Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 236 Successfully forced the Queen Mother to bleed

Chapter 236 Success! Force the Queen Mother into the palace! Bleeding!

Prince Albert looked at Basiali for a long time, and looked at him as if he was a little uncomfortable.

"Baxiali, you have invested too much emotion in Su Yi's career."

Basia Li was slightly startled.

is that so?

It seems that this is really the case.

Although he is British, he came to Hong Kong to seek refuge with his relatives due to poverty in his youth. It can be said that his most critical growth career was in China. Although he is now a British knight and British official.

However, his career is in China.

Whether it was the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone or Su Yi's other undertakings, he seemed to have invested too much emotion in them.

Prince Albert said: "Do you know why Su Yi insists on clinging to the Yangtze River and its inland waterway rights?"

Basharli said: "Because this is his long-term political position, the core foundation of his alliance of seven southern provinces is to protect the Yangtze River waterway. If he cannot protect the Yangtze River waterway, he will not be able to explain to the subjects of the Qing Dynasty."

Prince Albert said: "No, it's more than that. He is thinking about it later."

"In the future?" Basia said politely, "What do you mean?"

Prince Albert asked: "Why did Su Yi place the economic pilot zone in Jiujiang instead of Shanghai or Hangzhou?"

Ba Xiali was silent for a while and said: "Because the Qing Dynasty does not have a navy, it cannot protect these economic zones at critical moments."

"Yes." Prince Albert said: "However, he also wanted to enjoy the convenience of water transportation, so he took the next step and placed the economic experimental zone in Jiujiang."

"He is willing to share the huge benefits of the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone, but he wants to take the initiative. Once the Yangtze River waterway is opened, our navy can enter the Yangtze River at critical moments to block or even attack his industries."

"The Jiujiang Economic Pilot Zone is just the beginning. Next, he will gradually open up cities along the Yangtze River and continue to develop various industries." Prince Albert said: "When he feels that his navy has reached a certain level, he will also start Vigorously develop coastal cities.”

"So from Su Yi's point of view, it is absolutely impossible to give up the Yangtze River navigation rights."

Ba Xiali fell into silence again and said: "Now, the United States, France, and Russia can't wait to enter the Yangtze River Channel. And Su Yi obviously won't compromise. Is a war really going to break out?"

Prince Albert said: "I have read the letter you wrote to me, which completely described the entire process of his entry into the center. He has an extremely firm will, but there is also a strong adventurist element in his bones. For example, he used The airship went to the Chengde Palace and snatched away the Queen Mother and the Young Emperor. Although the probability of an accident is very low, and although the probability of the Queen Mother and the Young Emperor being accidentally shot is very low, do you think there is such a chance? "

Basia said politely: "Yes."

Prince Albert said: "Then let's assume that an accident happened to the Queen Mother and the little emperor at that time. What would he do?"

Ba Xiali thought for a while and said: "He immediately led his army back to Jiujiang, prepared for the worst, and used the most violent means to seize the entire Qing Kingdom bit by bit."

Prince Albert said: "In that case, the Qing Dynasty is destined to fall into disintegration in an instant, and we Western countries will definitely not let go of this opportunity. We will definitely take the opportunity to enter China and support various warlords. In this way, the whole of China will fall into the most turmoil. For more than ten years, Su Yi needs to use the most difficult and thorough method to regain the entire country bit by bit. "

"But the moment he made the decision to use the airship to snatch away the Queen Mother and the young emperor, he had already prepared for the worst when he made the risky decision."

Ba Xiali said: "Then according to your inference, Prince, our countries are determined to attack the Yangtze River, and he will prepare for the worst?"

Prince Albert said: "It should be like this."

That worst-case scenario, Ba Xiali shook his head desperately after thinking about it.

In that case, the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone, which had just reaped the fruits of victory, would be ruined.

Of course, it was the British interests that were at stake.

Su Yi will still develop the entire economic zone according to the original trajectory, but will lose most of the overseas markets.

Prince Albert asked: "Has he ever said that the Yangtze River waterway must be defended, even at the cost of war?"

Basharli said: "Never, he never issued a threat of war, he just repeatedly emphasized peace and cooperation."

"It's just that if a war breaks out on the Yangtze River, his position in the center will be shaky."

Prince Albert said: "No, now he is very harmonious with the central government of the Qing Dynasty. That is because it is in the best interest of him and the Qing Dynasty. Once a war breaks out on the Yangtze River, he will adopt a high-pressure policy and force the entire Qing court to unite under "

Ba Xia said politely: "In this way, the development of the entire Qing Dynasty will be delayed for at least twenty years."

