Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 248 The war ended and Shi Dakai was captured

Chapter 248 The war is over! Shi Dakai was captured!

If the Taiping Army's ammunition depots were more dispersed or hidden deeper, this would not have happened.

The sound of the explosion.

It was really earth-shaking and shocking.

"Boom boom boom..."

Su Ye could feel the huge vibration from a distance.

The airship in the sky had already tried its best to take off and escape.

But it was still destroyed by the strong shock wave.

It was as if it was pushed hard by a giant hand.

The whole airship shook violently in the air, as if it was about to disintegrate.

Su Ye was terrified.

In fact, meetings were held to discuss this point, and related experiments were also conducted.

But there has never been such a large-scale explosion.

It was also considered to use a long-term delay fuse, but considering that the fuse was too long, the bomb dropped would be carried away directly.

But fortunately,

Although the Taiping Army's ammunition depots were very, very large, they also covered a large area, and were basically filled with ordinary gunpowder.

Therefore, the explosions were a series, not a very dense instantaneous explosion.

Although the airships were damaged, they still escaped.

"Boom boom boom..."

The explosions continued for several minutes.

The sky was full of flames.

The sky was full of thick smoke.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng wanted to save it at first, but soon stood still.

How to save it?

The defenders on the Hangzhou city wall also stretched their necks one by one, just like watching a huge fireworks show.

I don't know how long they waited, but the explosions finally ended.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng closed their eyes in pain.

In fact, someone mentioned that the ammunition depot was placed in a cave in Fenghuang Mountain.

But Shi Dakai went to see it himself. First of all, the cave was very narrow and could not be put in at all.

Secondly, there was natural spring water dripping inside, which easily wet the gunpowder.

The most important thing is, who knows there will be an air raid?

He felt that the direction of the ammunition depot he had chosen was completely certain.

The result...

Moreover, the Taiping Army was a group of the most superstitious troops. Seeing Su Ye actually flying from the air to attack, the blow to morale was extremely huge.

More than a quarter of an hour later.

Bad news came one after another.

First of all, casualties.

The scope of the explosion was too large, and the soldiers guarding the ammunition depot were basically dead.

And at the moment of the explosion, he also saw that the surrounding soldiers were blown down like a strong wind blowing through a wheat field.

Preliminary estimates show that the explosions in these three places caused thousands of casualties.

"King Yi, look, look..." Suddenly someone pointed to the east and said, "The flying monster of the Qing Yao seems to be falling."

Shi Dakai looked up and found that an airship was indeed shaky and seriously damaged. It seemed to have lost control and was blown eastward by the wind and was constantly falling.

Then, another piece of news came.

"King Yi, our most important tunnel has also collapsed."

Shi Dakai's face twitched slightly.

The geological environment here is too bad, and there is too much groundwater. Every time a tunnel is dug, it collapses. So we can only use the most stupid method, digging and draining water while supporting it with wooden boards and racks.

In this way, I don't know how much manpower and material resources were used to dig a tunnel, which is only a few hundred meters away from the city wall.

As a result, the big explosion just now directly collapsed the tunnel, and all the engineers inside were buried inside.

After hearing this bad news, Shi Dakai's face was cold, and he kept looking at the airship, which was shaking and falling.

"Send two thousand cavalry to get the flying monster of Qing Yao for me, and catch the people on it for me. I want to cut them into pieces!" Shi Dakai roared and ordered.

A quarter of an hour later, a cavalry of two thousand people rushed towards the fields more than ten miles to the east.

Rush towards the crash site of the airship.

As for Su Ye, it was earlier.

"Teacher, I'll go..." Cavalry Battalion Commander Wang Zhengyi immediately came forward to kneel and ask.

Seven years ago, this Wang Wu had already followed Su Ye and became his disciple.

Now, at the age of only 19, he has become the cavalry battalion commander.

In the last battle in Jiaxing, he made great contributions, beheaded the most people, and was promoted to deputy regiment commander.

Su Ye nodded and said, "First Battalion, change to quick guns."


Wang Zhengyi shouted loudly: "First Battalion, Second Battalion, follow me!"

Six hundred cavalrymen jumped on their horses and galloped towards the crash site of the airship.

In fact, the cavalrymen of the rebels were closer to the crash site, even much closer.

