Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 239 Qian Kun will conquer the Queen Mother

Chapter 239 The world is settled! Conquer the Queen Mother!

Yangtze River Estuary.

As the Russian ships and the Yangtze River Fleet opened fire, the combined fleet was suddenly in extreme panic.

This is the most dangerous moment.

"Aim, aim!"

"Load the artillery!"

Following the order, warships from other countries in the combined fleet also loaded their guns.

Especially Uncle Ho, the commander of the British Navy in China, who had a deep hatred for Su Yi and almost immediately ordered the firing.

But he knew London's orders.

For a moment, there was an incomparable struggle.

At this critical moment, in the next second, Viscount Jurgen pulled out his gun and aimed at the opponent.

"No war allowed!"

"Everyone, no war, wait for orders from London."

Major General He Bo said sternly: "Viscount Jurgen, are you committing the following crime?"

Viscount Jurgen said: "I am doing this for the benefit of the empire, General Ho. Don't challenge my sense of honor. I can do anything for the benefit of the country, including going to a military court."

"The order from London has come. If you dare to go to war, you are disobeying the order."

"If I shoot, even if I go to court-martial, His Highness the Prince will help me exonerate myself."

In this way, Viscount Jurgen restrained Major General Ho's urge to fire and gained precious time.

In the shortest possible time, Sir Basari boarded the flagship of the British fleet.

"Her Majesty the Queen orders, the Prime Minister orders, the British Empire fleet withdraws from the Yangtze River Estuary."

"Delay for five years to exercise Yangtze River navigation rights."

Basharli produced three orders, each of which was extremely authoritative.

The Queen's signature, the Prime Minister's signature, and the authoritative document of Parliament.

Major General He Bo looked at all this unwillingly and said slowly: "What did Su Yi pay?"

Bashar said politely: "Entrust the British Empire to train a navy for him. It will take eight years and forty million taels of silver."

Major General He Bo said coldly: "According to the ancient Chinese saying, you are raising tigers to create trouble. One day, you will regret it."

He said this just out of personal anger, not because he saw anything.

Bashar said coldly: "General He Bo, do you want to disobey me?"

At this time, Basharli was eager for General Ho to disobey, so that Viscount Jurgen could immediately take over the command.

"How could I disobey orders?" Major General He Bo asked.

Then, the most powerful British fleet in the combined fleet evacuated directly and returned to the sea.

Sir Basile boarded the flagship of the French fleet and said: "Your Majesty General, won't you follow the diplomatic line of the British Empire this time?"

The French fleet commander said: "Sir Basile, the diplomatic interests of the British Empire and the French Empire have drifted apart."

Ever since the British Empire began to change its diplomatic route towards China, the French have become increasingly dissatisfied.

It seems that the British have already dominated the interests in China. With the success of the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone, France's interests in China will continue to be squeezed in the future.

Sir Basari said: "No matter what, if your navy does not withdraw, can we consider your country's diplomatic strategy to be a departure from the British Empire?"

The French fleet commander obviously cannot afford such consequences.

"The Treaty of Tianjin and the Treaty of Beijing clearly stipulate that we will own the navigation rights of the Yangtze River and China's inland rivers. Now that your British Empire is betraying the interests of its allies for your own interests, don't you need to give us an explanation?"

Basharli said: "Of course I will give you an explanation, so I believe that your country's diplomats are already in London at this time, and they will definitely negotiate a stable condition."

According to Ba Xiali's inference, the British probably wanted to support the French in their colonial war against the three Vietnamese countries.

To some extent, the French will presumably get what they want.

Therefore, compared with history, the French's war of aggression against Vietnam and other countries will definitely increase in scale.

In the end, the French surrendered.

With an order, the French fleet also withdrew from the Yangtze River Estuary.

For a time, only the American fleet and the Russian fleet were left in the entire Yangtze River Estuary.

The American fleet is still relatively large, but the Russian fleet is relatively small.

Sir Basili went to the American warship to negotiate with the other commander.

The Americans were very angry and cursed the British for betraying their allies and being no longer worthy of being world leaders.

And starting from today, the united front of the countries in the Far East has disappeared.

Basile said that the United States is engaged in a difficult civil war and needs the support of the British Empire even more at this critical moment.

And regarding the Yangtze River waterway rights, the British Empire will definitely give the United States an explanation.

