Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 24 Fame in the capital! Confession

Emperor Xianfeng seemed not to have heard Chongen's words.

Chongen continued: "Your Majesty, I sincerely request that Su Yi be summoned to the palace to inquire about politics!"

Suddenly, the emperor looked over fiercely.

That gaze was full of chill, as if it wanted to choose someone to devour.

Then, the emperor waved his hand, stood up, left the throne, and left the court.

At least at this moment, he didn't want to face such a corrupt and terrifying situation.


All the soldiers who surrounded Su He's residence retreated silently.

There are no secrets in the capital.

It had not been more than two hours since the dynasty was dismissed, and the news of the defeat in the Battle of Jiujiang had spread throughout the capital.

After a brief moment of silence, there was a huge reaction.

The middle and high-level officials in the Qing court were all quiet and did not express any opinions.

Public opinion among the middle and lower classes is indeed boiling.

It was like a huge boulder smashing into the lake.

The strange thing is that they were not shocked by the defeat in the Battle of Jiujiang, nor were they sad that they had lost such a key battle.

The focus of their discussion was Su Yi.

Damn, is this Su Yi so awesome?

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and so many knowledgeable people who had read poetry and books said that this battle would be won.

Only Su Yi was right when he said he would lose, and how he would lose.

Is it possible that the Wen Quxing's coming down to earth is not completely nonsense, and it is not completely bragging.

Su Yi's already very high reputation has once again risen to a higher level.

Especially some of the Eight Banners' middle and high-level officials know better.

Because Su Yi analyzed it too thoroughly and clearly, it was exactly the same as what happened on the battlefield.

This is not to be fooled, but to really have this vision.

People in this era were very superstitious, and even the White Lotus Sect had a large number of followers.

Su Yi came back from the dead and then became so smart and wise?

Could it be that there really is a literary star descending to earth?

Did the Bannerman really produce an amazing talent?

In Su Yi's home, it was even more like an earthquake.

The most unbelievable thing is his family.

They had raised this baby since childhood. Although they loved their children and always felt that their children were good at everything, they still knew it.

This isn't some archery, it's very powerful.

This is Wen Tao's military strategy. It's such a high-level thing, but my son is so awesome?

Why didn't I know?

I... can't believe it.

This time, the family followed Su Yi to bet to the end. First, because of their deep feelings, there was really no other way.

Second, they underestimated the seriousness of the consequences and did not expect such a huge momentum.

To be honest, neither Su He, Tong Jiashi nor Su Quanzhen thought Su Yi could win at all.

There are so many talented people in the civil and military affairs of the entire dynasty, can they not be compared to my son? They must be right.

As for Bai Feifei, he has always gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, closed his eyes, and dared to do anything.

After her father killed his legitimate son as a concubine and seized the family property, she became the rich lady. Before that, her father had done nothing but smuggling, killing, setting fires, and robbing ships.

After winning this round, Bai Feifei felt slightly mentally exhausted, accompanied by a slightly unreal feeling.

She knew this brother-in-law best.

A bit smart and clever, but indolent, impatient, tough, witless and willful.

The only thing she has is a pretty face and a lovable tongue.

After resurrecting from the dead, such a huge change happened?

It's as if people don't recognize him anymore.


Shen Tingen's mansion was filled with oppressive silence.


He actually lost.

And it failed so miserably.

The key thing is that Zhang Yuzhao planned many aspects of this battle.

In fact, Zhang Yuzhao also felt uneasy when he heard that Shi Dakai was defeated and retreated to Hukou, and Zeng Guofan sent people to pursue him.

And that wasn't in the original plan either.

According to the pre-war deployment, the most important purpose of the main force of the navy was to prevent Shi Dakai from reinforcing Jiujiang and seize the initiative in the Yangtze River, rather than to annihilate Shi Dakai's navy.

But Zeng Guofan is the coach, who can stop him?

Moreover, Zhang Yuzhao has no way of turning back. He must insist on winning the battle of Jiujiang, and he cannot even doubt it.

And now the news of the great defeat came.