However, they responded more slowly, and their war horses were slower.

Looking down from the air.

Two cavalrymen rushed towards the crash site one after the other.

The two thousand cavalrymen of the rebels were in front, and the six hundred cavalrymen of Wang Zhengyi were behind.

The speed of both sides was getting closer and closer.

The leader of the cavalry gave the order to leave half of them behind.

Suddenly, a thousand Taiping cavalrymen stopped, turned around, and rushed fiercely towards Wang Zhengyi's cavalry.

A thousand cavalrymen, charging at six hundred cavalrymen.

That familiar feeling came again, that feeling of blood boiling.

"Charge, charge, charge..."

The two cavalry battalions led by Wang Zhengyi immediately and instinctively presented the best battle formation in the shortest time.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

When there were still 200 meters.

Wang Zhengyi's two cavalry battalions opened fire fiercely.

Especially the cavalry battalion 1, both hands loosened the reins and raised the long continuous rifles.

Long spears are not suitable for cavalry combat, and short rifles do not have continuous fire.

But this most elite cavalry battalion 1 used continuous long rifles at this time.

Fired wildly.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

Although there were fewer people, the firepower density was several times that of the Taiping cavalry.

This group of Taiping cavalry had rifles, but they were only traditional rifles, and only a small number of them were equipped.

The rest were bows and arrows, swords and knives.

This intensive shooting.

Wang Zhengyi's cavalry suddenly had an overwhelming advantage.

A large number of Taiping cavalry fell directly, and their formation was too dense.

After the cavalry battalion 2 fired a bullet with its carbine, it immediately inserted it into the holster and drew out the sword.

And the cavalry battalion 1 kept firing fiercely.

He fired all the bullets in the breech, inserted the gun horizontally into the holster, and raised the sword suddenly.

"Charge, charge, charge..."

I am invincible!

Just like that, 600 cavalrymen rushed forward fiercely.

The two cavalrymen collided horribly.

Like a knife cutting butter, Wang Zhengyi's cavalrymen directly tore a huge incision in the cavalry formation of the rebels.

A short collision.

A short charge.

After tearing it open, continue to rush forward, not lingering in the battle.

The hundreds of cavalrymen left by the rebels were still in shock, looking for their generals.

However, the general of the 1,000 cavalrymen was already dead, and his head was chopped off by Wang Zhengyi.

Under the leadership of several other generals, they regrouped with difficulty and chased after them bravely.

Suddenly, more than a thousand cavalrymen of the rebels were divided into two groups, front and back.

A thousand people in the front continued to rush towards the crash site.

More than 500 cavalrymen of Wang Zhengyi were in the middle, desperately chasing.

Six or seven hundred cavalrymen chased Wang Zhengyi from behind.

The warhorses of Suye cavalrymen had too much advantage.

Soon, the more than five hundred cavalrymen led by Wang Zhengyi were getting closer and closer to the thousand cavalrymen in front.


A loud roar.

The more than five hundred cavalrymen accelerated suddenly and waved their swords.

The entire cavalry team, like a sharp knife, rushed into the thousand cavalrymen in front.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of terrible collisions.

I don't know how many cavalrymen were directly knocked out.

I don't know how many war horses broke their bones.

They fell to the ground with a scream.

Still not reluctant to fight, they just tore open the formation and continued to rush forward.

In this way, the two battalions of cavalrymen led by Wang Zhengyi rushed to the front.

Chen Yucheng, who was on a high place, saw this scene with a telescope and closed his eyes slightly in pain.

This is the real cavalry.

In comparison, the warhorses of their Taiping Army were too short and too small.


More than 500 cavalrymen led by Wang Zhengyi came to the crash site and rescued their comrades directly.

Then, they poured oil on the airship and placed explosives.

It exploded suddenly!

Suddenly, the crashed airship was blown to pieces and burned fiercely.

At this time, more than 1,000 cavalrymen who rebelled were about to catch up.

Just when everyone thought that a cavalry confrontation was about to happen.

Because Wang Zhengyi's cavalry tactics just now were extremely brave and charged forward.


The next scene was so infuriating.

The brave and invincible fighting style no longer existed.

The side played a dirty fighting style.

The kite-flying fighting style.

