Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 251 Hong Xiuquan committed suicide and closed the net in Tianjing

Chapter 251 Hong Xiuquan commits suicide! Seize Tianjing!

This may be the largest war in the past century.

In a mere battlefield in Tianjing City, both sides invested nearly 400,000 troops.

The scale was much larger than the historical Battle of Tianjing.

View from the air.

For dozens of miles, there are trenches and camps everywhere.

After the horn sounded.

On the battlefield for dozens of miles, countless troops, dark and dense, began to charge like ants.

An astonishing number of artillery pieces fired at each other.

The entire battlefield was magnificent.

This was also the most brutal battle in decades.

Both sides tried their best to fight to the death.

It can be seen that after the core defeat, the Taiping Army's combat effectiveness is no longer as good as the Hunan Army.

Especially in this world, the Hunan Army has received strong support from the United States, and has also received full support from other British factions.

However, the Hunan army still suffered a bloody defeat in Tianjing.

These people in the Taiping Army are so crazy.

This is obviously the final war. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is obviously in decline, and it is said that it should have no fighting spirit.

However, to this group of Taiping troops, it was like a holy war.

Especially for core stars such as Li Xiucheng, Li Shixian, Huang Wenjin, and Tan Shaoguang.

It was as if all the blood, all the anger, and all the unwillingness were concentrated and fully bloomed on the Hunan Army.

We must fight to the last soldier.

The bloody nature of these commanders also completely affected hundreds of thousands of Taiping soldiers.

Even the new recruits are not afraid of death.

Live towards death.

The battle to defend Tianjing in history was also tragic and desperate.

But the battle to defend Tianjing in this world is still tragic, but it is not necessarily desperate.

Although no one said it out loud, they all had the same idea.

We know that the Kingdom of Heaven may be coming to an end.

We vaguely seem to have seen a new direction.

But just because of this, we need to say a final farewell to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Say goodbye to your past beliefs.

You must be worthy of your beliefs, so in this final battle, you will not hesitate to sacrifice your own life.


After more than ten days of fierce fighting.

Both sides paid extremely heavy casualties.

The historical battle to defend Tianjing lasted for about two years and was somewhat leisurely.

But in this world, Su Yi was watching eagerly from the side, so the Hunan Army had to make a desperate move.

Therefore, it is much more intense than in history.

In the past ten days, the Hunan Army has been extremely brave and attacked the city wall again and again, even if it was only the outer city.

But time and again, they were pushed back by the Taiping Army.

After paying extremely heavy casualties, the two sides entered a brief truce, each retreating to their original positions and licking their wounds.

Had a rare quiet moment.

Chen Yucheng continued to read the books sent by Su Yi.

He was already much later than the others.

At this time, he instinctively did not want to read military books, so he chose political books.

His education is not high, but his understanding is very high.

Su Yi's political books have a very broad vision and incorporate world history, politics, and philosophy.

But it was expressed in a very simple language.

Really explain things in a simple way.

Of course this was not written by him, but by Negative Bamei and the others who gathered the wisdom of many people.

After the draft is completed, it will be handed over to Qingqing Dabaobao for the first revision.

Because Negative Bamei is a person in modern society after all, and her vision is different, so there will be a gap in the sense of immersion in reading.

After Qingqing revised it, it was handed over to Hong Renli for the second revision.

This was a bit difficult for Hong Renli. She was smart and had some knowledge, but she was far from this level.

She could only put forward her point of view from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's thinking and vision, and then let Qingqing make modifications.

In this way, Su Yi's gift of books was officially formed and handed over to Li Xiucheng and others.

Therefore, the lethality is very large.

These books did not directly explain the shortcomings of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom at all, nor did they attack their mistakes. On the contrary, they certainly did more than belittle them.

But as they read, they could clearly see the mistakes, shortcomings, and inevitability of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's failure.

Really thorough.

When Li Xiucheng saw it, he could hardly sleep at night.

Even like Chen Yucheng, he instinctively wanted to burn these books.

Because, destroy his Taoist heart and destroy his faith.

But instead of destroying his faith, these books only enhanced their faith.

Su Yi was affirming them, just letting them see right and wrong, gains and losses from a higher perspective.

