Urban Witcher

Chapter 94

Returning to the residence dejectedly, Ye Shaoyang lay on the bed in the bedroom, analyzed the process of his confession, every expression of Rui Lengyu, and every sentence at least a dozen times, and finally came to a gratifying conclusion: Rui Lengyu did not Reject yourself, and there is still hope.

Although the first confession failed, he was not rejected on the spot, which is pretty good. If you keep trying, the big deal is just like what she said, copy more confession jokes, even if it is nasty, it will make him so nasty.

With a goal, Ye Shaoyang felt that he was resurrected with full blood and full of energy.

In the evening, Lao Guo arrived and brought a large sum of cash, the remuneration paid by Liu Ming, plus material costs, labor costs and other miscellaneous payments, a total of 200,000 yuan. When Xiao Ma saw so much money, his face flushed with excitement.

"Brother, you take fifty thousand, it's the labor fee and the money for purchasing materials before." Ye Shaoyang counted five bundles of money, threw it to Lao Guo, and took out another twenty thousand, and threw it to Xiao Ma, "Give five thousand to Li Duo, and I'll give it to you as well." You put in a lot of effort, and the rest is yours."

Xiao Ma said dissatisfied: "Then I only get fifteen thousand?"

"Fifteen thousand less? Don't bring it."

Ye Shaoyang made a gesture to snatch it, Xiao Ma hurriedly protected him, and begged: "Give me more, give me more."

Ye Shaoyang had nothing to do when he met such a greedy person, so he gave him another five thousand.

The door of the room was opened suddenly, Xie Yuqing walked in, and was stunned when she saw a table full of banknotes. "What are you doing, dividing up the spoils?"

"What is the distribution of spoils? The reward Liu Ming gave was in exchange for his life." Ye Shaoyang said dissatisfied.

Xie Yuqing stepped forward, grabbed a bunch of banknotes, stuffed them into her pocket, and said happily: "Those who see it will have a share, besides, I have also contributed, and I deserve it."

Ye Shaoyang was afraid that she would snatch it again, so he hurriedly pulled all the remaining money into his backpack, and said distressedly: "Why are you joining in the fun, you are an agent handling a case, you should contribute your efforts, you will be rewarded for your meritorious service, and we have nothing. "

"Who said no," Xie Yuqing opened the satchel, took out a certificate, and threw it to Ye Shaoyang, "We seized a large number of guns and ammunition from the armory. Sister, I have made great contributions. You specially issued it to Ye Shaoyang for providing clues and helping solve the case. You are a good citizen, congratulations."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, "There is no bonus."

"Also, I told the leader about you, and I specially hired you as the spiritual consultant of our investigation team. If there are similar cases in the future, I will come to you again."

After sharing the money, Xiao Ma proposed to go to a restaurant to have a meal and celebrate, and everyone agreed. So I booked a private room in a big hotel, Ye Shaoyang called Li Duo over, ordered a table of good wine and food, everyone ate and drank happily, even Xie Yuqing also drank liquor, the atmosphere was lively and harmonious, Ye Shaoyang was in a few days Under persuasion, he drank a lot of wine.

Halfway through eating, Xie Yuqing answered the phone, hung up the phone, frowned and said to Ye Shaoyang: "There is a case that may be related to supernatural powers, come and take a look with me."

Ye Shaoyang opened his drunken eyes and said, "Now?"

"It's now, let's go, anyway, you are our spiritual consultant." Xie Yuqing smiled, "After finishing the work, sister treats you to big meat buns."

"Use this again to fool me. I've never seen you treat me to dinner before." Ye Shaoyang sighed, stood up unsteadily, and walked out the door. Xie Yuqing caught up and said, "Can you do it? If you can't, I'll let Mrs. Guo go."

"Come on, he drank more than I did. Let's go."

Ye Shaoyang wasn't too drunk at first, but when he went out and walked on the road, when the wind blew, the alcohol picked up and he couldn't walk well.

Xie Yuqing shook her head, raised his arm, put it on her shoulder, and helped him walk.