This is actually Bashir's self-expression. London will answer to the French, but it may not answer to the Americans.

Even London felt that it was okay for the US fleet to be unwilling to withdraw from the Yangtze River Estuary.

They felt that it would be good to have a force to suppress Su Yi.

But Bashari wanted to take things to the extreme and persuade the American fleet to leave as well, completely isolating the Russian fleet.

He had a very clear understanding of China's internal affairs at this time.

At this time, the center of the imperial court was implementing one of the most important military reforms.

In the next few days, the entire country will enter its most dangerous and vulnerable moment.

Any external force may affect situation variables.

As Su Yi's staunchest ally, he felt that at this critical moment, it was still necessary to escort him through this most difficult moment.

After all, this is also to safeguard his personal interests.

However, his efforts against the Americans failed.

The American fleet was determined not to retreat, but it did not open fire either.

The Russian fleet here was unable to support itself and took the initiative to retreat.

The American fleet also retreated.

The Russian fleet's plot to cause war was officially ruined.

The British and French fleets retreated directly to the open sea.

The fleets of the United States and Russia began to approach again after retreating for more than ten miles.

Still blocked at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

But no matter what, the most terrible crisis has passed. With the withdrawal of the British and French fleets, even if the fleets of the remaining two countries want to open fire, they may not be the opponents of Su Yi's Yangtze River fleet.


Inside the Shanghai Consulate.

"Despicable, shameless!"

"Your British Empire is not worthy of being a world leader. You have betrayed our common interests."

"If you are willing to postpone the exercise of the Yangtze River navigation rights for five years, that is your own business. Anyway, we in Russia are absolutely not willing to do so."

"I will report this to the Tsar immediately and ask him to prepare for war."

"If you countries are not willing to join, then we, the Russians, will join."

"We mobilized a large fleet from Europe and entered the Yangtze River Estuary. We gathered a large army to Eastern Siberia, entered Heilongjiang, entered Shengjing, and directly entered Beijing."

The Russian minister kept roaring.

"Mr. Hua Ruohan, are you from the United States willing to come with us?"

US Minister John Howard said: "We absolutely do not recognize the terms of the British compromise, and we will firmly implement the contents of the previous treaty."

"If necessary, we will also mobilize a fleet from the mainland to attack the Yangtze River."

Basri and Sir Bruce said nothing.

You Americans, whose civil war is now in full swing, want to join another war.

And what is the strength of your navy?

However, the anger of the Russians cannot be suppressed.

Their will to fight cannot be suppressed.

Then, the Russian minister made an angry speech and walked away.

Although, his shirt doesn't have wide sleeves either.

Next, he will do his best to go to the Russian emperor to promote the war against the Qing Dynasty, and try his best to find ways to drag the United States into the water.


The capital, in front of the palace!

The intensive firing continued.

The tens of thousands of Eight Banners soldiers were stunned after a brief period of confusion.

Just utter panic.

Didn't you expect that Su Yi actually opened fire?

Is it really such a large-scale suppression?

After falling down in pieces, they began to run away desperately.

And this kind of running away is most likely to cause trampling.

For a moment, the entire entrance to the palace was in terrible shape.

There are countless houses in the capital, all of which have their doors closed.

In the palace, everyone was trembling.

The Tianjin New Army, which maintained the safety of the palace, shuddered as they watched this scene.

In this way, Su Yi's army kept crushing and crushing.

The frightened siege of this group of Eight Banners soldiers was instantly torn apart, and more and more corpses were piled on the ground.


Within the palace.

The queen mothers of the two palaces looked pale and colorless as they listened to the gunshots outside.

Silent and silent.

"Ronglu, come..." Empress Dowager Cixi said, "Seng Gelinqin, come too."

In Sanxi Hall, there were only three people, Yehenala, Ronglu and Seng Gelinqin.

But for a moment, I still couldn't find anything to say.

It has been more than four months since Su Yi entered the center. It was so harmonious before.

No exclusion, no struggle for power, no suppression.

According to the Queen Mother of the two palaces, how good would it be to continue to be in harmony like this?

As a result, this harmony now comes to an abrupt end.

Revolution is not a dinner party.

The situation of hello, me, and everyone does not exist.

When it comes to important matters, it's either a fight or a compromise.