Prince Albert said: "Yes, this is completely the worst outcome for Su Yi. He is desperately trying to prevent this worst outcome from happening, but if it does happen, he...may also accept it."

Bashar said politely: "Then the honeymoon period that our two countries have just begun will be ruined directly, and all the development situations will be ruined."

Prince Albert said: "Yes."

Basharli said: "So, in a sense, he is threatening our British Empire?"

"He didn't say it, and he didn't plan to do so." Prince Albert said, "But he drew a bottom line."

Bashali was silent and said, "Then...what should we do?"

Prince Albert said, "What do you think of Su Ye's strategic determination?"

Bashali said, "Very, very firm. Once the route is set, it will hardly be changed."

Prince Albert said, "Yes, this is also the most important thing. That is to say, for him, allying with the British Empire, relying on the British Empire's hegemony system, and entering the world's major order is a firm and long-term strategic route. As long as he is in power, it will not change for a long time."

"This strategic continuity is very, very important to the British Empire."

Bashali suddenly said, "Your Highness, do you think Su Ye, as the leader of a great power, is too wise? Will it pose a huge threat to the British Empire in the future?"

Prince Albert thought for a while and said, "Perhaps China will indeed become a hegemonic threat to the British Empire in the future, but that is also a very distant future. We have a bigger enemy right now. people and competitors. "

"What is certain is that according to Su Ye's long-term plan, if successful. It can indeed directly help us eliminate the huge threat of Russia, and indirectly help us suppress the challenger of the order, the United States. "

"So in the final analysis, supporting the Qing Dynasty is more beneficial than harmful to the British Empire, right?"

"Prince Albert said: "Yes."

"So, we have to control the development of the Qing Dynasty, right?"

"Prince Albert said: "Yes."

"Then, he laughed at himself and said: "However, this Duke Su Ye seems to know what we want more clearly than we do, and he has taken the initiative to hand over a lot of benefits. "

"So, he is a generous ruler and a stubborn and difficult political opponent. "

"Then should we agree to his request?"

"Prince Albert said: "It is impossible to directly give up the right to exercise the Yangtze River waterway, but we can sign a supplementary agreement to delay entering the Yangtze River waterway for five years."

"Sir Bashali did not speak, because he did not know whether Su Ye would be satisfied with this result.

" "He will be satisfied." Prince Albert said, "In fact, this is his bottom line."

Sir Bashali said, "France will definitely follow our foreign policy, but what if the United States and Russia insist on entering the Yangtze River waterway?"

Prince Albert said, "Do you want us to put pressure on Russia and the United States?"

"No, I don't mean that." Sir Bashali said, "We in the British Empire have no obligation to do so. After all, we are not the nanny of the Qing Dynasty."

Even if Bashali thought so, he couldn't say it out loud.

Prince Albert said: "Our British and French fleets are the absolute main force. After we withdraw, if the United States and Russia want to continue to force their way into the Yangtze River waterway, if they want to go to war, then let them do it."

"Of course, it is not enough for you to convince me. The key is the Prime Minister and Congress."

Sir Bashali said: "Do you think the Prime Minister and Congress will agree?"

Prince Albert said: "I will talk to the Prime Minister, but Congress... will probably agree."

The purchase of 40 million taels of silver in exchange for a five-year delay in entering the Yangtze River waterway will be considered an extremely cost-effective business for everyone in the British Empire.

These members of Congress are the most profit-seeking group of people.

Almost that night, Prince Albert took the initiative to talk to the Prime Minister.

The two talked for a long time.

However, there is very little content about the Yangtze River waterway, and a lot of conversations are about the diplomatic routes of the British Empire and the Qing Dynasty.

Or to put it more directly, should we support the Qing Dynasty?

Will the Qing Dynasty become a hegemonic threat to the British Empire in the future?

How to support, suppress, and control the Qing Dynasty, etc.

The discussion ended at about three o'clock in the morning.

Then, in the shortest possible time, the Congress voted on the bill.

Whether to agree to suspend the right to operate the Yangtze River waterway of the Qing Dynasty for five years in exchange for the Qing Dynasty to purchase 40 million taels of related ships, weapons, equipment, and personnel expenses from the British Empire in the next eight years.

Then, the Congress passed it with an almost overwhelming advantage.

For these members, where is the Yangtze River? What is the use of the Yangtze River waterway?