She herself drank too much and couldn't drive, so she took a taxi and rushed to the No. 1 Crematorium in Shicheng where the accident happened.

In the security room, Xie Yuqing supported Ye Shaoyang to sit on the sofa, took the transcript from a detective, read it, and then called the reporter, Old Man Liu, to ask him for details. Although the incident has passed for a while, old man Liu still has lingering fears when he thinks of the scene at that time, and he is sweating coldly all over his body.

"At that time, I went to check the night as usual. When I walked to the morgue, I heard something moving inside. It seemed that something was crawling on the ground. I thought it was a mouse that crawled in through the window. I was afraid that it would eat the corpse. It happened before. This kind of thing happened, I was disturbed by the family of the deceased, I went in and checked, there were no rats, but I saw blood on the side of a bed, flowing all the way to the bottom of a mortuary bed, I took a light with my flashlight..."

Speaking of this, old man Liu's lips trembled, his eyes showed a look of horror, and he said in a trembling voice: "I saw a woman, covered in blood, crawling under the bed. I was terrified at the time, and I didn't know it was How did you escape..."

Xie Yuqing glanced at Ye Shaoyang, his eyes were a little blurred, probably because of the alcohol.

"You can see clearly, it is indeed crawling?"

"Yes, I can see clearly, there is nothing wrong with it."

A detective next to him interjected: "After he reported the case, we rushed over and found the body in the morgue. It was indeed under the bed. It was a woman in her thirties. Forensic doctor Liu identified it on the spot and found that the body was in mild condition. Rotting, time of death, three days ago at the latest..."

Xie Yuqing took a deep breath, a corpse that had been dead for a few days was actually crawling on the ground, if this was true, wouldn't it be a zombie?

"Is your identity confirmed?"

The detective shook his head, "We compared the autopsy records and found that the corpse was not registered, and we don't know where it came from. We moved the corpse to the mortuary bed, and during the autopsy, it was found that her heart... It seems to be still beating."

There was a look of horror in the detective's eyes, "It's impossible to explain, so we had to call you, Team Xie. The body is still on the morgue. Would you like to go and see Team Xie?"

Xie Yuqing nodded, "You guys go and check the video surveillance, investigate, I'll go to the morgue." After speaking, he said to Ye Shaoyang, "Can it work?"

"No problem." Ye Shaoyang stood up by himself, walked a few steps, staggered, Xie Yuqing hurriedly supported him, and said: "If it really doesn't work, forget it, in case there are zombies."

"I can kill zombies with my eyes closed, let's go."

Several security guards who were driven away followed up and said, "Do you want us to accompany you?"

"No, stay away." What Xie Yuqing thought was that if there were zombies in the morgue, they would be useless and need to be taken care of instead. Besides, it's not good for rumors about zombies to spread, so ask clearly After the location of the morgue, Xie Yuqing drove them away, and helped Ye Shaoyang to the door of the morgue.

Just after inspection, the door of the morgue was left open.

Xie Yuqing pushed open the door, touched the light switch, turned it on, and glanced at it. The morgue is about a hundred square meters in size. There are a row of iron frame beds, nine in total. Except for the innermost bed, which is empty, the other eight beds are empty. They were all lying down, covered from head to toe with a white cloth, they all looked alike.

Xie Yuqing suddenly remembered that she forgot to ask which bed the female corpse was on, so she called the colleague who handled the case before. The other party thought about it and said: "The fourth or fifth from the left, anyway, her left It's an empty bed."

Xie Yuqing was startled, and said to the phone: "I remember wrongly, where is the empty bed, only the innermost empty bed."

The other party was also taken aback, and said: "I know the empty bed in the innermost part, but the third or fourth bed is also empty, you can see it when you look at it."

Xie Yuqing said: "Are you sure you remember correctly?"

"No, I don't know if there are people on the bed or not. There are seven corpses in the room, and two are empty."

After hanging up the phone, Xie Yuqing got goosebumps all over her body: If my colleague remembers correctly, there were only seven corpses in the morgue, and now there is one more... Who is the extra corpse? Is it a human or a ghost?


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