So at the most critical moment, Su Yi adopted the most violent means to solve the problem.

So now it's the Queen Mother's turn to make a choice.

Whether to choose to side with the Eight Banners or Su Yi, there is no middle way.

This military reform will either be complete or complete.

Or simply not reform.

Yehenala said: "Ronglu, according to your inference, if I don't stand by Su Yi, what will be the consequences?"

She just wanted to ask, would Su Yi go on a killing spree?

Ronglu said: "He will lead his army south, return to Jiujiang, and take the most difficult road."

Yehenala said: "Won't he use more violent methods in the capital?"

Ronglu said: "Probably not."

"Without the support of the Queen Mothers of the two palaces, he went to find his own righteousness."

Yehenala said: "If I agree to him, what will be the consequences?"

Ronglu was silent for a while and said: "The Queen Mother will also become the enemy of the Eight Banners. In the hearts of many people, the Queen Mother will also become the sinner of the Qing Dynasty."

Su Yi suppressed the Eight Banners ruffians this time, but did not get the orders of the Queen Mother of the two palaces.

But his slogan is for the Empress Dowager and the Emperor. You soldiers and gangsters surrounding the palace are treasonous.

Therefore, once the Queen Mother decided to side with Su Yi, it meant that she would also endorse this massacre.

I want to make up for Su Yi’s will.

In this way, Su Yi was ordered to suppress, and it was justified.

Then, the Queen Mother of the two palaces will also become the executioner.

From then on, the queen mothers of the two palaces would be tied to Su Yi for a long time.

Yehenala's eyes were red and tears were hanging in her eyes.

Both sides are pushing her.

Why couldn't these tens of thousands of Eight Banners soldiers be persuaded to leave? Why did they keep surrounding the palace and knocking on the gate? Isn't it because there were countless Eight Banners ministers supporting them?

Su Yi, on the other hand, simply used force to suppress it without asking for an order.

Finally, the problem was handed over to her.

"Rong Lu, do you think those people are also waiting for Su Yi to open fire?" Yehenala said.

Ronglu thought for a while and said, "It should be."

"Everyone thinks that Su Yi is Cao Cao. He is talented and strategic, and he is also a member of the clan, which will make everyone full of illusions. Now that he has ordered the suppression and massacre of the Eight Banners' children, from now on it will be impossible for him to take a further step forward in the Qing Dynasty. All banners No one will support him."

Of course, Ronglu still had some more words to say, but he couldn't say them at this time.

At this time, the gunshots outside gradually became less intense.

Because the suppression is almost over.

Therefore, there is not much time left for the two queen mothers.

But this decision was too difficult for Yehenala.

Once she decides to support Su Yi, she will be criticized by thousands of people. Who knows how she will be scolded by countless bannermen.

Now, there were rumors outside that she and Su Yi were having an affair.

Once she supports Su Yi, there's no telling how bad her reputation will be.

Yehenala said: "King Monk, you are Su Yi's enemy. What do you think?"

Seng Gelinqin said: "From the perspective of the slave, I wish I could tear Su Yi into pieces. But... from the perspective of the Queen Mother of the Two Palaces, the slave feels that I may have no choice."

Ronglu said: "Empress Dowager, suppose we don't stand by Su Yi and Su Yi loses the support of the two queen mothers and directly leads his troops south to do his great work alone. Then the Qing Dynasty will really sink completely... …”

"Su Yi massacred so many bannermen. As long as he leads his army south, he will definitely become a traitor and traitor. But he has already left. Who else should be blamed for this massacre?"

"Having suffered so much injustice, the honorable bannermen want to fight back, do they want to restore?"

Seng Gelinqin said: "But if the Queen Mother does not stand by Su Yi, then I guarantee that the capital will not be overturned."

"If Su Yi leads his army south, one of the strongest forces in the north will be my Mongolian cavalry, and the other will be Lord Ronglu's Tianjin New Army. I swear here, no matter who, I will not let you waver in the slightest, and I will do my best. , to safeguard the authority of the Queen Mother of the two palaces and to safeguard the authority of the Emperor."

Ronglu said: "The same goes for my slaves. Whoever dares to repeat the attack will be killed by the slave army."

Yehenala closed her eyes and couldn't help but said hoarsely: "What would the Holy Ancestor, Emperor Gaozong, do if he encountered such a thing?"

