Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 263: Bai Feifei's Path Fission Occurs

Chapter 263 Bai Feifei’s Road! Fission occurs!

After the China Merchants Conference, the American Minister, the Russian Minister, Wytoma and others almost celebrated each other.

Su Yi is still so strong, which is great.

This result is very, very good.

In this way, there is more room for maneuver.

Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang and others fell into a kind of uneasiness.

After the entire investment conference, Su Yi convened a meeting with Ma Xinyi, Wang Youling, Xu Youren and other direct relatives.

But there is bad news, Yuan Jiasan fell ill, and his nephew Yuan Baozhong is taking care of him.

Yuan Jiasan's overall condition is very bad.

"How is it? How is it? Have the results come out?" Yuan Jiasan asked again and again on the hospital bed.

"Not yet. As soon as the prince has results, he will send someone immediately." Yuan Baozhong said.

But after a while, Yuan Jiasan couldn't help but ask: "Has the result come out?"

Nephew Yuan Baozhong said: "Nephew, I'm going to find out now."

Yuan Baozhong was Yuan Shikai's father. He was a scholar, but he did not pass the exam. When the Nian Army was rampant, he helped local officials organize regiment training.

Because Su Yi accepted Yuan Shikai as his student and he was still young, Yuan Jiasan took Yuan Baozhong with him.

Although it would not be faster for Yuan Baozhong to inquire by himself, it would ease his uncle Yuan Jiasan's mood.

After a while, Yuan Baozhong came back and said: "The negotiation has failed. The Hunan Army only advanced 6.92 million taels."

Yuan Jiasan sat up angrily and said: "Rebellious ministers and traitors, rebellious ministers and traitors."

"The country is in a difficult situation, and these people are still trying to create conflicts. Are they afraid that a civil war will not break out?"

After a while, Su Yi walked in with Xu Youren, Wang Youling, Ma Xinyi and others.

Yuan Baozhong immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Student, pay homage to the prince."

Yuan Jiasan also wanted to get up from the bed to see him.

Su Yi held him down gently.

Old Yuan Jiasan burst into tears and said: "Your Majesty, last year I was full of ambitions and wanted to do great things with you. However, I am not in good health. I am afraid that my time is running out."

He was really extremely unwilling in his heart.

Among Su Yi's array, although he, Yuan Jiasan, came in relatively late, he is almost at the highest level. As long as he is healthy, he will definitely be able to make great achievements, and it is expected that he will enter the political hall in the future.

As a result, he suddenly fell ill.

Historically, Yuan Jiasan died of illness this year.

Moreover, he was worried about whether the entire family would be able to thrive after his death.

Su Yi said: "Mr. Yuan, I have already talked with your doctor. Your disease is indeed difficult to treat in the Qing Dynasty. The treatment level in Shanghai is still not enough. Now the treatment level in Jiujiang is the highest in the country. Various conceptual drugs are being developed in the laboratory there, which are basically experimental in nature. There are drugs related to your disease that are in phase III trials, and there is great hope. "

Yuan Jiasan's eyes showed surprise and he said: "Really, really?"

Su Yi said: "I really hope Mr. Yuan can share the burden for me in these troubled times."

Then, Su Yi said to Yuan Baozhong: "The ship is ready, and the relevant medical teams are also ready. Without further ado, we will make some preparations and transfer to Jiujiang immediately."

Yuan Baozhong was overjoyed and kowtowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace."

Yuan Jiasan said: "Even if there is a three-point hope, the lower official is still struggling to give up a seven-point hope. I haven't been loyal to the prince yet, so he just left like this."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Of course!"


In the conference room.

"Do you want to prepare for war?" Lin Shaozhang couldn't help but ask: "If we want to prepare for war, we still have a lot of Taiping troops who have not been completely disbanded and can be armed at any time."

Xu Youren said: "Although our disarmament is also in progress, if we want to prepare for war, we can restore the army at any time."

Su Yi shook his head and said: "No need, disarmament is still going on."