Temporarily delaying for five years in exchange for the purchase of 40 million taels of silver, would you be a fool not to do this business?

This is about 10 million pounds. How many people can make a fortune? How many jobs can it bring?

And in the eyes of many people, helping the Qing Dynasty to cultivate a navy, isn't this the best opportunity for infiltration?

This time, Bashali got a very complete order.

Not only from the British royal family, but also from the prime minister and the Congress.

This big thing was finally successful.

Next, Bashali left London at almost the fastest speed without any delay and boarded the warship back to Shanghai.


March 28, 1862.

Jiujiang Iron and Steel Plant was officially completed and put into production.

Countless people were excited.

After four or five years of construction, and no one knew how much money was spent, this steel plant was finally built.

It was a full thirty-one years earlier than Zhang Zhidong's Hanyang Iron Works, and its scale was more than 50% larger. The investment amount was only less than 70% of that of Hanyang Iron Works.

The moment she saw the molten steel pouring down, even Su Yi was filled with emotions.

Steel plants are a symbol of industrialization.

Other factories in the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone have more gimmicks and are more profitable, but this steel factory is what he values ​​most.

And once put into production, rickshaws and bicycles will no longer need to import steel from thousands of miles away.

Many people were shocked when they saw Su Yi's designed production capacity of the steel plant. When all is put into operation in the future, the total annual steel production will exceed 250,000 tons.

Isn’t this production capacity too big? I’m afraid it won’t be able to digest it all.

Only Su Yi knew that once industrialization started, this little production capacity would be nothing. It would not be enough.

In the future, manufacturing bureaus, shipyards, and iron furnaces will all be large consumers of steel.

Where does this little production capacity come from?


The next day, Su Yi went to Nanchang.

Hu Linyi is seriously ill and his time is running out.

And he has lived more than half a year longer than in history.

Seeing Su Yi come in, Hu Linyi on the hospital bed struggled to salute Su Yi.

"No, no, no." Su Yi sat down.

Hu Linyi looked at Su Yi for a long time, and for a moment he didn't know where to start.

"I can't help Mr. Hu." Su Yi said.

Su Yi has been suppressing Hu Linyi all these years, preventing him from getting promoted.

The original governor of Jiangxi was snatched away by Su Yi, and after Su Yi stepped down, Shen Baozhen took over.

Li Xubin of the Hunan Army came later and became the governor of Anhui. Li Hongzhang, who was not even a Hunan Army, became the governor of Jiangsu. Only Hu Linyi, who was once the second-in-command of the Hunan Army, is still the chief envoy of Jiangxi.

Because the Hunan Army needs a senior officer in Nanchang to occupy all the territory except Jiujiang.

Now Su Yi jumped into the center, while Hu Linyi was still trapped in Nanchang.

"Nothing." Hu Linyi said, "But Mr. Su, this should be the last time we meet. Can I ask you something?"

Su Yi said: "Mr. Hu, please speak."

Hu Linyi said: "Even if there is something about the Hunan Army that makes Su Xiang unhappy, I still ask Su Xiang to show some kindness in the future."

Su Yi was silent for a while and said, "Okay."

Then, Hu Linyi asked: "Did Zeng Disheng go to the inauguration ceremony of Jiujiang Iron and Steel Plant?"

Su Yi shook his head and said, "No."

This move by Zeng Guofan can be considered very rude.

The reason was that the Zhengshitang had previously reprimanded Zeng Guofan, saying that he had disobeyed the will of the court and privately stopped the Anqing battle, and ordered him to continue the attack on Anqing.

Historically, the Hunan Army had already captured Anqing at this time.

But the last time Su Yi led his army north and the center was in crisis of splitting, Zeng Guofan stopped the Battle of Anqing and has not resumed it until now.

Moreover, during this period, the transactions between him and foreigners were increasing day by day, and the speed of military expansion was faster than before.

"Alas!" Hu Linyi sighed.

Su Yi said: "You don't have to think too much, Mr. Hu. Although you have always been a member of the Hunan Army, at the critical moment, you are you and Zeng Guofan is Zeng Guofan."

Hu Linyi said: "Xiang Su."

Su Yi said: "You tell me."

Hu Linyi said: "How about I make another more specific request to you before I die?"

Su Yi said: "Okay."

Hu Linyi said: "Will you go and talk to Zeng Guofan?"

Su Yi said: "Actually, I have been waiting for him to come in Jiujiang."