Ronglu and Seng Gelinqin didn't speak.

Because these two people probably would not encounter such a situation.

"Aijia is just a woman, why should Aijia have to make such a difficult choice?"

Then, she asked: "If the Ai family supports Su Yi, then if the Eight Banners capital camp is abolished this time, can half be cut first and half left?"

Ronglu thought for a while and said: "If this bloody crackdown hadn't happened, we could have only laid off half of the staff. But now that the crackdown has happened, we can only lay off all of them. If the remaining half is left, it will only cause greater turmoil." ”

Yehenala fell into silence again.

Still can't make a choice.

She shuddered when she thought that if she stood on Su Yi's side, she would also instantly stand on the opposite side of countless nobles of the Eight Banners, and would be pointed down the spine and scolded by countless people.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside.

The Queen Mother said: "What's wrong?"

Andehai said: "It's over... outside."

The Queen Mother said: "What then?"

Andehai said: "Lord Su Yi's three thousand troops are lined up outside."

The Queen Mother said: "Has Su Yi entered the palace?"

She wondered if Su Yi was going to the palace to force her again.

This bastard talks sweetly while pressing forward step by step.

Andehai said: "No..."

The Queen Mother said: "Let's explore again..."



At this time, there was no square outside the palace, only East Chang'an Street, West Chang'an Street, and Qipan Street.

After the suppression was completed.

The ground was densely covered with blood and corpses.

Su Yi's three thousand new troops quietly began to carry the corpse.

Zhang Guoliang led thousands of troops and brought hundreds of carriages, and threw the corpses on the carriages.

The final count was made, and there were a total of 3,900 corpses.

About 10,000 Eight Banners ruffians besieged the palace, but 6,000 escaped and 3,900 died.

A small number were trampled to death.

Most of them were shot.

Zhang Guoliang looked at the densely packed corpses. On both sides of the street were the six departments, the General Administration Department and other government offices.

At this time, countless eyes were already looking outside.

The eyes of these officials were full of fear, and many of them were hostile.

Su Yi killed so many Eight Banners soldiers, so of course he was completely opposed to them.

Looking at the mountains of corpses on the carriage, Zhang Guoliang said tremblingly: "Commander, let's... go back to the south."

Go back south? !

That's how the north and south are divided.

What if the northwest third of the country is separated?

The Tsarist Russian army from the north is advancing into Heilongjiang and the three northeastern provinces. Who can stop it?

"Clean the streets!" Su Yi said.

From beginning to end, he looked very bland.

The three thousand new troops who had just been brutally suppressed now shouldered their guns and began to fetch water.


Bucket after bucket of water was poured onto the street, dissolving the coagulated blood.

Take the brush again and scrub clean little by little.

It only took less than half an hour to suppress the killing.

But it took more than three hours to finally clean up the blood stains.

Finally, the East and West Chang'an Streets outside the palace, as well as Qipan Street, were cleaned up.

Thousands of corpses were also transported by horse-drawn carriages to outside the city for cremation.

Outside the palace, it was completely quiet.

This group of people surrounded the palace for a month. In the palace, officials from the six departments felt that it was noisy and noisy every day.

At this time, it suddenly became quiet, which I was really not used to.

After cleaning the streets, it was already dusk.

There was no order coming from the palace, and Su Yi didn't ask for an audience.

"Army, return to camp!"

Following Su Yi's order, he led three thousand new troops to leave the palace and return to the barracks.

The broad streets were left empty and clean as never before, but there was always a strong smell of blood lingering in the sky.


Next, the entire capital fell into deathly silence.

This does not mean that immediately after the crackdown, countless people shouted for beatings and killings.

Of course there were cries and cries.

However, they are all behind closed doors.

Everyone is waiting quietly for the decree from the palace.

After such a horrific massacre, what choice did the two queen mothers make?

Are you on the side of the Eight Banners?

Or are you on Su Yi's side?

On the second day after the suppression, there was no order from the palace, and there was not even any news. They just summoned a few ministers.

On the third day, Zuodu Yushi Chongen, Hubu Shangshu and Military Minister Tian Yugong did not go to the Yamen for work, but went directly to Su Yi's military camp.

Within the military camp.

Su Yi is still writing the booklet.

Next, along with the training of the Imperial Army, the Imperial Army Academy will be established.