On the surface, the local Eight Banners were abolished this time, but the regiments in Zhejiang, Fujian and other places were also abolished, all of which were direct descendants of Su Yi.

It's not that he is noble, but that these soldiers are really not suitable for modern warfare.

The best ones were all selected and sent to the Empire's new army.

The remaining ones are really not very cost-effective and difficult to educate, so it would be most appropriate to eliminate them.

So when Su Yi came to Nanjing this time, he expected 47,000 people on the surface, but in fact about 90,000 people were laid off.

"Your Majesty, it has been more than half a year since the Hunan Army failed to attack Tianjing." Ma Xinyi said: "During this period, we have been disarmament, but the Hunan Army has been increasing its troops. The ambition of the wolf is obvious."

Isn't it?

Because of Chen Yucheng's false surrender, the Hunan army failed to attack Tianjing and suffered many casualties. Only a few hundred thousand of the 200,000-strong army were left.

Next, the Hunan Army made two loans from the United States and Britain respectively, and carried out a new round of military expansion.

"Huh, it's all the fault of the late emperor's incompetence." Xu Youren said: "Military and financial power have been handed over to the local governors, but they did not need the permission of the central government to increase troops privately."

Wang Youling said: "If the late emperor had allowed the prince to enter the center five years ago, all these messy things would have disappeared."

In the current situation, if the Hunan Army problem is not solved, it will be impossible to carry out the comprehensive Westernization Movement.

There was also a long-term struggle between the Qing court and the Hunan army in history.

The governor of Liangjiang, Ma Xinyi, was assassinated. As a result, the central government did not dare to extend its power to the south for a long time.

Later, Yehenala used the Yang Naiwu and Xiaobaicai case to slightly attack the Hunan Army faction.

Later, the imperial court also carried out several disbandments of the Hunan Army, leading to several large-scale mutinies and even rebellions.

In the final analysis, the central Qing court never really solved the problem of semi-separated regimes in the southeastern provinces.

From Zeng Guofan to Li Hongzhang, and then to Yuan Shikai.

Yehenala could barely maintain the balance between Manchu and Han.

After the death of Yehenala, the Manchu Qing central government naively wanted to take back power, which resulted in the collapse of the Qing court.

For Su Yi, it is completely unforgivable that the center cannot control the place, especially the southeastern provinces.

Moreover, it is even more nonsense to hand over the leading power of the Westernization Movement to local governors.

Yehenala did not have the ability or the courage to solve this problem, but Su Yi did.


And in the office on the other side.

Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Wade, the American minister, and the Russian minister were having a meeting.

Although this was a unanimous decision by the top brass of the Hunan Army, the top brass of the Hunan Army were still uneasy when they saw Su Yizhen's decisive attitude.

Zeng Guofan said: "Sir Witoma, ministers, it is time to fulfill what you promised before."

Weituma said: "Of course, the consortium behind us will arrive in Shanghai soon."

The American minister said: "Our consortium is coming soon, and our loan is already in the account and can be delivered at any time."

The Russian minister said: "Mr. Zeng, what you need to do now is to immediately submit a memorial to the Qing court, demanding a comprehensive Westernization Movement. And explain clearly that you have the support of the British and American consortiums and governments."

“Several specific large-scale projects must also be clear and detailed.”

"After the Anglo-American consortium arrives, you, in the name of the Governor of Liangjiang, will hold a new investment conference and sign a larger contract."

"The amount signed by Su Yi at this investment promotion conference was only 6.92 million taels of silver. And the amount signed at the next investment promotion conference you hosted was more than 30 million taels."

"This will make the entire Qing people see clearly Su Yi's incompetence."

"As the central prime minister, the amount signed by him at the China Merchants Conference is less than a quarter of yours. How can people believe that he can lead the overall Westernization Movement to success?"

Next, Wade, the British Minister, and the Russian Minister submitted contracts one after another.

There are loan contracts and cooperation agreements for many projects.

Each project is very detailed and the amount is huge.