Hu Linyi said: "I took the liberty."


Su Yi finally went to Yangzhou.

Two people were riding on a boat on Slender West Lake and talking.

"Mr. Zeng, in the past year or two, Fa Ni has recruited a large number of Nian troops, and the number of troops has increased more and more." Su Yi said.

Zeng Guofan said: "So, I have been recruiting troops and purchasing weapons. However, it is financially difficult and somewhat unsustainable. Please ask the central government to allocate the military salary owed as soon as possible."

How much has your Hunan Army expanded?

There are hundreds of thousands of troops, right?

Not satisfied yet? Why don't you go to Anqing?

But Zeng Guofan's words immediately choked up the rest of his words.

Then, Su Yi asked: "What does Mr. Zeng think about the dismantling of the Eight Banners Army?"

Zeng Guofan said: "The Eight Banners Army is weak, which really disappoints the people of the world. But the Qing Dynasty used the Eight Banners to rule the world. The Eight Banners Army is the foundation of the country. It was abolished all of a sudden. It may be good for combat effectiveness and finance. But for people's hearts and politics, it is indeed It does far more harm than good and is too subversive.”


It would not be strange at all if a bannerman said such a thing.

But you, a Han minister, say such things? Is it inappropriate?

Su Yi said: "In other words, Mr. Zeng is unwilling to report and agrees with the dismantling of the Eight Banners Army, right?"

Zeng Guofan said: "I need to think about it."

After a few words, they parted on bad terms.

Su Yi left Yangzhou.

Li Hongzhang came to see Zeng Guofan.

"Teacher, he is in the center right now. How about we fight against him like this?"

Zeng Guofan said: "What do you think?"

Li Hongzhang said: "Teacher, what do you think of this person's future?"

Zeng Guofan said: "This man has great courage and means, but he is too hasty and too cruel. He will be retaliated one day."

Li Hongzhang said: "But from our perspective, we should support him in disbanding the Eight Banners Army, so that the situation can be completely detonated."

Zeng Guofan said: "It is one thing to agree in your heart, but it is another to express your agreement."

In addition, Zeng Guofan has a secret in his heart, and he has not mentioned it to anyone.


At this time, the situation in the capital has become more and more serious.

Although Su Ye and the two Empress Dowagers have discussed the issue of disbanding the Eight Banners Army, there can be no public debate.

Even more, the court and local officials cannot be allowed to express their opinions publicly.

Because at least during this period of time, this matter cannot be debated.

The Eight Banners Army is the foundation of the country, which is the current political correctness of the Qing court.

No one dares to deny this.

Even if people of insight think that disbanding the Eight Banners Army has more advantages than disadvantages, who dares to say it?

So, those who support it can only play dead.

However, this did not stop many officials from submitting memorials.

At first, it was the bannermen officials in Beijing who submitted memorials, firmly opposing Su Ye's new policy of abolishing the Eight Banners Army.

Later, this scope continued to expand, causing many local officials to submit memorials one after another.

Therefore, more and more memorials entered the Political Affairs Hall every day.

They were all against the abolition of the Eight Banners Army.

The Political Affairs Hall still completely suppressed them.

In the court, as long as an official wanted to discuss this matter, someone would immediately stop it.

In short, no discussion was allowed.

But over time, these memorials piled up like a mountain.

The two Empress Dowagers also felt great pressure.

Countless bannermen officials wanted a result that would make the two Empress Dowagers admit in person that the Eight Banners Army would never be abolished.

Never mention this evil policy again.

And issue an edict to reprimand Su Ye.

The two Empress Dowagers were also unwilling to abolish the Eight Banners Army in their hearts, but they also promised Su Ye that they would never publicly say that they would not abolish it.

Then, the American and Russian envoys came to Beijing.

Prime Minister Gui Liang rebuked the Russian army for illegally entering Heilongjiang and asked them to withdraw immediately.

The Russian envoy said that it was because Prime Minister Su Ye was unwilling to implement the previous treaty, so when necessary, the Russians could only use force to solve the problem.

"Empress Dowager, His Majesty the Emperor, we have assembled enough troops in Siberia. As long as the Russian emperor gives an order, these troops can fight for the benefits that our country deserves."

The American envoy said: "Empress Dowager, His Majesty the Emperor, our joint fleet is at the mouth of the Yangtze River. Su Ye's Yangtze River Fleet is arrogant and unreasonable and refuses to let us enter. Our patience is running out, and the pace of war is getting closer and closer."