Always kept a distance of more than 100 meters from the more than 1,000 cavalrymen who rebelled, and then kept shooting.

The more than 500 cavalry teams, several cavalrymen in a team, were well organized, and the formation changed with the terrain, but always maintained a strong firepower.

After the front row of cavalry finished fighting, the rear row of cavalry immediately came up, letting the front row of cavalry retreat to the back and complete the reloading of bullets on horseback.

Always keep a distance of more than 100 meters from the cavalry of the rebels.

In this way, the number of cavalry of the rebels became fewer and fewer.

It was almost vomiting blood.

They could not catch up.

They could not beat them.

In this despicable way of fighting, less than half of the two thousand cavalry of the rebels were left.

Finally, they could not bear it anymore, and the remaining seven or eight hundred cavalry began to retreat and return to the camp.

At this time, Wang Zhengyi led more than 500 cavalry to chase and kill them.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

When they chased for dozens of meters, there was another burst of gunfire, killing a large number of cavalry of the rebels.

I... Fuck!

The general of the cavalry of the rebels was furious, and turned around and chased Wang Zhengyi's cavalry.


Wang Zhengyi also turned around and distanced himself from the opponent.

If you chase me, I will run, and if you run, I will chase you.

Anyway, within a distance of more than 100 meters, I can only hit you, and you can't hit me.

In this repeated tug of war, the number of counter-cavalry is getting smaller and smaller.

Finally, all their cavalry are about to collapse.

The formation is scattered and they can no longer command.

Ignoring everything, they just bury their heads and rush forward, looking in the direction of the army and running away.

At this time, Wang Zhengyi's cavalry returned to the fierce fighting style at the beginning.

They began a crazy pursuit.

A few people form a small team, chasing one or two targets.

In the local small battlefield, always maintain the advantage of numbers and fight with more people against fewer.

It's a pity that it's too far away, and many people can't see it.

Otherwise, probably all the senior generals will be fascinated by it.

This is a classic, gorgeous cavalry hunting.

Especially in the later part, the fighting is too advanced.

Even only Wang Zhengyi's cavalry battalion 1 can play it, and the cavalry battalion 2 can't play such a high-level coordination.

Because this cavalry battalion has been established for more than six years, and it was originally Wang Shiqing's new army cavalry.

And the cavalry battalion 2 has been established for about four years.

It is really difficult for the cavalry division that has been training for more than half a year to play such a coordination.

Chen Yucheng and Shi Dakai stood on the high platform and captured the battle situation here with a telescope.

I don't know how long it will take.

The battle is over.

One or two hundred cavalrymen rushed into their own camp sparsely.

Of the two thousand cavalry, only one or two hundred were recovered, and the rest either died, fled without a trace, or surrendered.

How tragic?

Wang Zhengyi's cavalry unit, except for the first two charges, cut through the enemy array, suffered dozens or hundreds of casualties.

The kite tactics later, the casualties were minimal.

Seeing this battle, Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng were almost desperate.

Originally, they just wanted to fight for the crashed airship and kill people to vent their anger.

But they didn't expect to encounter a small battle, which caused a critical blow to the two people's hearts.

Wang Zhengyi led the remaining cavalry, bypassed the enemy camp, and returned to Su Ye's camp.

The whole person was still in excitement.

It was as if he was drunk.

Damn, damn, damn.

How did I fight?

It's awesome.

He joined the army at the age of sixteen and joined the cavalry.

Now it's been more than three years, and he has participated in countless battles of all sizes.

I originally thought that the last battle of Jiaxing was the peak. Following General Wang Shiqing, 5,000 cavalrymen defeated 27,000 infantrymen of the rebels.

I didn't expect that today, a more peak battle would be fought.

If nothing unexpected happens, today's battle will make a huge breakthrough for the two battalions of cavalry.

I didn't expect that the tactics in the book would actually be reproduced on the battlefield.

Even better than in the book.


Then, the battlefields of both sides fell into silence.

Su Ye still did not take the initiative to attack.

And the 140,000 troops of the rebels did not launch an attack.

At this time, the data obtained was very complete.

The ammunition inventory was directly blown up by 85%.

The remaining ammunition, at most, was enough for the 140,000 troops to fight for two days.

Chen Yucheng and Shi Dakai fell into silence.