These include Hanyang Iron and Steel, Shanghai Shipyard, Suzhou Textile Factory, Wuchang Ordnance Bureau, Jiangnan Steamship Bureau, and Jiangsu-Shanghai Railway.

Because of the great success of the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone, foreigners took a fancy to the huge benefits, and their efforts were much greater than in history.

We must do our best to support the Hunan Army and keep China in a state of confrontation and even division.

Weituma said: "On October 15th, Mr. Zeng held a new investment conference in the name of the Governor of Liangjiang."

"At that time, I will participate, the British Consulate in Shanghai will participate, and the American Minister, the Russian Minister and others will also participate."

"In addition, we hope that you can invite officials from the Qing court to participate, such as Prince Gong and Prince Yi."

"In short, the goal is to make your investment conference far surpass Su Yi's investment conference and compete for the dominance of the Westernization Movement."

"Is there a problem? Mr. Governor?"

Zeng Guofan closed his eyes.

To be honest, he is in a very contradictory state.

He was afraid of the confrontation with Su Yi. Moreover, it has been nearly ten years since he started organizing group training until now.

He was also a little tired of the military.

But political ambitions have not receded, but have reached their peak state of mind.

An army of more than 100,000 or 200,000 people and the power of several provinces.

This kind of power of life and death is addictive, so let him just hand it over?

Never give in.

And from now on, he will always be stepped on by Su Yi?

Even more unwilling.

He would never forget that Su Yi was just a fifth-rank official under his command, and he could crush him to death with just one finger.

If he surrenders, will he let Su Yi control everything over his head, or even completely hand over his destiny to him?

How is it possible?

He disagreed, and at that time more than 80% of the senior leaders of the Hunan Army disagreed.

Since you have chosen confrontation, then... then fight to the end.

"There is one thing I want to confirm. When will the chaos in the northwest of the Qing Dynasty happen?" Sir Witoma said.

The Russian minister said: "Before October 15th, it will definitely reach the Qing court center. They will face more than hundreds of thousands of rebels, and they will be rebels who have been armed by us."

Zeng Guofan said: "Mr. Minister, from the standpoint of our country, I strongly protest your interference in our internal affairs. If necessary, we will respond to the court's call and send troops to the northwest to quell the rebellion."

The American minister said: "You Russian troops on the border between China and Russia already number 50,000 people. When do you plan to start the war?"

The Russian minister said: "Now we have two questions. Our fleet has traveled thousands of miles to the Far East and needs a suitable port for supply. Sir Wytoma, can you ask the British Empire to open the port for us to supply?"

Sir Wytoma shrugged his shoulders, which of course he couldn't do.

The American minister said: "It's very simple for you to get supplies, isn't it? This is no reason at all, even in Japan."

After the port of Vladivostok was severely damaged by Viscount Jurgen's pirate army, the Russians sent tens of thousands of people to build docks and rebuild military bases, but so far they still cannot support a large fleet.

The Russian minister said: "Eastern Siberia is too far away. We need a large number of immigrants and a large amount of military supplies to launch a large-scale war. But don't worry, starting from tomorrow, we can launch a war at any time."

The American minister said: "Please give us a relatively accurate time."

The Russian minister said: "Within this year, a military conflict can be declared, and within next year a large-scale war can be launched."

Witoma remained silent.

Because Britain will definitely not support this war, and will even completely side with the Qing court in this war.

But for him, Wei Tuoma, this war is beneficial, and even for the faction behind him, it has huge benefits.

The Russian minister stared at the map on the wall, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on one point.


This is the ice-free port in the Far East that the Russians dream of.

He already knew the will of the Russian Emperor. This war must achieve three goals.

Su Yi stepped down, leaving the decadent Manchu dignitaries to continue to be in charge of the Qing court.

More than a million square kilometers of land were ceded.

And the most important thing is to cede Port Arthur.

To achieve this goal, even if the Siberian Railway has not yet been built, Russia will spare no effort to transport large-scale troops to Eastern Siberia.

Hearing that the ministers of these countries were unscrupulously trying to cut off China's interests, Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang and others looked coldly, cupped their hands and said, "Goodbye!"