The court officials were shocked. This... didn't the battle just end?

Why is it going to fight again?

Because most court officials were also immersed in the struggle of the center and ignored the outside world.

Unexpectedly, the United States and Russia directly issued a threat of war.

The Russian envoy said: "Your Majesty the Queen Mother and the Emperor, if you want to stop the war, it is actually very simple. You just need to show your sincerity."

Prince Gong Yi said: "What sincerity?"

The Russian envoy said: "Dismiss Su Ye as the Prime Minister."

Suddenly, many officials in the court were stunned.

Su Ye, the Prime Minister, has only been in office for a few months. If he is dismissed, how can he save his face?

However, the subjects of the world have great expectations for this new government, hoping that they will win a diplomatic victory.

But after a few months, the diplomatic victory has not come, but it will lead to war again?

Yi said: "Your Excellency, please be careful with your words. This is our internal affairs."

The Russian envoy said: "Empress Dowager and Emperor, your country established this Zongli Yamen mainly to deal with the four of us, right? According to the treaty, the envoys of the four countries should have come to Beijing to submit their credentials long ago. But I can say that you don't have to wait."

"As long as Su Ye is not dismissed and a new Prime Minister is not replaced, we will never submit our credentials, and we will never recognize this Zongli Yamen."

The American envoy said: "In addition, I want to convey the common will of the four countries of Britain, France, the United States and Russia. Please withdraw your fleet at the mouth of the Yangtze River immediately and dismiss Su Ye immediately, otherwise our joint fleet will open fire directly."

The Russian envoy said: "Our army in the north will also go directly south."

The Empress Dowager Cixi said: "Is this a war ultimatum?"

Many officials in the Qing court were too familiar with this scene.

At that time, the British came to the court like this and issued an ultimatum.

The Qing court did not take it seriously, and then the war broke out.

Then, the Qing Dynasty suffered a humiliating defeat, which even led to the death of the previous emperor.

Now, the foreigners have once again issued a war ultimatum.

The two Empress Dowagers and the civil and military officials in the court felt fear and trembling this time.

Gui Liang suddenly said: "It is impossible. The British and Lord Su Ye have a very good relationship."

American Minister John Warren said: "Yes, Su Ye and the British do have some kind of cooperation. But Sir Bruce just had an unpleasant negotiation with Su Ye not long ago, and also warned Su Ye that for the sake of friendship between the two sides, he would give a one-month deadline. Now there are only twenty days left."

Russian Minister Ignatieff said: "Yes, your country still has twenty days. Of course, it takes four days at the fastest to go from Beijing to Shanghai, so you only have sixteen days at most."

"Either Su Yi is dismissed, or war comes."

Then, the eunuch outside shouted.

"General Taxation Department Li Taitai has an audience."

Li Taitai, the chief tax officer of the British Customs in China, dealt a more fatal blow to the Qing court.

"The General Taxation Department is unwilling to recognize the Prime Minister's Yamen led by Su Yi, so it has suspended the submission of relevant accounts and suspended the submission of all tax credits."

Suddenly, the entire court was in complete uproar.

Nowadays, the Qing government's fiscal revenue is already very difficult, a large part of which comes from the money from the general tax.

Now, the British actually refuse to hand it over.

Didn't it mean that Su Yi had a good relationship with the British?

What should we do if we lose this sum of money?

Li Taitai said: "Your Majesty the Queen Mother and the Emperor, please believe me. Su Yi is a very unqualified and incompetent Prime Minister. London has not recognized this new Prime Minister's Office until now."

"So, I won't hand over the accounts until London recognizes the Prime Minister's Office."

This meaning was also expressed very clearly. Unless the Qing government dismissed Su Yi as prime minister, this tax money would never be handed over.

The empress dowagers of the two palaces sternly stated that this was an internal affair of the Qing Dynasty and outsiders had no right to interfere.


After the meeting.

The empress dowagers of the two palaces summoned other officials of the political affairs hall, as well as two other ministers of the Prime Minister's Yamen, Wen Xiang and Guiliang, as well as Ronglu, Seng Gelinqin and others.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

"Isn't Su Yi a diplomatic genius? He should be the best at diplomacy."

"Everyone was looking forward to the diplomatic victory of your Prime Minister's Office, but instead of victory, war came?"

Obviously, the two queen mothers were frightened.

"Guiliang, what's going on?" Empress Dowager Cixi asked.