Let them see the childishness and rudimentary nature of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Li Xiucheng, Li Shixian and others have been watching it for four or five years.

As for Chen Yucheng, when he just started watching it, he felt quite enlightened and sweaty.

Hearing it in the morning feels like death in the evening.

These books are not as powerful for other people.

But this group of people have special beliefs and have thought deeply and for a long time.

Unfortunately, their thinking is not thorough.

Because there was no one to guide them from a higher dimension. Feng Yunshan was the founder of this ideological system, but he died early, so the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom lost its spiritual guide early, and Hong Rengan was completely half-full.

Therefore, the leaders of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom are facing a spiritual dilemma.

They deeply feel that their path is correct, but they are full of mistakes and can't find a way out.

Like a headless fly, rushing around and seeing no hope.

And Su Ye's books are tailored for them by dozens of modern scholars through the relevant theoretical books of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

So, how can this be?

After reading it, Chen Yucheng felt terrible.

How could someone be so smart and far-sighted, and the problems that people like them couldn't think through were completely clear at once.

They can sense the mistakes, but they don't know where they are wrong, why they are wrong, and how to correct them.

These books are written clearly.

It's really deafening.

The key is that the whole world is denying the spiritual route of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and criticizing them as stinking dog shit.

At the beginning, the leaders of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom could still stick to their own opinions, but as the fate of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom declined, they also began to fall into self-doubt.

They wondered if their path was wrong and whether it would never work.

They insist on their faith because they have given everything for it in this life.

To deny faith is to deny one's life.

However, in the book Su Ye gave, they highly praised their spiritual thinking.

And it was not a polite praise, but a heartfelt praise.

Marx said that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was the first regime with communist characteristics.

Therefore, Su Ye quoted a lot of Marxist philosophy in the book and explained it in the words of this era.

The power of this spiritual resonance is very huge.

At this time, Chen Yucheng knew why Lin Qirong, Zeng Tianyang and others yearned for Su Ye.

Why Li Xiucheng was almost unwilling to fight with Su Ye, and why Li Shixian chose to surrender spiritually after the battle of Jiaxing.

Because many of these young people who were given books regarded Su Ye as a spiritual mentor.

Despite the tragic defeat, Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng still had the highest prestige among the soldiers in the Heavenly Kingdom at this time.

Compared with the two, Lin Qirong still had a big gap. Because he was too low-key after returning to Tianjing from Jiujiang, rarely fought, and won few victories.

Of course, there is another more important point, that is, he is loyal to Su Ye, so he is not firm on the side of the Heavenly Kingdom.

On the contrary, Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng are showing their strength and winning every battle.

Therefore, if Chen Yucheng really intends to rebel and surrender, it will be easy for Zeng Guofan to take over Tianjing City.

Chen Yucheng has a high prestige and controls one-third of the troops in Tianjing City.

Whether it is opening the city to surrender or internal strife, the lethality is huge.

That night, Zeng Guofan and Chen Yucheng talked all night, and the core of the chat was the glory of the Han family.

Before, Chen Yucheng had always persuaded Zeng Guofan to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and establish himself, but now it is just the opposite.

That night, was the communication between Chen Yucheng and Zeng Guofan sincere?

Was he moved by Zeng Guofan?

He was really moved.

In Chen Yucheng's view, the Heavenly Kingdom had no hope.

Lin Qirong, Zeng Tianyang and others were bought by Su Ye, and Li Xiucheng, Li Shixian and others were also completely influenced by Su Ye.

In the future, the Heavenly Kingdom is likely to fall completely into Su Ye's hands.

He didn't want to see this happen.

Zeng Guofan repeatedly emphasized that Su Ye was a Manchu.

Although Su Ye abolished the Eight Banners, he was a Manchu and still a foreign race.

Would he be of one mind with the Han people?

The various reforms he made were ultimately to allow the Manchus to better enslave the entire Han people.

But Zeng Guofan was different. They were Han people and they could represent the interests of the Han people.

Chen Yucheng's alliance with the Hunan Army at a critical moment could at least make the south of the Yangtze River a Han world.

At that time, Chen Yucheng asked Zeng Guofan, would you oppose the Qing Dynasty and establish yourself?