Then they leave.

After they left, the Russian minister sneered: "Zeng Guofan and others are really hypocritical Chinese. He is obviously a conspirator, but he pretends to be patriotic."

The American minister said: "It is in our interests to let the corrupt Manchu nobles control the center, let Zeng Guofan and other Han elites control the south, and let China maintain the de facto division of power."

The Russian Minister said: "Of course, it is our nightmare that people like Su Yi are in charge of power in China. Sir Wetoma, this nightmare was supported by your country's Prince Albert."

Witoma pretended not to hear.

For Lord Wytoma and the political and economic groups behind him, a weak and divided China is in the interest.

But for the highest level of the British Empire, a China that can contain Russia and a China that can suppress the United States may be the most consistent with the hegemonic system of the British Empire.


Left the conference room of several ministers.

Zeng Guofan entered the official hall, closed his eyes, and suddenly asked: "Shaoquan, if we do this, are we considered national sinners?"

Li Hongzhang said: "Teacher, should we just make fish and meat and let others slaughter us?"

If a person does not serve himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth.


For the benefit of the entire faction, all means are necessary.

At this time, what kind of righteousness can we talk about?

At this time, what are you doing to catch a cold?

Zeng Guofan said: "Actually, I wanted to talk to Su Yi several times to reach a certain condition."

Li Hongzhang asked: "What is the bottom line in the teacher's heart?"

"The three provinces of Jiangsu, Hunan, and Hubei must be firmly in our hands." Zeng Guofan said: "And in the subsequent Westernization Movement, these three provinces will occupy half of the leadership. He will do his thing, and we will do ours."

"The Hunan Army can be eliminated by half, leaving 100,000 troops, but it will still be in our hands."

"As long as he agrees, I can immediately abandon Yi and others and fully support his power in the center."

Li Hongzhang said: "It's impossible for him to agree."

Zeng Guofan said: "Yes, so he doesn't even want to meet."

Li Hongzhang said: "He is too overbearing. He declares directly what he wants to do and doesn't bother to negotiate with others. Moreover, whatever conditions he offers are the same. He never knows what compromise is."

Zeng Guofan said: "He is really difficult to get along with. I don't even know why he wanted to make this contradiction public and why he announced the failure of the China Merchants Conference with such a big fanfare? This is what he told the people, the central government and the local government clearly. What good does it do to him?"

Li Hongzhang said: "Teacher, the matter has come to this, it is useless to say more. Now that we have decided, there is no turning back."

Zeng Guofan said: "We still have at least 200,000 troops in our hands. The great chaos in the northwest is imminent, and the Russians are also eyeing the north and are ready to invade at any time. Su Yi does not have enough troops in his hands, so I don't believe that he can risk the disapproval of the world and start another uprising. The Civil War completely destroyed the entire South."


Su Yi left Shanghai and took a boat to Jiujiang.

In the villa along the river, I hugged my daughter.

Yehenala had just finished confinement, and she still looked a little plump.

Some women look radiant after giving birth, and she is one of them.

"Before I came here, I really couldn't imagine that it took only seven years for you to build Jiujiang into what it is." Yehenala said: "It's like being in another world."

Su Yi said: "Do you like it?"

Yehenala said: "I like it. In comparison, the rooms in the capital are too small and uncomfortable."

Su Yi didn't say that since you like her, you should always live here. This would irritate the other person.

Moreover, she did not say that she would return to the capital immediately after her confinement.

"Is the China Merchants Conference definitely a failure?" Yehenala asked.

"Well, it failed." Su Yi said.

Yehenara asked: "A complete break with the Hunan Army?"

Su Yi said: "Yeah."

Yehenala said: "Actually, there is no need. In the current chaos in the northwest, the Russians in the north are the most important. Our army has not yet been trained, and the flag affairs reform is stuck and cannot be advanced. These major things have not been completed, and there is no peace. To break up the Hunan Army, we must do things one by one and eat one bite at a time. As long as you are in charge of the center, you will have plenty of ways and time to deal with the Hunan Army. "

This is the difference between Su Yi and Yehenala.