Guiliang said: "In the previously signed treaty, the foreign fleet has the right to the Yangtze River waterway. According to the treaty, their fleet should enter the Yangtze River. Prime Minister Su did not want the foreign fleet to enter the Yangtze River, so he sent a fleet to block the Yangtze River mouth."

Empress Dowager Cixi asked: "Is the situation very tense?"

Guiliang said: "It's really tense. The war is about to break out."

"However, Mr. Su Yi is confident. He told his servant that he can solve this dilemma and make the British voluntarily give up their rights to the Yangtze River waterway."

Everyone looked at each other immediately, this must be very difficult.

Foreigners are so greedy, how can they spit out the meat they eat?

The Queen Mother asked: "Rong Lu, tell the Ai family honestly, if war breaks out again, will the Qing Dynasty be able to withstand it?"

Ronglu said: "We can't hold it back. The Russians have assembled a large army in the north. They don't even need to enter Beijing. As long as they advance into Heilongjiang, Fengtian and Shengjing, it will be difficult for us to stop them."

Shengjing, that... is the land of Longxing in the Qing Dynasty.

The Queen Mother asked: "What about the other side of the Yangtze River? Can Su Yi's fleet stop the combined foreign fleet?"

Ronglu said: "It can't be stopped."

Next, a severe test came.

Is it to welcome war? Or give up on Su Yi?

At this time, what else does Su Yi want to say about dismantling the Eight Banners Army?

It's so dangerous outside, so there must be no chaos inside.

The Queen Mother said: "Guiliang, Wenxiang, you two are also ministers of the Prime Minister's Yamen. Tell me, do you think Su Yi can do it this time?"

Suddenly, Guiliang and Wenxiang also fell into the most difficult choice.

Their answers are related to the key decisions of the Queen Mother.

If they talk about Su Yixing, then when the war breaks out and the country is broken again, what crime will the two of them deserve?

What if they say Su Yi can't do it?

But what if it really succeeds?

The most important thing is, will the Prime Minister's Yamen, which was established just a few months ago, just fall into disrepair?

Wen Xiang struggled for a while and then said slowly: "In reply to the Queen Mother, I... I think I should give Master Su Yi a chance to prove myself."

Guiliang bowed and said: "Slave, I second the proposal."

After the two of them finished speaking, they felt as if they were exhausted. They really didn't know whether saying these words was a blessing or a curse.

The Queen Mother said: "Then... what about the dismantling of the Eight Banners Army?"

Finally, we started discussing the matter.

All the ministers present were silent.

However, silence is attitude.

All the ministers present did not understand why Su Yi was in such a hurry.

At this critical moment, when external crises are lurking and the Nian Army and rebellion are rampant domestically, maintaining internal stability is the most important thing.

Abolition of the Eight Banners Army at this time?

Not only did it shake the foundation of the country, but it also destabilized the political situation.

The Queen Mother sighed softly and said, "Actually, I don't understand why Su Yi mentioned the disbandment of the Eight Banners Army at this time."

"At this time, stability and unity are most important."

Then, the Queen Mother said: "Guiliang, you always send people to keep an eye on the Yangtze River Estuary. It is a first-class matter there now. If there are any changes, report them immediately."

Guiliang said: "嗻!"

The Queen Mother said: "Don't you have a day to live happily? You have just been beaten for more than a year, do you want to be beaten again?"

"Is this going to destroy the Qing Dynasty?"


The empress dowagers of the two palaces and the Qing court resisted the pressure from foreigners and chose to continue to support Su Yi's previous diplomatic strategy.

But they stared at the Yangtze River estuary and the Heilongjiang River in two directions, one in the south and one in the north.

They were afraid that a sudden cannon shot would cause the war to break out again and tear the Qing Dynasty apart.


The so-called disbanding of the Eight Banners Army was to be completely stopped.

Countless Eight Banners nobles were greatly encouraged.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the foreigners came to assist.

And it was already faintly heard from the palace that the two Empress Dowagers did not agree to disband the Eight Banners Army, and even complained.

So, they continued their efforts, and a snowflake of memorials flew into the palace again.

They wanted the court to formally and publicly declare that the Eight Banners Army would never be disbanded.

More and more officials submitted memorials.

But several bigwigs in the Political Affairs Hall and the bigwigs in the Military Affairs Office remained silent.

So, many Eight Banners nobles found someone.

Empress Dowager Cixi's father, Lord Huizheng.

When she was still Concubine Yi, even if she was favored, she was only a third or fourth rank official.