Zeng Guofan said that he would not do so now. His primary goal now was to infiltrate and control the entire south of the Yangtze River, so that the Han people could control half of the country and be able to compete with the Qing court in the north.

However, the contradictions between Su Ye and Su Shun and others were irreconcilable, so once the Qing court was in civil war, their chance would come.

So please ask King Ying Chen Yucheng to keep his useful body and work together for the great cause in the future.

Zeng Guofan never said to persuade surrender from the beginning to the end, but to form an alliance.

They all said that for the benefit of the Han people, they would work together for the great cause.

Therefore, Chen Yucheng had a very clear concept in his mind.

Li Xiucheng, Lin Qirong, you people will sell the Heavenly Kingdom to Su Ye.

Then I, Chen Yucheng, will choose to form an alliance with the Hunan Army to preserve the last vitality of the Heavenly Kingdom.

I am not surrendering, I just join the Han camp and continue to fight against the Manchu aliens.

But after reading Su Ye's gift book, he deeply discovered that Su Ye is the real Han family.

No, this is even too narrow.

Su Ye proposed the Chinese nation.

In these internal affairs letters written by Chen Yucheng, Su Ye made detailed comments and also proposed his own policies in the process.

First, the Eight Banners Army will be abolished, and then the Green Camp will be abolished.

Next, the banner affairs will be thoroughly reformed, and all bannermen will not think of sucking blood from the country again.

Completely abolish the Eight Banners system and completely abolish all the privileges of the Manchus.

Seeing this, Chen Yucheng was already sweating all over.

Su Ye was a bannerman and a member of the royal family, but he revolutionized himself so thoroughly.

Later on, we saw that land reform was to be carried out and the imperial examination system would be gradually abolished.

Chen Yucheng was confused when he saw this.

You, you are more thorough than the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

You have to do all the things that you want to do but dare not do in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Are you the true heir to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Moreover, they don’t even wear the cloak of the so-called God-worshipping religion.


The next day!

Li Xiucheng came to Chen Yucheng and had a chat.

These two people are the pillars of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, but in fact their relationship is not harmonious.

Historically, Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng were enemies because Shi Dakai killed Chen Yucheng's uncle Chen Chengrong. But in this world, Chen Chengrong was killed by Hong Xiuquan, so Chen Yucheng and Shi Dakai have always been in alliance.

Li Xiucheng is a gentle man and is more than ten years older. Chen Yucheng has a fierce temperament and is arrogant.

After experiencing the defeat in Hangzhou, Chen Yucheng's whole momentum collapsed instantly, and he was no longer so sharp.

"You were in the Boy Scouts at the time, and it was Fu Shanxiang who taught you how to read and write, right?" Li Xiucheng said.

Chen Yucheng nodded and said, "Yes."

Li Xiucheng said: "Tan Shaoguang is also a boy scout. You boy scouts all have one characteristic: they like Fu Shanxiang."

Chen Yucheng suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Fu Shanxiang was the top female scholar, their teacher, and the daughter of a wealthy family from a scholarly family.

So what's the appeal to them as Boy Scouts?

Dream lover.

Li Xiucheng said: "That's not all. At that time, you children were organized into the Boy Scouts, and many girls were organized into the women's camp. There must be many girls you like in there. As a result, Fu Shanxiang followed Su Yi, and even those in the women's camp The sisters also went to Jiujiang and became Su Yi's people, so Su Yi really hates you for taking your wife. "

Chen Yucheng immediately smiled sheepishly.

He was young, so his strong hatred and hostility towards Su Yi really came from here.

Li Xiucheng said: "We are the same, I am older. You admire Fu Shanxiang, and we admire Hong Renli."

"Lin Fengxiang is the man who is most obsessed with her. In order to avenge him, Hong Renli lurked in the capital for several years and even went to assassinate the Manchu Dog Emperor."

"As a result, Hong Renli also followed Su Yi."

"Su Yi is really a bastard." Li Xiucheng said, "He hates many people in our heaven for taking away their wives."

Chen Yucheng said: "The key is that he is still Qingyao Mangou."

Li Xiucheng said: "That's not true."

Then, Chen Yucheng said: "Has he ever surrendered you?"