Su Yi was determined not to compromise and must completely unify the country's forces.

We must govern and return all military power to the central government.

On the surface, Yehenala is a hardliner, but in fact he is a compromiser.

As long as her own power is stable, she doesn't care much whether the local governor is semi-autonomous.

She was something of a master of balance, a true framer.

Therefore, throughout her life, she could not solve the problem of self-reliance in the southeastern provinces, nor could she truly ease the confrontation between Manchu and Han.

Of course, these are questions of competence, not morality.

Her real moral problem is that after she dies, she will not care about the flood.

He knew clearly that after his death, the balance between Manchu and Han would definitely be broken, and the country would definitely collapse.

Even if Emperor Guangxu advances again, even if he escapes, after all, he has been the emperor for decades, and he still has a certain degree of prestige and a certain degree of suppression over ministers. Keeping him alive will still bring more benefits than harm to the Qing court.

But Yehenala still killed Emperor Guangxu for his own selfish interests.

This person in history is an absolute egoist.

Su Yi allowed her to have a child and let her live in Jiujiang for a period of time, hoping that she would fall in love with such a life and downplay her desire for power.

Moreover, Jiujiang is Su Yi's absolute domain.

Here, Yehenala's power cannot be exerted, but freedom can be obtained.

She can travel around like an ordinary lady, and can enter any store to buy things.

At least until now, she has indeed not mentioned returning to Beijing.

Of course, it is not entirely because I enjoy the life here in Jiujiang, but because I have other thoughts.

Moreover, what she said publicly at the time was to pray to the Buddha for half a year, which was still more than two months away.


Su Yi had just returned to Jiujiang and had to receive a large number of reports.

The first one to come was the current third-in-command of Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone, eldest brother Su Quan.

"There are two troubles now."

"First, several provinces under the rule of the Hunan Army may no longer be willing to sell raw materials to us, including cotton and raw silk, because they also want to open textile factories of their own."

"Second, there may be some problems with the supply of tobacco leaves in Yunnan, because your attitude of banning opium has stimulated the local government there. Currently, one-third of their financial resources come from opium cultivation."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

Su Quandao: "Does the production plan for the next stage need to be changed?"

Su Yi said: "No need."

Su Quan said: "Okay."

Then, he took out another document and said: "This is the plan of the Shanghai Telegraph Bureau, this is the plan of the Inland Water Transport Bureau, and this is the plan of the Ocean Transportation Bureau."

"Nine of our next nineteen plans will involve the Hunan Army's territory."

"At present, the relevant planning has been completed and will soon enter the substantive stage, where demonstration, funding and other processes will be invested."

"However, the current failure of the China Merchants Conference has put the Hunan Army into a state of confrontation. Will these processes continue to advance?"

Su Yi said: "Keep pushing."

This is what Su Yi needs to solve the Hunan Army's problem in the shortest possible time.

Yehenara said that he had a lot of time and a lot of means, but all of them were based on compromise and compromise.

In fact, the time left for Su Yi is very tight, because the Hunan Army will soon launch the Westernization Movement, and some British and American consortiums will invest in it.

It must be completely destroyed before they can complete it.

Once the deal is done and they build the factory, it will be a big trouble.

Because foreign capital was involved, Su Yi could not use force to forcibly collect it, nor could it dismantle it.

That would create an established fact, and it would create the fact that the localities and the central government would compete for the power of Westernization.

Even later in development, problems such as duplication of construction and vicious competition will occur.

A game of chess in the country is the most important.

You end up with two games of chess, falling into internal fighting, and foreigners take advantage of the situation and divide it. In this way, the completion of industrialization will be delayed for who knows how many years.

After Su Quan reported the major events, he said, "Would you like to go home for lunch at noon?"

Su Yi said: "Go back!"

Su Quan nodded and was about to leave.

"Brother," Su Yi said, "Next, you are going to preside over the Westernization Movement in Nanjing."

Su Quandao: "I know."