And now, he is already a third-class Cheng'en Duke.

Many Eight Banners nobles felt that it was most appropriate to let Hui Zheng report to the Empress Dowager. Although he was a minister, he was also the father of the Empress Dowager.

But Hui Zheng was not willing to take this task, and he completely hid at home with the door closed.

However, now the Eight Banners officers and soldiers outside surrounded Hui Zheng's mansion in three layers inside and outside.

"My Lord, you are also from the Eight Banners, you have to speak for everyone."

"The Eight Banners are the foundation of the country. Su Ye wants to cut the Eight Banners Army, which means he wants to overthrow the country of the Qing Dynasty."

"Master Hui Zheng, please come out!"

Hui Zheng, who stayed at home, was shocked, angry and afraid.

He did not agree with Su Ye's approach from the bottom of his heart. At this time of urgency, why cut the Eight Banners Army?

But what made him angry was that you, the Eight Banners Army, did not surround Yi's mansion, did not surround Mian Yu's mansion, but came to surround Hui Zheng's house?

Isn't this bullying me because I have a weak foundation and come from a small family?

That's true.

It's the first time that the two Empress Dowagers have ruled the country from behind the curtain, and they haven't established their authority yet.

Empress Dowager Cixi has a weak foundation and comes from a small family, so the Eight Banners nobles don't really have much respect for her now.

In fact, there are many Eight Banners soldiers outside the houses of Mian Yu, Yi, and Senggelinqin.

It's just that everyone thinks Hui Zheng has the lowest status, but the most special identity, and it's easiest to break through.

Therefore, the most people are surrounding Hui Zheng's house.

It's been more than ten days, and Hui Zheng's family is scared.

In order to protect Hui Zheng's safety, Wang Shiqing, who stayed in Beijing, directly dispatched an army of 200 people to guard Hui Zheng's house to protect the safety of his family.

However, there are more and more Eight Banners soldiers outside.

There are already thousands of people.

The court has sent several groups of ministers to expel them, but these Eight Banners soldiers just won't leave.

"Master Huizheng, come out and say something for everyone."

"Master Huizheng, can you bear to stay at home and enjoy wealth and glory?"

"The Qing Dynasty will be destroyed by your cheap son-in-law." This sentence made Huizheng tremble with fear.

Who said this? !

Are you looking for death?

It was midnight!

Finally someone started to climb over the wall.

More and more people climbed over the wall and rushed into Huizheng's house.

Su Ye's new army guarding Huizheng's residence kept shouting: "Get out, get out."

"If you dare to climb over the wall, I will shoot!"

These Eight Banners soldiers were frightened at first.

But after a while, many people began to climb over the wall again.

"Fire! Fire!" With an order.

Su Ye's army decisively opened fire!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" A burst of dense gunfire rang out.

Suddenly, dozens of Eight Banners soldiers who climbed over the wall were all shot down.

More than half of them were killed on the spot.

Lin Li in the dark suddenly clenched his fist excitedly.

Finally fired!

Suddenly, everyone in the audience was stunned.

Actually shot and killed?

Hui Zheng instinctively wanted to hide when he heard the gunshot, but then rushed out and said: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

An officer said: "Someone is trying to climb over the wall."

Hui Zheng trembled and said: "Then, you shouldn't shoot."

The officer said: "If you don't shoot, more people will pour in. At that time, they will hold you hostage to write a memorial. What will you do?"

After a long while, someone in the Eight Banners soldiers outside exclaimed: "They killed people, they killed people."

"Okay, they dared to kill people."

"Go knock on the gate, go to the gate of the palace and cry!"

"Blood debts must be paid with blood, please ask the two Queen Mothers to give the brothers an explanation."

With the order of the Secret Service, the undercover hidden in the Eight Banners soldiers began to incite crazily, asking the Eight Banners soldiers to knock on the gate of the palace.

And the whole situation changed completely with these dozen gunshots.


The nobles and generals of the Eight Banners, who had nowhere to hide in the dark, were suddenly shocked when they heard the gunshots.

When they heard that more than a dozen soldiers of the Eight Banners had died.

They were really frightened, and then turned into great joy.

People died, people died.

They had a reason to make a big fuss.

So, many Eight Banners generals and soldiers carried more than a dozen corpses and headed towards the palace.

Hundreds of people, thousands of people.

Thousands of people!

More and more Eight Banners soldiers gathered at the gate of the palace. Now is the moment that concerns everyone's life and property. A rabbit has to jump before being killed, let alone a human? Destroying a person's livelihood is like killing his parents.

