Urban Witcher

Chapter 89 Envious of mandarin ducks

Ye Shaoyang turned around and saw Qin Feng and Chen Lin. She should be called Xiaoyun. She changed into an ancient costume, her hair was pulled up, and she was dressed like a lady. Standing with Qin Feng in the fluttering gown, It fits very well, it looks like a pair.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that this was a dream, a dream created by Qin Feng!

The two held hands and walked towards him with smiles.

Qin Feng cupped his hands and said: "Master Ye, congratulations, you have broken through and completely wiped out the seventy-year-old nest in one fell swoop, which is a great merit."

Ye Shaoyang looked at Xiaoyun, and said coldly: "The removal is not thorough enough."

Qin Feng naturally understood what he meant, smiled slightly, but didn't talk to him. "Master Ye, you didn't kill Feng Xinyu, but saved her. I'm very satisfied. Although Feng Xinyu killed innocent people indiscriminately and did evil, she didn't completely wipe out her good roots. At least she never made Xiaoyun suffer."

"Oh?" Speaking of this topic, Ye Shaoyang was also very curious. He had wondered before, why Feng Xinyu didn't refine her soul after killing Chen Lin, also known as Xiaoyun, and didn't imprison her in the ghost killing array for abuse. After being with her for ten years, she came out in good condition, complete with three souls and seven souls.

Qin Feng gave Xiaoyun a tender look, "Sister Yun, let's talk about it."

Xiaoyun wished Ye Shaoyang a blessing, saying: "After that female ghost killed me, she also tortured my soul, forcing me to sacrifice my soul crystal to her and be manipulated by her to harm my lover..."

The corner of Ye Shaoyang's mouth twitched, there's no need to be so greasy in front of outsiders, right? After thinking about it, she realized that what she was talking about was "Qin Lang", not "Lover". If you kiss the title of the novel, you can get free no pop-up windows and the fastest chapters

"I endured the punishment of flogging my soul for a full month, but I have always refused to bow to her. Feng Xinyu died because of love. Seeing that I was so dedicated, he was actually moved. He stopped torturing me and just locked me up. Get up, take it with you, and save it to threaten Qin Lang in the future. After you broke her ghost body, she had a chance to die with me, but she didn't do that. Qin Lang made a dream for her, so she let me go. It was a good deed at the end.”

Xiaoyun's eyelids drooped, revealing sadness, "She is unforgivable, but I hope this small matter can save her some punishment in hell."

Ye Shaoyang was a little moved by these words, sighed, and asked Qin Feng: "What dream did you create for Feng Xinyu?"

"Of course it was a dream about Daofeng. Needless to say the details, even though it was an illusion, it fulfilled her last wish."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and asked, "You don't know what's the story between her and Daofeng?"

"I don't know. Although Daofeng is rebellious, his previous affair with the female ghost is not so stupid as to publicize it to others. Even I don't know about it, otherwise I would have told you."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "When I see Qin Feng in the future, I will ask him if he is still alive." But after thinking about it, he killed his woman. With Qin Feng's character, would he fight himself desperately when he met? ?

Qin Feng looked at him, smiling like a spring breeze. "I came this time to bid farewell to you. Anyway, you gave us a chance to reunite as husband and wife. Please forgive me. I can't thank you in person. I can only choose to dream. You know the reason."

"Do you think that there is nothing I can do?" Ye Shaoyang looked at him, ready to bite his tongue and wake up.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "The moment you grit your teeth, I will leave, and you can't catch up with me. So, let me say goodbye to you. You and I are also friends, and I don't want to meet each other. "

Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, and said: "You are an evil spirit. Since you have never killed anyone, I don't care about you, but she is a ghost. As long as she doesn't become a ghost fairy for a day, I have to arrest her and go to the underworld. This is me. Although I know I can’t keep you today, I still want to try.”

As soon as the words fell, he bit the tip of his tongue hard, and the surrounding mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant. Ye Shaoyang felt a whirlwind, and his consciousness slowly returned to his body. At this moment, he heard Qin Feng's hearty laughter: "Master Ye, We are leaving, and I can promise that we will never kill anyone, and we will meet again when we have a chance in the future..."

Ye Shaoyang sat up abruptly, pulled out the Seven Star Longquan Sword from under the pillow, followed the direction of the sound, chased it to the window, and looked up, Qin Feng was holding Xiaoyun's hand, flying in the sky hundreds of meters away, The sleeves fluttered like a pair of fairies.

He couldn't catch up, Ye Shaoyang looked at the figures of the two of them, he didn't look reconciled, instead he smiled: These two guys have been together for a thousand years, why do you want to break them up? But as a sorcerer's duty, if there is a slight chance, I will never show mercy.

But now that there is no chance, Ye Shaoyang felt relieved, looking at the figures of the two people who were drifting away, he murmured: "I only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals, but I still hope that you will survive the catastrophe and become famous in the immortal world!" , next time we meet again, we can really be friends..."

After standing at the window for a long time, Ye Shaoyang came to the room where Xie Yuqing was sleeping, and saw that she had woken up, sitting on the bed very delicately, but she had a special feeling of beauty.

Ye Shaoyang leaned against the door frame, looked at her, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"My head is a little dizzy, nothing else matters." Xie Yuqing looked up at him for a while, and said, "Thank you for saving me."

Ye Shaoyang smiled: "As long as you are fine."

Xie Yuqing lowered her head slightly and said, "That...why did you save me?"

"Why, you are my friend, if you are in danger, why don't I save you?"

"No other reason?"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his scalp, "Is there any other reason, don't you want to agree with your body?"

After saying this, Ye Shaoyang was ready to be counterattacked, but Xie Yuqing lowered her head and said nothing.

"Hey, that's right," Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered something, and asked: "At that time, before you fell into a coma, you said half a sentence, what exactly did you want to say at that time, how did you treat me...?"

Xie Yuqing blushed suddenly, shook her head, and said softly: "It's nothing, I forgot."

Seeing her reaction, Ye Shaoyang vaguely guessed something, and did not pursue further. After a while, Xie Yuqing returned to normal, looked up at him, and asked, "Is everything over?"

Ye Shaoyang briefly explained what happened later, glanced at his watch, and said, "At this point, Rui Lengyu probably has cleared the arsenal of evil spirits, you can take people down to check the ordnance, there are probably a lot of guns and ammunition , you can make a great contribution."

Xie Yuqing stood up and said, "I'm going right away." She got up and straightened her hair and clothes in the closet mirror, went to the living room to drink a glass of water, walked to the door, turned around, and gave Ye Shaoyang a meaningful look. Said: "No matter what, thank you for saving me, I will remember it forever."

Turning around to leave after speaking, Ye Shaoyang stopped her, scratched his head, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Then what, I'm not used to your current appearance, can you still be like before, what do you think?"

Xie Yuqing stared at him intently for a while, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, and raised her eyebrows at him, "Sister is too tired, little god stick, thank you, later sister treats you to big meat buns."

Ye Shaoyang's eyes fell on her full breasts, and he smiled cheaply, "That's right. Go, see you tomorrow."

Today's Qixi Festival happened to be writing this chapter, coincidence, fate. I wish Qin Feng and Xiaoyun love forever, and wish everyone a happy Qixi Festival. I don’t have an appointment today, I’m so hard to code at home, I’ll try my best to satisfy everyone, please collect it.


Just like the title of the chapter, I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals. I wish everyone a happy Qixi Festival. Anyone who has a partner should go to the festival. Singles, please confess your love. What, no one you like? Dare to come to the reader group for speed dating?

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