Su Yi said: "Then in the next few years, have you ever thought about returning to the center to help Shen Baozhen preside over the comprehensive Westernization Movement?"

Su Quandao: "Then I need to think about it again."

"Of course, if you need it, I will work hard to develop in this direction."

Su Yi said: "Okay, thank you, brother."

After Su Quan left, Bai Feifei walked in.

"This is about the introduction of the continuous rifle production line, as well as the second-hand Enfield 1853 rifle production line, and drafting contracts."

Su Yi took it and read it carefully, frowning slightly.

As harsh as you imagine.

But time is running out, and Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and Ordnance Bureau must start production immediately.

Not even for the Soviet Union rifle, but for the next automatic rifle, or even the Maxim machine gun.

The drawings are all ready-made, but the key is to be able to produce them independently.

Without these production lines and the production of these rifles, how can we upgrade and progress.

If you suffer a little loss on price, just suffer a little loss.

Su Yi picked up the pen and signed the contract directly.

Then, Bai Feifei in uniform sat down opposite.

"Xiaoyi, there is something I want to discuss with you." Bai Feifei said.

Immediately, Shen Baoer immediately walked outside to prevent others from eavesdropping.

Su Yi said: "You tell me."

Bai Feifei said: "Xingzhen will definitely return to the capital in the future, I can see that. So, can the daughter she gave birth to be given to me to raise?"

Su Yi said: "What did she say?"

Bai Feifei said: "I haven't told her yet, but I want to ask your opinion first."

Su Yi said: "Okay, I agree."

Bai Feifei said: "There is one more thing, about the telegraph office."

Su Yi said: "Yeah."

Bai Feifei said: "I am one of the very few people who know about the Radio Laboratory. We already have a complete set of drawings, and radio will definitely be popularized in the future. The Telegraph Bureau is dominated by the West, and the patent rights are in their hands. The key is that the cost is huge. According to Our plan is to first lay out routes from Jiujiang to Nanjing, to Suzhou, to Shanghai, to Hangzhou, to Tianjin, and to the capital.”

"Is it necessary to invest such a large amount of money, but it is likely to be eliminated in the future?"

Regarding this point, Su Yi has thought about this many times. Why should we spend huge sums of money to build a telegraph line that is destined to fall behind in the future?

Su Yi said: "There are three reasons."

"The first reason is that the communication power of telegraph lines is very large and more stable. Radio is greatly affected by weather and electromagnetic environment."

“The second reason is that although we have a full set of design drawings, the progress in the laboratory is very slow. This has a lot to do with the current industrial technology. We don’t know when there will be a breakthrough and when we will be able to produce it. "

"The third reason is that the interests here are huge, and even related to communication standards. Before our industry is strong enough, and before our country is strong enough, I am worried that we will not be able to master this communication standard and voice."

"Based on the above three reasons, even if it costs a huge amount of money, the telegraph office must still be established."

Bai Feifei said: "Yes, I understand."

Su Yi said: "Is there anything else?"

Bai Feifei pondered for a while and said, "Is Japan very important to your future?"

Su Yi nodded and said, "Yes."

Bai Feifei said: "The current domestic situation in Japan is very complicated. With the intervention of the great powers, the struggle between the emperor and the shogunate has entered a day-to-day stage, and there will be big changes soon."

Su Yi said: "This time the emperor actually placed an order for a lighting system with us, and the price was more than 100,000 taels of silver. What's going on?"

Bai Feifei said: "This is just my guess."

Su Yi said: "You tell me."

Bai Feifei said: "Actually, someone from the shogunate contacted us and sent a secret envoy. He waited and watched for a long time. At first, he planned to discuss with the Qing court center. Later, he discovered the political situation in our country, so he chose to come to Jiujiang ”

Su Yi asked: "When did it happen?"

Bai Feifei said: "About four days ago, only Hong Renli and I had contact with the secret envoys of the shogunate."

Su Yi said: "What's your judgment?"