Li Xiucheng said: "Never."

Chen Yucheng said: "Have you communicated with each other?"

Li Xiucheng said: "There were times when I read those books several times and figured out some things, but I couldn't figure out some things, so I couldn't help but write to ask."

Chen Yucheng said: "Did you figure it out then?"

Li Xiucheng said: "Some have figured it out, some have not. Because there are some things that Su Yi is also looking for."

Chen Yucheng said: "He said that within twenty years, all unequal treaties will be eliminated and all foreign forces will be driven out."

Li Xiucheng said: "Yes, he said that."

Chen Yucheng said: "What do you think if we tell foreigners this?"

Li Xiucheng laughed.

Chen Yucheng said: "Where is the King of Heaven?"

Li Xiucheng said: "I'm sick."

Chen Yucheng said: "You are sick, yet you are still so indulgent."

Li Xiucheng said: "Is there any way?"

Finally, Li Xiucheng said: "The kingdom of heaven is only supported by the two of us, so no matter what happens, we will advance and retreat together, okay?"

Chen Yucheng thought for a moment and said, "Okay."


After a brief truce for four or five days.

The war breaks out again.

The Hunan Army, which had been rested and replenished, launched an even more fierce offensive.

More artillery fired wildly.

But this time, the results were finally much more significant.

The fortresses outside Tianjing were captured one by one.

It is difficult to capture the important towns of the Taiping Rebellion because there are countless strong fortresses on the periphery.

The Battle of Luzhou at that time caused people to vomit blood.

Later, in the Battle of Anqing, the Hunan Army also attacked aggressively for more than a year, but could not win.

Originally, Zeng Guofan wanted to take over Tianjing City in one go, but he suffered a bloody blow to his head.

So after the truce, the strategy changed.

Let's temporarily give up attacking Tianjing directly and focus on attacking the periphery.

First, Jiangpu, Pukou, and Jiusuzhou were captured, and the north bank of the Yangtze River was completely captured.

In this way, all ties between the Taiping Army and the north were completely severed.

Then, the Hunan Army Navy completely controlled the Yangtze River in this area, as well as the large rivers around Tianjing.

Then, Zeng Guoquan's troops captured all the important bridges in the southeast and southwest of Tianjing City.

Then, they captured the Shangfang Gate, Gaoqiao Gate, Shuangqiao Gate, Qiqiao Urn, Moling Pass, Zhonghe Bridge and other strongholds in the southeast of the city.

At this point, except for one or two city gates, all the passages between Tianjing City and the outside were blocked.

A few days later, the Hunan army captured the most important fortress outside Tianjing City, Tianbao City in Zijin Mountain.

Then, large forces of the Hunan Army occupied the outer positions of Shence Gate and Taiping Gate.

At this point, the Hunan Army has completely completed the encirclement of Tianjing City.


Historically, before the encirclement, Li Xiucheng proposed to Hong Xiuquan to lead his army to leave Tianjing City to save people and lost territory, but Hong Xiuquan refused.

And in this world, no one brings that up.

Everyone has a common will to resolutely defend Tianjing.

But everyone also knows that once the encirclement is completed, they will be completely trapped.

Food and ammunition cannot be transported in.

In a sense, once the encirclement is complete, as long as the Hunan Army completely encircles it, Tianjing is doomed to fall.

Inside the Heavenly King's Palace.

Hong Xiuquan has fallen into despair.

All the bases of the Heavenly Kingdom have been lost, leaving only Tianjing City.

And now, Tianjing has also been surrounded.

There is no hope at all.

The Heavenly Kingdom is over.

He seemed to be more excited despite his illness.

Just now, he had favored two beauties.

"Prepare the imperial banquet."

He was in the bathtub, his face flushed, and he looked energetic.

After bathing and changing clothes, he put on the dragon robe and prepared to have a banquet.

Hundreds of dishes were placed on the huge table.

The band of hundreds of people outside continued to play music.

Dozens of beauties around him served him dinner.

After Hong Xiuquan ascended the throne, he didn't know how an emperor should enjoy himself, so he just followed his own fantasy.

It was a grand ceremony, but he was so happy.

He had lived like this for several years.