Su Yi plans to be the first principal.

Training and teaching at the same time.

Zhang Guoliang suddenly said: "Commander, aren't the six thousand new troops from Tianjin going to Beijing yet?"

Su Yi said: "We don't need it for the time being."

Chongen drank one cup after another. Although he had decided to support Su Yi early on, he was still frightened by what happened.

You can only blind your eyes and ears, listen to nothing, and see nothing.

He even wanted to say, Xiaoyi, why don't we go back to the south.

Tian Yugong said: "In the past few months, the center has been so harmonious that it really gave me the illusion that this harmony will last forever."

Chongen said: "Isn't it?"

Tian Yugong said: "Actually, if this harmony continues, you will be able to rise step by step, and you will be in charge of the entire center within five years. Because even if the reform is not thorough, it can double the fiscal revenue of the Qing Dynasty, and it can also wipe out the evil. Even if you are rebellious, you can become a famous minister of Zhongxing, and you can also be crowned king."

This is how everyone sees it.

Su Yi could even calculate that he could be crowned king before 1865.

There is no need for such thorough reforms and there is no need to offend so many people.

Destroy the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, suppress the rebellion in the northwest, and then directly become the king, and then become the political king.

He led numerous bannermen to become noble and wealthy, and everyone supported him as regent.

In this way, he became the most successful framer in the Qing Dynasty.

In this way, he will continue to live for the so-called Qing Dynasty, but he will always be a second- and third-rate country.

Tian Yugong said: "Lord Chong'en, you are a bannerman and can be considered a clan member. What do you think the Queen Mother will choose?"

Chongen said: "I don't know, she was also forced to the cliff, there is no neutral space."

"If you choose to support Su Yi, you will reform to the end and be reviled by countless people."

"Choose to support the Eight Banners, then..."

Tian Yugong suddenly asked: "Sir, if the empress dowagers of the two palaces do not support you, do you really want to lead your army south and return to Jiujiang?"

Su Yi didn't speak.

But the answer is self-evident.


The next day!

There was movement in the palace, and the empress dowagers of the two palaces issued an order for Ronglu's new Tianjin army to withdraw from the palace.

At this point, thousands of Tianjin's new troops left the palace in unison.

Then, the queen mothers of the two palaces ordered a court meeting tomorrow to discuss important matters.

Andehai came in person to read out the decree to Su Yi.

Invite Su Yi to the palace tomorrow for a court meeting.

After Andehai declared his order to leave, Su Yi's direct officers immediately stepped forward and said: "Commander, before you enter the palace tomorrow, we will send troops to the palace first. After checking to ensure safety, you can enter the palace again."

Tian Yugong said: "My lord has the expectations of billions of people, so you should be careful, just in case."

Everyone felt that Su Yi should send troops to clear the palace, guard every place, and ensure sufficient safety before entering the palace.

Thousands of people were massacred this time, and it was unknown how many people had a blood feud with Su Yi.

Who knows what they might do?

Even Ronglu and Seng Gelinqin had a secret order from the late emperor to trick Su Yi into entering the palace and then shoot him to death.

Su Yi thought for a while, shook her head and said, "No need."

It's not that Su Yi is so upright, after all, Caesar's example is there.

However, he had already deployed enough manpower in the palace.

Before the two Empress Dowagers returned to the throne, Su Ye had controlled the palace for almost a year.

He had armed forces in the palace, but no one would doubt that the palace maids could also have strong military power.

There were already dozens of women in Su Ye's secret service.

In addition, he also selected more than a thousand female soldiers from the Taiping Army's female camp.


The next day, before dawn!

Hundreds of officials, in groups, went to the palace.

At this time, the palace gate was not open, and hundreds of officials stood between Duanmen and Wumen.

This was a bit unlucky, after all, it was said in the folk that the place outside Wumen was a place for beheading.

Of course, it was not actually, but it was true that there were countless dead souls outside Wumen. There was no beheading in this place, but there were many people who were beaten to death by the imperial cane.

At this time, hundreds of officials were whispering to each other.

There is no doubt that they are talking about the same thing, which is the massacre and suppression by Su Ye a few days ago.

There is another thing, that is, where will the two Empress Dowagers go?

What choice will they make?

Now the whole capital is buzzing. Once the two Empress Dowagers announce that they do not support military reform and do not support the abolition of the Eight Banners Army, Su Ye will immediately lead his troops to the south.