Bai Feifei said: "According to my inference, the reason why the emperor ordered this lighting system from us is of course to show his innovative attitude. There is probably a more important reason, which is that he hopes to establish some degree of negotiation interests with us and prevent us from doing so. Contact with the shogunate will further eliminate our possible support for the shogunate. "

Su Yi said: "Have they thought so far-reaching?"

Bai Feifei said: "Britain and the United States are advocating the success of the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone in Japan every day, and they are also advocating a certain threat theory and advocating your hostility towards Japan."

Su Yi indeed stated repeatedly in front of the British that the British Empire should not support Japan, but should support China.

Bai Feifei said: "According to your plan, we will take action against Japan within a few years?"

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Within six or seven years."

Bai Feifei said: "What goal will it probably accomplish?"

Su Yi said: "Completely interrupt its industrialization and dismember it, so that it will become an agricultural country, a population-exporting country, a resource country, and an industrial dumping ground for a long time."

Bai Feifei said: "Because of us, some British and American consortiums have started investing in Japan."

Su Yi said: "So, time is urgent. We must completely interrupt their rise before they show their momentum."

Bai Feifei said: "Okay, then I am willing to do this myself."

Su Ye said: "But your work in Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone is also very important."

Bai Feifei said: "I can assign some work to Fu Shanxiang, so that Japan will become my focus."

Why Fu Shanxiang, not Shen Baoer?

Because Bai Feifei thinks about the problem completely from Su Ye's perspective, and does not want Shen Baozhen to dominate in the future.

In the Heavenly Kingdom faction, Hong Renli controls part of the work of the Intelligence Department.

But the Intelligence Department belongs entirely to Su Ye and has nothing to do with the Heavenly Kingdom faction.

A large number of workers from the Heavenly Kingdom faction work in the Jiujiang Economic Experiment, all of them are middle and low-level, lacking a high-level leader, and Fu Shanxiang is the most suitable. Of course, Bai Feifei proposed to focus on Japan at this time, and there may be other personal reasons.

Su Ye nodded and said, "Okay, your work focuses on two things."

"The first is to infiltrate Japan with capital, intelligence, and bribe relevant personnel of the shogunate."

"The second is to create reasons for the war that will happen in six or seven years, focusing on the Ryukyu Kingdom."

Bai Feifei said, "Okay, I know."

Su Ye said, "Nothing else, right?"

Bai Feifei said, "No, it's almost time to go home for dinner, and your parents will wait for you for a while."

Su Ye said, "Okay, I'll go home in half an hour."

Bai Feifei got up and left.

When she reached the door, she suddenly blushed and said, "By the way, if your mother-in-law says something weird to you, don't pay attention to it."

Su Ye asked in confusion, "What weird words?"

"Okay, no matter what she says, I will let it go in one ear and out the other."



Prince Gong's Mansion welcomed a secret envoy.

Zeng Guofan's son, Zeng Jize.

He came to report to Su Ye about the failure of the China Merchants Conference.

"Britain, the United States, and France intend to fully support us in foreign affairs, with a total investment of more than 36 million taels of silver."

"Su Ye failed in this China Merchants Conference. My father petitioned the court to hold a new China Merchants Conference on October 15 to relieve the court's worries."

"Although Prime Minister Su's China Merchants Conference was frustrated, foreign affairs have to be carried out. We are greatly favored by the court and should serve the country."

"Prince Gong is the chief minister. We think it is very necessary for you to lead this foreign affairs movement."

"So, on October 15, we will hold a China Merchants Conference in Shanghai and ask Prince Gong to come to guide us."

Prince Gong Yi's face changed slightly after hearing what the other party said.

This is certainly a huge opportunity.

But it also means complete hostility with Su Ye.

Su Ye's failure to recruit the Hunan Army was of course a slap in the face.

But if he knew about Zeng Guofan's China Merchants Conference, it would be too embarrassing for Su Ye.

You only signed 6.92 million taels, and I signed more than 30 million taels when I went.

Doesn't it make you, Su Ye, look incompetent?

After a long while, Prince Gong said, "Give us a few days to discuss it."