After entering Tianjing, he stayed in the Heavenly King's Palace and enjoyed the wealth and glory to his heart's content, unwilling to take care of things.

The beauty picked up the dishes and sent them to his mouth, and he ate them with great interest.


It looked delicious, but in fact it tasted like chewing wax.

As he ate, he couldn't help crying.

But he laughed, took the wine, drank it, and put away all his tears.

He was actually tired of such a life a long time ago, but he was even more tired of politics.

But such a life seemed to have come to an end.

Tianjing City had been completely surrounded, and the last exit was blocked.

There was no hope.

"Keep dancing, keep singing!" Hong Xiuquan laughed.

So the band outside played even harder.

Dozens of beauties danced even more vigorously.

He clearly didn't want to eat at all, and couldn't eat at all, but he ate desperately.

After eating, he wore a dragon robe, climbed to the highest point, and looked out of the city.

Within the field of vision, there were enemies everywhere.

After conquering all the castles and strongholds outside, the Hunan Army once again made a short ceasefire and rest.

Then, they desperately built fortresses, and built one strong small fort after another not far from the city wall.

Although Zeng Guofan wanted to take Tianjing quickly, he also prepared for a long-term siege.

The enemies outside were really endless.

Once, the Jiangbei Camp and the Jiangnan Camp blocked the north and south directions of Tianjing.

However, it was not as desperate as today.

After watching for a while, Hong Xiuquan suddenly began to vomit.

He was not in good health and was sick, and he obviously didn't want to eat just now, but he mechanically ate and swallowed voraciously.

Now, with the cold wind blowing and the countless enemy troops outside stimulating him, his whole stomach seemed to start cramping.


Then, he vomited violently.

The whole person seemed to be on the verge of collapse, and the female official behind him rushed up to support him.

He waved his hands and said, "Don't come up, I'm fine, I'm fine..."

He vomited for a long time, and vomited all the things he had just barely eaten.

He took out a golden silk handkerchief, gently wiped the corners of his mouth, and then staggered down.

Back to the bedroom.

Hong Xiuquan said, "Is the wine I mentioned ready?"

His favorite concubine said, "It's ready, Heavenly King."

The wine was on the table.

"You all go out." Hong Xiuquan said.

After everyone went out, he came to the table and poured a glass of wine.

Some dared not drink it, because it was the prepared poisonous wine, which he used to commit suicide.

The most difficult death in the history.

But it might be even more difficult to live next.

He did not have the courage to face the next defeat.

"King of the East, I might as well have let you win that day." Hong Xiuquan said to himself.

He raised the wine glass to his lips, wanting to drink it, but he didn't have the courage.

So, he grabbed his right hand with his other hand, as if forcing the poisoned wine into his mouth.

"A dream, a dream, hahahaha!"

After a burst of laughter, Hong Xiuquan finally drank the poisoned wine.

After drinking the first cup, the next one was much easier.

He drank one cup after another, and when he finished half a pot, he already felt that his eyes were black.

"My life is worth it, worth it..."

He finally couldn't hold on, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The wine pot and wine glass in his hand fell to the ground.


At the same time!

In Henan, the situation of Senggelinqin and Shengbao could no longer be described as smooth.

Lai Wenguang's troops were concerned about Tianjing and had already led their troops south.

At this time, there were still more than 100,000 rebels entrenched in Henan.

Among them, Zhang Zongyu's army of the Nian Army had 40,000 troops, Ma Ronghe's army of the rebellious army had 40,000 troops, and Miao Peilin's army had nearly 60,000 troops.

Ma Ronghe was at a loss, and the negotiations went smoothly. He agreed to surrender in just half a month.

Shengbao agreed and appointed him as the general.

Miao Peilin's negotiations were slightly unsuccessful, not because he did not want to surrender, but because his appetite was too big.

This person surrendered and then rebelled, and rebelled and surrendered again. He was a profit-seeking and repetitive person.

The commander-in-chief could not satisfy him anymore, so he proposed to Shengbao that he should hold both civil and military positions. The civil service should be at least second-grade, and the military position should be first-grade admiral.

Shengbao was unwilling to agree, so the two parties began to bargain.

On the other side of the capital, Duanhua and Sushun kept urging.