From then on, the north and the south will be divided.

"I am afraid that it may not be divided. The most powerful force in the south is not Su Ye, but Zeng Guofan."

"How many troops does Su Ye have in total? The Hunan Army may have 200,000 troops."

"And there are rebels, who may have 300,000 or 400,000 troops."

"Su Ye massacred the Eight Banners soldiers and angered all the bannermen in the world. The Qing Dynasty belongs to us bannermen. If the two Empress Dowagers stand on his side, he will be condemned by thousands of people and will be cut off from the country and society of the Qing Dynasty."

Everyone was talking about it.

Suddenly, Su Ye walked in with Tian Yugong, Chong En and others.

In an instant.

The whole audience was silent.

All the civil and military officials in the court were silent for a moment and instinctively stepped back a few steps.

When Su Ye led his army north to Chengde, they did not feel afraid. But this time Su Ye started a killing spree, which shocked them.

Then, the civil and military officials were a little surprised.

Su Ye, you are so brave, so afraid of death?

You don’t bring troops into the palace either?

You just brought a few people here, aren’t you afraid that at the command of the palace, hundreds of soldiers will rush out and cut you into pieces?

Aren’t you afraid that dozens of Eight Banners ministers will suddenly rush up with their weapons and stab you to death?

Of course, none of this happened.

It’s just that the atmosphere outside the Meridian Gate was extremely depressing.

In fact, every time he went to court, many officials would come to please and pay their respects.

Prime Minister Su, Prime Minister Su.

Paying respects and saluting, they never stopped.

But now, no matter whether it is Manchu ministers, Mongolian ministers, or Han ministers, no one dares to pay their respects.

In fact, some officials present may not necessarily support Su Ye from the bottom of their hearts, but at this juncture, no one dared to stand up and express their views publicly.

After a long while, the Meridian Gate slowly opened.

The eunuch Zenglu shouted: "All officials enter the palace."

Suddenly, hundreds of officials entered the palace.


Entering the Palace of Heavenly Purity.

Su Ye entered his position. There were only two people in front of him, Prince Gong Yi and Prince Zheng Duanhua.

The minister of the Council of State Affairs, the Minister of Military Affairs, and the three ministers of the Prime Minister's Office.

All of them have arrived.

There is no room in the Palace of Heavenly Purity, and most officials have to stand in the square of the Gate of Heavenly Purity.

The hall is still silent and depressed.

The previous harmony is gone. Mian Yu, Duanhua, Yi, Sushun, Zaiyuan and others, when they went to court before, they were all talking and laughing with Su Ye.

There is even a feeling that these five people are trying to win over Su Ye and exclude all other ministers.

Because all five of them are from the royal family, it is very mature to form a royal cabinet in the future.

But now Su Ye slaughtered the Eight Banners soldiers, which they thought was a betrayal of their class and a butcher's knife to their own people.

"Empress Dowager, the emperor is here!"

With a loud shout, the two Empress Dowagers and the little emperor came out.

The little emperor sat in front.

The two Empress Dowagers sat behind the curtain.

"Your subjects greet the emperor, long live, long live, long live." All officials saluted.

Then, there was silence.

"There is a report!" The eunuch Zenglu shouted.

However, all officials remained silent.

No one reported, just waiting for the decision of the two Empress Dowagers.

Should they stand on Su Ye's side or on the side of the Eight Banners?

After waiting for a long time, no one reported, and Yehenara said: "Today is special, so let's lift the curtain."

With an order, the curtain in front of the two Empress Dowagers was slowly lifted.

Many ministers saw the faces of the two Empress Dowagers for the first time.

So young.

Yehenala looked at the civil and military officials in the court, her cold and beautiful face was a little pale, and even her hands could not help shaking.

For her and Ci'an, this was the most tense moment.

The last time Su Ye led his army north to Chengde, Empress Dowager Cixi looked nervous, but she had a bottom line in her heart.

Would Su Ye hurt her again?

But today, it was either this or that.

Once you stand on Su Ye's side, you will be an enemy of countless bannermen.

"No one has submitted a memorial?" Yehenala said, "Then I will start."

"Please respectfully ask the Empress Dowager for instructions!"