"It was better when we used swords before." Shi Dakai suddenly said: "At that time, our Taiping Army was invincible in field battles and had no opponents at all."

Chen Yucheng did not feel much about this sentence.

By the time he rose to power, the Taiping Army had already used firearms on a large scale, and most of his victories were won with firearms.

And this time, he suffered a heavy blow.

Firearms are good, but they require high ammunition.

How to fight without ammunition?

It was the first time in history that the ammunition depot was blown up by an air raid.

Even, this is the first time in the world.

But why did it happen to us?

Even Shi Dakai thought further. Will the battlefield in the future belong to people like Su Ye? Is his understanding of the new war more profound and thorough?

And at this time, there were bursts of alarms and noises outside.

The two were startled. Could it be that Su Ye launched a general attack?

Soon, a general rushed in and shouted: "King Yi, King Ying, the Qing demon's air monster is coming again..."

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng rushed out of the tent and looked up at the sky.

One of the five airships crashed.

The remaining four were damaged, but they have been repaired in the past few days. After all, it is relatively easy to repair the airbags.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Dense bombs fell from the sky.

And this time the bombs were relatively small.

Ten pounds per bomb, dozens of them were dropped at a time.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A series of violent explosions.

And the bombs were all made of high explosives, which had much greater lethality.

But... even so.

Facing an army of more than 100,000, such casualties were negligible.

But the blow to morale was indeed amazing.

Next, one wave after another.

Continuous air strikes, continuous bombings.

The rebels tried every possible way.

But it was useless.

Flying so high, they could not hit at all.

For several days and nights, there were continuous air strikes and harassment.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng almost wanted to ask Su Ye angrily, aren't you anxious?

Senggelinqin and Shengbao may have already recovered Jinan Prefecture, are you not in a hurry at all?

After they recovered Jinan Prefecture, they may lead their troops back to Beijing.

Time is on our side, not yours, why don't you take the initiative to attack?


The effect of this kind of air raid harassment will become smaller and smaller.

After all, there are too few airships and they are slow. Moreover, during the air raid, most of the Taiping Army just need to jump into the trenches, and basically there will be no casualties.

It is still very difficult to drop bombs into narrow trenches from a height of several hundred meters.

But Su Yi didn't put her hope in this aspect either.

He is also waiting.

Waiting for artillery, waiting for the fourth batch of new repeating rifles.

This day!

The last batch of arms was finally delivered.

Seventeen hundred new repeating rifles.

Eighty-seven guns.

At this point, Su Yi's army had more than 300 artillery pieces.

Including the artillery in Hangzhou City, the total reached 468 artillery pieces.

Last night of military conference.

"Tomorrow morning, at 7:30, we will launch a general attack!"


Tonight, Su Yi's airship did not come to harass them with air raids.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng had already smelled the scent.

"Probably tomorrow, Su Yi will launch a general attack." Shi Dakai said: "And it will be in the north."

Chen Yucheng said: "Yes, Hangzhou City has moved all movable artillery to the northern position."

The rebel army is also on the move.

Originally there were only 40,000 troops in the northern position, but now another 40,000 troops have been mobilized, for a total of 80,000 troops.

We cannot continue to mobilize, but the northern battlefield is so large that it cannot accommodate more troops.

The entire northern position is 3,900 meters long and 2,200 meters wide.

Eighty thousand troops were displayed on eight square kilometers of land. This density was already very high.

The defenses of the entire position were densely packed and intertwined, and could not be more dense.

Su Yi's headquarters had taken a break early.

But the senior generals Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng had some sleepless nights.

The remaining ammunition is enough for two days of fighting.

If the fighting intensity is extremely high, it may only last for one day.

So, let’s fight tomorrow.

Determine victory or defeat, life and death.

And at the same time.

Seng Gelinqin's 70,000 to 80,000 troops surrounded Jinan City.

The Nian Army defenders also numbered about 70,000.

For him, this is also a battle of destiny.

On the Monk King's side, there were not as many artillery pieces as Su Yi, but there were more than two hundred.

The moon and stars are sparse.

Seng Gelinqin kept smoking and sighed: "I wonder how Su Yi is doing in Hangzhou?"