And many court officials stayed at home and kept silent.

Even for many people, this scene is also what they are happy to see.

Now in the entire Qing court, most of the local governors are Han Chinese, but most of the people in power in the capital are bannermen.

And most of them are unwilling to disband the Eight Banners Army, but they dare not be the first to speak out.

Therefore, many Eight Banners soldiers went to the palace to knock on the gate and force the two Empress Dowagers to express their opinions. They were eager.


Inside the palace.

The two Empress Dowagers were frightened.

Especially Empress Dowager Cixi, who was angry and complaining in her heart.

The complaint was Su Ye, why did he propose to disband the Eight Banners Army at this time?

The anger was towards these Eight Banners soldiers, what do you mean?

Are you bullying me because I'm a woman?

I've already spread the word that I don't support Su Ye's new policy, but you're still not satisfied?

Still pressing on?

The Empress Dowager Cixi now feels like a mouse in a bellows.

Su Ye is forcing her over there, and countless Eight Banners soldiers are forcing her here.

She originally wanted to be vague about her attitude and let the matter go.

Unexpectedly, they were not willing at all and just wanted to force her to express her position.

"Go, order Ronglu to bring troops!" With the Empress Dowager Cixi's order.

Someone immediately went to pass on the order.

A few hours later, Ronglu led thousands of troops into the palace to protect the safety of each gate.

Then, the Empress Dowager Cixi ordered the various bannermen and ministers to go outside to persuade these Eight Banners soldiers to retreat.

This scene is somewhat familiar.

Under normal circumstances, the persuasion of these bannermen and ministers should have a more obvious effect.

But these bannermen and ministers also stand on the side of these Eight Banners soldiers from the bottom of their hearts.

So, they acted loyally.

Some people kept threatening and forcing the Eight Banners soldiers to leave.

Some people begged desperately.

Some even knelt down and said to the Eight Banners soldiers: "My dear men, please go back!"

"Don't worry, what you are worried about will not happen."

Suddenly, an Eight Banners soldier shouted: "We don't believe what you said. Unless the court publicly issues an order, the Eight Banners Army will never be disbanded, otherwise we will kneel here and die."

"Yes, yes, yes, unless the court issues an order."

"Besides, our brothers cannot die in vain, and the murderer must be punished."

"Remove Su Ye!"

"Remove Su Ye!" There were waves of shouts from the crowd.

The undercover agent of the Secret Service in the crowd quickly led another rhythm.

"Queen Dowager, come out, Queen Dowager, come out!"

"Queen Dowager, come and see the loyal ministers and generals of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty, open your eyes and see, someone is going to overthrow the country."

"The hen crows at dawn!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

You, are you crazy? Are you scolding the Queen Dowager?

Next, the situation became more and more intense.

As if inspired by something, more and more Eight Banners soldiers rushed to the outside of the palace.

In the end, it was completely dark and more than 10,000 people.

The two Queen Dowagers in the palace were almost terrified.

The shouts outside were deafening.

"Queen Dowager, come out and see the slaves!"

"Queen Dowager, come out!"

The shouts of 10,000 people made the Queen Dowager in the palace tremble with fear.

All the ministers who should be sent were sent out.

Yi, Mian Yu and others all went to persuade them.

But countless people outside wanted to see the Empress Dowager and listen to her say in public that she would never disband the Eight Banners.

Empress Dowager Ci'an's beautiful face was a little uneasy, and she kept looking at Empress Dowager Cixi.

She was a soft-tempered person. At this time, she actually wanted Cixi to go out and publicly announce that the Eight Banners would not be disbanded.

Empress Dowager Cixi originally did not support the disbanding of the Eight Banners, but now she was angry.

Okay, okay.

You force me like this, if I compromise with you, how can I save my face?

This palace has already spread the news, and you still want to push it further?

So at a certain time, this Empress Dowager is Su Ye's best partner.

This person is the one who declared war on all nations.

Especially when someone outside shouted something like a hen crowing at dawn, she was even more shocked and angry.

However, she was just rebelling. Facing the increasing number of Eight Banners soldiers knocking on the palace gate outside, she was still panicked.

Shocked and angry, she said coldly: "Where is Su Ye? Send someone to summon Su Ye back to Beijing."

"He caused the trouble himself, so he should settle it himself!"


Note: I finally finished writing it. Please continue to give me the monthly ticket, okay? Thank you for your kindness.

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