Yehena La said: "A few days ago, Su Ye sent troops to suppress the Eight Banners soldiers who surrounded the palace by force."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but tighten her throat and could hardly say the following words.

Everyone pricked up their ears, waiting for the Queen Mother's statement.

"That was done in accordance with the order."

"This group of chaotic soldiers surrounded the palace for more than a month. Such behavior is tantamount to rebellion. We two palaces can no longer tolerate it. We have done our best to show mercy and justice, but this group of people still refuse to retreat. If this continues, where will the dignity of the Qing Dynasty be?"

"So, the two palaces issued an order to Su Ye, asking him to send troops to suppress and expel them..."

As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was still silent.

However, it could be felt like a sonic boom, shaking the whole audience.

Many civil and military ministers showed shocked expressions. Was the Queen Mother's position so clear and firm?

Especially the Bannermen ministers, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

Queen Mother, do you know how serious your statement is?

Do you still want the country and society of your ancestors? Aren't you afraid of being drowned by the spit of countless bannermen?

After saying that, Yehenara paused for a moment and said to Empress Dowager Ci'an: "Sister, is that so?"

A slight struggle flashed across Empress Dowager Ci'an's young and beautiful face, and then she nodded and said: "Yes, that's right."

The whole audience remained silent.

The civil and military ministers raised their heads and stared directly at the two empress dowagers.

Some people immediately lowered their eyes, including many Han ministers.

But many officials still looked at them like this.

A considerable number of ministers in the capital were bannermen.

"The second thing." Yehenara continued: "Su Ye once petitioned to disband the Eight Banners Army and form a new imperial army."

"The two palaces have thought deeply about this matter."

"Everyone has seen the military parade at the Nanyuan Parade Ground. The Eight Banners Army has reached a point where it must be changed."

"For the sake of our ancestors, the two palaces have decided to agree to the petition of Su Ye, the Minister of State Affairs."

"First, disband 100,000 people in the Eight Banners Beijing Camp, select the best, and form a new imperial army."

"Agree to Su Ye's petition to form the Ministry of Army."

"Su Ye is the Minister of Army, Ronglu is the Right Minister of Army, Senggelinqin, Jingshou, and Zuo Zongtang will enter the Ministry of Army to assist the Minister of Army in related affairs."

"Su Ye, accept the order!"

Then, the eunuch Zenglu held a copy of the imperial edict in both hands and handed it to Su Ye.

The whole audience was still silent.

So far, the resolution has finally come down.

After a month or two of struggle, Su Ye finally got the order at the cost of countless blood.

The two Empress Dowagers were eventually forced to take action by Su Ye.

Standing on the opposite side of the bannermen of the world.

Zhang Guoliang and Tian Yugong both asked Su Ye, if the two Empress Dowagers did not stand on his side, would he lead his army south and return to Jiujiang?

Su Ye did not answer.

But the answer is... no.

So, the two Empress Dowagers seemed to have a choice, but in fact they did not.

Then, Yehenara said: "My ministers, do you have anything else to report?"

There is no need to discuss this matter, it is settled.

All the officials in the audience were still silent.

No one replied.

Suddenly, someone stepped out and trembled, "Empress Dowager, did those thousands of Eight Banner soldiers die in vain?"

The Empress Dowager said, "Why? I was the one who issued the imperial decree to suppress the rebellion. Do you still want to hold me accountable for my crimes?"

"Are you really going to abandon the bannermen of the world for Su Ye alone?"

The Empress Dowager said, "How can you abandon the bannermen of the world?"

Then, it fell into a terrible silence again.

Although invisible, the two Empress Dowagers seemed to see a huge gulf between them and the countless bannermen ministers.

Waited for a long time.

The Empress Dowager said, "Since there is nothing else, let's withdraw from the court."

Then, the two Empress Dowagers took the little emperor away.

"Farewell, Empress Dowager, Emperor." The voices of the civil and military officials were sparse.

After the Empress Dowager and the Emperor left, the civil and military officials still stayed where they were.

Is this the shortest court meeting? It was only about a quarter of an hour from beginning to end.

After a long while, the civil and military officials gradually left.

An Dehai came to Su Ye and said, "Prime Minister Su, the Empress Dowager summoned you."


Su Ye followed An Dehai to the Sanxi Hall.

"Sir Su, please go in."

An Dehai closed the door and then left.