Du Xing'a had a cigarette in his mouth and kept burning it. He didn't smoke, he was just in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Seng Gelinqin asked.

Du Xing'a finally took a breath, flicked away the ash, and said slowly: "I wonder what the difference is between the battlefield in Hangzhou and ours?"

Seng Gelinqin said nothing.

Du Xingadao: "It's probably a little different."

"King Monk, Su Yi often said that the situation has undergone major changes that have not happened in a century. We are stepping on the boundary between the old and the new."

Seng Gelinqin said: "I don't want to think about this. I only know that we must win this battle. Otherwise, the Eight Banners will be finished and the foundation of the Qing Dynasty will be finished."

"Tomorrow's battle will decide the fate of all of us."

Then, Seng Gelinqin shrank his body and got into the tent to sleep.

Winter in Shandong is still very cold.

Early the next morning!

Sunny day!

The morning sun had just risen into the sky, and there was a hint of warmth between heaven and earth.

There was no pre-war mobilization.

All the 70,000 to 80,000 people under Seng Gelinqin’s command know that today’s battle will determine the fate of countless people (there were some casualties, and some were added in the Eight Banners and Green Camp in Shandong)

Seng Gelinqin shouted: "Attack the city!"

Following an order, more than 200 artillery pieces fired wildly at Jinan City.

The decisive battle on the northern battlefield has officially begun!


Suzhou battlefield!

"Fire!" Li Hongzhang gave the order.

Countless artillery pieces also began to bombard Suzhou City indiscriminately.

On Li Hongzhang's side, there were 60,000 Hunan troops and 5,000 foreign gun troops.

On the defensive side of the city, Lin Qirong had 26,000 men and Li Shixian had 10,000 men.


Following the order, the artillery on Suzhou City also fired wildly at the Hunan Army's positions.

The young Li Shixian, unshaven and smoking, looked at the Hunan Army under the city with deep hatred.

No, using hatred to describe his mood at this time is wrong.

It's a fighting spirit.

When facing Su Yi's army, Li Shixian was not determined in his heart.

But no matter what, he Li Shixian was defeated on the Jiaxing battlefield.

So you need to prove yourself on another battlefield.

Li Hongzhang, you want to take back Suzhou City?

Unless you step over my dead body.


Hangzhou battlefield!

Su Yi took out his pocket watch, and several senior commanders took out their pocket watches.

There are still ten minutes left before the total attack time.

However, we were not very lucky today as the fog was quite heavy.

There is no fog on the Jinan battlefield, but the fog on the Suzhou battlefield is very thin.

But on the battlefield in Hangzhou, the fog was relatively thick.

Ma Xinyi next to him looked at his pocket watch and said, "En Xiang, when will our Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau start production?"

Su Yi said: "It will probably take another year and a half."

Ma Xinyi asked: "Can Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau produce such a pocket watch?"

Su Yi shook his head and said, "That will probably take several years."

Whether it was a clock or a pocket watch, Su Yi had extremely advanced blueprints, and it might not be impossible to make them entirely by hand.

However, the road is now full of obstacles, and precious labor will not be used on clocks.

Make guns and bullets first, then steam engines and internal combustion engines.

It was half past seven, the time had come.

The fog still hadn't dispersed.

However, the artillery fired according to the coordinates.

Invisible or visible, it was the same.

Eight square kilometers of ground, carpet bombing.


At the artillery position outside the city, an order was given.

Inside Hangzhou, an order was given.

Suddenly, more than four hundred artillery pieces bombarded fiercely.

The rain-like shells hit the Taiping Army's position hard.


The whole ground began to tremble.

The water of West Lake began to shake.

The birds in the surrounding mountains began to flee.

In the thick fog.

Groups of flames burst out.

This scale of artillery bombardment should be the first time on the Chinese battlefield.

It even exceeded the Battle of Dagukou at that time.

All of it was silver.

Astronomical silver.

Just bombard and bombard.

Countless shells almost completely plowed through the enemy's position in this eight square kilometers.

The rebels hid in the trenches, shivering.

Is it not over yet?

How long will the bombing last?

My ears are going to go deaf, and my soul is going to be shaken apart.

The Taiping Army also has a lot of artillery.

However, their ammunition depot was blown up, and they couldn't even launch a large-scale artillery counterattack.

