry out Western affairs in an all-round way. It was obviously you who proposed it. Isn't it good for the local governor to share the worries of the imperial court? Only Jiujiang can handle Western affairs, but other places can't handle Western affairs?"

And the key is, is it useful for Su Yi to stop you?

Unless you directly declare the Hunan Army as a rebel army and directly mobilize tens of thousands of troops to go south.

Otherwise, you can't stop the investment conference, let alone the American minister, the Russian minister, and the French minister.

But now that troops are coming to the northwest, the Russians in the north are sharpening their knives.

Your troops are not enough to face these two places. How can you have the military strength to go south?

Moreover, Zeng Guofan and others did not openly rebel and were still ministers of the Qing Dynasty. Just because there is an investment conference, are you going to start a civil war?

The entire south has finally been pacified, but war is about to break out again and completely destroy the rich land in the south?

Su Yi said slowly: "In short, if it can't be done, it just can't be done!"

Immediately afterwards, a message came from outside: "The British Minister Sir Bruce asks for an audience."

A moment later, British Minister Bruce entered and said: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, in order to deal with the increasingly serious threat of pirates, the Marine Corps of the British Empire has officially invited the Army of the Qing Empire to conduct joint military exercises in Shanghai."

"The time is September 20th to October 20th!"

"In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I kindly ask your country to agree to designate Shanghai as a military restricted area during this period."

"Prevent all non-essential political activities."

Empress Dowager Ci'an glanced at Su Yi and said, "Su Yi, you are the Minister of War. What do you think?"

Su Yi said: "I think this is feasible."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Then just do it."



Following the instructions of Empress Dowager Ci'an.

A few days later, we arrived in Jiujiang.

Then, Wang Shiqing led the Army's First Division, with a total of 8,000 people, along the Yangtze River and entered Shanghai.

Immediately afterwards, Colonel Jurgen, the British Empire's military attache, led 2,000 marines to formally land in Shanghai.

A total of 10,000 people began joint military exercises.

Deny any outside forces entry.

Then, the American minister, the Russian minister, and even the French minister went to the British minister Sir Bruce to roar.

But it's no use.

The British Empire's first-in-command, second-in-command, and even senior military attachés in China at this time were all members of the Su Yi faction.


In Suzhou, the top leaders of the Hunan Army held a secret meeting again.

It is already September 19th.

It’s only less than a month until the investment conference is announced on October 15th.

Su Yi directly sent troops to blockade Shanghai. It would definitely not be possible to hold an investment conference in Shanghai. What should we do next?

Peng Yulin said: "It's easy to control the center and grasp the great righteousness."

Zeng Guofan said slowly: "Everyone, Su Yi's first move was already so violent, but please know clearly that this is just the beginning."

"Next, his moves will become more and more fierce."

"If we compromise now, it's still too late. If we go further, it will be irreversible."

"Everyone, do you want to go further?"

Zeng Guoquan sneered: "At this point, how can there be any room for retreat?"

Li Xubin said: "Backing off now will really make people laugh."

Li Hongzhang said: "Teacher, haven't those Eight Banners princes and ministers in the northwest, the Russians in the north, and the capital mobilized yet? Are they just counting on our family?"

Zeng Guofan said: "It's almost time. It should be launched soon."

Zeng Guoquan said angrily: "Whether it's ambushing Su Yi on all sides or killing him from all sides, hurry up, hurry up. I won't give up if this person doesn't die for a day."

"Such venting of anger is meaningless." Zeng Guofan said: "Since you have decided to continue, then continue."

"Babaili urgently asks the court to report. Since the court is going to conduct military exercises in Shanghai, our investment conference will be moved to another place."

"October 15th, the date remains unchanged, but it will be held in Suzhou."

Peng Yulin said: "Since the address has been changed, why did it change to Suzhou? Why not change it to Wuchang?"

Zeng Guofan said: "It is more appropriate to decide on Suzhou first!"

Then, his son set off again, took a boat northward, and entered Beijing as quickly as possible.


A few days later!

Zeng Guofan's son, Zeng Jize, appeared in the court in a dusty state.

"To the Queen Mother, to the Emperor, the Governors of Liangjiang, the Governors of Jiangsu, the Governors of Anhui, the Governors of Hubei, and the Governors of Hunan, etc., jointly report that since the imperial court will conduct military exercises in Shanghai, the Westernization Movement is a national policy, so the date of the investment conference remains unchanged. It will be held in Suzhou instead, please ask the Empress Dowager and the Emperor for their permission."

The so-called permission here is of course only ceremonial.

Regardless of whether it is approved or not, this investment conference will still go ahead.

Back then you, Su Yi, resisted the imperial court, held an investment conference in Jiujiang, and ignored the imperial court's wishes.

The person who first made the figurines has no descendants.

All the civil and military officials present suddenly became inexplicably nervous.

The Hunan Army really chose to fight to the end.

Zeng Jize said: "In addition, several foreign ministers and hundreds of foreign merchants have already arrived in our Qing Dynasty and are on their way to Suzhou."

This means that the arrow is on the string and has to be shot.

How will you, Su Ye, respond?

Are you going to designate Suzhou as a military restricted area and conduct joint military exercises?

Then you will be humiliating the country.

After all, Shanghai is a concession, and the landing of the British Marines is legal.

But Suzhou is not a concession, and foreign troops are not allowed to enter.

At this time, Ma Xinyi suddenly stepped out. The central government had already relieved him of his post as the governor of Anhui. This time he followed Su Ye to Beijing and waited for the court to confer a new official position.

"Your servant Ma Xinyi impeaches Li Hongzhang, the governor of Jiangsu. In the battle last year, he lost Danyang, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou and other places one after another, but the court did not punish him. How unfair is this?"

"Your servant asks the Queen Mother to remove Li Hongzhang from the post of governor of Jiangsu."

Tian Yugong stepped out and said, "I second the motion."

Chongen stepped out and said, "I second the motion."

Wenxiang stepped out and said, "I second the motion."

Su Ye stared at Prince Yi Zaiyuan, and saw him tremblingly step out and said, "Your servant, I second the motion!"

This person has been claiming to be sick at home, but after Su Ye returned to Beijing, he hurried out and returned to the court, which shows that he is still full of fear of Su Ye.

The civil and military officials in the court were shocked. Is this... the real purpose revealed?

Empress Dowager Ci'an said to Su Ye: "Su Ye, you are a minister of state, what do you think?"

Su Ye said: "I think Li Hongzhang is responsible for the loss of territory, and he should be removed from the post of governor of Jiangsu."

"In addition, Ma Xinyi actively prepared for war during his tenure as governor of Anhui, and made outstanding contributions. I request the Empress Dowager to appoint him as the new governor of Jiangsu."

Empress Dowager Ci'an looked at Su Ye.

When faced with the huge contradiction between the bannermen and Su Ye, she would still hesitate.

But when faced with the conflict between Su Ye and the Hunan Army, she would favor Su Ye without any obstacles.

So, Empress Dowager Ci'an said loudly: "Draft an edict to remove Li Hongzhang from the post of governor of Jiangsu. Confer Ma Xinyi as the new governor of Jiangsu!"


Note: More than 10,000 words, shamelessly begging for monthly tickets from all benefactors, please everyone.

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