Don't care too much about Miao Peilin's conditions, don't even worry about him surrendering and rebelling again. It doesn't matter even if he rebels again six months later.

As long as they surrender this time and regain the lost ground in Henan, then this round will be won.

If Su Yi meant what he said, he would have completely lost his right to speak in the center.

Winning the center is the most important thing.

Even Miao Peilin can agree to the conditions he wants.

As a result, Shengbao and Miao Peilin negotiated again.

Eventually, both parties reached an agreement.

Miao Peilin was willing to surrender to the Qing court, with the rank of second-grade civilian official and first-grade military admiral.

But in exchange, Miao Peilin and Ma Ronghe needed to cooperate with the imperial army in a three-party attack on Zhang Zongyu's tribe of the Nian Army.

After the negotiation is over and the documents are signed.

Ecstatic to win.

It’s done, it’s done!

This round is going to be won.

Next, Henan can even be recovered without any effort.


At the same time, Tianjing battlefield.

Zhao Liewen rushed into the commander's tent and whispered: "Commander, Hong Xiuquan is dead. Hong Xiuquan committed suicide."

Zeng Guofan stood up in surprise and said, "Really?"

Staff Zhao Liewen said: "Really, several of our spies in Pseudo Tianjing City all sent signals at the same time."

"The death of Hong Xiuquan will be a fatal blow to the morale of the defenders in Tianjing City."

Zeng Guofan said: "Where's Chen Yucheng? There's no reply yet?"

Zhao Liewen said: "Tonight, we will contact him again. This person has a rebellious heart. He is probably unwilling to surrender until he is in desperate situation. Now that Hong Xiuquan is dead, he is completely despairing and has no choice."

At this moment, someone rushed in from outside.

"Commander, Commander, Su Yi's army has moved."

Zeng Guofan asked: "Why did you move?"

The messenger said: "He has mobilized all the troops in Suzhou. They are all along the canal and should be gathered in Danyang and Changzhou."

Zhao Liewen said: "Su Yi also has many spies in Pseudo Tianjing City. He must also have learned that Hong Xiuquan committed suicide, so he made a big move."

Zeng Guofan nodded, because many carrier pigeons flew out from Tianjing City two days ago, and they went directly towards Changzhou.

Danyang and Changzhou are the cities closest to Tianjing. Su Yi's action greatly stimulated Zeng Guofan.

Zhao Liewen said: "Commander, we must speed up. We have fought in Tianjing City for two months, and we are about to win. The fruits must not fall into Su Yi's hands."

Zeng Guofan nodded and said: "Hurry up and contact Chen Yucheng."

Zhao Liewen said: "The students will go in person."

Zeng Guofan said: "It's too risky."

Zhao Liewen said: "At this critical moment, how can the safety of students compare with the overall situation?"


That night, Zhao Liewen ventured to the forefront of the battle, sent a signal, and contacted Chen Yucheng.

However, there was no reaction from the other party.

Su Yi was still mobilizing troops and generals. Not only did he transfer his main force, he even transferred the troops of Wang Youling of Zhejiang, Ma Xinyi and Yuan Jiasan to Danyang and Changzhou.

Zeng Guofan became even more nervous.

I'm afraid that at the last moment, Su Yi will come and snatch the fruits of victory.

The next day, Zeng Guofan launched another attack regardless of the fact that the fortress outside had not been completed yet.

A brutal siege broke out again.

Perhaps it is because the mourning soldiers must win.

The defenders of Tianjing City showed amazing fighting will.

Grieved and angry, they repelled the Hunan Army again and again.

Bloodstains stained almost every section of the city wall red.

Perhaps many Taiping soldiers also knew that Hong Xiuquan was dead, so they were full of sadness.

The number of casualties on this day exceeded that of the past half month.

Zeng Guofan held another meeting here.

"The sad soldiers will win, so should we avoid this sharp edge and let the rebellious defenders lose their momentum, turning from grief and anger to gloom and despair, and then attack?"

In the commander's tent, the Hunan army was divided into two factions.

One side felt that the truce should be suspended to allow the rebellious defenders to peacefully go through this period of grief after Hong Xiuquan's death.