This scale of bombardment is a complete nightmare for the Taiping Army.

Every day is like a year.

Round after round of bombardment.

The baptism of steel rainstorm.

In this terrible bombardment, the sun is getting higher and higher, and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

The thick fog has dissipated.


I don't know how long it has been.

The bombardment is over.

Above the entire northern position, four airships are observing the entire battlefield, constantly using flag signals to report to the headquarters.

The square kilometer northern position has become a mess.

There are flames everywhere.

How many people were killed?

I don't know, but not as many as I imagined.

Because during the bombing, the Taiping Army was in the bunker.

But I don't know how many trenches were directly blown down, flattened, and buried by the earth.

"Is it over?"

"Is it over?"

A Taiping soldier asked crying, and then crawled out of the pile of earth.

An old soldier next to him was motionless.

He went forward to dig it open, and found that the other party had no scars at all, but he was no longer breathing.

Bleeding from the mouth and nose, this was a shock to death.



With an order, the charge horns inside and outside the city sounded at the same time.

On the battlefield outside the city, more than 10,000 infantrymen of Su Ye began to charge.

In the city, more than 10,000 infantry divisions began to charge.

Infantry fierce battle, broke out!


30,000, fighting 80,000.

The Taiping Army was very brave.

Even a deformed bravery, the bravery of taking the initiative to die.

The ammunition depot was bombed and harassed by air raids, especially after just experiencing an unprecedented bombing.

So even though they had more troops, they were desperate and fearful in their hearts.

But in this dark despair, there was a self-torture fighting style of "no big deal, just die, take the initiative to die".

However, this kind of bravery was scattered.

There was not much command, not much organization.

Although the bombing did not cause very shocking casualties, it blew up the command structure of the Taiping Army.

The battlefield is evolving, but the evolution of the Hangzhou battlefield is the greatest.

The 80,000 Taiping Army cannot meet this change.

The airship observers who observed the battlefield in the air meticulously issued flag signals and reported the battle situation.

But their hearts were shocked as never before.

This was the first time they watched the war from this God's perspective, but it was also the first time they saw such a war.

The fight was extremely fierce.

Especially the Taiping Army, they fought almost frantically, poured out ammunition frantically, and even forgot the fact that their ammunition could only last for one or two days.

But, the fight was so scattered.

Almost everyone was fighting on their own.

The huge military advantage could not be fully utilized.

Looking down from the air, we can see Su Ye's two new armies, like countless sharp knives, constantly cutting the battlefield.

The Taiping Army obviously has a lot of troops and has the advantage of fortifications.

But for some reason, in every local battlefield, Su Ye's army is outnumbered.

Cut, surround, and destroy.

It is repeated like this.

Most of the Taiping Army either stays in place and shoots randomly. Or bravely runs around looking for enemies to shoot.

The Jiaxing battlefield is completely like two armies.

It's not because Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng's troops are not as good as Li Shixian's troops.

The reasons are too complicated.

Because one is a field battle and the other is a street battle.

Another big reason may be... There are too many Taiping troops.

When the number of people is large and the battlefield is chaotic, the command system is lost.

In the street battles between the Jiaxing battlefield and Li Shixian, although the casualties ratio was good, Su Ye's army still suffered huge casualties.

However, on the battlefield in northern Hangzhou.

There were still a lot of casualties, because the Taiping Army was too brave and fearless.

However, the battle went too smoothly.

It was smoother than the previous deductions.

Shi Dakai watched helplessly as his position was cut into several large parts, losing command and contact with each other.

At this time, Ma Xinyi and others who were watching the battle with Su Yi on the mountain really wanted to board the airship.

A battle like never seen before.

Will this battle go down in history?

However, entering the Imperial Army Academy textbooks is a must.

"You win!" Ma Xinyi couldn't help but said.

Even though the war had just started not long ago, he was able to make this judgment.

Even Su Yi was excited.

Did he fight a textbook battle so inadvertently?

This kind of battle can best improve the army's self-confidence and improve its combat effectiveness.

Theory is theory and practice is practice.

When military theories are proven in actual combat, the self-confidence it brings to the military is unparalleled.


Next, don’t even look.

However, the army still has to invest 120% of its energy.

Although the victory or defeat has been decided, Su Yi's army's opponent today is himself.