Su Ye entered the Sanxi Hall. I don't know why they often met here. This is where Emperor Xianfeng often stayed.

Yehenala sat there quietly, sobbing continuously.

After seeing Su Ye come in, her tears just kept flowing.

"Now, are you satisfied?"

"You killed so many bannermen, but in the end you asked us two women to endorse you and take the blame for you."

"The one in the east doesn't care about anything, I have to take the lead."

"You have seen the situation today, so many bannermen and ministers are stern to me."

"This group of bannermen forced me, and you also forced me, and finally left me such a wide place for the blade, and I was bleeding as soon as I stepped on it."

"In the end, you got what you wanted, and forced me to your ship, and forced me to the opposite side of all bannermen."

Then, she wiped her tears with a handkerchief and said, "Anyway, I'm ready. I'll be scolded by them and ruined. At worst, I'll be torn to pieces in the future."

"Anyway, even if they don't kill me, you, the living Cao Cao, the living Dong Zhuo, will force me to death."

Su Ye quietly let her vent.

"Why don't you say anything?"

"Aren't you the best at talking?"

"When you speak, it's the country and the people. When you speak, it's the country and the people. No one can talk you down."

"If you can't talk, just send troops to kill people."

Su Ye still didn't speak.

Yehenala gradually calmed down and said, "Ronglu said that if I didn't support you, you would lead the army south, and the north and south would be divided from then on. But based on my understanding of you, you probably wouldn't."

"Then tell me now, if I didn't support you, would you lead the army south and return to Jiujiang?"

Su Ye shook his head and said, "No."

"I know it, I know it." Yehenala said, "You, the living Cao Cao, must force me to death."

Then she started crying again.

Her beautiful face was crying like a pear blossom in the rain.

"Next, I will be pointed at by thousands of people and cursed by thousands of people."

"Next, I will have a restless life."

Su Ye stepped forward gently, gently stroked her face, and wiped her tears.

The beautiful queen mother gradually stopped crying, and her breathing began to become heavier.

Her heartbeat also gradually accelerated.

"Su Ye, what do you think that group of people will do next?"

"Will they do evil in secret? Will they assassinate you and me?"

"Will they call up the 100,000 Eight Banners soldiers who were dismissed to rebel?"

"What happened at the mouth of the Yangtze River? Will there be a war? What about the Russians in the north?"

Yehena kept talking, trying to ease the ambiguous and bizarre atmosphere in front of her.

Then, Su Ye kept moving forward, and she kept retreating.

Gently unbuttoned her longhua (scarf).

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do?" Yehenara trembled.

Then, Su Ye pushed her to the ground.

Gently unbuttoned her collar.

The empress dowager used her hands and feet to start running back, and whispered fiercely: "Su Ye, you are so brave, this is the study of the late emperor, I am the empress dowager, do you want to rebel?"

She crawled away with her hands and feet, and Su Ye chased after her.

Gently ripped off her robe.

In just a few moments, the gorgeous headdress and robes were scattered all over the floor.

Yehenara was left with only thin underwear.

Her snow-white body filled the room with life.

"Su Ye, what are you doing? Go away, go away!"

"I'm calling for help, I'm calling for help!"

Su Ye stepped forward and grabbed his sling rope. With a slight pull, infinite beauty would be revealed.

He still pulled the rope and said softly: "Everyone scolds me, Dong Zhuo, saying that I defile the palace."

"The Queen Mother also scolds me, Dong Zhuo, all the time."

"If I don't prove it, wouldn't I disappoint the expectations of the people of the world?"

Yehenala gnashed her teeth and said: "Humph, Dong Zhuo didn't blaspheme Queen Mother He either."

Su Ye said: "Queen Mother He didn't have a close relationship with Dong Zhuo, and they were in love."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yehenala said coldly: "How can I have a close relationship with you?"

"Let go, and get out immediately, I will pretend that nothing happened."

Su Ye pulled the rope lightly.

Yehenala cried out and covered the snow mountain desperately.

Then he closed his eyes and said, "Come on, come on, after sleeping, I will jump into the well immediately to avoid your endless humiliation."

Su Ye said slowly, "Okay."

"Then I won't be polite."


Note: It's a little early again today, I will continue to work hard tomorrow! Please continue to give me your monthly tickets? Long live the benefactor, thank you all.

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