On the other hand, I felt that we should take advantage of this moment to completely defeat the will of the rebellious defenders.

Zeng Guofan couldn't make a choice for a while.

Then, close aide Zhao Liewen once again persuaded Zeng Guofan.

"Commander, the students believe that the grief and anger of rebelling against the defenders cannot last forever. After reaching a certain point, this grief and anger will immediately turn into despair and collapse."

Zeng Guofan said: "Has Chen Yucheng not agreed to meet you yet?"

Zhao Liewen said: "Not yet, so I think at this time, we must completely overwhelm their momentum and make Chen Yucheng completely hopeless, and he will surrender."

Zeng Guofan hesitated again and again, and finally decided to continue the attack.

The next day, the Hunan army once again attacked Tianjing City frantically.

On this day, the Taiping defenders were no longer as brave as they were yesterday.

As Zhao Liewen said, grief and anger cannot last long.

Hong Xiuquan committed suicide after all. After a brief period of grief and anger, there was a fatal blow to morale and despair.

But today's battle is still very difficult.

The Hunan Army still suffered huge casualties.

If the fight continues like this, even if Tianjing City is finally captured, there is no telling how many casualties there will be.


Tonight, Zhao Liewen got a response from Chen Yucheng.

Then, Zhao Liewen took advantage of the darkness and secretly sneaked into Chaoyang Gate.


Inside Chaoyang Gate are the ruins of the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty.

This is like an urn city, because there is a city wall behind it.

In a secret room, Chen Yucheng met Zhao Liewen alone.

Among the fierce battles in the past period, the battle near Chaoyang Gate was the most intense.

Chen Yucheng's main army was deployed here.

In this area, the Hunan Army suffered the greatest casualties, and of course Chen Yucheng's troops also suffered heavy casualties.

"King of England, have you forgotten the agreement we made at that time?" Zhao Liewen said.

Chen Yucheng said: "I didn't agree to anything at that time."

Zhao Liewen said: "You agree to form an alliance with us and fight against the Tatars together."

Then, Zhao Liewen said: "Hong Xiuquan is dead, right?"

Chen Yucheng was silent.

Zhao Liewen said: "King of England, your loyalty to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has reached the last moment, and you are worthy of your oath. The King of Heaven is dead, and you have no one to be loyal to. Now it is time to consider yourself."

Chen Yucheng continued to remain silent.

Zhao Liewen said: "Lin Qirong, Zeng Tianyang, Li Xiucheng, Li Shixian, their armies are all in the east. Your Chen Yucheng's army is in the west, all in the area of ​​the Ming Forbidden City. Why are they so clearly separated?"

"After Hong Xiuquan died, Su Yi's army moved, and troops were constantly transferred from Zhejiang and Suzhou to Danyang and Changzhou. And carrier pigeons flew out of Tianjing City constantly, and you know why. Lin Qirong and Li Xiucheng were always there Ready to surrender to Su Yi."

"Hong Xiuquan is dead, and they are looking for another way out. Do you, King of England, want to be buried for the Kingdom of Heaven?"

"They can all surrender to Su Yi, but you cannot surrender. On the battlefield in Hangzhou, Su Yi made the final offer to you to surrender, but you refused. After Shi Dakai was captured, Su Yi did not surrender, but asked him to commit suicide."

"So King Ying, there is no way for you to survive on Su Yi's side. Only on our side, there is still a way to survive."

Zhao Liewen wants to say more.

Chen Yucheng waved his hand and said: "No need to say it, don't say it."

"Tomorrow night, 9:30 Western time."

"I will open the Chaoyang Gate and let you in."

"This is the only thing I can do. My defense zone is only this area. You can fight other places by yourselves."

"My army will all have red cloth tied on their right arms."

Zhao Liewen's eyes were ecstatic and he said: "The King of England is wise."

Chen Yucheng's face twitched slightly, he closed his eyes and lay on the recliner, unwilling to speak any more.

It seems that he is unwilling to face himself at this time.

Zhao Liewen took a deep look at Chen Yucheng, then turned and left.

"Goodbye, King of England."

Chen Yucheng waved his hand and said nothing.


Zhao Liewen secretly left Chaoyang Gate and sneaked back to Zeng Guofan's camp.