Like a dark tide, it swept through his entire body and mind.

That kind of coldness and despair.

Moreover, at Prince Hui's Mansion that day, he said personally that if the Battle of Jiujiang was defeated, he would confess his crime to Su Yi in public and quit his official career. He would not take part in the imperial examination or step into the officialdom.

In this situation, what should the Hunan Army do?

What should he do, Zhang Yuzhao?

In this way, he sat there for a long time and a whole night.

Until dawn the next day, he did not move or close his eyes.

He was unshaven and his eyes were red.

Shen Baoer walked out in a hurry, brought a bowl of soup, and placed it in front of Zhang Yuzhao.

"Bao'er, do you have any regrets?" Zhang Yuzhao asked out of nowhere.

However, after asking, he knew not to ask.

Shen Baoer said: "Mr. Zhang, you underestimate me. But if you fail to recover from this, I will be really disappointed."

"Do you really think you have never experienced such a setback? Whether it is Marshal Zeng or my father, they have all encountered greater setbacks than this. They have been in a near-death situation more than once. Why can't you stand it this time? Yes? Because I won so hard in the first few waves that I can’t stand losing, so what’s wrong with winning this time?”

"Besides, I think the situation is not as bad as imagined. For the emperor, this is indeed a huge bad news, but for us, it is just bad news and cannot hurt the foundation."

"What else can the court do? Dismiss Marshal Zeng? Dismiss my father?"

Zhang Yuzhao's mind suddenly became clear.

Yes, it has come to this point, what else can be done?

Our Hunan Army lost?

What can you do, emperor?

Do you have replacements?

Can you transfer Senggelinqin and Shengbao to the southern battlefield? Do you dare?

The entire southern war situation can only rely on our Hunan Army? Can we count on Xiang Rong and others? If we can count on them, it would not be the turn of the Hunan Army to rise.

The Jiangnan Camp is right at the tip of the Taiping Army's nose. If the rebels stand higher, they can even see the Qing army rubbish in the Jiangnan Camp gambling on Pai Gow. They can see clearly who will win and who will lose. What's the use? They dare not fight a battle.

"In the south, Marshal Zeng, Lord Luo, and Lord Hu are trying to save the situation, and in the capital, there are only you and grandfather. They have their own things to do, and we have our own things to do."

"And Su Ye won this game. On the surface, he seems to be in great glory, but in reality? Maybe he is not far from death!"

"Sadness and sadness are the things of literati. Brother Zhang Shi, are you a literati?"

Zhang Yuzhao is of course a literati, and a world-famous literati.

However, he does not regard himself as a literati, but a politician.

Zhang Yuzhao stood up and bowed, saying, "Thank you for your advice, my dear sister."

Then, he ate the bowl of soup elegantly and quickly, and then went to clean his face and teeth. He wanted to tidy up his appearance and change his clothes, but gave up after a little hesitation.

Then, he left Shen Tingen's house in this miserable state and walked towards Su Ye's house in the inner city.


When Zhang Yuzhao walked in front of Su Ye's mansion, a large group of people watching the excitement followed behind him.

Zhang Yuzhao said in a loud voice: "Your Excellency Su Ye is here, Zhang Yuzhao comes to plead guilty."

After a while, the door opened.

Su Ye walked out with his head held high.

Two handsome men faced each other.

Everyone saw that Zhang Yuzhao had a special temperament, which completely met everyone's imagination of a scholar.

And Su Ye was more handsome and his temperament was much more complicated. He looked very quiet and elegant, but gave people a completely opposite feeling, as if the surface was cooled, and the magma was surging inside, full of uncertainty.

"Brother Yuzhao!" Su Ye bowed.

Zhang Yuzhao bowed meticulously in front of everyone.

"Your Excellency Su Ye, I lost!"

"I admit defeat to you!"

"I plead guilty to you!"

"From now on, I, Zhang Yuzhao, will not take the imperial examination and will not step into the officialdom."

"Please witness Your Excellency Su Ye, and please witness the elders and villagers."

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