Zeng Jize said, "Of course."

Suddenly, Prince Gong said, "Hasn't Zhao Liewen been running around for your father all along? Why did you change him?"

Zeng Jize said, "Brother Zhao Shi has been feeling unwell recently."

Prince Gong said, "Oh."

Suddenly, Zeng Jize said, "I'd better tell the truth. My father suspects that Zhao Liewen has been bribed by Su Ye."

As soon as these words came out, Prince Gong Yi's face changed drastically.


That night, Prince Gong Yi, Prince Hui Mianyu, and Minister of Military Affairs Baojun held another secret meeting.

Yi talked about the situation in the south.

"Now Zeng Guofan and his people want to start a new business and compete for the power of Westernization. They need our cooperation in the center and invite me to attend the investment promotion conference on October 15. What do you think?" Yi said.

Mianyu and Baojun fell into silence.

It was one thing for them to secretly be hostile to Su Ye, but it was another thing to openly play against him.

It had only been a short time since Su Shun's head fell.

Baojun said: "My two princes, now Su Ye has been frustrated in recruiting Zeng Guofan in the south, and whether we send people to participate or not, his investment conference will definitely be held. It has become a foregone conclusion that foreigners support Zeng Guofan in carrying out foreign affairs. So at this time, we should test Su Ye to see if he has the intention to compromise on the reform of the banner affairs. After all, this is what we want most."

"Probe, attack, and force him to give in on the reform of the banner affairs."

The two princes fell silent.

Baojun said: "Now Su Ye is not in the capital, Zuo Zongtang and Senggelinqin are not there either. In fact, the Ministry of the Army has no backbone in the capital, so the move we have been brewing for a long time should be launched!"

Prince Gong Yi and Prince Hui Mianyu were struggling.

Because a few months ago, Su Ye had just moved the butcher knife and killed more than a thousand Eight Banners rogues, expressing an extremely strong attitude.

Baojun said: "The situation is completely different this time. Su Ye suffered a setback in the south, and the capital has no backbone. The key is... we are completely on the moral high ground. I don't believe that anyone dares to take the risk of attacking an old man over 60 years old."

"We must launch this move before Su Ye returns to the capital, so that it can be most powerful."

"I don't believe that the kind-hearted Queen Mother can sit by and watch hundreds or thousands of old people starve to death."

"China governs the country with filial piety and respects the elderly. I don't believe that any general under Su Ye's command dares to use force against these old people."

"As long as we make this move, Su Yi's flag affairs reform will most likely be abandoned halfway."

Yi and Mianyu are still struggling.

Baojun said: "Two princes, Zeng Guofan has been tough on Su Yi. If we are weak, they will be disappointed. If the north and the south are not in harmony, how can we fight against Su Yi and how can we drive him out of power?"

"Moreover, these old people have enjoyed the country's favor for a long time. For future generations, for the great cause of the Eight Banners, and for the foundation of the Qing Dynasty, it is time for them to pay the price of sacrifice."

Mianyu slapped the table and said, "Come on!"

Prince Gong said: "Okay, then come on!"


The next day!

In the capital, thousands of Eight Banners old men over sixty years old set out from their homes.

Holding the ancestral tablets and the tablets of several emperors of the Qing Dynasty, they marched to the palace.

Go on a hunger strike.

"The Queen Mother, the reform of flag affairs is bad governance and must be cancelled."

"The Queen Mother, we live and die for the Qing Dynasty, please come and meet us."

"Ancestors, open your eyes and see, the Qing Dynasty is about to end."

"We have been loyal to the Qing Dynasty all our lives, but now Su Yi wants to reform the flag affairs and destroy our family. This is a traitor!"

Finally, with the encouragement of Zeng Guofan in the south, the Prince of the Eight Banners in the capital launched this so-called killer move.

The merger of the north and the south was truly completed, pushing the situation to fission.


Note: I finally finished writing, but I couldn’t finish it at half past ten, twenty minutes late.

I will continue to work hard tomorrow, thank you all, and I'm sorry.

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