To control the field.

Try to make the best of this battle.

Make the fewest mistakes.

The highest results.


And just like that, the battle continued.

Still very intense.

The fight lasted from morning to noon, and then into the afternoon.

Fight until dusk.

The beatings left corpses strewn all over the field, and the beatings made it a hell.

The Taiping Army was still unafraid of death, still firing indiscriminately and charging indiscriminately.

But halfway through the fight, Shi Dakai already knew that he was destined to lose.

Because at this time, his command system had completely collapsed.

He couldn't even command any large troops anymore.

On the battlefield covering a mere dozen miles, many troops were out of contact and fighting independently.

"Am I obsolete?"

"Why did the Wing King Shi Dakai, who was invincible before, never win a decent battle after the Tianjing Opera changed?"

The confidant next to him said: "King Yi, run, run..."

run? !

The battle is not over yet. At least half of the 80,000 troops over there are still left?

Run now?

Just leave them alone?

"King Yi, you are destined to lose, you are destined to lose..."

"If you don't run, it will be too late."

Of course Shi Dakai was unwilling to give up his army.

In history, Shi Dakai was completely in dire straits after the Battle of Dadu River.

The Qing generals proposed that as long as Shi Dakai was willing to surrender, his army could be spared.

Then Shi Dakai died generously.

But now, it seems that we are not facing a desperate situation.

He even wanted to ask, did Su Yi come to persuade him to surrender?

But this sentence cannot be asked after all.

Finally, at dusk.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng completely gave up hope and began to escape.

The remaining 60,000 troops began to retreat towards the west.

And these 60,000 troops did not participate in the battle almost from beginning to end.

The retreat of the 60,000-strong army was still terrifying.

Not a rout, but an organized retreat.

Su Yi faced a choice, should she pursue him?

He still had more than 4,000 cavalry on hand, the most elite cavalry, but they never entered the battlefield.

It is very dangerous for more than 4,000 cavalry to pursue 60,000 enemies.

After only hesitating for a moment, Su Yi ordered: "Wang Shiqing, you lead four thousand cavalry to pursue the Taiping Army."

"Remember, always stay mobile."

"Only cutting, not fighting!"

Wang Shiqing said: "Yes!"

Then, he led more than 4,000 cavalry and rushed out fiercely to pursue the retreating 60,000 Taiping army.

Seeing Wang Shiqing's cavalry chasing them, Shi Dakai immediately ordered the Taiping Army's more than 10,000 cavalry to cut off the rear.

After a while!

The main cavalry of the two armies met in the wilderness.

Collide and fight!

But this time, it was lackluster.

The last time Wang Zhengyi fought such a beautiful cavalry annihilation battle, he had already wiped out all the courage and confidence of the Taiping cavalry.

Facing such tall horses and such gorgeous cavalry, they will feel deeply inferior.

Just a few charges and a few fights.

The Taiping Army's more than 10,000 cavalrymen were already in disarray.

All over the mountains and plains, the cavalry of the Taiping Army were defeated.

Wang Shiqing led the main force of cavalry in pursuit again.

Always implement Su Yi's orders, maintain high maneuverability, only cut, not fight.

In this way, this powerful cavalry cut into pieces the 50,000 Taiping Army again and again.

Cut the entire team into sections.

The array could no longer be maintained, and there was complete chaos.

The Taiping Army's large forces went from an orderly retreat to a complete rout.


It's getting dark!

The battle in the northern part of Hangzhou City is coming to an end.

The remaining 30,000 to 40,000 Taiping troops have been cut into several parts and surrounded.

All the remaining troops on Su Yi's side came out in full force.

Sixty thousand people surrounded 35,000 people.

Originally, there was still a fierce battle.

The remaining Taiping Army, even if they lost their command, even if Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng had all run away.

But they still fought like headless chickens.


Suddenly, for a moment, Su Yi's army ceased fire.

Then thousands of people chanted in unison.

"Surrender without killing, surrender your gun without killing."

The sound echoed throughout the battlefield.

Then, many of the remaining 30,000 Taiping troops were in a daze.

The inexplicable fighting will that he had before disappeared.

One by one they raised their guns.

Thousands of people on Su Yi's side once again shouted: "Brothers of the Taiping Army, throw out your weapons, then line up in a line and walk out of the trenches one by one."