"Commander, Chen Yucheng agreed."

"At nine-thirty tomorrow night, he will open the Chaoyang Gate and let us in."

"The right arm of his army will be tied with red cloth."

Zeng Guofan was immediately ecstatic and stood up suddenly.

Then, he instinctively asked: "Could it be a scam?"

Zhao Liewen thought for a while and said, "Then, shall I test it again tonight and ask him to open Chaoyang Gate tomorrow?"

Zeng Guofan said: "What do you think?"

Zhao Liewen said: "Chen Yucheng should have no choice. Hong Xiuquan is dead, and he is loyal to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to the end. Lin Qirong, Li Xiucheng and others are likely to surrender to Su Yi, but he cannot surrender. We are his last choice. "

At this time, messengers from outside rushed in.

"Commander, Su Yi's army in Changzhou has been dispatched and is heading towards Tianjing."

Zeng Guofan's expression changed.

Zhao Liewen said: "Commander, I'm afraid Li Xiucheng and Lin Qirong will make big moves."

"We're going faster."

Zeng Guofan closed his eyes and said in silence for a long time: "They are Li Xubin and Luo Zenan outside Chaoyang Gate, right?"

Zhao Liewen said: "Yes, because this area is the most difficult to attack, so Li Xubin and Luo Zenan led 50,000 people to attack the Chaoyang area in the east of the city around Xiaoling Guard."

Zeng Guofan said: "Order their 50,000-strong army to prepare. Tomorrow night at 9:30 Western time, they will enter Chaoyang Gate and occupy the east side of the puppet Tianjing City and the ruins of the Ming Forbidden City."

Zhao Liewen said: "Yes!"

Zeng Guofan said: "Go and call Li Xubin and Luo Zenan."

Zhao Liewen personally went to the east camp and asked Li Xubin and Luo Zenan to go to Zeng Guofan's commander's tent.

These two people have long since died in history.

Because of Su Yi's butterfly wings, two famous generals of the Hunan Army are alive today.

Zeng Guofan ordered the two men to enter Chaoyang Gate tomorrow and accept Chen Yucheng's surrender.


at the same time!

Inside the ruins of the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty.

Chen Yucheng secretly met with Hong Renli again.

"Tomorrow at 9:30 pm, I will open the Chaoyang Gate to welcome the Hunan Army into the city."

"But whether they will come in or not, I don't know."

"Zeng Guofan is a suspicious person."

Hong Renli nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. Did Zhao Liewen come to talk to you personally?"

Chen Yucheng said: "Yes, Zhao Liewen, Zeng Guofan's confidant, talked to me for a while when I was captured, and Zhao Liewen talked to me for half of the time."

"To be honest, Zhao Liewen's words were more encouraging to me."

Hong Renli nodded and said: "Everything is going according to plan."


At midnight, Zhao Liewen returned to his tent and took a long breath.

He was exhausted to the extreme.

He almost wanted to fall asleep immediately, but he insisted on soaking his feet before sleeping.

After soaking his feet, he still did not sleep, but took a book.

While reading the book, he tapped the table.

He just tilted the table casually, making a dongdong sound.

As if there was no rhythm.


The next day!

A messenger rushed into Danyang City.

A secret letter was handed to Su Ye.

The letter was all coded text, without any pattern.

Su Ye handed it to Shen Baoer beside him.

Baoer was very proud, because she felt that this was a great trust, and she could manage one of the code books for Su Ye.

Originally, she shouldn't be wild at this time, but she couldn't help but kiss Su Ye.

"The child is only one year old, and you, as a mother, don't care about it?" Su Ye asked.

Shen Baoer said: "Leave it to mother to take care of it, I want to be with my master."

Then, she took the code book and began to decipher.

Soon, the translation was completed.

This secret letter only had a few words: Close the net in Tianjin! Phoenix.

Phoenix is ​​a code name.

Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than two months of fighting, the Tianjin net is finally closed.

Moreover, it may not only be Tianjin that needs to be closed.

There is also Henan.

The net here may be more deadly.


Note: It's twenty minutes earlier than yesterday. I will try to be earlier tomorrow. Thank you.

Monthly ticket list, can you help me? Please thank you.

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