The Taiping soldiers in the trench looked at each other and then threw their rifles out.

One by one, they walked out of the trenches with their hands raised high.

Looking at this scene, Ma Xinyi asked: "En Xiang, can these people still serve as soldiers?"

Su Yi said: "I'm afraid it won't be easy."

It's completely dark!

More than 30,000 Taiping troops all surrendered.

It's just that it takes a long time to surrender and collect weapons.

Within a radius of dozens of miles, the mountains and plains were still full of defeated Taiping troops.

Wang Shiqing led the cavalry to search for senior generals of the Taiping Army everywhere.

During the day, there are airships in the sky for guidance.

It was dark and the airship was invisible. It all depended on luck, so whoever could be caught was basically a matter of luck.


Wing King Shi Dakai ran away from the main force.

There were only a few hundred people around him, and they were fleeing to a mountain.

He only had one thought in his mind, run west!

Flee to Anhui and the base area of ​​the Taiping Army.

Crazy running, already exhausted.

I found a temple, and the monk inside had already run away. I decided to take a rest because I couldn't run anymore.

Eat something and rest for half an hour.

In the dark night, they ate dry food, drank strong wine, and blew the north wind.

In the distance in the direction of Hangzhou City, the fire was still bright.

Shi Dakai suddenly felt sad and burst into tears.

I have encountered failure time and time again and got up again and again. Can I still get up this time?

"Don't be discouraged, King Yi, we can still make a comeback after we reach Tianjing."

Shi Dakai said nothing and stood quietly outside for a while before entering the temple.

After resting for half an hour, the time has come and it’s time to continue on the road. But more than 200 people were lying on the ground, sleeping all over the place.

They were too tired. They had been harassed by bombings every day these past few days and had not slept well. Today they were trying to escape again.

At this time, the Emperor couldn't help but let them get up and go on their way.

With a gentle sigh, Shi Dakai also found a wall to sit down on and closed his eyes.

The subordinate stepped forward, took the thin quilt and gently covered him.

It is sleep but not sleep, it is wake but not wake.

It dawned like this in a daze.

Shi Dakai opened his eyes.

"King Yi, it's time to hurry up."

A quarter of an hour later, the team of more than 200 people recovered a little strength and began to flee again.

Today is cloudy and there is no sun.

It is densely packed with jungles everywhere.

Soon Shi Dakai's team lost their sense of direction and began to run in the direction of Anhui based on instinct.

Keep running, keep running.

There are endless dense forests and hills here.

There is no view even when looking up.

It's simply despairing.

I don’t know how long I ran, but it seemed like it was getting dark again.

Finally, I have to escape from this mountain forest.

Finally arrived at the pioneering land.

Shi Dakai, the two hundred or so people, were exhausted and rushed out of the dense forest.

It suddenly dawned on me.

Where has this gone? Have you arrived in Anhui?

But why is there blood all over the floor?

Also, does the scene in front of you look familiar?

After a long while, Shi Dakai came over in a trance. this a detour?

Are you returning to the battlefield in Hangzhou?

How could I, Shi Dakai, make such a low-level mistake?

Has this defeat made me mentally confused? Have the people around me lost their minds?

After running for a day and a night, he actually ran back again?

After a while, several cavalrymen flew over, just patrolling normally.

Seeing Shi Dakai from a distance, Su Yi's cavalry team was stunned.

This...this seems to be Shi Dakai?

You, didn’t you flee to Anhui?

Immediately, the leader of the cavalry team took out his whistle and blew it.

Shi Dakai and others fled as fast as they could.

Looking from the air, one group after another of cavalry arrived and surrounded them from all directions.

Finally, several hundred cavalry formed an encirclement.

Shi Dakai led more than a hundred people and charged east and west.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Su Yi's cavalry kept firing, and there were fewer and fewer people around him.

In the end, only a dozen people were left.

Wang Zhengyi led 400 cavalry and surrounded Shi Dakai and more than a dozen people.

Wang Wu suppressed his excitement and pretended to be calm: "Shi Dakai, you are captured."


Note: Earlier today, my benefactor who has a monthly ticket, can you continue to give it to me? I want to work hard to maintain my current ranking.

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